Dry Tears

By Cris Ray

Published on May 27, 2004



DISCLAIMER: The following story is fictional. It may contains descriptions of sexual activities between teenage boys. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then - I hope you enjoy it and may get something out of it!

Dry Tears

He couldn't shake the image. All he could see whenever he turned was that face. That menincing face that took away Zach Larson's laughter and innocence.

Let's start from the begining. Zach Larson was a freshmen in high school. He was in love with falling in love and fell in love with a guy who took his heart away from the moment Zach laid eyes on him. Tyler Oldane was a typical jock and acted as such. Zach had been outed by his so called "best friend" in the 8th grade and was used to certain torments. Nothing, however would come remotly close to the one that began around the begining of December on a Monday. As Zach was just gathering his first period books, Tyler was walking towards him.

"Chill Zach, you're just imagining he's walking towards you, just go back to what you were doing", thought Zach to himself.

"Hey Zach, what's up man?", asked Tyler as he walked up to him.

"Oh, um, nothing thanks", Zach said in return.

"That's cool, so, catch ya later", said Tyler and winked as he walked away.

Zach didn't hear anything from Tyler until he was walking out of school on the 22 ready for Christmas and trying to get into the holiday spirit.

"Hey Zach, I'm having a party tonight, you know, to celebrate getting out of this hell hole. At my place, what do ya say?", asked Tyler, flashing his incredible smile

"Sounds good, what time?", asked Zach.

"Round 8", said Tyler and left.

Zach wasn't so sure. He was a kind of holiday traditionalist and the 22 was the typical night to get a tree. But, he decided, he couldn't pass up such a golden opportunity.

Zach arrived at Tyler's house exactly at 8. He thought he might be early though when he realized no one was there. He went up to the door and before he even reached his arm out to ring the dorrbell, Tyler ushered him in. The room was pretty dark.

"Hey faggot", said Tyler as he pulled Zach in and locked the door.

"What's going on?", asked Zach sort of scared.

As he said it, a couple of other guys appeared. Seth, Ben, and Will appeared in nothing but boxers. Tyler started to strip down to his and they all took their's off at once.

"This is getting a little out of hand", said Zach weakly as he went to leave.

Just then they grabbed him and cut all his clothes off of him. As soon as they got his boxers off, someone started to fuck the hell out of him. Then that one became 2 while the other guy raped his mouth and Tyler was purposly torturing his abussed testicles. Zach fell unconcious and unware what had been giong on after the first inital attack. Zach awoke on a couch with Tyler standing over him, cumming all over him, telling him to get the hell out of his place.

"I don't have any clothes", said Zach meekly.

"You got 2 choices prick, either walk home like you are or let me drive you and give you another peice of me", said Tyler snickering as he grabbed his dick.

Zach left in a pair of boxers that Tyler used to put his load in.

Zach snuck in through his window and put on some clothes. Zach walked into the kitchen and saw his mom decorating the gingerbread cookies. He then walked into the livingroom and saw his dad and grandmother finishing up the house.

"You ok hun?", asked his mom in concern.

"Yeah, just a little tired, I'm just going to go to bed", said Zach.

The one holiday that always brought joy to Zach brought him pain. Zach was relieved when he finally had to go back to school so he could get away from all his thoughts. However, a week had gone by and it was still him and his thoughts during class. One day, Tyler walked in his science class to pick up his forgotten notebook, which was under the guys desk next to Zach's. This was the first time he had seen Tyler since the "incident" as Zach now refered to it. As Tyler walked past Zach, he winked at him. When Tyler leff, Zach just couldn't hold it back any longer and broke into tears right in the middle of the class. Luckily it was during a video. He couldn't stop crying and he hoped no one noticed him. However, the guy who sat behind him, another guy Zach used to long for, but gave up on after "the incident", as Zach was too vulnerable and afraid to get close to anyone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Zach, are you ok man", asked Matthew?

Zach couldn't speak, he was trying to fight down tears.

"Look man, you look like you could use someone to talk to, are you free tonight", whispered Matthew?

"DON'T COME ANYWHERE NEAR ME", screamed Zach out of nowhere, not even sure where that voice came from, for it was very much unlike his own.

Zach went to go to the bathroom, just so he could clear his mind and think, like he'd been trying to do for weeks. However, Matthew followed him.

"GET AWAY FROM ME", yelled Zach.

"What's wrong, I haven't done anything to you", asked Matthew

Zach couldn't shake it. All the stress, all the questions in his mind, all the people. He took out a sharp peice of plastic from a CD case that had broken in first period, not sure what he was going to do with it. All of a sudden he saw all the angels surrounding him. He was light as a feather, gently falling back, feeling a slight presure as he hit a cloud. Where was he? Why was everything all of a sudden going black. Zach wasn't aware of anything else.

Zach awoke in a strange place, he could hardly see. He thought he saw Matthew and tried to wave, but he could barely pick up his arms, then he feel right back asleep. Zach awoke for a second time with much improved vision and Matthew standing right beside him looking down at him.

"Oh God, you're awake"

"Where am I, and what am I doing here", asked Zach puzzled and his voice a little scratchy.

"You're in the hospital and have been for a month", said Matthew.

"You're kidding, right", asked Zach still puzzled.

"No Zach, I'm not. And you're here because you tried to kill yourself and cut your wrist in 4 diffrent spots, then hit the ground. I had to call an ambulance", said Matthew

Zach just sat there trying to absorb it all. How could he have done all that without realizing it. And why did Matthew seem to suddenly resemble the angels? What was wrong with him?

"Zach, what happend to you?", asked Matthew

"You know better than I do, you were there", said Zach, still trying to absorb all of this information, questions still racing across his mind.

"No, I mean what happend to cause you to try to kill yourself", asked Matthew.

Zach just sat there, looking at everything in the room but Matthew, afraid to say anything. All of a sudden Zach had a flashback of the horrible crime Tyler had commited and how he took his virginty away so savagly and shouted out random things.

"Zach, calm down, it's alright, I'm here, nothings going to happen, it's ok", said Matthew trying to soothe Zach which he eventually did.

"Matthew, why do you care, I've been such a bitch to you ever since that day", asked Zach, trying to get the focus off of him

"Because, not to be arrogant or anything, but you really need me, or someone to talk to, and it's partly my fault you're in here for chasing after you like that", said Matthew.

"It started when Tyler Oldane wanted me to go to a Christmas Party of his the day we got out of school for Christmas Break...."

Zach told Matthew everything to the last detail. Told him how he had cried over it for nights, and thats why he was crying that day in science.

"That bitch raped you", asked Matthew.

Zach just froze up and began to cry again just form having to relive all that again. Matthew reached up and wipped away a tear. Zach then felt he weighed tons and passed out again....

Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreiciated and should be e-mailed to YaRnWaHsSiRc@yahoo.com

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