Drunk at the Inferno

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 29, 2011




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Marvin looked up at the sign. "Serena's Inferno," it said. "Are we sure we want to go in here?" he asked Ted nervously.

"Sure I'm sure!" Ted was abrasively confident. "You'll love this place. She has it fixed up like you're visiting Hell. Her waitresses are dressed in demoness costumes and the place is done up in reds and yellows like flames. It's a hoot!"

Marvin shrugged and followed Ted into the bar. It wasn't the decor that had him worried; it was the clientele. He saw pickup trucks and muscle cars (blue-collar variety, no Porsches) in the parking lot, and the men were the same, the kind who would want to wrap up a day on the jobsite by knocking back a few brews...and maybe knocking a couple of pansy boys around, too!

Marvin wasn't closeted, but hell, no reason to stick your dick in the sausage grinder, was there?

Inside was just as he feared. The decor was as described, but in a manner that screamed "REDNECK BAR" in loud capital letters. Pool tables with guys in t-shirts that had a pack of cigarettes wrapped in the sleeve, construction job hats and cowboy hats on over half the patrons, plaid shirts or t-shirts or work shirts of every variety and degree of degradation--ripped, faded, grimed or sleeveless. Blue jeans were de rigeur for the bottom halves, and shoes were about 2/3 work boots and 1/3 cowboy boots. The hair was cut short and the bodies were buffed in a "workhorse" style instead of "gym junkie" way. In short, Marvin was looking at bunch of really mean-looking motherfuckers! Enough to make even a self-respecting gay man quiver in fear!

"I don't know about this." He quavered to Ted.

"Oh, come on!" Ted urged him. "It's okay."

"What if someone gets drunk and wants to fight?" Marvin whined.

"Well, they...look, you're about to see what happens when someone gets drunk and out of line."

A waitress was ringing a bell, which was positioned around the bar in not-very-obtrusive places.

"Where is he? Where is he?" boomed the biggest, meanest-looking guy in the place. He must be the bouncer.

"Over there." the waitress pointed at one guy who'd had one too many. Or maybe three too many, because he was wavering on his feet. "Cast him into the fiery pit!"

"Yeah, yeah, the fiery pit!" the crowd yelled.

The bouncer, dressed in black leather (Marvin noticed, bemused, that he had a pair of horns on his forehead; they didn't seem to be part of a headband, maybe they'd been epoxied on?) surged at the drunken stud, scooped him up as the guy flailed ineffectually at him, carried him toward one wall. Two patrons there had opened a sort of laundry-chute panel in the wall, the words above it saying "The Fiery Pit" and the insides of which gleamed with redly flickering lights. Flames? The bouncer stuffed the drunk down into the chute, and the drunk fell inside, and flames shot up from the chute, real flames that licked out for a second or two, and everyone cheered and jeered and got busy ordering more drinks.

"What the hell happened?" Marvin whispered to Ted.

"The bar's own drunk tank." Ted said. "That's how they slip the drunks into it. Don't worry about him, the room at the bottom of that chute is wall-to-wall mattresses and the guy can sleep it off in there, and they'll let him out early tomorrow morning."

"I don't want to wake up surrounded by guys with hangovers?" Marvin protested. "And what if they barf all over the place?"

"So watch how much you drink and you won't get tossed in there." Ted said. "Me, I plan to get wasted. Tonight's the fiery pit for me!"

"Shit!" Marvin griped. Ted was his ride home!

Ted played pool, knocked back beers and generally had a blast. Marvin spent most of his time perched on a barstool at one of the tables (they were high enough to stand while you drank if you chose) and mourned his fate. He would have to call a cab, wait for it in the parking lot, hope like hell he didn't hear the words he dreaded, "What are you doing here, faggot?"

His only hope was that Ted was joking about being consigned to the "fiery pit" of the drunk tank. Ted wasn't drinking much. And if he did, maybe he could get Ted to turn the car keys over to him?

No good! He had hardly decided to get his nerve up and go over to Ted in among all those big, hairy, gritty men when Ted reached out and grabbed the rump of a passing waitress.

Marvin could only watch helplessly as he saw Ted speak to the waitress, and her wave to the bouncer and the bouncer was going after Ted. "To the fiery pit!" the crowd chanted as the bouncer scooped Ted up.

"No, wait, wait!" Marvin shrieked and ran to them. "I can drive him home, I'm still sober. Honest, I can drive him home, just let me get his keys!"

Too late. The chute was opened, the bouncer dropped Ted into it and the flames shot out.

"Why did you stuff him in there!" Marvin yelled at the bouncer. "I could have driven him home, you didn't have to shove him in there! Now I don't have a ride home!"

The bouncer looked at him hard. "Then join him in the fiery pit."

"Huh? No, no!" Marvin was grabbed by the massive man and he stopped being shoved into the chute by catching the edges of the chute with his feet and pressing stiff-legged back against the bouncer's pushing, but some brutes, laughing like hell, came up and grabbed his legs and stuff them inside and the bouncer shoved and Marvin was falling into the pit of Hell!

"Eeeeeeee!" he shrieked as he slid.

"Whoomp!" he said as he landed.

"Shit!" He said as he sat up, looked around.

Men were lying around like so many damned souls in the pit of hell. No lighting here other than a rather dim light that ebbed from some lights along the edge of one wall at the top. Enough to make the place a scene of eternal twilight. Here and there around the room were men lying, alone or in miserably suffering huddles, on the mattressed floor (there must be regular mattresses under a layer of gym mats, he decided), moaning and moving slowly, painfully.

Where was Ted? Oh, there he was. Crawling feebly toward a guy lying not far from him. "Ted? Ted?" Marvin called out.

Moans greeted his call, with muttered, "Shut up! Shut up! Oh, God!" A whole lot of hungover men were pissed.

"Sorry!" Marvin hissed, then to Ted, softer, "Ted? Ted?"

Ted looked back. "Hey, Marvin, you came along." he said in a whisper that Marvin could just hear. Ted's ass was closest to Marvin, he was on all fours and crawling toward that other guy.

"We're stuck in here!" Marvin groaned now that he had an appreciative audience. "What are we going to do?"

"Plenty!" Ted grinned. "Come on, it's party time!"


"Time for some fun."


"Just take your pick." Ted said.


"This one's mine!"

"I don't see." Marvin stopped. Ted had made it to the guy passed out on the mat. Big, beefy guy, work boots, blue jeans, red plaid shirt ripped sleeveless to expose brawny, brown-tanned arms, a rugged, sharp-nosed face, and topped with blond hair and a yellow construction helmet that had somehow stayed on his head even in his now-prostrate condition. Saw Ted get to the guy and roll him over like so much warm meat.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting my trick for the night into position for loving."

Marvin's mouth came open, but nothing came out in the way of sound.

The drunk guy (Marvin started thinking of him as Yellow Hat) just moaned as Ted undid his belt, pulled his blue jeans down. The legs were hairy and a pair of badly sagging briefs were all that kept him marginally decent when Ted got the blue jeans down past the knees. Ted then hauled at Yellow Hat's hips and turned him and then lifted him up. Yellow Hat just groaned and murmured as Ted pulled him into resting his lower body on his knees. His face was down on the mat still, the hard hat finally fell off and rolled to one side. The man's mouth was open and he was murmuring inaudible words.

"Ted, you can't be serious!" Marvin said as Ted wormed the worn, stained briefs down the hairy legs, revealing an ass every bit as hairy. "This guy is drunk, but if he realizes what you're doing...."

"He won't." Ted said confidently. "Only the drunkest land in here. Free straight ass, just pick a guy and ram it in him. He wakes up the next morning with a sore ass but no memory of who rammed him up the ass, and you get away with a sweet memory of butt-fucking a hard-hat stud. Go ahead, grab another one. They all get wasted here at the Inferno, you can have your pick, they're all too drunk to fight you off."

Ted was undoing his own pants and pushed them down to mid-thigh, walked on his knees over to get behind Yellow Hat. Hawked spit and rubbed it on his cock. "Give your dick a lube, though, these virgin asses can be awful damned tight."

"I'm not going to fuck a drunk man!" Marvin said.

Ted shrugged. "Suit yourself. Me, I'm aiming to land four of them before the night is over."

Marvin didn't really want to watch Ted fuck the yellow-hatted guy, but he couldn't turn his eyes away. Was Ted really going to do this?

Yellow Hat moaned as Ted's cock pushed against his sphincter, but he didn't rouse. Marvin bet he would yelped no matter how drunk he was. Yellow Hat just kind of...sighed...as Ted shoved his nine inches of hard prong into his ass. Ted's grunts were louder than that. He shoved his dick in to the balls, his thighs hard against the guy's butt-cheeks, and then he paused, groaned. "Yeah, God, yeah, tight straight man's ass! Nothing better, shit, yeah, hot straight ass!"

"You're sick, man!" Marvin muttered as he watched Ted begin to hump Yellow Hat's butt. Ted wasn't being gentle, Marvin could hear the meaty slaps as Ted's hips impacted Yellow Hat's buttocks and Ted's hands were holding tight. Yellow Hat just lay there, his teeth showed as his mouth moved into a grit-teethed posture, but his eyes remained closed even though they squinted up tight. "Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!" Yellow Hat murmured softly. "Yeah-uh-uh-uh-uh!"

"My God!" Marvin breathed. He was on his knees, resting his butt on his ankles, watching his friend basically rape a helplessly drunk, straight guy. The man had only come to this bar to knock back a few drinks with his buddies, laugh, have a good time and wind down after a hard-ass day. Now he was on his knees and face, getting rammed by some guy he'd never remember clearly, if at all. This was just, was just....

"Uhhhhh!" A sound below him made him look down at the floor. Another guy, drunk as a skunk, was crawling feebly near Marvin's knees. Black-haired, dusky-skinned, vaguely Latino, or maybe Italian...nah, Latinos are the ones who had that beautifully sharp, flat cheeks like this one. This guy was muttering as he crawled over in front of Marvin. Got as far as his face directly in front of Marvin and then he raised up slightly and his hands clutched at Marvin's belt, trying to climb up.

"Hey, stop, stop!" Marvin grunted.

"Ohhhh!" came a sound from Ted and Yellow Hat. Who had groaned? Yellow Hat. He was up on all fours now, coming around! Shit, he'd look around and see Ted humping his ass! He'd go to the cops, complain about being raped! Oh, my God!

In all this, Marvin hardly noticed the mouth at his crotch until it started in gnawing at him. Then he looked down, goggled.

Black Hair was pressing that beautiful, beautiful face against Marvin's crotch and was chewing at Marvin's basket! Ah, shit!

Marvin watched as Black Hair groggily, blearily, fumbled at Marvin's fly, trying to undo the buttons, get at the man-feast inside.

"Got yourself a fan, huh?" panted Ted. He had Yellow Hat now by his hair, pulling his head back with one hand and hunching him while Yellow Hat grunted.

"Uh...yeah, I guess so." Marvin said. Black Hair was lying on his back at Marvin's feet (well, knees), and both hands now were beginning to work Marvin's jeans open. Marvin watched him a bit longer, then his hands came up and undid his belt and upper button, that'd make Black Hair's job easier.

"Now you're into it!" Ted grunted. "Shit, I got to cream this guy's ass! I'm going to fucking come!"

Black Hair got Marvin's pants open and fumbled into Marvin's boxers. Marvin felt that warm hand close on his prong and pull at it and he groaned as Black Hair pulled his pud out into the air and that warm, warm mouth got up and sucked on him, grunting eagerly as a pig at a trough. Whuf-whuf-whuf-whuf-whuf!

"Ah, ah, I'm coming, Marvin!" Ted moaned. "Going to dump my first wad of the evening into a hot straight ass! Oh, God, yeah, uh, UH, UH, UH, GUH-HUH-UH, HUHH-GUHHHHHH!"

"Ohhh!" Yellow Hat moaned as Ted yanked his head back even harder. "Uh, guh, uhhhh!" and Marvin saw Yellow Hat cream his wads down onto the mat beneath him, splatting on the mat's plastic-like surface.

Marvin leaned forward and rested his hands on the mat/floor, this let Black Hair lie on his back and suck at him, those eyes closed in blissful joy as the Latino slurped on Marvin's dong.

Ted was wheezing still, then he stirred and rose up. Yellow Hat was lying on the ground again, jeans around his ankles, apparently passed out again.

"Man, that was good!" Ted said, wiping the sweat from his face. "Whoo! Rest a while and go at him again, maybe. Hot little butt this girder monkey has on him. How's yours doing?"

"Good!" Marvin panted. "Man, this guy sucks better than half the guys at the Grindhouse!"

"Straight guys make the best cocksuckers." Ted agreed. "And these guys, once you pour a few beers into them, their guards come down and they start in on you. Best damn man-pussy you're going to find."

Marvin would have answered that, but then his climax struck him. "Oh, God, I'm coming, I'm coming!" he guttered. "Ah, shit, ah, ah, ahh, AHH, AHHH, HAHHHH!" He unleashed the biggest load in a long time right into Black Hair's hot, clutching mouth! "UNNNnnnnhhh! Unnnnh! Unnnnhh!" Black Hair was drinking down every drop like Marvin's dick was a cold frosty mug of brewski! Hell, yeah! Marvin sighed, sagged, buried his spent dong deep inside Black Hair's mouth, while Black Hair sucked the last succulent dregs from his man-sausage.

Marvin rolled over to let Black Hair go free. Black Hair sidled away and sought other men's crotches he could dive into.

Marvin looked at Ted, at Yellow Hat lying there, all fucked and helpless and remorse swept over him. "Oh, man, we are sick, we are so sick!" he moaned. "We got to get out of here, we got to tell the police what we did, how you raped that poor helpless guy lying there!" And Marvin gestured to Yellow Hat.

And Yellow Hat opened his eyes, looked at Marvin and said, very clearly and clearly sober, "Why don't you mind your own fucking business, asshole?"


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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