Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Oct 24, 2006


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and jack-off buddy, and yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you who have written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 9.

I must have dozed off sitting there staring at the computer. But something made me wake up and when I lifted my head off my desk, that's when I noticed it was after 2 AM. Actually a lot after 2 AM...more like 3! And my computer screen had another little surprise for me: "Your message has been sent." Fuck! I must have accidentally clicked the mouse and sent Mark the blank message titled "I Love You." How could I be such a fucking moron? (Please don't answer that.)

The good news is that I was on AOL, and I sent it from my AOL email to Mark's. I checked the status and it hadn't been read, so that meant I could go in and un-send it. Luck of the Irish! So that's what I did, I un-sent the message, so Mark would never see it and I wouldn't make a fool of myself. At least not any more than I already have.

Even though I woke up from my little snooze, I was still pretty tired, so I got into bed. I decided to sleep naked again, although I didn't "do anything" with myself. But the coolness of the bed sheets against my bare smooth ass and legs got me harder that steel in a fraction of a second. I only rubbed my balls, then I fell back to sleep. Well OK, I felt my clean hole for a little bit, too, before I went to sleep.

It's a miracle I woke up at 7:05. I forgot to set my alarm, but my body clock did the trick. I half-sat up and raised the sheet to get a good look at my usual morning wood. I wished I could have kissed it good morning but it just wasn't long enough, damn it! And my neck wouldn't stretch that far either, but I sure as hell tried. Someday I will, you'll see! I had to settle for feeling around down there again then smelled my fingers. Mmmm, I loved it.

I so wanted to give my cock a little workout like I usually do, but self-control took over and I quickly got in the shower again, before Keith had a chance to hog the bathroom. I quick rinsed, got my hair wet, dried off and ran a glob of Citre-Shine through it to keep the slightly-wet look all day. Mark told me once he thought I looked hot with it sorta wet in the afternoon so that's why I did it. A little confidence boost there.

Keith offered to give me a ride to school, and I said OK. But I didn't say a whole lot on the way there. And when we went through the intersection of Cove and Forest I shut my eyes, reliving in my mind my moment there with Mark, a mere twelve hours earlier. The kiss. The smiles. My pounding heart.

So, we got to school, and I thought 'here we go again'. I didn't see Mark. I didn't see Nora. And thank God I didn't see Emily or Mr. Hartman. By third period I was a little nervous. Later I saw Mark in band and he was fine. He also hadn't seen or talked to anybody. And during lunch, not a sign of anyone. But during eighth period I was given a message to go to the office to see Hartman at the end of class. The halls were filled with everyone happy that school was over for the day, so it was the usual chaos. I was so nervous on the way to the office I thought I was gonna piss my pants, so I took a wizz in the boy's restroom. Then I splashed my face with cold water.

I paced back and forth outside Hartman's office while he finished a phone call. He hung up and told me to come in and sit down. Playing the game this time, I obediently sat, just like a puppy.

"Mr. Carson, only because your father was so insistent, I have looked further into these incidents with you and Miss DeMarco..." That fucker barely looked up at me at first. Just then Mrs. Kirsch quickly ran in to join us. Whatever the outcome, she at least seemed to be on my side, or maybe Dad's side.

"Anyway," he continued, "after speaking with Mr. Graham and Miss Eckart, there does seem to be some question as to Miss DeMarco's account of what happened. But listen to me young man, I'm not fooled for one minute by what they had to say, because they are your friends. And I'm sure they would cover for you, wouldn't they?" I just sat there on the edge of my seat looking that bastard dead in the eye.

He cleared his god-damned throat and seemed to calm down again, briefly. "However, I received a most interesting phone call from a Mr. Arlo Levinson, says he knows you and knows everything that happened last Friday in Walgreens. He spoke very kindly and convincingly on your behalf, but I want you to know...." There Hartman was again, raising his voice, ready to pounce on me again.

"At least for now, Kevin, this matter is overwith. The suspension is withdrawn." Mrs. Kirsh politely interrupted. I couldn't believe it. Finally! I took a deep breath and shook my head in a firm 'yes.'

Hartman rattled on again saying something like "But I'm warning you...blah, blah, blah." I was silent because I knew I'd be fucked if I said "fuck" but I just looked at him and thought to myself, "Fuck. You." After a few seconds of his babbling I looked at Mrs. Kirsch and asked if I could be excused. She said yes, and on the way out she said she's already spoken with Dad. I thanked her a lot, but was still nervous and probably should have been nicer, or more appreciative, but, oh well.

I went to my locker to get all my shit and my little fan club was waiting for me: Mark, Nora, Lisa and Keith. I just smiled when I saw them and bumped fists with Mark and Keith. Nora and Lisa hugged me. I guess they could tell by the grin on my face that my meeting with Hartman had a fairly good outcome.

"Hey you little shit, you deserve a ride home." Keith teased me.

"Stop trying to impress your friends by trying to be all nice to me shithead." I teased back at Keith. "He's only offering to give me a ride because you guys are here and he can look like the good big brother!"

"Ahh, come on dude, I'm just funnin' with ya!"

"I know."

Just then Townsend Miller walked up to us. "What up, dude?"

"Oh that prick Hartman had to let me off from all this shit with that fucking Emily, so I'm not suspended anymore, I guess it's all over. I'm glad."

"Yeah, just watch out. That bitch will strike again, just wait."

I turned to Nora. "Umm, hey Nora...thanks. Did you say something to Mr. Arlo? Because he called here today and spoke to Hartman, even though he said he wasn't going to. That's what helped. I don't think he was gonna let me off just based on talking to you and Mark."

"Arlo's a little rough, but I think he must have felt bad for you, I guess. But no, I didn't say anything to him. I don't know what made him change his mind."

"Hmm, OK." I wondered.

"Who wants Ben & Jerry's?" Keith screamed.

"I can't I gotta get to work." Nora answered. "But thanks."

"Me neither, I got gotta go to the mall and get a new pair of running shoes." Townsend said.

"Oh, man, I'm gonna have to get a new pair one of these days too." I just happened to mention that in case anyone cared, LOL!

Mark shook his head no to the ice cream, saying it was cold out, no thanks he didn't want to freeze his ass off.

"That leaves you and me, babe." Keith said as he put his arm around Lisa.

"What about my ride home?" I begged.

"Tell ya what, I'll give you a ride to school and home the rest of the week, deal?"

"Deal!" I didn't care. I was walking home with Mark and that's all that mattered.

Mark and I made small talk as we walked. He asked me why I didn't email him last night and I said I was going to but I fell asleep. Then we talked about auditions on Friday, and about the Christmas dance, which I really had no interest in going to.

"Come on, man, you gotta go. Just ask someone." Mark insisted. We turned and walked up Nantucket Avenue, a somewhat secluded tree-lined street with big houses and front yards. "You know dude, we gotta ask girls, and we both know enough girls that it will be cool. Not like a real date or anything, it's just a good time."

"The only person I would ask is you and we both know how that would go!"

Mark said he was thinking about asking Amy Frey, who's really cute and very nice. I thought who could I ask, and I should have kept my thoughts to myself. But no. I had to open my big mouth.

"Jeez, then who could I ask?"

"Oh," he started laughing immediately. "I know! I bet Emily DeMarco doesn't have a date!"

"Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up!" I warned, hitting him on the arm with my Yankees hat. He was laughing uncontrollably.

"Really, you both know each other and you're friends now, right?"

"You fucker, stop!" I was laughing too.

"Maybe she'll shave her mustache off for ya, Kev!"

"Oh, I'm gonna get you, you cocksucker!" By now I was wrestling mark to the ground. Not that I am all that strong but he was laughing so hard I overpowered him. Either that or he let me just to make me feel good. It did feel good! I was on top of him right there on the tree lawn. Well just in that few seconds my dick wanted in on the action and was letting me know. And letting Mark know too.

"Damn! Do you have wood 24-7 or what??!!"

"Shut up, it's your fault." I was still laying on top of him holding his wrists above his head. I was so temped to kiss him. Dumbass me, I looked up because there was a car coming and Mark caught me off guard and flipped us over with him now on top of me.

"I give up. You win!" I smiled. I didn't care. Then he did it. He kissed me as soon as the car sped away. I decided what the fuck and decided to go with it right there on the street where anyone could see if they wanted to. No one did. We tongue wrestled too and Mark licked the inside of my mouth and around my teeth. He rubbed his crotch on mine in a circular motion and I could feel his hardon through his jeans and mine. My dick was leaking so much precum it was all slippery inside my underwear. Our lips parted and his face was about an inch away from mine, the tips of our noses touching and our eyes locked on each other's. I could feel his heart beating in his chest and the sound of his heavy breathing was overwhelming. I was breathing heavy too. The ends of his long blondish hair touched my cheeks, my ears, my forehead, my lips. My head was swirling and I felt dizzy and I real quick glanced up at the shaking trees. It was windy. Leaves were falling. My entire body felt tingly and warm as if I was on a beach on a summer day. Mark was forcefully grinding his body into mine as I did the same. We kissed again, open mouth. He continued the grinding in a slower, harder upward motion. If he didn't stop soon I was going to cum.

He didn't stop.

My whole body tightened up and I held my breath. Mark got rigid too, except for his pulsing dick, which I could feel against mine as it throbbed inside my pants.

"Huhhhhhhhhhh. Uh, Uh, Uh. Uhh. Aaaahhhh. Ohhhhhhhhh." I mouthed the words "Oh Mark" at the same time he mouthed "Oh Kevin." We rested there on the ground for a moment with his head on my chest.

"Jesus," was all I could say. I was flushed and actually had beads of sweat on my forehead. We were both out of breath and smiling at each other.

"So..." he said. "I'll help you up." I was still trembling and speechless. Mark picked up our bookbags, which somehow made their way off our backs and onto the tree lawn.

"Uh, oh yeah. You were trying to get me to go to the Christmas dance with "my new friend" Emily, fuckwad! I finally blurted out to Mark.

"Dude... the only 'fuckwad' is what's in your pants right now!" he teased.

"Damn straight, now that you dry-fucked me right here in somebody's front yard!"

"Well you didn't resist!"

"OK, OK, I give up. Let's just go to my house, I gotta get this mess in my pants cleaned up."

"What about me??" Mark whined.

"Oh so you're saying you want to wear a pair of my clean underwear? Poor baby."

"Damn straight!!"

So that's what we did. No one was home at my house, so Mark and I went up to my room. We shed our coats, our bookbags and our clothes. I knelt down in front of him as he peeled off his boxer-briefs, and his cum was spilling out over the top of the wasteband. I kissed him all around his semi-hard dick, licking up some of the cum and smelling his pubes. I felt like I was high, I loved it so much.

I started the shower and Mark took his first. I waited in my room naked for him to finish and decided to wipe myself up with his underwear. Mine were pretty full of cum and soaked pretty good with all that precum while he was humping me. I held his and my underwear close to my body, close to my face. Mmmm, I loved the smell of him and me and our fresh loads we just made. I found the clean-up towel in my closet that was also full of jizz from a few days ago along with the box of condoms and lube I bought. Then I checked under my bed and found that drumstick I like sticking up my ass. I hid my stash in the back of my closet: condoms, lube, drumstick and both pairs of cummy undies.

Then I sat down on my bed, legs crossed, mouth open staring into space continuing to re-live what had just happened 20 minutes ago on that tree lawn, this time definitely in bread daylight. It was hot. My pole was sticking straight up but I was in kind-of a trance. I was thinking about how badly I wanted Mark to really fuck me, fuck me hard, make me scream, that's what I wanted. But I knew before that could happen I had to let him know I loved him. I just had to do it. And everytime I wanted to tell him, or started to, something came up or I backed away. I knew I had to stop making excuses and get to it.

When Mark came back in my room with only his towel wrapped around his waist, I had a clean pair of undies waiting for him. "Sweet!" he said with that big smile. I watched him put them on and get dressed. My boxer-briefs were just a little bit more snug on Mark than his, and you could make out the shape of his beautiful dick just perfectly. Then I showered and quickly and got dressed again myself. Of course I was still semi-hard the whole time.

"Want something to eat?" I asked.

He said sure and called his house to say he'd be a little late that he was at my house. We just ate some chips and Mark made a sandwich and poured a glass of milk. I stood up as he sat at the breakfast bar. He asked me what I was doing for my rock orchestra audition. We had to do some basic rhythms and stuff Walters had given us, it wasn't all that difficult. And then we had a free-pick song to play along with, something of our choice to show how lively and entertaining we could be on stage as part of the group. I never thought of myself as lively or entertaining but I'd give it a try.

"What's your free pick gonna be?" I asked him.

"Hell I don't know, I better think of something." Mark answered. "How about you?" he asked just as he took a big drink of milk.

"Oh. No brainer!" I walked up behind Mark and put my arms tightly around him and told him an AC/DC song.

With my chin resting on his shoulder, Mark innocently asked oh yeah which one.

And with a huge evil grin to rival his I looked in his eyes and said "Shoot to Thrill!"

Then I kissed him and was lost in the lingering taste of the milk still in his mouth.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 10

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