Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Oct 9, 2006


This story is about my relationship with my friend and jack-off buddy, and yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you who have written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 8.

Oh, God. Time stood still while I had my 'Kevin moment.' I really had no reason to feel 1) embarrassed, or b) guilty, but I did. It's not that I was keeping a secret from Mark; I just hadn't had a chance to tell him or explain anything about the condoms. I really don't know why I bought them in the first place. Maybe subconsciously I was thinking/wishing/hoping/planning that we'd fuck. I mean, I just hadn't thought about how that conversation would go. I don't think 'Hey Mark I bought some condoms so now we can have real butt sex' would sound right. Neither would 'Here Mark, here's a rubber, now fuck me.' OK, then there's the issue that I asked Nora to keep my little shopping spree between us, but she opened her big mouth. It was obvious that she knew she screwed up by accidentally mentioning it. In her defense, maybe she thought 'the friend' I told her I was buying them for was Mark. And, in a way, I guess that's right.

"Kev...you bought condoms? Damn, dude! Shit!"

Jesus, his smile was making me weak. "Mark...come on."

"It's just, you said they were for your friend, I thought maybe you meant..." Nora looked towards Mark.

"Friend?" Mark interrupted. "You bought condoms for a 'friend'?? What 'friend' would that be, huh Kev??" Mark just wasn't gonna let me off the hook, was he?

"Mark.....OK, they're for...Townsend...that's it...Townsend. He wanted some condoms and he was too shy to get them so I said I would, so...OK, Nora..."

"You gotta do better than that, big boy. Old Townsend's got, like, a year's supply!" Mark was laughing and as he interrupted me again. And I turned even more red than I already was. "And he's not exactly what I would call shy."

"Mark, I'll tell you about it on the way home, OK?" I was sweating, so I unbuttoned my coat and took of my Yankees hat and started to fidgit with the bill, coiling it up. I like it really round, that's my style.

"OK, you do that!" Mark teased, not letting up a bit. (I guess I've got some explaining to do!)

"So, Nora, it was Friday, when you saw me in here that afternoon and said 'hi', remember? And right after that, that bitch Emily DeMarco saw me and said 'hi', too, remember?

"Well...sort-of..." She shook her head no and half-smiled. "Not really..."

"Remember...I sat my stuff down and just left, in a hurry...remember?"

"No, Kev, but now that I think about it I did only see you for a second."

"Yeah, well, that's my point. If I threw a can of soda at Emily you would have either seen me do it or heard something...like Emily bitching and screaming, right?"

"Well, ya!"

"So, Nora, that's all you gotta tell Hartman. Just tell him what you saw...or, didn't see!" Then it hit me. As the three of us were talking, I noticed that man who was there later that day, mopping the floor. "Hey, who's that guy, he's the man I talked to Friday when I came back...he was mopping up the floor and he wasn't real nice." I asked.

"Oh, that's Arlo. His daughter Judy is the manager and he just works here part-time doing stock work and cleaning, stuff like that."

I went up to him. "Excuse me, sir...Arlo is it?

"Yeah, kid, whaddaya want?" He looked up, recognizing me. "Oh you, you're back, now what? I see ya found Nora. She's my girl!"

"Yeah, sir. Can I just ask you a question? Do you have a minute?"

"Make it quick, I'm a busy man, always busy...busy, busy, busy..."

"Yeah, so, when I was talking to you and you were mopping the floor the other day, what happened that you had to clean the floor? I asked.

"It was the hardest spill I ever tried to clean up. The sugar in that soda-pop just gets stickier and stickier...it must mix with the soap or something, an F-in' disaster. Kids I tell ya. But this wasn't no kid."

"Arlo, did you see who spilled it, the soda-pop? How it happened?"

"Yeah, sure did. It was some big girl, a homely thing, she and he ma were in here a long time. She got pissed off at something and poured a Mountain Dew all over the floor. That yellow color, good thing it didn't stain the tile. Anyways, so you know what I did? I saw that and I threw her ass outta here, and her mama, too. Told 'em don't come back!"

I looked at Nora and Mark. "That's it!!!" I shouted! "Thank you, Arlo, sir! That's it!! Emily did it herself! I knew it! I knew she was making it all up! What a bitch! Arlo, you gotta help me, please. That girl is trying to get me in trouble at my school, she's saying I did it, that I threw the can at her. See, she's lying! Would you just call my school and tell the assistant principal, Mr. Hartman, what you just told us? Please?" I couldn't hide the thrill.

"No way, kid. I ain't getting' involved with no school stuff, sorry."

"Oh, but sir, please, I'll do anything, please. Just a quick phone call, that's it, that's all." I begged.

"Nuh-uh. Ain't doin' it. I don't know you. Maybe you deserve to be in trouble."

"No really sir, please, it would mean a lot to me, please."

"Nope. Nora here, she's a good kid. That's because I know her. You, I don't know you. Now get you skinny ass outta here. Go home and eat somethin'. Look at ya...don't your ma feed ya?"

I cringed when he said that. I backed up a step and just looked at my feet.

Mark spoke up right away. (That's why he's my best friend.) "Well, thanks anyhow, sir, you've been a big help, though."

"Yeah, yeah..." Old Arlo walked away. And so did I. Happy at first, then pissed. And almost ready to cry...again.

"I gotta get to work here guys." Nora said with that 'let-me-see-what-I-can-do' look. She gave me a re-assuring hug. "Don't worry, Kevin. Even if Arlo won't talk to Hartman, I will, and I'll just tell him exactly what Arlo said. Don't worry."

"Thanks, Nora. My whole day has just been up and down, up and down."

"Mark, you gotta get Kevin here to relax a little."

Mark winked at Nora. "Don't worry, I will. I'll think of something!"

And he did.

I put my hat back on with the rounded bill way down over my eyes, and put my hands in my coat pockets, but left it unbuttoned. We walked out, Mark behind me.

"Let's go here." Mark led the way around the back of the building, past a dumpster and a fence. It was dark, no one could see. Mark stood facing me and put his hands on my shoulders, rubbing them. He kissed me, his tongue working its way comfortably through my lips into my mouth. "Come on, let's go home."

"Is there any way you could stay over tonight?" I asked. "I want you with me."

"I doubt it, not on a school night. But I don't have any homework." We were right in front of Starbuck's and Mark said, "Here, let's get something to drink first, my treat." We went in and he threw me his cell and said here call your Dad. He ordered us both a caffe misto and I threw my ass in one of those big comfortable chairs while I called home. I was exhausted.

Mark sat down too and we talked while we sipped out mistos. He told me he felt really bad all this shit happened but soon it would all be behind us and really encouraged me to lighten up. We must have sat there inside Starbuck's talking for over an hour when I noticed it was seven o'clock. "Damn, I gotta piss" I said and went into the restroom. Mark followed me in. I was at the urinal and he went into the stall. That was a good thing because I got distracted when he walked in and couldn't get started, hearing him unzip and all. I don't know why. But once I heard his pee hit the water I was fine and just stood there and let mine stream. We washed our hands and then Mark leaned up against me with my back to the door. He kissed me again, on the lips, all over my face and neck, and he even took off my ball cap and kissed my hair.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" I smiled. "And why are you letting me off the hook."

"Because you're you. And because you're cute."

Needless to say I was so turned on by Mark, as I always am, that my hand quickly found its way home, down the back of his pants. I mauled his ass as he continued to lick my neck. I could feel his hardness pressing into me, that was so hot. Somehow, after I pissed, I didn't get my dick put back in my pants right, because as I grew harder, my pole was poking through the fly of my underwear and sorta pointing sideways. As Mark massaged it through my jeans I got harder and harder, to the point it was uncomfortable. I whispered that he needed to fix it. So he did, the big tease.

Mark unzipped me, reached in for my hardon, pulled it through the fly and fully exposed it. "Let me take care of this big boy." He said smiling.

"Oh, please...you're breaking the moment here. You are so full of it Mark." I laughed. He can be pure cheese sometimes, I swear!

"No, seriously" he said as he squatted down and began to suck on my pole wildly. He cupped my balls with both hands as he sucked me, and my hips pounded up against the door. Thank God the music was fairly loud. Somehow Mark was sucking me differently this time. His lips were firmly on my hard dick, but he was also running his tongue over the entire length of my shaft as he sucked. We were right under the air duct and the combination of the hot air flow, along with what we were doing in that small restroom, plus me having my coat on, I was dripping with sweat. It's weird to cum standing up, especially as I grew weak at the knees and more helpless. I knew the moment of truth was close and started to moan a series of non-stop "Oh's". My back slid down the door, with me almost landing on the floor, sort-of kneeling. Marked sucked harder and pulled way down on my balls, making it seem like my dick was even longer. He put his lips over my cockhead and squeezed my shaft with three fingers and his thumb, right at the exact moment I erupted. My pulsating dick pumped my cream right where it belonged. In Mark's mouth.

"Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Ooohhh." Mark whimpered. Some of my juice seeped out of the corner of his mouth and he scooped it up with his finger. He leaned in and kissed me so we could exchange our spit and my cum. He put his slippery finger in our mouths as we kissed and ran it over and between out tongues. Then I sucked on it.

"Oh Mark" was all I could say, out of breath.

I still had a big glob of jizz on my ball sac. He grabbed some toilet paper from the stall and finished wiping me off. "You needed that," Was all he said as we put ourselves back together. "You need to relax and I'm gonna make sure you do."

As soon as we opened the door there was some businessman standing there. I was embarrassed, still red. I said we were sorry, and asked if he was waiting long and he said no. Thank God!

We got Mark's bookbag back at the big soft velvet chairs and I said he had to come over tonight, that I had to return the favor. Mark said not to worry about it, that I was the important thing today.

"Oh stop. Jesus, you treat me like I'm a baby." We laughed.

When we walked out of Starbuck's it had gotten noticeably colder. On the way home I wanted to hold Mark's hand again. I so wanted to grab it, and walk right down the middle of Cove Avenue with my fingers through his. But I didn't.

For a while we shifted our conversation to topics other than sex and my problems with Emily. "You know rock orchestra auditions are Friday after school, right?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, but I haven't prepared anything. Besides, Townsend or Eric Wolff will probably get it. Walters said he's gonna have two drummers."

"Well, Eric might get it, but I definitely know he wants to be in Jazz band instead of rock orchestra. And I heard Townie wants to play keyboards, he's probably better at that than drums." Mark added.

I said I didn't know he was that good. Then, of course, since Townsend's name came up, again, we got back to talking about sex. "Mark, about me buying those condoms..." I started...

"Shhh...tell me later." Mark whispered, looking down at the ground as we walked.

"So...why does Townie have a 'year's supply'? You said you think he's bi, but is he really getting that much action? I mean, it's not like you hear him talking about fucking a different girl every day, right?"

Mark laughed. "Umm, I think he likes to, well, use a rubber when he whacks off!"

"Uuuhhh!!!!!" My eyes widened and my mouth flew open.

"Dude," Mark laughed, "You look just like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone when he put on the after-shave lotion. Why the fuck are you so surprised by that?"

"What do you mean? I'm not surprised!"

"Come on..." Then Mark realized, "Dude, that's why you bought them, isn't it? God I knew you were perverted, but this proves it!"

"No...no..." We were laughing hysterically.

"You like to get it on with a rubber when you beat off, don't you?"

I took off my Yankees hat and started to hit Mark with it playfully. "Tell you what, asshole, I'm gonna make you do it and I'm gonna watch!"

"Yeah, right!" Mark laughed. "Don't tell me you didn't do it! I know you!"

"Like you've never done it. You've probably done it with Townsend! I bet that's why you know so much about him, what he does and what he's got."

"I don't know how much he's got, I never saw it!" Mark screamed.

"I mean how many rubbers he's got in his sock drawer, you moron, not how many inches his dick is! But you probably do know how big it is. You do, don't you??!! You do!! Damn you, Mark!" We couldn't stop laughing. We were choking, laughing so hard we were crying. "You have seen it, haven't you? I bet it's a monster, isn't it Mark? Come on, tell me!"

"Well, OK, I did see it once, in the locker room at the pool at school, but he wasn't hard or anything, but yeah, he's got a pretty good one!"

"God damn! I'm hard again!"

"Me too!" Mark said. "We're nuts. Townie would love it if he knew we were fantasizing about his dick."

We were at the corner of Cove and Forest, where we had to split up to go to our houses. My heart sank when I saw the street signs. A typical late November fog was rolling in off Long Island Sound. Our silliness stopped and we got serious all of a sudden. "Mark, thanks..."

"Shhh...you talk too much, sweetie...I gotta go..." (There he goes, calling me sweetie again!) Mark kissed me real quick, on the lips, just a little peck. But time stood still for a moment, once again. I didn't let it show, but I got choked up. I stood there on the corner, frozen, as I watched him walk so fast down the street, with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. He looked back at me a couple of times, and the streetlight cast a perfect light so I could see his smile. And the red stoplight in the intersection blinked in sync with my pounding heart.

"I'll email you tonight..." I whispered. But he must have heard, because he turned and gave me one more smile before he disappeared into the haze of the crisp, cool night. As I turned to walk the rest of the way home I wondered what I ever did in my fifteen years to deserve someone like Emily DeMarco in my life. Someone who could make my life a living hell in just a few short days, for no reason at all. And I also wondered what did I ever do to deserve having Mark Graham in my life. He makes it all worth it. Every minute. And I have to tell him.

Well I got home and I was sniffling. The emotion of the day was catching up to me once more. And what a day it was. A long day at that. The day that wouldn't end. Keith was in the family room, Dad was in the dining room, so they heard me but didn't see me when I walked in.


"Hey, Dad..."

"Better eat something, son."

"It's OK, Dad." I ran up the back steps. "I'm not hungry..."

"Kev..." Dad called up. "Come on, you've gotta be starving."

"No, really, I'm fine. Hey Dad, thanks again for today..." I shouted down.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked.

"No...gotta do something..."

I gathered some clean underwear and clothes went into the bathroom to take a hot shower. I got naked and stood there in front of the mirror, looking at myself as the bathroom filled with steam. Those questions about Emily faded, taken over by thoughts of Mark. I couldn't get him off my mind. I got in the shower, and stood there letting the hot spray hit my back. It felt so good. I played with my dick a little, and got hard. I soaped up and then leaned back against the tile wall and jerked off, letting the shower rinse away the soap. As I felt my impending orgasm I spread my legs as far apart in the tub as I could. I shot about six blasts of cum while I let the hot water hit my face. God that felt great.

I dried off, got dressed and combed my wet, brown hair, parting it on the left, and kind-of let my long bangs fall into my eyes. I went in my room, sat at my computer and checked my email. I opened a new mail message screen, inserted Mark's email address and typed "I Love You" in the subject line. I looked at the blank screen, trying to put into words how I feel. Trying to have the balls to say it. I sat there like that until two in the morning. With my finger on the mouse, ready to hit the 'send' button.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 9

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