Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Oct 2, 2006


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and jack-off buddy, and yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you who have written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 7.

I was so sidetracked by Dad yelling up to me that I had a phone call, right in the middle of what I was doing, that I was a mental mess the rest of the night. Such a mess, in fact, that I completely forgot to call Mark back. Jesus, for sure I'm a total ditz. I avoided Dad as much as I could. I didn't want an inquest as to exactly what I had been doing in my room. Somehow I don't think it would go over too well if I openly admitted I was jacking off in a condom, my first time doing that, LOL! I thought it was best if I just kept my distance rather than try to cover my tracks anymore. Of course, I wasn't technically lying when I said I was 'cumming' and that I was cleaning my room, was I?

I was also thinking about what my Dad meant by the "acting like you're in love" comment. Was that just his way of telling me I'm behaving weird? I wonder if I am in love? Let's see...I can't eat, I can't sleep. I'm insanely jealous. I live for the moment to hear Mark's voice, see him, talk to him. I admit it; I'm a little over-the top sometimes. Don't tell me you haven't noticed. I have done some pretty out-of-the-ordinary things lately. And I haven't even gotten to the sex stuff yet. I dunno, maybe I am in love.

Monday morning started off as usual. Well...not quite. I was a little jumpy and didn't feel like beating off like I normally do in the morning. I remembered Mark's phone call from Sunday night and couldn't wait to get to school to talk to him. Keith gave me a ride and I planned on heading straight to the office to start the first day of my two-day so-called punishment. How humiliating. Keith and I split up and that's when my day went downhill, fast. I never even had the chance to look around for Mark because Mr. Hartman, the assistant principal, was waiting for me at the door. "Come here, Mr. Carson. May I have a word with?"

"Hi Mr. Hartman, where do I go? To your office?"

"Step over here, young man. I want you to know I'm fully aware of what went on this weekend."

"Umm, what are you talking about? It was Thanksgiving..."

"You know very well what I'm talking about. The incident in the convenience store with Miss DeMarco...Emily DeMarco...I know all about it."

"What?? What do you mean?" I was dumbfounded, to say the least.

"Now Mr. Carson, let me warn you, that even though it happened off school property you're still responsible for your actions. It was a deliberate act of aggression toward Miss DeMarco and we simply won't stand for it."

"I'm sorry Mr. Hartman, but I really don't know what you're talking about. This is crazy."

I was upset. Pissed off is more like it. That god-damned bitch. It was all I could do to stay calm. "Mr. Hartman, there must be some mistake. Can we please talk about this in the office?"

"We certainly will, young man." I didn't say a word as I followed Mr. Hartman, that crotchety old fart. Fucking prick. God I hate him. And that ugly witch bitch cunt Emily. He better keep her away from me. Mr. Hartman was so stern and coarse. Actually, he's mean.

"Sit down Mr. Carson." I stood there. "I said sit down. This additional misconduct of yours changes the conditions of your suspension from school. Do you understand that?"

"What do you mean? I saw Emily in Walgreen's over the weekend, if that's what you're talking about, but that's it. How does that change anything?"

"You retaliated against her for reporting your misconduct in the cafeteria last week. Your behavior is unacceptable! Emily's mother called me this morning to tell me how upset her daughter has been all weekend, and Emily herself was in here already, still visibly shaken. She's afraid of another outburst from you."

OK, now my voice was squeaking, which sometimes happens to me when I get upset. It's embarrassing because it makes me look like a little kid who hasn't gone through puberty, but that's just me. And, I know it's hard to believe, but I do have a slight tendency to be a bit of a smartass, maybe just a little...

"Outburst? That's insane! What outburst? She said 'hi' to me and I left the store. That's it. How is that an 'outburst' as you call it?" I asked, somewhat loudly. This whole thing really caught me off guard, first thing on a Monday morning. I'm ashamed to admit it but I was ready to cry. Now wouldn't that look great? My voice squeaking and me crying in the school office.

"You threw a can of soda at her in a public place, hurled it directly at her, with the intent to cause physical harm. You're lucky the police aren't involved! Miss DeMarco is afraid of you...terrified... and I don't blame her!"

"What?? That's exactly what you should do, Mr. Hartman...blame her...not me! She's making this all up, I swear it. She's lying! That never happened, I never threw anything at her!"

"Do you understand the severity of this, Mr. Carson?" Mr. Hartman was in my face, screaming at me. I was so scared I flinched and put my hands up by my head because I thought that bastard was going to hit me or something. "Do you understand me?? Do you?? I want an answer!!"

And that's when I lost it, completely. With tears flowing and my voice in full squeak mode, I shouted, "I understand you're a fucking idiot!!"

I ran out of the office, and everyone in there stared at me, but quickly got out of my way. I heard Mr. Hartman shout behind me, "That's it! Get back here! I'm calling your father! Do you hear me??"

I ran all the way home. Sobbing.

Buy the time I got to the house I was somewhat composed. As soon as I got in the door I called Dad, but Mr. Hartman, obviously, got to him first. I called Dad's direct line, but it went to his voice mail. I don't know how, but I called back and talked to Sharon, Dad's assistant, and she put him right on with me.

"Kevin. Kevin." As soon as I heard Dad's voice I fell apart again. He had that tone that was part "now-what-did-you-do?" and part "I-love-you-no-matter-what-you-did."

"Dad...it's just awful. They're making up this crazy stuff that I didn't do, you gotta believe me Dad, you gotta..."

"Kev...listen to me. Sharon's clearing my schedule for the rest of the day and I'll be home in half an hour. Calm down...don't have any Mountain Dew...We'll talk when I get home."

"But Dad, wait, what's gonna happen...?"

"I don't know, Kevin. We'll talk when I'm home, got that? We'll handle it."

"Yeah," I squeaked.

"I love you."

"Love you too..." I hung up, sat down in the recliner and shut my eyes. I fell asleep, but not for long, because I heard Dad come in and it was about ten-thirty.


"I'm in here, Dad." I jumped up and Dad hugged me tight, then he messed up my hair.

By now I was much calmer, and Dad and I talked. I told him what happened this morning, from the beginning, when Mr. Hartman was waiting for me at the door. I told Dad that Emily is making all this shit up, and how Mr. Hartman was screaming at me. Dad looked really angry when I told him I was afraid Mr. Hartman was going to hit me.

"Hartman's a character, that's for sure. He was one of my teachers when I went to the high school. We'll fix this, son, somehow. I'll help you and I'll protect you, because you're my son and I love you very, very much. We'll do whatever it takes." Dad was so understanding and reassuring. "But tell me, Kevin, did you really call him a fucking idiot?"

I looked at Dad, then looked down and sighed. "Yes," I said softly.

"Oh, Kevin..."

"I'm sorry, Dad, honest." Dad held me against his chest, rubbed my back and let me cry it out.

"We'll work it out, son, we'll work it out."

A few minutes later Dad was on the phone, confirming with the school that we'd be there at 11:30 to see Mr. Hartman. In the car Dad warned me to keep my mouth shut, to let him do all the talking. I agreed, no problem.

"What did happen in Walgreen's, Kev?" Dad cross-examined me. "Was this Emily really there?"

"Yeah. I went there Friday afternoon to but some gum and a soda. I was just looking at some other stuff, and a girl, Nora Eckert, who knows Keith, she works there, and said 'hi' to me. I know her, too, but not as well as Keith. But anyways, then Emily was in there, too and she also said 'hi' to me. I was so surprised to see her, of all people, that I put the gum and soda down on the counter and left."

"Well, why didn't you just say 'hi' back and go about what you were doing?"

"I don't know, I guess I freaked. Partly because I don't want anything to do with her and I'm not gonna put on a act, pretending to like her. Everything she accused me of last week didn't happen the way she said."

"Wouldn't it just have been easier to be civil and polite? That's how you disarm people, Kev."

"Who's side are you on, Dad? Huh?" I just don't want anything to do with her, ever. Everyone knows what she's like. Even Townsend Miller told me to watch out, that she's sneaky and devious...a royal bitch, Dad! He said she gets off on causing trouble, she invents stuff and somehow people believe her." (Man, I thought my squeaky voice was overwith, but I guess not).

"OK, I get it. I'll handle things. Follow my lead. Only answer questions I ask you, understand? Even if Hartman asks you something, don't answer it until I re-ask you directly." We were at a traffic light, right before the entrance to the high school. Dad turned towards me, and very emphatically said, "And for God's sake, don't say 'fuck'! Is that clear?"

I shook my head yes, then Dad smiled and messed up my hair. Again. Why does he always do that? What would I do without my Dad?

"Light's green, Dad."

"Hey! Who's the one with the driver's license?"

We sat down in the outer office, and a moment later Mr. Hartman himself came out to get us. We were joined by another person, who was introduced to Dad as Mrs. Kirsch, one of the school psychologists. Some lady I've never seen before, maybe about 40, and very quiet. Old Mr. Hartman couldn't have been nicer at first. It was all fake.

"Kenny, it's good to see you again, have a seat. I'm sorry it's under these circumstances, but it seems we're having a little problem with young Kevin here, as I told you last week and again today. Young man, what do you have to say for yourself?" he nodded to me.

"Uhh..." I started, then Dad stopped me.

"Mr. Hartman, why don't you get us all up to date first, so we all hear the same version of this at the same time." Dad insisted, nicely.

"Very well. I thought this matter was resolved after last week's incident, and Kevin would serve his two-day suspension, beginning today, as agreed. But first thing this morning, Mrs. DeMarco, Emily's mother, called me about what happened Friday, at Walgreen's. Then Emily came in early and told me exactly what her mother told me. I had no choice but to confront Kevin as soon as I saw him this morning."

"Let's go back to last week's 'incident' as you refer to it. Did you talk to any other kids who may have seen what happened?

"Well, no... We usually don't. I got Emily's side and Kevin's side, fair and square. Emily's story is quite believable, especially given Kevin's terrible language..."

Dad looked at me. "Kevin, did anyone else see what happened when Emily fell in the cafeteria that day?"

"Yes, my friend Mark Graham. We were talking when it happened. All I did was reach up to..."

"OK, son, I know your side." Then Dad asked Mr. Hartman, "Did you bring the Graham boy in and talk to him?"

"Well, no..."

"Can you get him in here today? I think it'd be a good idea." Dad continued, "And with what supposedly happened over the weekend...Emily accusing Kevin of throwing a can of soda at her...did you find out if there were any witnesses to that?"

"Not exactly..." Mr. Hartman answered, looking a bit irritated.

Dad asked me if I knew of anyone in Walgreen's who may have seen what happened.

"Yeah, Nora Eckert, a friend of Keith's. She works at Walgreen's and we said "hi" just before I saw Emily."

"Let's see if we can get Nora in here, too, Mr. Hartman."

"Now Kenneth, I'm not sure all this is necessary, dragging more and more people into the situation" Mr. Hartman said.

"I think it is necessary. One person's word against another isn't going to cut it with me. It seems we've set the punishment before we've gotten all the facts. Now if Kevin did the things Emily says, then he'll accept the consequences he deserves, both here at school and at home. But I won't allow my son to be penalized just because this young lady makes accusations and has no back-up."

"Well, Kenneth, everyone misbehaves from time to time, this is just Kevin's time I guess, and he has to learn a lesson."

"I don't think it's my son who needs to learn a lesson here. Are you saying you're unwilling to investigate this further, so that we can get to the truth?" Dad was firm, but kept his cool as he always does.

"Very well, I'll speak to the others, if you insist. But we also have to address young Kevin's behavior in here this morning. He was quite belligerent and his language was horrible. It was terrible what he called me!"

"I fully agree with you Mr. Hartman, and believe me, I have spoken to Kevin about his choice of words, especially here in school. I am not happy about it and he knows that, right Kevin?" I shook my head yes. "Kevin owes you an apology, and I do, too. Kevin..." Dad nodded for me to apologize to that bastard. I didn't want to but I did.


"I think you can do better that that, young man." Mr. Hartman said, matter-of-factly. What a prick he is. I glanced at Dad and took my cue... "I'm really very sorry for using such bad language and talking to you that way, Mr. Hartman. It'll never happen again."

"Do you promise?"

"Yes, sir."

"Very well, I accept your apology, but I'll still have to suspend you for an additional day because of it."

That's when Mrs. Kirsch, the psychologist, finally spoke up. "If I may, Mr. Hartman, I think Kevin's been through enough here, why don't we just count the rest of today as his suspension, as you put it, and move on." She glanced at Dad and he nodded with approval.

"Very well..." Hartman had no choice but to agree.

"I think that's appropriate. You've addressed it, Kevin apologized, that's the end of it." Dad said.

"And I really wouldn't suggest him going back to class today, anyway, so this is best." Mrs. Kirsch added.

Dad brought the meeting to a conclusion by shaking hands and thanking Mr. Hartman and Mrs. Kirsch. He nudged me to do the same. Jesus.

"So, you'll talk to any others who may be able to shed some light on the situation, especially Mark Graham and the Eckert girl, and I'll follow up with you tomorrow. And I'll send Kevin to school in the morning, and hopefully we can put this behind us. Thanks again."

Mr. Hartman said his usual "very well" and the psychologist said she'd walk out with us. I swear, if I ever hear him say "very well" again I'll puke.

What a relief. I walked ahead and told Dad I needed to go to my locker for a second, that I'd meet him at the car. He said OK, so I got a hall pass from the attendance office, but actually I went to Mark's locker. I quickly wrote him a note apologizing for not calling him back last night, and to come over after school if he could. I said the shit hit the fan, and asked him if he saw Nora Eckert to have her call me right after school.

Dad walked to the car and chatted with Mrs. Kirsch, then filled me in on their conversation on the way home. She told Dad that she usually doesn't get too involved in discipline matters, but when she saw what was going on this morning with Mr. Hartman and me, she went to Mr. Davis, the principal. The way Mr. Hartman acted and how he raised his voice bothered her. She said she felt a professional obligation to somehow intervene. But she also said she didn't know how much she could do for me, other than just be there if I needed to talk to someone.

"Hartman's an old hard-nosed educator." Dad told her. "I had him here as a teacher over twenty years ago and was the same way. On one hand, he must be doing something right if they've kept him this long. I turned out all right. But on the other hand, as I found out when I was a student, you've got to stand up to him. In a nice, diplomatic way, but firm. I'm repeating that now, trying to show Kevin."

"He seems like a great kid. I hear he's already quite an accomplished drummer."

"Yeah, he's been playing about ten years now. It's his life. I am pretty proud of him. Both of my boys are pretty special to me."

"Yes, your other son must be Keith Carson, on the football team! I see the resemblance, they're almost identical, same face, same hair. Kevin's just a little smaller."

"Yeah, they keep me busy, that's for sure. Listen, Mrs. Kir..."

"Please, call me Debra. Umm, so, how about if we'll talk more tomorrow? Right now I want to sit in with Hartman when he meets with the other kids."

"Good, thank you...Debra..."

"It was a pleasure meeting you and I'll be in touch..."

"Umm, I'm Ken, by the way..."

"Alright...Ken by the way!" They both laughed.

It sounded like they were pretty friendly to me, but that's Dad's business, not mine. Dad told me it would be a good thing to make sure she's on our side. A little friendliness goes a long way.

Mark saw the note I left in his locker and got a ride to our house from Keith. Dad went somewhere and Keith and Lisa said 'hi" and then left too. Mark and I were alone. I know what you're thinking! No...nothing happened. Not then, at least. I wasn't in the mood. But we did have the chance to talk, after he gave me a quick kiss, no big deal.

"Dude, I got called in to Hartman's office this afternoon. What the fuck happened?"

"You won't believe it. He was waiting for me at the door and practically attacked me, talking shit about that Emily, right. She said I threw something at her, you know the day I told you I saw her in Walgreen's, OK. So it's all made-up shit and he believes her ass, right. So he keeps yelling at me, right, like in the hall and in his office and people are staring, right. So I thought he was gonna hit me or something, and he was screaming and so I lost it, right."

"Hey, Kev, stop saying "right," alright?


"Never mind..." (Why was Mark grinning at me like that?) "So what'd you do?"

"Well, I flipped out and called him a fucking idiot."

"What?? No way, dude, that's awesome, you got balls." Mark laughed.

"Well, wait, it gets better" I told him. "I ran all the way here and called my Dad, but Hartman already called him, so Dad came home and we had to go back and meet with Hartman and some school psychologist. Dad was great. He told Hartman that he had to talk to you and anyone else who saw anything happen that day with Emily, that he just can't take Emily's word for it, you know, believe her and slit my throat without getting the whole story. So the psychologist said yeah, I only had to be suspended today, I guess for calling him the fucking idiot. The only bad part was Dad made me apologize to him, but I did."

Mark told me that yeah, he got called in and the psychologist was there, too, and he told Hartman everything, that he and I were talking, I high-5's him and accidentally bumped into Emily and that I didn't even see her. He said it was a complete accident. He also said Hartman asked him what we were talking about.

"Well, I had just told Kevin may parent's were going to let me get a car as soon as I get my license." Mark told Hartman.

"Oh, well, I told him you told me you just passed a Chemistry test and got like an A+ or something, fuck it, who cares. Anyways, did you see Nora?"

"Yeah, she said she's going straight to work after school and didn't have a phone, that we could go there and talk to her."

"Good, let's go. Do you know if she got called in to Hartman's office too?"

"Not sure."

Mark and I got on our coats and hoofed it to Walgreen's. Luckily, Nora was there but hadn't started to work yet, so we had a few minutes to talk.

"Hey Kev, what's up with you two?"

"Nora, listen, did Mr. Hartman talk to you today at all, about me?"

"No, they just gave me a note saying I had to see him first thing tomorrow. Why? Do you know what it's about? I'm worried. Is something going on?" Nora asked, a bit nervous. "I'm not in trouble am I?"

"No, no. It's me. I'm the one in trouble. Well, sort-of. And I'm hoping you can help me out, Nora." I asked.


"Well, yeah, please. See, the other day, you know, when I was in here..."

"Yeah, when you bought the condom's, right?...................OHHHHH!"

"Condom's??" Mark asked, looking at me, surprised.

I just shut my eyes, not saying a word.

"Oh, Kevin...I'm sorry..."

Mark was more than stunned. "Kevin...???"

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 8

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