Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Jan 9, 2010


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

Hi, I'm Kevin and this story is about my relationship with my more-than-a-friend and, well, much, much more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. Lots of it! It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool... believe me, I know... based on true experiences!

I would like to express my sincere thanks and heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has written to me about this story. I really appreciate your comments, feedback and questions. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission from me, Kevin. I'm the only one. ©2010.

Sincerely, -kevin.

Part 47.

You know how, when you fuck something up, you just know it -- especially when it involves someone you love? You can feel their frustration and sense their anger. The very second you say a bit too much or go a little too far... you know you made a mess. You've already done the damage and you can't take it back.

Well, that's exactly what happened after I had my little meltdown when Mr. Walters asked Mark about his college plans. I could tell Mark was pissed about the way I reacted... or, I should say "over-reacted." I knew I fucked up. Again.

Forget about pressing the "panic" button... I needed a giant "rewind" button! I wished I could take it all back, but I couldn't. I just wanted to be alone with him someplace so we could make up and forget it ever happened, but, I wasn't feeling very sexy at that particular moment. And, I think Mark might have had other plans, and I got the feeling those plans didn't include me...

"Well, Mark... thanks for the ride..." I said quietly, as I got out of the Jeep. I felt totally worthless.

"Yeah," he said flatly. "See ya around." He wasn't very pleasant about it.


I know what "see ya around" means, especially with the tone he used. It means "I don't want to see your sorry ass ever again!" That's what it means. I kinda stood there with a blank look on my face and a knot in my stomach as he backed out of my grandparent's driveway. He had a real attitude, acting like he couldn't wait to get the hell away from me. God, I hoped my interpretation of his mood was an over-exaggeration, too, and that my perception that he was angry was all wrong.

I sure as hell didn't feel like painting, but I had to keep my promise to my grandparents. I went inside and Grandpa greeted me, none the wiser about how I was feeling about what just happened between Mark and me.

"Want some lunch, son? I'll fix you a sandwich."

"No thanks, Grandpa." I responded hurriedly, almost interrupting him. "I gotta use the bathroom." I ran upstairs and locked the bathroom door behind me. Looking in the mirror, I stared myself down, wondering what the fuck I had done. Although the easy thing to do would have been to start crying, I wasn't gonna let myself do that. I admit, though, that I was on the verge of tears. I was shaking, and thought I was going to vomit. But my Irish stubbornness took over, and I took a deep breath and gave myself a good lecture about growing up. I didn't need Dad, or Townsend, or Mark... or anyone else to tell me that's what I needed to do... to grow up.

Although this situation was totally different than the cluster-fuck with Marcie Lamson and the booze, and Emily DeMarco's "I'm-sorry-let's-be-friends" speech the other day, I was still under fire to guide myself to do the right thing.

The right thing, of course, was to call Mark and apologize for having that little tantrum about nothing... to admit I was being silly... to tell him "yes," that I over-reacted to something harmless. But if I called right away, that might show I was acting hastily again. I wondered if maybe I should wait, like an hour, so he would think I really thought about it more. On the other hand, if I waited too long, maybe he would think I didn't care at all. Maybe he would totally give up on me. Was this situation THAT serious that he'd walk away from me and not look back?? He cares too much, right? He NEVER gets pissed off and gives up, right?? He loves me... right???

I must have been in the bathroom longer than I thought, contemplating how the fuck I was gonna do damage control ...

"Kevin, are you alright up there, son?" It was obvious my grandfather was concerned. Oh God.

"I'm fine Grandpa... I'll be right down." I splashed water on my face and quickly got myself in check as best I could.

When I got back downstairs, my stress must have been rather obvious as well, and I was a little embarrassed. So, I honestly explained to my grandfather that Mark and I had a little spat and I just needed a few moments alone to deal with it.

"Kevin, go call him now. Don't over-analyze it. I think he'll appreciate it that you called to say you were wrong. That's what best friends do, and it's more common than you think that buddies sometimes have serious disagreements. Even if all you do is leave a message, you've taken the first step. So, go on... call him. Now. Make the first move."

What my grandfather didn't know, was that Mark and I more than just "buddies." We're fuck buddies. And actually, we're a whole lot more than that, too. We're in love. At least I think we still are... eyes closed and fingers crossed

"But, I'm not good at making first moves," I confessed. "What if I mess it up again? I'm sorta known for doing that, you know. I always stick my foot in my mouth up to my ass..." My grandfather gave me a rather strange look. "Well, maybe not quite that far..." I guess should have said "up to my butt" instead of "up to my ass," because he probably wasn't used to me swearing like that, considering that Dad and Uncle Tom were -- should I say -- more polite and disciplined when they were my age.

"Then you better learn real fast how to make first moves," he instructed. "It's not like this is some big love affair. Like I said, don't over-analyze it." Oh, how my grandfather was both right and wrong at the same time. So I thought about it for a split second longer, then went outside and called Mark from that sacred spot in their backyard: by the white picket fence. I had butterflies.

While his phone rang, I worried he might not pick up. Then I'd have to leave a fucking voice mail, and I didn't want to do that. Texting him wasn't an option, either, because it's too impersonal. Caller ID would tell him it was me, and if he didn't want to answer, he wouldn't have to. The total "brush-off."

He finally picked up on the fourth ring. "What?" he said, coldly. OK, so he obviously knew it was me, and obviously was still pissed.

"Mark, thank God you answered. We need to talk. I'm so sorry I over-reacted," I blurted out. "You're right. I was being stupid, and just the thought that you might go away someday turned me into a nut case." I was so fucking nervous.

"Look, Kevin, you made a big deal out of nothing. I get it that you were surprised and upset and all, but you gotta get this shit under control if you want this relationship to last."

(Oh my God... what the fuck did THAT mean?? Is he thinking about breaking up with me??)

"Mark, I know, I know. I know I need to think before I say things."

I have to admit, the part about "wanting the relationship to last" stung like hell. I was scared. Really scared.

There was a pause in the conversation, then finally Mark's voice softened a bit. "Sweetie, you know I was just as shocked as you by what all Mr. Walters said to me, and not just about college. I'm sorry, too."

(OK, maybe there's hope... he called me "sweetie" again! Thank God. And, he apologized.)

But, Mark, you didn't do anything wrong. I did. I just got so freaked out by the thought of you going so far away. And God knows I DO want our relationship to work. I want it to last forever... don't you??"

(Please Mark, please... say "yes.")

"Kevin, you know I want "us" to last forever. And no matter where I go, it's OK. You can go too, it doesn't matter. It's so far in the future, the idea of picking a college just isn't on my radar screen yet."

(Hmmm... I can go too? How's that gonna work? It better be close, because I'm never gonna leave Dad...)

"It's just that Walters kept looking at you when he was talking about the special things he wants to do this year, like obviously featuring you in rock orchestra, and like he's wanting you for some big part in the musical and all. Then it was so random when he said that about college and California, and I just flipped out. I mean, the west coast is a plane ride... you can't just hop in the car and be there in an hour or two."

"You're not jealous, are you Kevin?"

(Me... jealous? What the fuck is Mark thinking?)

"Fuck NO!! Why would I be jealous??? I only want you all to myself, that's all!"

(Selfish, yes. Jealous, no.)

"It's just... you can't wig out like that, Kev. I gotta be honest... it irritates the fuck out of me sometimes."

"Really??? I irritate you?? You never said anything about it before."

"Kevin, sometimes I don't say anything, because I know it's just the way you are. Sometimes it's just you being you, and sometimes it's cute. I dunno, maybe today it just got to me for some reason. I guess I sorta over-reacted a little bit, too."

(OK, I'm gonna try not to sound too defensive.)

"Mark, I'm sorry if I bug you." Actually, I could only think of two or three other times when he might have been maybe slightly annoyed with me... but nothing like this. On the other hand, I know it's a good thing for him to be honest with me... not just when I'm wrong or when I irritate him, but all the time. My head says it's Mark and Dad who always have to deal with me straight-on, even if it hurts at first.

"Well I guess it's just one more thing to make me love you," Mark said softly. "Let's just forget about this. But you gotta promise to stop worrying about things. Especially about stupid stuff."

"I promise." Then it was my turn to pause, because of the lump in my throat. "So... we're good, then?"

(He's not mad at me anymore, right?)

"Yeah, it's cool."

(What a relief!)

"I'll call you when I get home from my grandparent's. And you'll come over tonight, right?"

"I'll be there, sweetie."

(Thank God!)

I might have promised to stop worrying so much, but I didn't promise to stop being a nervous wreck. Somehow, though, I was nervous and calm at the same time. Nervous enough to show I really care very much about mine and Mark's relationship, but calm enough that I would still be able to paint my grandparent's kitchen and do a great job.

"I think we got it straightened around, Grandpa," I said as I went back inside. "Thank you!"

"Good! Let's get started! You paint the ceiling and I'll do the woodwork."

"How about if I paint both, and you make me some lunch??!! I'm starving!!"

"Five minutes ago you weren't hungry... now you're starving??!" my grandfather laughed. I got the paint all set up while he started to make me a sandwich.

"I only want the meat, cheese and lettuce, Grandpa. Hold the mayo... and you can skip the bread."

"No bread?? What kind of sandwich is that??? Besides, I was going to make peanut butter and jelly... It's pretty hard to do that without bread!"

"Oh... well... umm... hmmm... then I guess I'll just have some cookies. Do you have chocolate chip... the soft and chewy kind... and no nuts?"

"Ginger snaps!" he said, as he handed me the bag. "Take it or leave it."

"I'm sorry, Grandpa. Peanut butter and jelly's fine." It was bad enough that I irritated Mark, and I sure as hell didn't want to piss-off my grandfather, too.

You know, he could have lectured me about how I shouldn't be such a picky eater, considering all the starving children in third-world countries, which is what Dad says Grandma used to do to him when he was my age. Instead, my grandfather was very thoughtful and reflective as he was making that peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I'll never forget what he said next... it had nothing to do with food, or my weird eating habits. And it wasn't a sermon, either. It was just good old straight-from-the-heart advice.

"Kevin, it's important... maybe the most important thing in life... that you make things work with someone you care so much about. There's way too much hurt that comes from ignoring how the other person feels, as well as how you feel. So, get it all out there. Admit when you're wrong, and understand when the other person messes up as well. Don't let it wait... don't let it fester. Life's razor blades cut deep enough, so do what you need to do to make things right."

"I know, Grandpa. You're absolutely right."

"Make every relationship count, son."

"I will, Grandpa."

Like Dad, my grandfather has a way of making me feel better with his wise words and reassuring way. They both mean business, but they don't make you feel like a pile of shit in the process. They're honest, firm, no-nonsense kind-of guys who play-by-the-rules, but they also have a little fun along the way. I hope I'll be like them when I get older.

It didn't take all that long to get the ceiling and woodwork painted that day. We figured we'd be able to knock out the walls over the next two afternoons and the project would be complete! Thank God the cabinets are stained and varnished, because it would be a bitch to paint them, with all the knobs and hinges. I closed up the paint cans and washed the brushes and roller, then called Keith for a ride home.

I showered as soon as I got in the house, and of course, later that night, after dinner, I called Mark and he came over. I admit I felt a little shy towards him at first. Maybe it was more 'embarrassment' than 'shyness'... all due to my stupid behavior. Even though we worked it out earlier on the phone, with both of us acknowledging we made too much out of a "nothing" situation (me more than him), it was still a little awkward, seeing him face-to-face. 'Awkward' because Mark and I really hadn't ever fought or argued, other than the time he was a little irked when I told him we'd been driving all over Long Island in his parent's Jeep with all that hard liquor in my bookbag. Or, I almost forgot, that time last winter when he was driving through blizzard conditions on the Thruway going to the cabin and I told him how hard my dick was because of him... that was the right after we'd been to the Empire State Building and said we loved each other for the very first time.

But anyway, today's little quarrel, if you want to call it that, was a rarity for the most part.

We sat on my bed for a few moments and didn't talk a whole lot. Then, I don't know who grabbed who first, but we started making out, in silence. It was all the usual hotness... kissing, licking, touching... hands down each other's pants, feeling each other up. All the indications were that we were back to normal: we were both instantly hard. That didn't take long!!

"Trust me, Kev. And don't worry about anything," Mark whispered after a few minutes.

I nodded, as we lay next to each other, our legs intertwined. I'm not one for a bunch of cuddling and mushy stuff, but it was sorta necessary at that moment. However, my hardness quickly subsided when my phone buzzed. "My God, who the fuck's that?" I wondered. It was Allie.

"Hey, Kev, I just wanted to call you with some news!"

"Haha... What's happening, Allie?? Mark and I were just talking about you." OK, so that was a little white lie! Who cares? Mark sat up and laughed at me while I was trying to re-arrange my balls with my right hand while holding my phone with my left... I dunno, I guess he thought it was funny! "Is everything OK? Did your parents get back to Texas?? How's Nick???"

"Well, guess what? That's what I'm calling about!! I know it's a few months away, but my folks didn't waste any time deciding to come back to New York for Christmas, so here's hoping we'll all be able to get together again!"

"Well, fuck yeah, we sure will! Absolutely!! But you and me and Mark and all of us don't have to wait until December to see each other, remember?!!"

"I know, I know, but anyway, I know you're probably busy, so I just wanted to let you know. My mom said Nick is so excited. You don't know just how much you lifted that boy up in just those few days he was here."

"Allie, look... I didn't do anything. It was Matt. And besides, you worry too much about Nick." (Haha, was that ME giving someone else advice about worrying too much???)

"You're such a big sister!!!" Mark sorta shouted over mine and Allie's talking... loud enough that she could hear him. I playfully tapped his ass with my foot, like I was kicking it.

"Nick's waaay cool," I added, "And I think he's doin' mighty fine. So it's..."

"...All good!" Allie continued my line. "I knew you were gonna say that!" she teased. "I'll let you and Mark get back to doing what you were doing..."

"Well, we were just practicing our drums... uhh... you know, for band."

"Yeah, right. And Jon hit three homeruns today at batting practice with the Yankees!!" she joked.

"OK, I'm hanging up now Allie! Catch ya later!"

"Oh, wait -- there's one more thing... I don't think Nick has said anything to Matt yet. I think he wants to surprise him."

"No problem. It's our secret!!"

"Luvya, Kev. You, too, Mark!"

Mark pretty much knew what the conversation with Allie was about, and we agreed it will be a lot of fun when her family comes back.

"There's definitely major hotness going on with him and Matt, wouldn't you say?"


I wanted to get it on with Mark a little more, but that wasn't to be the case. I no sooner hung up with Allie and my damn phone buzzed again!!! This time it was Matt!

"Dude, did I get you at a bad time?"

"Yo... Matty... it's good!!! Mark's here and we're just talking. Whatup??" I didn't let on that I had just spoken to Allie.

"Guess what, Kev??" Dear old Matt couldn't hide his excitement. "I've been talking to Nick... like ALL DAY!!!"

"Yeah...??" I smiled. "And...??"

"He says he's gotta tell me something... but he won't tell me yet, and I'm like, shit... the suspense is killing me!"

"Really??" I asked, as I put him on speakerphone so Mark could hear. "Matty... you're on the box. Mark wants to talk to you too."

"How's it hangin', Kramer?" Mark asked, grinning.

"Man, it's all good, except my right hand is all cramped up."

"He's trippin', Kev!" Mark whispered to me. "So dude... your right hand is like, all worn out...?? From playing your guitar, right??" Mark asked, as he and I laughed hysterically.

"No, dummy. It's all because of Nick!!"

"Ooo la la!! So Matty's hot for Nick!!! Maybe we should call you 'Matt Wanker' instead of 'Matt Kramer'??" I slapped Mark on the shoulder when he teased Matt like that. But I laughed so hard I cried.

"OK, asshole... my hand hurts from texting... not from jerking off."

"Oh, that's right. That's what your left hand is for!"

"You're a sick-o, Graham. Nick and I have been talking for like over three hours!!! He's so kick-ass, but man, he's messin' with my head!!!"

"Matty... Settle down! I'm sure it's gonna be fine. Remember, Nick said he kind-of gets off teasing the people he really likes! So he must really like you!"

"I hope so, guys."

"Sounds like everything's working out with you and him, then... huh?"

"I sure want it too, Kev. I miss him already. We really clicked. I don't mean to sound stupid, but I've never felt this way about a guy before. I mean, I really, really, really like him!"

"Well, bud, when you talk to Nick again, tell him we said 'hey'."

"I will. And... thanks, man. This is sooo killer!!"

"No problem!" I reassured him. "Hey, we oughtta hang out this Friday night. Cool??"

"Cool! Love you guys!"

"Later! Oh -- and take care of your hand!!"

Yes, Matt is definitely on my list of people to love. And so is Nick.

Mark and I talked for a while longer, like our old selves, as if nothing had happened. I had gotten over the awkwardness as soon as we started making out. The little blip in our relationship was now a thing of the past. But earlier in the day it was such a big deal. When I look back on it now, it was so minor... so petty. It shouldn't have escalated to the brief point that our staying together was in question. But make no mistake, it was an important thing to recognize and work through, and we did.

Of course I wanted Mark to stay over night, but we both got pretty sleepy, and he had to go home. We'd had enough drama for one day. Plus, getting up so damn early for band practice can sometimes be a real pain-in-the-ass! After he left, I sat in bed listening to music with Keith's iPod, thinking about how the day went down. I cranked it to max volume when the song "Naïve" by The Kooks came on. It's one of my all-time favorites, so, of course I listened to it about a hundred times. I admit I got a little misty-eyed as I sat there thinking about Mark and me... and about Matt and Nick, and Nora and Lisa and Allie. Those were the happy thoughts. And I tried not to dwell on some of the not-so-wonderful things... those other little "blips" in my life.

Of course, more personal, bittersweet thoughts came to mind as well. I finally turned off the music and opened up "The Catcher in the Rye," re-reading over and over the note that was written to Dad inside the front cover, and remembering what my grandfather said to me earlier about "life's razor blades." Believe me, Dad, Keith and I know all too well how deep those emotional cuts can be. Sometimes they leave emotional scars. You can cover them up, but they're still there. That book serves as a personal reminder of what my grandfather was talking about, and I fell asleep holding it close to me once again.

I was ready-to-go and full of energy when Mark picked me up the next morning. He was a little early, which meant we'd have enough time to stop and buy some water on the way to the high school. He likes plain, I like flavored, which he says is sooo gay. I don't care... strawberry-kiwi's the best! He punched up the tunes as he backed out of the driveway, blasting "I've Got You" by McFly. And speaking of music that reminds me of Mark and me, that song totally made me feel excellently great!

It got hot early every day, and by noon we were drenched with sweat. I'd try to cool down by thinking about the Stewarts visiting at Christmas, but then I'd look at Mark with his red cheeks and messy dirty-blond hair, dripping-wet around his face, and I'd heat up again. I won't even mention how I'd get super white-hot when I'd catch a glimpse of the roundness in his pants next to his zipper. My eyes automatically go right to it! Remember, that's what sooo turned me on the first day I saw him last year. And the feeling hasn't changed! Maybe he does that to me on purpose?

On Friday, the heat and humidity were especially terrible. Thank God band practice was finally winding down. Everyone commented how all the new kids did pretty well for first-timers. Even though it had only been a partial week, we were all glad it was over. But at the same time, we were ready to start with the full band on Monday. And naturally, the drumline was tight. This Mr. Sanger dude was doing a great job coaching us, and actually, I was liking him a lot.

And you know what else? I decided that since Mark and I had gotten over our little thing, there was no use being angry or stand-offish toward Mr. Walters either. Really, Mark was right: he was only thinking out loud, recognizing Mark's talent. I admit, Mr. Walters had treated me fairly during the past year, and that's what I needed to remember. He likes me -- I know that -- and I think he might be upset if he thought something he said or did set me off. I put it all behind me.

Although the week was ending on the plus side -- all the negative things seemed to be resolved -- there was still one lingering thought in the back of my mind. It wasn't anything bad, and it wasn't anything new... it's there every single day. Even though I was (and am) deeply head-over-heals in love with Mark, I had to face the fact that in some strange way I was also hooked on Townsend. Not in a sexual way, you know that. But he was one side of our little triangle that I can't explain. I thought about him constantly, and it was only accentuated by being in band practice without him. I must say, when we were in formation, every time I'd look to my left, to the spot where Townie should have been, I'd expect to see him. Instead, there was an empty space there. That was pretty tough.

Friday afternoon also meant my grandparent's kitchen painting project was nearing completion, too. I went straight over to their house right after practice as usual, and rolled on the second coat. While it dried we put all the furniture back in place. Grandma had a few things to hang on the walls, but said she would do that herself the next day. I gotta tell ya, if I do say so myself, it looked pretty damn nice, and they were very happy!

"Do you have big plans for tonight, Kev?" Grandpa asked.

"No, not really. Mark and I are just gonna hang out and maybe meet up with the Kramer twins. Well, and maybe our friends Nora and Amy and some other people, too."

"Oh, I know you boys are growing up when you start spending your weekend nights out with girls!"

"Grandpa!! It's nothing like that!! Well, I guess I mean, it is, but like, oh, I don't know what I'm saying..." I was so flustered by what he said that I DIDN'T know what the hell I was saying!

"I know, son. You're a good bunch of kids and you're all just friends," he smiled, once again being sorta right and sorta wrong.

"Yeah... something like that, Grandpa. Something like that."

"Well, Kev, you did an excellent job with the painting... so here's a check..."

"Grandpa, we talked about this, and you're NOT paying me! You know my Dad won't let me take the money."

"And YOU know how much your grandmother and I appreciate you... and your brother and your father. But if you don't take this, we'll just put it in your bank account. And that's that!"

"Whatever, Grandpa. You're gonna do what you want to do anyway... so go ahead, put it in my account if you insist..." I kinda stared off into space, thinking.

Suddenly, I had an idea! Not really a new idea, but one that came back to me from a few months ago...

I remembered right after Townsend died I told Dad that there should be a music scholarship set up in his memory. Dad said then that we could suggest it "down the road," and, well, I'd say we were "down the road" far enough!! What if I started that scholarship, in Townsend's name, and instead of paying me for the paint job, Grandpa could donate the money to the scholarship fund!

"Kevin... I know you... what are you thinking about?" Grandpa asked, noticing my pensive look... and huge grin! He poured us a glass of iced tea.

I was so excited. I blurted out my idea as fast as the words could roll off my tongue. "Grandpa, listen... how do you start a scholarship? I mean, like, what if instead of giving me the money, we put it in a fund in Townsend Miller's memory, and someone at school, someone really deserving of it, would be able to put it towards their college education. Can we do that? How does that kind-of thing work?"

"What brought all of this on?" he asked. "You'd really want to do that?"

"Please Grandpa. And yes, that's what I want to do. I just thought of it... well... actually, I didn't "just" think of it... I sorta got the idea back when Townsend died, and I sorta mentioned it to Dad at the time, but he said to wait, and well, it's the best thing, because, well, Townsend was my other best friend and I miss him so much and I know that's what he'd do if something had happened to Mark or me, and... we gotta do this, Grandpa, because in band he's supposed to be there right next to me and now he's not, and I don't know how Mark's dealing with this, but Townsend's on my mind constantly, like every day, and he was so good at music... you know he played drums and piano and he could sing and act, and it's a way to kind-of have him live on, and Grandpa, I owe it to him, and, and, and... please???"

"Wow! You're really passionate about this, aren't you, son? I mean, I suppose we could set something like that up, but..."

I was smiling, yet choked-up, and happy and proud, too. "I want to talk to Mark and Dad first, and I guess I need to talk to Mr. Walters, too, and, maybe Townsend's parents..."

"Kevin, I think it's a great idea. I knew your father raised you right!! You're quite a selfless young man. We'll talk to all of them, and when you're ready, I'd be happy to handle the legal aspect of it. I can also speak with Jack Boland, the school superintendent, and we'll lay this idea out there to get it going."

Boy, things were looking up! Stuff happens fast sometimes, doesn't it? Two seconds later I heard Mark honk. "Be right out!!!" I shouted, and then I gave my grandfather a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you Grandpa!!"

"No problem, son. Now take it easy!!"

"I love you Grandpa!!"

"I love you, too, Kevin!!"

I bolted out the front door towards the Jeep, but turned and ran back in the house and hugged my grandfather again. "Wait, Mark!! I'll be right there!!!" I yelled out again. Then I turned to my grandfather one more time. "This week has had it's ups and downs, Grandpa, and you've just helped put the finishing touches on it. You're the best!! Gotta go!!!"

I hopped in the Jeep and rambled non-stop to Mark, telling him all about the scholarship idea, and that with my grandfather's help, we could make it a reality. I also couldn't wait to get home, change out of my paint clothes and take a shower!

"Sounds great, sweetie. This could be huge! I want to contribute, too!"

"Seriously, I was thinking the same thing! I have money, like five-hundred dollars stashed away, and I'm sure my Dad will put something in, too."

"And what about Mr. and Mrs. Miller?? They're loaded! Since it's in honor of their son, I'm sure they'll want to be in on it!!"

"Go with me to talk to them, will ya, Mark?"

"Sure will!!"

"Hey! I have another idea... you're staying at my house tonight, aren't you? I think I owe you a little something since I was such a shithead earlier in the week. And besides, we could start celebrating our "anniversary" a little early!" I chuckled.

"Wow, that's right! Tuesday is August 15th! But yeah, we could get a head start!"

While we were on the way to his house to get his stuff, Mark kept looking over at me, grinning. "Dude, you better keep your eyes on the road!!"

I was only kidding around. Of course it was his hot smile -- not his driving -- that was making my heart pound, my face flushed and my dick hard. "You're spazzin' sweetie! You're all over the place. I got my work cut out for me if I'm gonna calm your ass down tonight!"

"Every night!" I shot back. I felt like leaning down and giving him road head right about then, but thought, nah... that wouldn't be such a good idea driving down Pratt Boulevard in broad daylight!

When we got to the Graham's, Lisa and Keith were pulling in the driveway, too, in Lisa's car.

"Hey, Hot Stuff!!"

I whispered to Mark that if his sister keeps calling me 'Hot Stuff" it might make me go straight. "I might have to fuck her!" I laughed.

"Easy does it, sweetie. Remember that's my sister you're talking about!" Mark teased. "And by the way... if you ever do fuck a girl, I'll put a hundred down that it'll be Nora Eckert."

"Oh. Come. On!!!! Get real, Mark." Now who's spazzin'???

"Little Dude!! What are you guys up to?" Keith wondered.

"We're just getting Mark's stuff because he's staying over tonight."

"That's a first!" Keith teased.

Lisa turned to my brother and was all smiles. "Looks like we got the house to ourselves! My parents are going out with your Dad and Ms. Kirsch tonight, and if Mark and Kevin are gonna be at your house..."

Lisa sure looked happy as she went inside, and as soon as Keith and I were alone in the Graham's driveway, that's when he said the most disgusting thing!

"God, Little Dude... I owe you big-time for this. I swear, Lisa's like, so fuckin' in heat, sooooo... LOOK OUT!!!!"

"Eeewwww!!!! Oh My God!!!!"

"And I'm soooo fuckin' horny, too!!!"

I stuck my index fingers in my ears so I wouldn't hear any more! "La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la!!!!!! Shut your mouth, bro!! I don't wanna know that!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Jerking off just isn't enough sometimes, you know, Kev!!!" We were both laughing so hard.

"Speak for yourself, Keith!!"

And of course, right at that moment is when Mrs. Graham came outside. "And leave it up to the Carson boys!" she playfully chastised us. "You're making fun of my cooking, aren't you?? That's why you two are laughing!! You're two of a kind!"

"Actually, Mrs. Graham... it's just the opposite!" Keith laughingly stated. "You're an excellent cook! We were just saying..."

All three of us grinned, knowing that my brother is full of shit. If she thought we were ripping on her cooking, that would be waaay better than if she knew what we were REALLY talking about: Keith's plans to have sex with her daughter later that night. I don't know if she knows they're fucking or not...

But then, Mrs. Graham stood between us with her arms around our shoulders and said she was glad that Lisa and Mark are so close to Keith and me. "Your Dad is so proud of the two of you. You both know that, right?"

Keith and I smiled... he had an "aww shucks" look on his face. I blushed. Mark came back out with his stuff and hugged his mom goodbye, then she and Keith waved to us as we left.

"You and Mr. Graham have a good time tonight with my Dad and Ms. Kirsch!" I said as we waved back. It was both pleasant and unexpected that Mrs. Graham was funny as well as complimentary to us. My face was still red.

Back at my house, Dad was straightening up the family room... not that it was a mess or anything. Before I went upstairs to shower and change, I told him there was something important I needed to talk to him about. Although I didn't say so specifically, I was referring to the scholarship idea. And God only knows what Dad and Mark talked about while I took care of my business!!

I didn't even take the time to jack off. I was saving that for later! I admit, though, that I did take a whiz in the shower, because, once the water starts, I have to go! I know you're not supposed to do that, it's really not cool, but what the fuck. Everybody does it, right? Maybe sometime when Mark and I are in there together I'll give him a golden shower just to see what he does. (OK, I know that's sick. I'm sorry.)

And speaking of my man, since I get to glare at the bulge in his pants everyday, I decided it was my turn to give HIM a little eye candy that night. I thought I'd wear something hot-looking, something kinda tight, so I slithered my way into a pair of black Levi 511's, a baby blue Hollister polo and my light blue Chuck's, no socks, of course. I swear I was back down in the family room in less than ten minutes, my hair still wet. Not to be conceited or anything, but I could feel him look me over, head to toe. I had the look, he had the smile. There wasn't much room in those skinny jeans for my dick to get hard, but, oh well. I asked for it! I sorta managed to control the situation. Sorta.

"So what's on your mind, Kev? What's the "big thing" you need to tell me about?" Dad asked.

(OMG, did my Dad have to say the words "big thing"????)

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. "Dad, it's about an idea I had before, and I already spoke to Grandpa about this, so here goes... remember when Townsend died and I said we should start a scholarship in his memory? Well, I think we should do that now. You said we could "down the road," and I was thinking this is the right time. See, Grandpa wanted to pay me for painting their kitchen and I refused, but he insisted. So he said they'd put that money in my savings account. That's when I thought again about the scholarship. Grandpa thinks it a great idea, and he said he'd handle all the legal stuff and talk to the superintendent or the school board or whoever. And that I need to talk to you, and Mr. Walters and Townie's parents and all... So... what do you think?"

"Wow, I think it's awesome. I thought so before, when you first mentioned it. I'll help in any way I can."

"And Mark's in on this too, aren't you Mark?"

"Sure am!! I'll do whatever we need to do, Mr. C."

I was trying to be serious, but I caught Mark's eyes glance down at my zipper area again. I sure hoped Dad wasn't noticing anything.

"I was thinking, Dad, when it's time to talk to the Millers, maybe we should all do it together... I dunno, they sorta make me nervous. Know what I mean?"

Dad smiled. "No problem, son. We'll figure it out." Then he hugged me. And of course, he messed up my hair, like he always does, even though it wasn't completely dry. "I'm glad you're my kid, Kev!"

In spite of the fact that it was such a hot and humid day, Dad hadn't turned on the air conditioning. In fact, all the windows were open and there actually was a nice breeze in the house. We heard a voice, and a knock on the door from the garage to the mudroom.

"Anybody home???"

Oh gosh, it was Ms. Kirsch! I didn't know she was coming to the house... I assumed Dad would pick her up since they were going out with Mark's parents for the evening. It really didn't matter. I didn't mind seeing her, but I sure as hell wasn't ready for the little surprise she was about to throw at me.

"We're in the family room, Deb! Come on in," Dad said loudly. And in a split second there she was. She gave Dad a little kiss on the cheek, and gave Mark and me a friendly hug. I guess it's OK that she's comfortable enough to be so friendly like that.

"And what are you boys up to tonight? You look like you're ready for a hot date or something. I bet you're going to see Nora Eckert, Kevin!"

Christ, she was also pretty damn observant!! I tried to downplay it though. "Nah, Ms. Kirsch. We're gonna meet up with our friends in a little bit and just hang out. Yeah, Nora, too, but it's not a date or anything like that with her." I thought to myself it's definitely gonna be a hot time with Mark after we get home... that is, if Dad, Ms. Kirsch and the Grahams all stay out for a while. It might be such a hot night that we probably will have to turn the air conditioning on! We'd have to close the windows, and then we could make each other scream as loud as we want! I think that wish was going to come true.

"So, Kenny, after dinner, I thought you and Ellen and Marty and I could go back to my place for dessert, before we go to the jazz club. I'm really excited! I've never been to Rolly's before."

"I've never been there, either, I guess because I'm a rock and roll boy!" Dad laughed. "But hey, dinner-dessert-jazz... sounds like a plan."

"My parents love jazz, Ms. Kirsch. They've been to Rolly's before, and they actually took me once," Mark added. "It's pretty cool, even if you're not into jazz."

"Well, Dad, you guys can stay out as long as you want tonight, like really late. We'll be fine!"

"OK, Kev. I think we can handle it!"

Then Ms. Kirsch turned towards me. "Oh, and Kevin... I really don't like to talk about school business when we're away from there, but I do need to speak to you about something very important, so I'll make an exception."

"What do you mean, Ms. Kirsch? What kind of trouble am I in now???"

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 48

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