Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on May 4, 2009


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and, well, much, much more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission. Copyright 2009.

Thanks to everyone who has written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, -kevin.

Part 44.

There's no doubt about it. Blue is by far my all-time favorite color. The sea is blue. The sky is blue. And Mark's eyes - you guessed it - they're both blue! When I look in those big blue eyes of his, it's like everything starts to spin around me... like controlled chaos! Very few things have that kind of effect on me. And very few things can make that happen. I guess it's all about what the color blue represents to me... so many special things. Blue. It's my favorite color. There's no doubt about it.

As we drove through the neighborhood towards our house, Allie and Nick were both looking out the windows of the Jeep, enjoying the scenic view. I was sitting in the front seat, thinking to myself, "What a party this is gonna be!" I can't take much credit for it, though.

Granted, the whole thing was my idea, but that's about it...

Nora was a real gem by offering to get all the food, along with help from Mark and the nice people he knows in the catering department at King Kullen. She did a huge favor for me, not only by ordering everything, but also by taking charge of putting it all together at the house, too. And I gotta give props to my brother, because he helped Nora with the set-up and all. Plus, he and Scott rigged the lights and set up all the sound equipment, like the microphones, guitars and amps... as well as my drums. Keith was our roadie!

Speaking of Scott, well, he was amazing, too. He was the unofficial "music director" of our little basement rock band, arranging all the songs, organizing the practices and rehearsals, and helping everyone get all their parts down: Mark on vocals, Eric on bass, me on drums and himself and Matt on guitars. He made it all go so smooth. That's how we were able to get ten songs to near-perfection in one short week. Amazing! I know Townsend would be proud of him.

And my Dad... I gotta say... I think he's awesome! First, he let me do all of this. The day I told him I wanted to have a "small" party, he could have laughed his ass off and said "no." But he didn't say "no." He said OK. And then, he ended up paying for a ton of the food and stuff to drink, which I had fully planned on paying for myself. I have enough money, you know. Then again, Dad invited lots of people too, so I guess it all evened out.

Then, there are my grandparents. Grandpa hooked me up with those bangin' Mets tickets... for FREE!! Do you have any idea how much those seats cost? A LOT!! And, when my grandmother asked if she could bring anything to the party, I said "no." I guess in my family, that's really our way of saying, "Yes, Grandma, please bring a home-made Texas sheet cake, with all that gooey chocolaty-fudge frosting!" Because that's what she brings to every family event – Texas sheet cake! It's a favorite of all of my aunts, uncles and cousins, as well as Dad, Keith and me.

Anyway, when we turned onto our street, Allie commented that all the houses looked so charming. "There are so many trees... and every house has such amazing landscaping! And your neighbor has such beautiful roses." She was probably just being nice, because I have a feeling their parents are loaded. They probably live in a big old mansion down there in Austin, Texas! But I'm not positive about that. And I didn't want to ask. I'm nosey enough as it is.

We were all talking and giggling as Mark pulled in the driveway. "Hey Mark, move up a little closer toward the garage, will ya?!" I said. "I think we're going to have a lot of company!"

Dad must have heard the Jeep doors slam, because he came right to the front door, greeting us with a huge welcoming smile. I introduced Allie and Nick to him, and they all shook hands and exchanged "hello's."

"Allie... Nick... It's good to finally meet both of you. I've been looking forward to it. Kevin's been talking a lot about you... for days!" That made me blush.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Mr. Carson." Allie said.

Nick shook his head in agreement. "Thank you, Kevin's Dad!"

Dad grinned when Nick called him 'Kevin's Dad.' "Just call me Kenny, or Mr. C, if you'd like! Most of the kids call me that, because we're not very formal around here. You can be yourself!"

Just then Ms. Kirsch - um, I mean Debbie - came outside too, followed by Keith, Lisa, Scott and Nora, to an even bigger round of "hi's," hugs and handshakes, right there in our driveway. But Matt wasn't there. Hmmm...

"I take it you had fun at the game?" Ms. Kirsch asked, enthusiastically. "We were listening to it and got so excited during the fourth inning. It was something else, wasn't it?!" She even used some sign language when she talked. Nick warmed up to her immediately, which seemed to put Allie more at ease. I gotta say, I found myself getting more and more comfortable with Mrs. Kirsch, too. She always seems to know the right thing to say.

As we made our way inside, Allie looked around and whispered to me that we have a great house. "Yeah, I guess it's pretty cool, but nothing spectacular," I told her. "Let's get something to drink and I'll show you around."

"Hey, Kev! Matt's on his way back with some more lights," Scott interjected. "He should be here in a little while." That answered my question as to where Matt was. But I couldn't wait for him to get there. After all, introducing him to Nick was my most important mission!

"Yeah, Little Dude, you should see the backyard. It's gonna be awesome!" Keith was beaming with pride. "Just wait 'til it gets dark."

"Cool!!" I said, thinking "awesome" is such an over-used word. Same thing with "amazing." Everybody always says everything is "awesome" and "amazing," including me!

"Don't listen to him, Kevin," Lisa added. "I had to show your big brother how to plug in the extension cord, so we'll be lucky if we have any lights at all!" she teased.

"Now that sounds exactly like my boyfriend, Jon," Allie joked. "He'll be here later on, so you'll get to meet him."

"Oh, this ought to be fun!" Lisa snickered. Allie and Lisa hit it off right away, too. Their little boyfriend put-downs were all in fun. Couldn't have been better!

Mark had already brought over his laptop, which has a ton of all different kinds of music on it, and he set up a playlist of music to play through the sound system up until it was time for us to perform. But not too loud, just sort-of background music. He went out back with Keith and Scott to set it up while I finally got around to giving Allie and Nick that quick tour of the house... downstairs first.

"Wow, Kev... a baby grand Steinway!" Allie admired the piano in the living room. "Who plays it?"

"Well, no one does now, not any more." I answered, without expression. "We've just always had it, right there, in the corner of the living room, as long as I can remember." Allie didn't really say anything more about it. I think she figured out who the piano player in our family must have been.

Then we headed up the back steps to the bedrooms. Allie giggled, saying it was really "cute" that we have two staircases. I told them that when Keith and I were little, we used to run up the steps and down the steps, chasing each other, screaming and yelling, and Dad let us do it. Allie thought that was "cute," too.

We went in my room first, and thank God it was straightened up! At first, it was a quiet moment filled with big smiles when Nick picked up the three framed pictures of Mark and me... the ones he gave me for Christmas. They're on the nightstand beside my bed, you know.

"You and Mark both play drums?" Nick asked, obviously referring to the one taken last year in band, with Mark and me playing our snare drums. "And you like laser tag, too??"

"Yeah... but I'm not any good, though. Mark's better!" I laughed. "I mean, I'm an OK drummer... I'm just not very good at laser tag, that's what I meant. He's better at both! Oh, and the other picture is at the Empire State building around last Christmas. Mark took me there, just him and me!" I felt so proud telling them about that picture, especially.

I quickly showed them Dad's room and Keith's room, and then the loft over the garage.

"Wow, this is like an apartment! I could live here!" Nick exclaimed.

"You're welcome to stay, anytime! Seriously! You guys could stay tonight, if you want to. There's a bathroom and a refrigerator, too!"

"That's nice to know, Kevin!" Allie said, thanking me. I think she was being polite again, but what do I know?

"Hey, no problem."

We took the front steps down to the foyer, and Allie noticed mine and Keith's silhouettes on the wall, along with Dad's favorite family picture... that old framed snapshot of us on the beach in South Carolina, the one taken about ten years ago when we were little.

"That's you trying to hide behind your Dad, isn't it, Kevin?" Allie wondered.

"Yeah, I guess I must have been camera shy that day."

"How old were you?" Nick asked.

"Umm, I guess I was about five, and Keith was seven..."

"He looks like a daredevil!" Allie noted. "But you both look so much alike... then and now! You two haven't changed a bit!"

"Well... we've changed a little bit!" I laughed.

Next, we went down to the basement and I showed them my drum room. My NAKED drum room, that is!! It was practically empty! All the Christmas lights were taken down and my drums were set up outside, of course. But the couch was still there. They got the idea.

Back upstairs, Allie offered to help Nora, Ms. Kirsch and Lisa with the food. But she hardly got the chance. Just as Ms. Kirsch reminded Allie to "please call her Debbie," my grandparents arrived. And guess what Grandma brought??!! Texas sheet cake, of course!! I stuck my finger in the fudgy frosting and licked it. I couldn't help myself! Mmmmmm-mmm!

"Kevin!!!!" Grandpa gave me a hug like Dad does, but Grandma scolded me playfully. "Don't forget your Aunt Laura likes that cake too, and she your cousins are on their way!"

Oh God, my little cousins... just what I need!

"Some ballgame, wasn't it, Kev??!!" Grandpa asked.

"Sure was, Grandpa. Thanks again for the tickets!"

"I used to take your Dad and your Uncle Tom to see the Mets play at Shea Stadium, all the time when they were boys." Then Grandpa leaned towards me and whispered, "But, you know, I'm really a Yankees fan, myself." And to that, I gave my grandfather a high-5!

There were even more quick introductions and interrupted conversations, because right after my grandparents got there, my other grandparents came, too. The four of them are friends, you know, because they used to live next door to each other! And then Mark's parents arrived, and right behind them it was Mr. and Mrs. Eckert, and yes, they brought Dylan. I swear, I'll tie up that little shit with yellow caution tape if he bothers anything! Somehow I cornered Mark and quickly pleaded with him to keep Dylan under control.

"That little fucker better stay away from my drums!" I insisted. "Please Mark, would you keep an eye on him? Let me know if he fucks with anything."

"No problem, bud. If he acts up I'll just take him over to the Lamson's and lock him up in their shed!"

"That's not funny, Mark. Don't remind me of that place!" I laughed. "But then again, that's not a bad idea!" Between Dylan and my little cousins, I'm doomed!

There was so much going on, all at the same time, I couldn't keep track of people arriving, who was doing what, and who was talking to whom. I did notice that Mr. and Mrs. Kramer had gotten there, and I made sure I welcomed them and said hello.

I also didn't want to ignore Nick, but he seemed to be doing OK, staying fairly close to Allie and talking to Ms. Kirsch. Next thing I knew, Mark was in the backyard with Andy Grimes, Brigette, and... of all people... Joey Savitch. Remember him? The red-haired kid who sometimes sits at our lunch table and insists he never jacks off??!! He's delusional, I swear!

I approached them, hugging Brigette and bumping fists with Grimes.

"Hey, Carson! Whatup?"

"Andy! Brigette!! Joey???"

"Hey, Kevin, thanks for inviting me." Joey said.

"Umm... yeah..." I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I didn't have the heart to tell Joey that I really didn't invite him, but I sure as fuck wasn't gonna send him away. I've been known to be rude at times, but not THAT rude! I kinda looked at Andy, and he just shrugged his shoulders like he didn't know what the fuck was going on. I knew ahead of time he was bringing Brigette, but it seemed he was sort-of attempting to hide the fact that he brought Joey, too. I guess I never realized they were friends. But it's all good.

"Yeah, well, I've never been to your house before, and when Grimes told me you guys were gonna put on a concert or something, I wanted to come and he said it'd be OK."

"Hey, no problem, Joey. I'm glad you're here! You'll have a good time!"

Shit. Now I felt bad that I always found Joey to be sort-of annoying, especially when he told Townsend and me that jacking off was such a disgusting thing to do. I dunno, maybe over the summer he decided it's not so bad after all!! Haha, I also didn't have the heart to ask him that, either. Hmmm... how would that go? Something like... "Wow, Joey, so you decided to jerk it once in a while, huh? Kinda fun getting' off, isn't it!? You like the way it feels, stroking you're big cock, dontcha?? Haha, I bet you're a screamer when you bust a nut, ain't that right!!?? Mmmm... you oughtta try licking the spooge off your fingers, too... umm... What's that?? You already do that, too?? So you like the taste of cum, huh?? See what you've been missing!!!!"

I dunno, I guess I was daydreaming for a minute... again...

"Thanks again, Kev," Joey's voice brought me back to the real world. "Who all is gonna be here?" he wondered.

"Oh, just a bunch of people. You probably know everyone, except my friends Allie and Nick. They're over there. I'll make sure I introduce you."


I was getting antsy talking to Joey and Andy. You know, I can't stand still, so I had to make a break from them. "Well, listen guys, I better circulate. There's lots of food and stuff on the patio, so help yourselves. We're not gonna be playing for a while yet, not until after it gets dark."

Not that I didn't trust Mark to keep a watchful eye on Dylan, but I wanted to find out just where that little shit was, so I walked back over toward the house to look for him. Well, let me tell you... he wasn't with Mark! Not that Mark had to be his babysitter. But who else would be the best person to keep him in line?? Mark's mom!! That's right! I was loving it! Mrs. Graham was really in her element keeping Dylan entertained. Instead of saying anything directly to her, I mentioned it to Nora.

"Wow, looks like your little brother and Mrs. Graham are best friends now!"

Nora laughed, "That works out great. I've got enough help. She's better off watching him, because she's clueless when it comes to food!"

"No kidding! I thought I was the only person who noticed that!" I chuckled. Then Nora and I asked each other for forgiveness since we kinda trashed Mark's mom. I hope no one overheard us. But Nora's right... Mrs. Graham knows absolutely nothing about food.

I thought I heard voices out in the front and sorta got distracted from Nora, but she grabbed my arm and told me she was glad I had this little get-together, and thanked me for letting her help out.

"Kev, I gotta hand it to ya. I LOVE Allie! She and I talked a lot already, but I hope we get to talk some more. I'd like to get to know her. And Nick is so adorable! My God, I wouldn't mind getting to know him a little better, too!"

"Nora, stop!!!! Nick's, umm... I dunno... yeah... you're right... you should get to know him, too. He'd like that, I'm sure. I want all of us to get to know him. I think he's great..."

That's when the doorbell rang, and even though the front door was open, I checked to see who was there. The people I heard were two of Keith's friends that he invited, "the Ryans," as we call them... Ryan Gray and Ryan Novak, and they're joined at the hip. Haha, they sorta even look alike, same hair style and all! But for sure, even though they're best friends, they're not gay, because they both were with their girlfriends. I had met all of them before.

"Hey Ryan!"

"Hey Kev!"

"Hey Ryan!"

"Hey Kev!"

"Hey Marisa, hey Katie!" Come on in... Keith and Lisa are in the backyard. Everyone else is out there, too. Go on out and get something to eat!"

They walked through the house, saying "hi" to everyone, while I helped myself to a real piece of that big old chocolate cake grandma brought. Even though no alcohol was served to the kids, Dad had beer and wine for the adults, if they wanted it. And believe me, he kept a close eye on it. If anyone was going to try to sneak a couple of beers, it would be the Ryans.

I had to pee all of a sudden, like really bad, so I ran upstairs to use the bathroom. I dunno, I guess I did that because I feel weird about using the half-bath by the kitchen when we have company. I always worry about it, thinking people can hear me peeing, even though they probably can't. In fact, I know they can't, because I've never heard what anyone else does in there, but I'm still paranoid about it. So anyway, yeah, that's why I went upstairs. And while I was taking a leak, guess what happened? My phone buzzed. It was in my pocket, and you know, it always feels funny when it vibrates when it's in my pocket. And it feels even funnier when it vibrates in my pocket and I have my dick in my hands!

I really couldn't stop pissing to reach in my jeans to answer it. And besides, I sorta freaked out and didn't WANT to answer it. For some reason, I thought maybe it was Mr. Lamson calling me again. I still hadn't told Dad that he called me when I was at the mall the other day, and I really needed to let him know about that. Even though during the party wouldn't exactly be the best time, I had to find a way to get him alone for a few minutes and tell him. But I kept stalling. And I still hadn't decided if I was going to say anything about what I did to those two women in Urban Outfitters. Maybe I'd stay quiet about that.

Everytime I found Dad, he seemed busy... getting drinks, cleaning up, pointing the way to the bathroom. Finally, he was in the kitchen talking to someone, and while I hated to interrupt, I waited until there was a break in the conversation and asked to see him privately. As we went into the mudroom to talk, the house phone rang and Dad asked Keith to answer it.

"Dad, I know this isn't the best time to talk to you, especially since we have a house full of people and all, but I meant to tell you about something sort-of important. Mr. Lamson called me yesterday."

"He did?? When??" Dad asked. "What did he want?? What did you say??"

"It was when I was at the mall, and it took me by surprise. I said nothing. Seriously... nothing. I told him I couldn't talk, that it wasn't a good time, and I hung up."

"Good. That was the right thing to do..."

"Dad... it's for you..." Keith shouted from just outside the mudroom door. "It's Detective Craig... you know, that woman cop."

"I'll be right there, Keith," Then Dad turned to me and told me not to worry. "Just let me know if he calls you again."

"Well, Dad, actually, he may have called a little while ago. I was in the bathroom and I got a call, but my hands were... umm, well... I was busy, and umm... I couldn't answer it, and I haven't checked my 'missed calls' yet to see who it was."

"Well, look now, while I take this call from Detective Craig. I wonder what she wants on a Sunday evening..." Keith opened the mudroom door and gave Dad the handset. We listened, all the while as Dad had a concerned look on his face, repeatedly saying "uh-huh" and "I see."

Dad mouthed the words, "Go get Grandpa," to Keith, and I looked at my missed call to see who it was. Luckily, it wasn't Mr. Lamson again, after all. It was Matt. I listened to his voice mail and he said he was gonna pick up Amy and he'd be right over. That was damn near an hour ago.

Just after Dad hung up with Detective Craig, he and I had a little huddle with Keith and Grandpa, just the four of us, right there in the mudroom.

"What's going on, Kenneth?" Grandpa inquired. I know my grandfather well enough that he must think something's serious when he calls Dad "Kenneth" instead of "Kenny."

"Well, guys, this is getting stranger by the second. You'll never believe this, but Harold Lamson has turned himself in to the police. That's what Detective Craig called about. Apparently he has admitted everything about the accident and wants to sign a confession. He claims he was the driver. I'm stunned."

"That bastard!!" Keith exclaimed. "I thought that stupid fuck liked me!! I always did a good job with his god-damned lawn!! He liked how I did it, so that's why I turned it over to you, Kev. I never thought it was him driving crazy that night."

"Now, Keith!! Settle down!!" Dad insisted. I was doing a slow burn, waiting for Dad to say more to my brother for cursing like that. He would have handed me my head on a platter if I talked that way. He does every time! But all he did was tell my brother to "settle down." Jesus.

"I don't know, Dad. Something isn't right about this. Something's fishy." I said, and Dad agreed.

"Did you find out who's representing him?" Grandpa wondered.

"Yes. Jerry Schurman, from Westbury."

"Oh hell, I know Jerry!" Grandpa said. "Maybe I should give him a call."

"No, Pops. I think we should go down to the station first thing in the morning. Schurman's supposed to be there, so we can talk to him then."

"I wonder if this is what Mr. Lamson wanted to talk to me about when he called." Grandpa and Keith had no idea that Mr. Lamson called me when I was at the mall Saturday. "I just have a funny feeling about all of this. It doesn't add up. I don't think Mr. Lamson would have done anything like cause an accident."

"Well, son, we'll find out tomorrow, won't we?" Dad was reassuring. "Right now, we'd better get back to the party!"

"Dad... wait. I want to speak to you for a minute, alone." Grandpa and Keith left us in the mudroom.

"What now, Kev?"

"Well, Dad, I'm not sure if this is a big deal or not, but there's something else you should know. Yesterday at the mall... right after the call from Mr. Lamson... I thought I saw Marcie and Mrs. Lamson, and I kinda said something to them. I mean, I dunno, I was thinking crazy stuff, and I just wanted to let 'em have it. I wasn't very nice, and as it turned out, it wasn't them. Then Nora got there and it was over..."

Dad shook his head. "What did you say to them?"

"I just asked which one of them was driving and ran Keith and Lisa off the road, that's all." I didn't tell Dad I called them bitches... or that the one woman had an asthma attack... and that they called security. And I didn't tell him exactly how Nora put on the fake to get me out of there. I spared him those minor details.

"Well, I guess it was a good thing that it WASN'T Marcie and Mrs. Lamson, because that would have definitely muddied the water. You need to think before you open your mouth, Kevin. We've talked about this a thousand times! Think!!"

"I know, I know. Sorry," I muttered. I was glad I told Dad, even if he was just a weeee bit upset. Not really angry, just... whatever. But I was even more glad that those two women WEREN'T Marcie and Mrs. Lamson!

"Look, Kevin, just let it go for now. You don't need to worry about any of this, really. We'll see how it all unfolds at the police station tomorrow morning."

"I'll try, Dad. I'll try. But I can't stop thinking about it, on top of everything else..."

"Well, right now, we've got a house full of company. Even though it's a bit chaotic around here today, you DO seem like you have it under control, Kev. You've been a pretty good host so far!" That was pretty cool getting a compliment from Dad... a good little confidence-boost! Then, as usual, he messed up my hair like he always does. That's just his way.

We no sooner walked out of the mudroom and the doorbell rang again. Nora was right there, so she, Dad and I all answered it together. Guess who it was? That cute delivery kid from Smarty's Pizza! I noticed his name was Chris.

I was kinda surprised for two reasons: One – I hadn't seen him since last fall when I hung out with Townsend that night, and he was the one who delivered our pizza. And I know for a fact he turned Townsend on! And the second reason I was surprised is that I thought we weren't having pizza at the party! I guess Nora listened to Dad and not me! Oh well.

Anyway, Dad paid him and gave him a nice tip, and we all thanked him. He had that look on his face when he saw me that was like, "I remember you... but from where?"

"Um... I think you delivered pizza to my friend's house before." I said, as he handed me the four large boxes. I gotta admit, it did smell good.

"Yeah... that's where I know you from," he said. "I thought I've seen you before. You look familiar. Well... thanks!"

I dunno, seeing the pizza dude, it was just one more reminder of Townsend. Every day, something happens that makes me think of him, and today was no exception. Plus, as you know, it was his birthday and all, and for some reason, I felt like he was there, like he was with me. It was kind-of a bittersweet feeling that came over me. I sorta felt like I was having the feeling that things were spinning...

Nora followed me as I took the pizzas out to the patio to put with all the other food. And wouldn't you know it... guess who was there?!? It was Matt!! Talking to Nick!!! How did that happen??? How could I have missed Matt's arrival??

Mark was talking to Amy, and came over to help me open the large boxes. "Amy... when did you and Matt get here??"

"About fifteen minutes ago, Kev. We looked all over for you but couldn't find you, and everyone was out here, so we came out here too."

"Oh... OK." They must have gotten here while I was talking to Dad. "Well... I see you two have met!" I said to Nick and Matt as I approached them. "I'm sorry I wasn't around to introduce you myself. That's all I've wanted to do for the last two or three weeks, and I blew it!!"

"No problem, Kev," Matt smiled. "The minute I got here I knew exactly who Nick was, and we've been talking ever since!" He and Nick were like an inch apart, and it was obvious that they connected. Instantly! Matt already seemed happier than I had ever seen him before. And that was only after meeting Nick a few seconds earlier! All of that, of course, made ME very happy, too. At least that part of my plan was exactly as I had hoped it would be.

"Your friends are all very nice!" Nick said to me. "Matt's cool. We have a lot in common, don't we Matt?!"

Matt nodded yes, with the biggest, happiest smile I've ever seen on that kid's face.

I couldn't talk, momentarily, I guess because of the thrill of knowing I was on the right track with hooking up Matt and Nick. Even though they were strangers to start, and I, myself, had never met Nick before today... and I was only making mental assumptions about Matt, I just knew there was something right about this. I looked up to the sky and, in my mind, I thanked Townsend. He had something to do with this, too, I swear.

I stood there with Matt and Nick for quite a while, just witnessing the excitement of them talking and enjoying their new, instant friendship. It seemed so natural, and their communication was so smooth. The hearing factor wasn't really a factor at all. They talked about music and baseball, and baseball and music, and once in a while about the food they like and don't like, and sometimes about school and nerdy stuff like physics and engineering and calculus, and Jesus Christ... stuff that was waaaay over my head! But I did notice that they never – not once – talked about girls! Where this new friendship that I helped put together will lead, I don't know. But it sure was off to a good start!

I thought I better mosey around and see how everyone else was doing, but a few quick glances told me it seemed like people were definitely enjoying themselves. There was a lot of laughter and so much food was gone! And Matt and Nick were interrupted several times by all my other friends introducing themselves and talking to them. And let me tell you, they didn't ignore Allie, either. Nora, especially, made it a point to make Allie feel welcome and part of the gang. I knew I could count on Nora to do just that!

When I walked over toward the patio, I saw that Mrs. Graham still had Dylan under her spell, but I guess I didn't realize just how much until he broke away from her and ran up to me, laughing and giggling non-stop. He's a smart little kid, yet, at the same time, extremely mischievous. I swear, somewhere along the line, he must have eaten the devil's fruit.

"Seems like you two are having fun!" I said.

"Well, I'm quite used to boys his age!" Mrs. Graham chuckled. "You and Mark aren't much different." Little does she know...

"So what are you guys talking about?"

"Well, I'm telling Mrs. Graham about my favorite movie, "Dumb & Dumber"! It's my dad's favorite, too, and we watch it all the time!"

Then, Mrs. Graham made the mistake of asking him the big question: "What's your favorite part, Dylan?"

"Oh it's when Harry has to go to the bathroom really bad and he's stuck in there a very long time and his girlfriend thinks he fell in the toilet! That's the best part! We watch it over and over and my dad and I laugh all night!!"

Mrs. Graham and I laughed too, because of the way Dylan was telling us about it. "I guess little boys of all ages just naturally love bathroom humor!"

Dylan started singing the song "I Love the Flower Girl" ("The Rain, the Park and Other Things") from the movie, and revealed a little secret: It's his dad's favorite song, and he even sings it, too!! Poor Mr. Eckert. I really like the dude, he's cool and all, but I can't imagine him singing that song!

Right then, Mrs. Eckert joined us, breaking up the "Bermuda Triangle" of Mrs. Graham, Dylan and me. She started talking to Mrs. Graham while I got stuck with Dylan! He said the strangest thing to me, and I'm glad they really weren't paying attention...

"Hey Kevin," Dylan whispered. "Is Nora your girlfriend??"

"Oh, jeez, Dylan... I do like her a lot... but, um, no... No she's not!"

"Then, is Mark your boyfriend?" he laughed. Then he ran off to God-knows-where.

"Not funny, Dylan!!" He's a loose cannon, that's for sure. I made sure I ditched that little bastard, and found Mark.

"So, is my mom still keeping an eye on him?"

"Hell, I don't know! But my aunt and grandmother seem to be keeping my little cousins pretty well behaved for a change, too. I was worried they'd all start acting up. They're such a pain in the ass!"

"Oh, by the way," Mark added. "Eric called a few minutes ago and he and Jen are on their way."

"Good!! It's about time! I almost forgot about him. I guess they've made up or something and he's probably getting some ass before they come over!"

"No doubt," Mark laughed. "Not a bad idea, sweetie!"

"MARK!!! STOP!!!" Jeez, he made me blush! "Not now!"

"Well, anyway, when he gets here Scott wants the five of us to put our heads together just to go over what all we're gonna do. I can't wait!"

"I can't either! I think we're all set." God, I sooo wanted Mark to throw his arms around me and call me sweetie. Ordinarily, he would have, if we were alone, of course. And then I'd give him a big old kiss, too! But that tactic wouldn't quite work in the middle of my backyard with fifty people watching, would it? Somehow, I managed to restrain myself, darn it!

When Mark got sidetracked talking to someone else, I continued to people-watch, from the vantage point of the middle of my back yard. People were eating, laughing and talking, and I noticed Dad and Ms. Kirsch casually roaming the crowd, sort-of cleaning-up as they mixed in and conversed. I nodded to Keith, and he and I walked in silence over to the side of the backyard, by the birch trees, where it seemed to be a little bit quieter.

"This is sweet, Keith. The lights are way cool."

"No problem, Little Dude!"

"No, I mean, you did a great job. You were a lot of help."

"Nah, it's nothing."

"The food's good."

"Yeah..." Keith put his hands in his back pockets and glanced around the yard. "Um, you know... Nora's a real sweetheart. I swear, if Lisa ever dumps me I might tap on that."

"Shut the fuck up! You WILL NOT "tap on that"!! You stay away from Nora!! She's not like that and you know it. And besides... she's mine!!" I laughed. Actually we both laughed.

"Um, yeah, right. Just remember, I knew her first."

Then we both looked over toward Ms. Kirsch, who happened to be talking to both of our grandmothers at that very moment. It wasn't odd, but it did catch me off guard, at first. But we quickly noticed that all three of them seemed very relaxed, comfortable and normal with each other. "She's, um, good for Dad, isn't she?" I said, commenting, not asking.

"Yeah, Little Dude, she is. It's OK."

"She's not like, trying to take over. She's just being helpful. I can tell. I really believe that."

"Good, Kev. You're exactly right. Ms. Kirsch's got it going on. She knows just the right things to say..."

"...And do." I finished the sentence. "I noticed that before. I think it's all good."

"Yep," Then Keith gave me a big hug. A really big hug. "It's all good."

We walked back towards Allie and Lisa who were laughing and talking, and, I dunno, drinking "something."

"You two seem like you're having a good time!" Keith teased. I saw Lisa squeeze his ass playfully.

"Hey! Easy does it!!"

"Your father is sooo nice!" Allie mentioned. "He and your grandfather and I had a great conversation about law school and careers, and jeez, I hope it all goes as smooth as your Dad says it will."

"Let me guess... he told you to go to Fordham!"

"Actually, they both did! How'd you know??!!" Allie laughed.

"Well it's the best law school ever... the only one worth going to, right??!!"

"You do a great imitation of them, Kevin! Exactly!"

"It's a family thing, Allie," Keith added. "Our Dad's hardcore about Fordham. There's a family story behind it."

"Lots of stories!" I laughed. In fact, we all laughed.

Just then, the song "Nineteen" started playing, and Allie screamed.

"Oh my god!!!! That song's by the Old 97's!!! I love them!!!

"Really?? I do too!" I said. "Actually this is Mark's playlist. That kid knows everything about music. Almost as much as Scott!"

"Hey, I heard my name!" Mark said, approaching us. "Better be saying something nice about me, Kev!"

But then we were interrupted by – who else? – Dylan! And he had blood on his hands.

"Kevin! Look!!"

"Oh, gosh, Dylan! You picked some of Mrs. Leiber's roses from next door. She'll shit when she finds out!" His hands were bloody from the thorns, but he didn't seem bothered by that.

"She won't care! I picked them because I thought maybe you'd want to give them to someone."

"No, I don't know who I'd give them to... but I have an idea! Why don't you give them to Mrs. Graham??!! She'd LOVE them!!" Plus, I was thinking she'll get him cleaned up, too. "Go on, give them to her. And she'll help you wash up!"

"Wow! I will!! That's a great idea!!!" In a flash, that little shit turned around and ran up to Mark's mom and gave her the bloody roses – thorns and all. Appropriate, I guess. And wouldn't you know it... he was still wailing "I Love the Flower Girl" at the top of his lungs.

It seemed like it almost instantly got dark, and the entire backyard was now completely aglow with all the lights. Sparkling white ones in all the bushes and trees, and the colored ones around the patio and deck railing. But on the deck, which was to become our stage... the lights were all blue. And Keith and Scott had also rigged spotlights that would shine on all five of us once we started playing. They, too, were blue. Of course!

I sorta tuned everything out right then. All of a sudden it was just Mark, me, Scott, Eric and Matt, and I could see Nick over at the patio having a really good time with a crowd of people. I was happy that everyone made him and Allie feel so welcome.

"So Matty, how's it all going? Having a good time?"

"God, Kev, thanks! We're all having a great time. I feel like Nick has lived here forever. It just seems like I really know him, and I hope we can stay in touch."

I didn't say anything. I just smiled and looked up.

"He's really very nice and funny... and so easy to talk to," Scott added.

We had our little pre-concert huddle, going over the song list and the whole routine one more time.

"If we do this like we did all week rehearsing, they're all gonna love us!" Scott declared. We all high-5'd him and shouted a big "YEAH!!" in unison.

"So, do we have a name?" Eric wondered. Jeez, we hadn't thought about that. "I was thinking, what if somebody asks us what we call ourselves... what'll we say?"

We all thought out loud as we mumbled and mutterred "uhh's" and "umm's" until Mark came up with our band's name: "How about "The Bluebirds"??!!"

And that was it! That fast... that easy... and that spontaneous! And we all agreed. We were officially "The Bluebirds"!!

Five minutes later, we took the "stage." We sorta hung out there on the deck, getting everything in order. "You guys ready?" Scott, our leader, commanded. "Let's do this!"

You know, this wasn't like a real full-blown rock concert or anything. We weren't pros at all. But it felt like we were. And the small crowd in my backyard made us feel like we were rockstars! I admit, it did feel good.

I always get like this... sorta nervous, a lot nervous, yet comfortable behind my set, sticks in hand. Scott, Matt and Eric put on their guitars as Mark took front and center, grabbing the mic and thanking everyone for coming. "This was all Kevin's idea!!" he joked. "So, no matter what happens, that's just the way he planned it! It's all Kevin's idea!!" And everyone laughed affectionately, all in fun.

He thanked Dad for having us and Keith for all his help, and our neighbors for putting up with the crowd and the noise. He thanked Nora and Ms. Kirsch for the way they "took over." That made everyone laugh, too. Just as he introduced Allie, I saw that Jon had finally made it. Mapquest works wonders, doesn't it! All I did was give him our address and he drove right to our house. Old Jon might not know shit about baseball, but he must know how to drive. And finally, Mark introduced Nick. I caught Matt's big smile as Nick stood and briefly thanked all of us. Although he didn't say a lot, it was very touching how he mentioned how sweet it is to meet a bunch of strangers for the first time and feel so welcome.

"Alright everybody!! We're "The Bluebirds"!! And we're about to rock you out, RIGHT NOW!!!!" I gave 3 clicks and Matt strummed the first chords of the brief intro to "Generation" on his acoustic guitar, and Mark took off on vocals. Every time I perform I sorta go into a trance, so absorbed in what I'm doing. But I did hear the applause as the first song ended and we segued right into Elvis Costello.

Everyone seemed to love the first two songs, and Mark said "you gotta love the 80's" as he made reference to "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding." We wasted no time heating things up a bit on "Banquet" by Bloc Party, with Matt on the Rickenbacker and Scott playing his Gibson Les Paul. Then we slowed it just a bit for Mark's mellow rendition of Aimee Mann's "That's Just What You Are." He did a perfect job on that one.

Then we did acoustic versions of the next three songs, with the guys all sitting on bar stools on each side of me still at the drums. First it was Tom Petty's "You and I Will Meet Again." After that, there was a little surprise, as Matt played acoustic guitar on "We Can Work It Out." Scott took over duties on bass, while I hopped on a bar stool, too, and played tambourine instead of Mark. And Eric played an accordion. I know that's weird, but you know what? It was perfect for that song!

Then Mark tried to embarrass Eric and me by saying we had to sing harmonies on "Swing Life Away." We acted like we didn't want to, at first, and everyone laughed, but it was all an act. And even though I am NOT a singer, I guess I did OK on that one. So it was Mark on lead, of course, Eric and me doing background and the Kramer's both on acoustic guitars.

It was time to rock it up once more. I quickly took my place behind the drums again, Eric grabbed his bass, and we started Trisha Yearwood's "Believe Me Baby, I Lied." I never really liked that song, but I do now, and Mark was once again excellent on vocals. And Scott was a show-off with his guitar solo! Next to last was "All You Wanted" by Michelle Branch, and we nailed that one, too. I love the way Mark finished it, with his voice down an octave for the last line, "Where you go when you're gone". In fact I love the way Mark sang during the whole show. His throat never bothered him, being that it was only since the beginning of summer that he had his tonsils out. He has a very low-key stage presence, never hand-holding the mic, and he often stands on one foot, never really dancing. He's very understated.

Before we did the last song, Mark gave a little tribute to Townsend. If I was ever in a trance, that was it. The song we all had agreed to perform in Townie's honor was "Someday, Someway" by Marshall Crenshaw. Another 80's song, it was one that Townsend would have totally gotten into singing because of the kind-of rockabilly jangle-pop feel it has. Mark thanked everyone again, and said after the show we'd available for pictures and autographs, which made everyone laugh. But then, he got serious, and looked up to the sky and simply said, "Happy Birthday, dude! This one's for you!" Everyone cheered.

As soon as Matt and Scott started playing the beginning of "Someday Someway" I was simply amazed at their talent, more than ever. Twin guitarists! How cool is that??!! I started in, as natural as ever on drums. It felt perfect. Eric and I kept the beat, making a damn good rhythm section. Of course, Mark was excellent, that goes without saying. He was absolutely polarizing. He nailed the song, and it was evident he knew that he did. And major props to Townsend for inspiring us all along.

As we played on, it seemed to me that, in my mind, the sound got softer and softer. Oh, we were definitely playing, but I began to experience something that's never quite happened to me before. I could see us... I could see myself, but I eventually heard no music... no singing... no crowd cheers... no... nothing. Except a familiar voice.

"Pssst... hey... Rim-Shot!! All of this is so cool! You rock!"

"Townsend???" I was stunned. "TOWNSEND??? IS IT YOU???" I couldn't believe it. "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU BACK???" It was weird. I could see myself still playing my drums, yet I could feel myself getting up and walking over towards Townsend.

"No, Rim-Shot... I'm not really back. I'm just looking in. I watch over you guys all the time, you just never noticed."

"I never thought I'd get to see you – or talk to you – ever again.

"Don't worry, bud. It's all good."

"That day, at that airport... that was the last time I saw you, and talked to you. And I feel so bad..."

"Come on now, Kev. Life's too short to feel bad. I ought to know!" Townsend never lost his sense of humor, now did he!

"But what happened... the plane crash and all... that had to be horrible."

"Really, it was nothing. No one suffered. It all happened in an instant. There was a noise, I saw my mom and dad, my brothers, and my dog Cannon Ball... then everything turned white, like sunny-white, and that was it."

"But, if nothing had ever happened, it would have been you here tonight singing instead of Mark, you know."

"Mark's doing just fine! All of you are! Eric, and Scotty and Matt... and YOU!! You're my dudes, and I'm proud of you."

"Why are you here, Townsend? Why is this happening to me??"

"Take it easy, Rim-Shot. I'm not messing with you. I just wanted to say that you did a good job with all of this. Nick is fantastic! He sure is hot, and old Matty seems to be liking him a lot! You're doing a cool thing."

"Well that was my plan, since I've managed to screw up more than my share of things in the past. At least they're hitting it off."

"You know what, Kev? It's meant to be, that you did all of this... making Nick and Allie feel so welcome... introducing Nick and Matt...

"Do you really think so??"

"Yeah, I know so. Nick is really a symbol of hope, and courage, and optimism... in a world full of shit. Oops!! I'm not allowed to curse! Sorry!"

"Maybe St. Peter won't let you back in up there..." I chuckled. "And you could stay..."

"Nah... I think he's wanting me back right about now. He's getting ready to close the gates for tonight, so I better go..."

"No! NO!!! Don't go! Not yet!!" I pleaded. "I never got to say goodbye–"

"So, don't say it."

"Wait... will I see you again? Soon??"

"Not until... not until... well, OK... until... soon!"

"Oh my God!! You mean, I'm gonna d–" I wondered, fearfully.

"No, you're not gonna die anytime soon, silly. Not the way you think of the word "soon" anyway. But up there, we see life going by everyone sooo fast, you know! Days seem like seconds!"

By the time Townsend and I finished "talking," we were up on the roof of the house, in mind and spirit. I guess we were a little bit closer to where he's at now. When he left, I looked down into the back yard at everyone still enjoying the music as we finished playing "Someday, Someway." Yes, physically, I was, in fact, at my drums, playing away and loving every minute of it.

Was this all in my head? Was it all just another dream? All in my imagination? Was it just one more thing for me to process... one more chaotic thing? This night was definitely chaotic, that's for sure. There's no doubt about it. Controlled, but chaotic. A night of controlled chaos. Overwhelming, controlled chaos...

As we closed out the Marshall Crenshaw song, in memory of our good old buddy Townsend Miller, it all started to sort-of come together for me. Chaotic? Yes. But that's normal. And that's when the night began to spin and my world faded to blue...

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 45

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