Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Oct 31, 2008


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and, well, much, much more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission. Copyright 2008.

Thanks to everyone who has written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, -kevin.

Part 41.

After spending the entire day in New York alone, but not entirely by myself - as well as being away from Mark for twenty-four hours - I really didn't want to deal with anyone that evening. I was sort-of... exausted. Know what I mean?? My Dad was right, and I knew it... I'd been burning the candle at both ends, and I was running myself ragged. Not eating right, not sleeping enough and worrying waaay too much, about everything. I'll go along with that. Yeah, Dad's right. He always is.

Mark and I laughed our asses off when he pulled that little stunt... driving into Dunkin' Donuts. He did it just to tease me. But in all honesty, I wasn't joking one bit when I said that, about being "cream-filled." Mark and me fucking is just... the most excellent thing to do!

"You're kidding, right, dude... about getting donuts?? I seriously can't eat any more of those! Makes me sick just thinking about it!"

"I'm liking your idea better, sweetie!" Mark teased, as he circled around, out of the parking lot. "So tell me all about seeing Allie."

"OK, well... it was fun! We had lunch and stuff, like at this really cool restaurant she took me to. Everything there's made with lemons, somehow... I dunno... don't ask me... Anyway, we walked around a lot, then went to her's and Jon's place, but he wasn't there..."

"Ahh... I see... you and Miss Allie all alone in the old apartment, huh???"

"Come on, man, you know me better than that!" I chuckled.

"It's OK, sweetie! I trust you. I know you wouldn't fool around with Allie, cuz, you know... I'd have to kick your ass - and hers - if you cheated on me!"

"Um... no worries! I ain't planning on that!" I laughed. "You know, though, I think Jon's not half bad. I mean, I think he and Allie have a great relationship. He might say dumbass things now and then, but he's pretty much an OK guy."


"Yeah." I looked out the window while Mark continued driving around aimlessly. I had no fucking idea where the hell we were going, and I don't think he knew either. I spoke again, after a few minutes. "Um... I wanna tell you about Allie's brother Nick..."

"OK... tell me!"

"Well... I saw a picture of him!"

"Is he some cute stuff?"

"Um, yeah! He is!"


"Oh hell yeah... REALLY!" I smiled, shaking my head yes.

"Watch it, sweetie! I'm the jealous type, remember? No touching allowed!"

"Oh, get off it Mark! Can't I even acknowledge when another guy's kinda hot??" I knew Mark wasn't serious. "Besides, asshole... you asked me!"

"I know, I know..."

"Well, jealous or not, he IS hot looking, at least in the picture he is. He's coming to New York to visit, like, soon! And I wanna meet him. I want US to meet him."

"Yeah... OK, that's all good. And...??"

"And, um... there's something else I need to tell you..."

"Like... what? Allie said he's gay, right? Is it a big deal?"

"No... yeah... I guess it was, at one point... I'll get to that. But... the thing is... he can't hear," I said quietly. "Allie told me he's deaf, and that really bothers me. I mean, his hearing loss in itself doesn't bother me, it's that it's just not fair. I'm really sensitive about that kind of stuff, and it's not right, you know? Why does God do shit like that?"

"Wow! So... what do you mean? Like, does he have hearing aids or what?"

"No, no... I mean, he might, I'm not sure. I was just so stunned when Allie told me. She said he's got a cochlear implant, which helps, I guess. But the other thing that bothers me - and I guess it has nothing to do with being deaf, but it sorta does - is what she said about something that happened last year."

"And what was that?" Mark quizzed me.

"He had a relationship with another kid, and the news got around fast. I guess the guy's parents sorta freaked... and then it got ugly how some of the kids where he goes to school reacted and all. The sad part is, she said he didn't understand it all, like what was really going on. I mean, people oughtta get a life, you know?"

"Maybe he did know, Kev. Maybe Nick's just a really strong guy."

"Maybe. But Allie said he had a rough time, and that he got a lot of shit from people. She said their mom and dad were cool about it, though, so that's good. We're lucky, that everyone we know, they're all great. Well... except for Emily DeMarco."

"Hmm. Some people are genuine assholes, that's for sure. But, yeah, we are lucky. And Nick... he's OK, right? I mean, he's not fucked up or anything, is he?"

"No, I don't think so. He looked happy as hell in that family picture I saw."

"You know, Kev, I wonder if it's all just a case of Allie feeling bad about the whole situation. I'm not minimizing it... I'm just saying, she's here... he's there... she's not there to stick up for her little brother when shit happens. Keith was there to defend you. I'm sure Lisa would always be on my side... but Allie... she's far away from her brother and I'm sure that's part of it. What do you think?"

"I think you're right, kinda. But you know, I feel sorry for him too, and I haven't even met him yet. It just makes me sick that he's gotta deal with the hearing thing... that's gotta be difficult, I don't care what anybody says. I'm sure some people are cruel about that, too. Then, to top it off... he's gay, and we all know how not everyone accepts that either. They should, I say, but they don't. It's not fair, Mark, it's just not fair. I don't care what anybody says."

"You're right, sweetie," Mark said, understandingly. "I can tell you really feel strongly about this. You're sweet, Kev. Sweet. Plain and simple!"

"She said he likes music a lot, so we all have that in common! Even though I don't know how the hell he actually hears it. And he loves baseball, too!"

"Sounds like we do all have a lot in common. So... when are they coming and what are you thinking? Are you planning something?"

"You know me like a book!" I smiled. "So, OK, I'll tell you what I'm thinking, but I gotta talk to my grandfather about it. I'm gonna see if he can hook us up with tickets to a Mets game!"

"Sweetie... you don't like the Mets!"

"Well, fuck, I can give up my "Yankee Love" for a day! Stop fucking with me, and keep driving!!" We both giggled.

"And what else?"

"Well, I don't know... I was thinking, like, if we went into the city we could all go to Ground Zero or something. And I thought we could have everyone over at my house in the evening for a get-together, like maybe a cookout, and invite Nora and Amy, and all the others. Especially Matty Kramer!"

Mark really seemed to like that suggestion. "Sweetie!! That's brilliant!!! I bet Matt would totally love meeting him!!"

"Yeah, I got the idea a while back, just the way Allie had talked about Nick when we met her at Indian Ridge. And then, when we were at Fire Island... the way Matt was acting all bummed, and with his personality and all, I just sorta got the feeling they might hit it off. But who really knows, ya know??"

"Listen to me, none of us have even met this kid yet and we're planning what he's gonna do while he's here! Maybe we should ease-up on the 'making-plans.' He's a total stranger, just visiting his sister, who we also hardly know. Jesus, are we nuts?? He might not even like us!"

"Could be!" I smiled. "But, you know what? I feel like I've known Allie all my life. And I really feel like I gotta do this... you know... show a little love. Like, I gotta make up for all the assholes in the world... like Emily DeMarco."

"You're thinking about it way too much, bud. But I totally get where you're coming from, cuz that's just... you!"

"Really, Mark, thanks for understanding the way my fucked-up brain works!"

"Seriously, though, sweetie... I really do think it's awesome that you've thought this much about it all, and want to do this, for Nick... and everyone, really. It's cool. You know that, right?"

"Well, I don't know if it's all that cool. But I just felt like I've sorta made a few "people-mistakes," lately, and here's this kid I don't even know, but he's been given a raw deal... and I just wanna do something for him. And you know what? It's Allie who's cool... not me."

"Umm... just one more thing, Kev... how do we "talk" to Nick? I mean, none of us knows how to do sign language. So how's this gonna work?"

"Well. Allie says it really isn't a problem. He reads lips, and if she's with him, she signs, and it all just kinda happens, according to her. He's gone to a special school in Texas, so he really knows how to more-than just get by. Plus, Allie said as you get to know him, communicating is just... second nature. But watch... I'll probably start talking real loud to everyone and make an ass out of myself..."

"Don't sweat it, bud. You'll be fine."

"Umm... where are we going?" I noticed we'd been driving and driving and driving, talking and talking and talking, and hadn't seriously thought about eating.

"Hell, I don't know!"

"I know at first I said I didn't want to go to your house, with everyone there and all... but I guess maybe we should? I mean, not to eat or anything... and I would like to say hey to Lisa, since she's home from the hospital and all."

"Well, we could, if you wanna... I'm sure there is plenty to eat, if you decide you're hungry. And there's always desert!"

"OK, let's do it." I sorta changed my mind.

"I think it would mean something to my mom, if you showed up... even if we're late. I think she went to a lot of trouble..."

"Well, fuck! Why didn't you say something before?" I joked, as Mark looked straight ahead, smiling. "You fucker, you really know how to press my buttons."

My boy laughed and said, "No, I'd just like to un-button your buttons!" And he looked down at my crotch. That sorta made me blush!

As we drove over to the Graham's, I called my grandfather to ask about the Mets tickets. "Hey, Grandpa! It's me, Kevin. I was sorta wondering if I could ask a favor."

"What is it, son? What do you need?"

"I know this is huge, Grandpa, but is there any way you could get some tickets for a Mets game, like, soon. I mean, I'll pay for them and all. It's really important."

"Mmm... well, I don't know, Kev. I'll have to make a few calls. How many do you need?"

"Jeez, like... four... or, six... I dunno... eight... maybe... if possible?" Oh God, I shut my eyes when I said eight. I knew that was stretching things a bit.

"Oh Lord, Kevin! Eight? Maybe in the nose-bleed section... I might be able to get you six in the mezzanine level, but they might not be together. Four field boxes might be doable, though. What's this all about?"

"Well Grandpa, it's a long story, but I got some new friends, actually from out-of-town, like Texas, and they're gonna be visiting here in New York, and Mark and me, we're gonna show them around. The kid really likes baseball, so I was just thinking it'd be fun to take him to a game. I haven't said anything to anyone yet, until I talked to you first, of course."

"Does your Dad know about this?"

"No, Dad doesn't know... not yet. I'll tell him though. I haven't seen him today, and I just wanted to check with you first. Do you think you can get them?? Please, Grandpa! And remember, I've got my mowing-job money, so I really can pay you for them."

"Oh, about the lawn mowing... I guess you haven't talked to your father about that, either..."

"No... Why?? I haven't been home all day. I was in the city and Mark just picked me up from the train station twenty minutes ago." I got really nervous all of a sudden. "What's wrong? What's going on?"

"Well, talk to your father. He'll explain. Now, young man, let me see what I can do about getting you some baseball tickets."

"Thanks, Grandpa! I sure do appreciate it!"

"Talk to your Dad."

"I will, Grandpa. Love you. And say "hi" to Grandma for me! Catch ya later!"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, WAAAAAAAIIIITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!" my grandfather got my attention, at the last second, before we hung up.

"What?? What is it, Grandpa??"

"Did you just say you went into New York for the day... by yourself?"

"Yeah... is that a big deal or something?"

"Haha... your father did the exact same thing when he was your age. I remember it like it was yesterday! I was madder than a dog!!"

"You mean... you got all pissed... I-I-I mean... upset... because my Dad went into New York for the day by himself??"

"Oh, he didn't just go by himself... he took your Uncle Tom with him! On an "adventure" as they said. Let me tell you, when I found out about it, the two of them... they were in a heapload of trouble!"

"You mean, you didn't know about it at all?" I laughed.

"No, not ahead of time. But I got it out of them. It wasn't easy... your Dad can be pretty tight-lipped. I had my suspicions what they were up to, but eventually, he fessed up!"


"Yes, sir, I got him to talk and he learned an invaluable skill that shaped him into what he is today! He can get anyone to talk and admit the darndest things, can't he??!! Your Dad sure learned a good lesson!! I'm proud of him, you know!

I gulped. "Haha, you're right about that, Grandpa! Well I gotta go... so please let me know about those tickets!" I hung up just as we pulled into Mark's driveway.

"Is he gonna be able to hook you up with the tickets? Mark asked.

"Gosh, I sure hope so. I think he will. But he said some weird shit, like about my mowing job. And he went on and on about some kind of shit when my Dad was my age and all... God, I dunno. Anyway, I gotta talk to my father right away." Mark parked the Jeep next to Dad's Volvo in the Graham's drive, so good... he was definitely there.

We walked into Mark's house, all bubbly and smiling. Everyone was in the dining room, finishing what I could only imagine was some kind of "amazing" dinner Mrs. Graham might have cooked. All bets were on that it was probably frozen lasagna! Not that it's all that bad... but how much easier could it be?

"Sorry we're a little late, Mom. But we had a few stops to make after I picked Kevin up at the train station."

"No problem, honey." Then, being super-nice, Mark's mom talked to ME! "Mark said you went into the city by yourself for the whole day, Kevin. It's exhausting, isn't it?" she smiled.

"Ahh... yes, ma'm, that's right." I answered politely. I wondered if she was just being sugary-sweet because Dad and Mr. Graham's parents were there. Probably so. Whatever.

"Well, you boys must be starving!" Mrs. Graham said. "Get some chairs from the kitchen... there's plenty of room and plenty of food!"

"It sure smells delicious, Mrs. Graham. I bet you've been cooking all day!"

"Oh... no, Kevin. It's just a little something I threw together at the last minute. Practically."

Mark got the chairs and I shook hands with Grandma and Grandpa Graham, thanking them for letting us go to their cabin in the Catskills last winter.

"No problem, Kevin! I think I'll hire you and my grandson to fix up the place again this year, too. We'll get you started earlier, though, before the snow flies this time! I hear you two had it pretty rough up there, with that terrible blizzard! And you met my friend, Chief Grubek."

"Oh, him!" I sighed. "But yeah, it was fine!" I said, blushing. "Mark knew exactly what to do. Even though we were snowbound, he took excellent care of both of us! It was a lot of fun, actually."

"Good, good, good! I'm glad to hear you two had such a great time. And if I know Mark, I bet he DID know exactly what to do!"

If Grandpa Graham only knew what I really meant... and what he was really saying, about Mark "knowing exactly what to do" and "taking good care of us." I had to laugh to myself, because he and I were obviously thinking two totally different things!

Lisa had only been home from the hospital a couple of hours, but she looked tired, like she had the shit kicked out of her. But I went over to her and gave her a hug anyway. "How you feeling, Lisa?" I wondered.

"I'm OK, sexy!" She smiled and gave me a hug around my waist.

I caught myself before I actually said what I was thinking: "We're gonna catch the prick who ran you and Keith off the road. Wait and see!" I'm glad that I DIDN'T say it! Yet, in my mind, I was determined that's exactly what we were going to do, no matter who it was.

After Mark brought in the extra chairs, I sat next to Dad, and put a little food on my plate. But I didn't touch it, really. Since the others were pretty much done with dinner, I felt sort-of stupid eating anything since Mark and I were late. Remember, I didn't want to go to his house in the first place. But, in the end, it was best that we did show up, even if we were late. I did eat a dinner roll though, with lots of butter. I noticed Grandma Graham looked at me like I was some kind of weirdo when I put salt and pepper on it. She ought to mind her own business, I say. Mark must have really been hungry, because he chowed down like there was no tomorrow.

Above all the chatter of everyone else talking around the table, Dad leaned over to me and said quietly, "Kev, I didn't realize you were going into New York for the entire day - alone."

"Jeez, Dad! I'd bet money you probably did the same thing when you were my age... right??" Haha, I wasn't too much of a smartass, was I?

"OK, you got me there! I did go once, with Uncle Tom, and boy, did we catch hell for it! But that's not the point."

"Come on, Dad ... I told you all about it, remember? I said I was going to meet up with Allie Stewart, the girl Mark and I met when we went camping."

"Yes, I know, I know. I do remember you briefly mentioning that. I guess I should have paid more attention to what you were saying. It's fine, really. I was just surprised. I wish you maybe would have reminded me, or called... or... something..."

"Well, Dad, I survived just fine!"

"Maybe I worry too much."

"Yes, you DO worry too much, Dad! I'm a big boy now!"

"You sure are." He messed up my hair, and leaned back in his chair, smiling. "But I'm not the only one who worries too much!"

"Dad, please... no lectures. Promise??"


"Oh, and by the way... can I have a party? Nothing big, just a few friends. Maybe like, next week or something. I want to invite Allie and her brother Nick from Texas. He can't hear anything. He's deaf, Dad. So is it OK?"

It was Dad's turn to say "WOW!!!" "I suppose so, Kev, but we can talk about it...? That's a bunch of news in one sentence!"

"Yeah, but you'll like Allie, I'm sure. She wants to be a lawyer. And we want to show Nick around and meet our friends."

"You blurted it out that he's deaf, like there's nothing to it."

"I'm sure it'll be fine. I mean, Allie is totally cool about it all, and I guess Nick's the first to admit he's just like everybody else... he maybe does a few things in a different way... but he's a regular guy, like us. He likes music and baseball and..." Jesus, I almost said he's gay. I'm glad that didn't come out, but I'll be sure to give Dad more details about all that when we're not at the Graham's dining room table!

"Well, good, Kev. That's the right way to look at it... about anyone with disability, or anyone who may be a little different than yourself. We all basically want the same things... to accept others and be accepted by them, and not dwell on the differences."

"We also need to talk about something else, Dad. I called Grandpa just before we got here, cuz, see, I wanted to know if he could hook me up with some Mets tickets, and he said to talk to you about my mowing jobs."

"OK, we can discuss that later."

"Well, no... tell me now. Is there a problem or something??"

"Well, I mentioned to your grandfather that maybe you should keep your distance from the Lamson's until this whole accident investigation is over."

"You mean, I can't work for them anymore?"

"We think it would be best if you didn't. It's kind-of awkward, wouldn't you say?"

"But what about mowing for Mrs. Curry? I can still do her lawn, can't I? I'm liking the money!"

"Yes, I don't see any problem there..."

"Well, what should I do... about the Lamson's?"

"How long has it been since you last cut their lawn?"

"About a week. It's gonna need it soon."

"Let's just wait it out and see if he calls you. I have a feeling he won't. In the meantime, I've been meaning to give Lt. Kline a call and see how the investigation's going."

"I'm nervous, Dad."

"Don't be." My father was reassuring, but I still felt weird about things.

"Yeah, right, Dad. You know me... I'm nervous 24/7."

I really hadn't thought about the weirdness of what the Lamson's will do when they find out they're being investigated. Then again, I rationalized, until they know that it's me and my family that's directly involved, they might not put two-and-two together. Not right away, at least.

It wasn't long after mine and Dad's conversation that the evening at the Graham's was over. Everyone kind-of sensed that it was a good time to go, although Mark's Grandparent's were obviously not leaving. Dad shook hands with everybody and thanked Mrs. Graham for a "wonderful" dinner.

"Dinner was excellent, Ellen. You shouldn't have gone to so much trouble."

Mark's dad chimed in jokingly. "Ellen??!!?? She IS trouble in the kitchen, Kenny! Thank God for Costco!"

Dad kind-of raised his eyebrows when Mr. Graham said that about Mrs. Graham's extraordinary culinary skills. Mark looked at me, smiled and said, "whoa!!" Bets are on that the next thing Mrs. Graham serves will be Mr. Graham's head on a platter. Maybe on a stick!

Anyway, she sucked it up and smiled after that insult, and turned to Dad. "We have to get together with you and Debbie soon. Maybe next weekend?"

"Hey... that sounds good. I'm taking a few days off, so I'll give her a call and we'll plan something. We'll be in touch. Thanks again. Goodnight."

"Mark's gonna drop me off in a little while, Dad. I'll see you at home."

My father warned me not to make it too late. Mark and I left immediately after him and Keith, but we drove around awhile before going to my house.

"When do you think your grandfather will know about the Mets tickets?" Mark asked.

"I dunno. I know he'll get them though. I feel like calling him now, but I don't want to bug him... or seem desperate."

"I know what you mean. What will we do, just meet Allie and Nick at Shea Stadium, or what? And are you thinking about inviting Matt??"

"Yeah, it all depends, but that's what I'm thinking... like, Allie and Jon, Nick and Matt, and you and me. I'd like to ask Scott, too, but only if Grandpa can get more than six tickets. And if he only gets four, then we'll have to talk about it. I want you there for sure! And I thought we'd all come back to my house after the game and have everyone else there too."

We sat in my driveway for a few more minutes and talked. Well, the truth is, if you really wanna know... we felt each other up before we kissed goodnight. No, we didn't jerk each other off or give each other blow jobs. We don't do that ALL the time... just MOST of the time! But that night, we were both pretty beat, and in fact, Mark didn't stay over at my house. That was OK, even though he's always welcome in my bed, no matter how tired we are.

I sat on the front porch and yawned as I watched my guy back out and drive down the street, as the Jeep's tail lights disappeared past the trees. I kinda wiped away a tear as I looked at the end of our driveway... the fence still missing and the maple tree scraped up, all from the accident. That terrible night just won't go away. But, in the end, we all were lucky, especially my brother and Lisa.

I went inside, straight upstairs to the bathroom and peed. And I grabbed a ton of kleenexes and shoved them inside my underwear, so I'd have plenty to clean up with if I later decided to beat off in bed. Actually, there was no decision. That's EXACTLY what I did! Plain and simple! No lube, no drumsticks, no porn, no ass-fingering... just good-old basic jerking! I crawled in bed, pulled off my undies and grabbed my hard cock... and BOOM! Then I fell asleep.

I slept like a baby. And, in fact, I slept a little longer than usual the next morning... until 9:00, to be sure. God, I woke up anxious as hell. I mean, I slept good, but I guess I was so well-rested that my mind got busy all over again, thinking about Nick, the Mets tickets, planning a get-together and everything else. Not to mention what the fuck I would do if and when Mr. Lamson calls me.

I soooo needed a shower. My hair was matted and clumped together, sticking up and out every which way. I looked down at my crotch and my morning dick was doing the same thing as my hair: sticking up and out of my boxers! Damn! "I might have to take care of that again," I thought to myself.

"Might" wasn't an option. I had to use the bathroom, but, I had a quick awesome wank first. Seven blasts of hot spunk all over my hand and stomach in no time! I couldn't find the kleenexes I cleaned up with from last night, so I thought what the hell, I'll just wipe the jizz on my sheets and do laundry later in the day.

But wouldn't you know it, my cell phone rang before I was done taking care of the mess I made. I had no choice but to lick the creamy spoogalicious goo off my thumb and wrist as I was answering. It was Grandpa!

"Morning, Kev!!"

"Hey Grandpa!" I said, with some slurping sounds mixed in with the words.

"Son, did I catch you at a bad time? Am I interrupting your breakfast?? It sounds like you have a mouth full."

"Oh. OH!! No, Grandpa, it's OK... I was just umm... ummm, just having a little... something." Little did he know what the "little something" was that I was having!!

"Listen, Kev... You're lucky! I can spot you four field box seats, along the first base line for the August 6th game. I'm sorry I can't get you more, but these are darn good seats."

"Oh my God, Grandpa!!!! That's excellent!!! I appreciate it so much! Can I stop by and pay you later today?"

"No. They're on me. Save your money."

"No. NO, Grandpa! I mean it! I wanna pay for them."

"Kevin, I insist. They're the firm's tickets anyway, for clients. And, even though I'm your grandfather, you're sort-of my client! I give you legal advice once in a while!"

"Grandpa, that's sooo awesome!! THANK YOU!!!!"

I finally went to the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror...oh, what a dreadful sight! I really needed that shower! But as I was leaving the bathroom to go back to my room to get some clean underwear, I heard the doorbell ring.

I didn't know if Dad had called Lt. Kline or not, but either way, I had a pretty good hunch that something happened with the accident investigation. I looked out the landing window and saw a dark blue four-door Crown Vic parked in the driveway. My heart began beating wildly nervous, because that could only mean one thing: It was an unmarked cop car.


(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 42

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