Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Mar 26, 2008


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and, well, much, much more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission. ©2008.

Thanks to everyone who has written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, -kevin.

Part 37.

Keith and I sat there on Dad's bed, cross-legged, with our elbows on our knees and our hands under our chins, looking at even more family pictures.  We blew the dust off the photo albums, and page after page, we laughed in disbelief of what we looked like and things we did when we were younger...  Keith in his Little Mets uniform... me behind my first drum set, banging away! I wish I still had them, the first real drums I ever played, but I like my new ones too.  I still have my first pair of sticks, though.  I consider it bad luck to get rid of them!

It was sorta fun remembering what life was like for Keith and me when we were small.  Adding to the fun was listening to Dad telling us stories about growing up in the 70's.  The highlight was when he got out his high school yearbooks! So many of the guys all had long hair back then! Even Dad's was almost down to his shoulders. But he was pretty clean-cut in his senior portrait. He said we could thank grandma for that! She's a drill sergeant, you know! And it was amazing how our Uncle Tom, Dad's younger brother by two years, looked exactly like him!

Uncle Tom is a lawyer too, just like grandpa and Dad, and he lives in Chicago now.  He has a family and our aunt and cousins are cool, it's just that we don't get to see them that often.  They try to get back east every couple of years, and we've been to Chicago a few times to see them, too.  It's a lot easier for grandma and grandpa to visit them.

"Did you and Uncle Tom get along when you were growing up, Dad?  Like... were you and him friends?"

"Yeah... best friends, you could say. In some ways, Tommy seemed like he was older than me, I guess because Aunt Laura is five years younger than him. He wasn't the typical middle child. Once in a while he could be a pain, though, but overall, I couldn't have asked for a better younger brother. I miss him not being an arm's length away, now that we're older."

"But, did you two ever argue?" Keith asked.

"Oh, just the normal squabbles, I guess... a little sibling rivalry, now and then." Dad answered.

"Yeah, but did you guys ever get in any serious fights?"

"Only once," Dad answered. "I was in tenth grade, Tommy was in eighth -- he wasn't even in high school yet. And there was this girl -- a really, really special girl."  Of course we knew who the "special girl" was that Dad was talking about.  He was beaming, and still tightly holding that picture we'd been looking at that was taken in South Carolina years ago.  "She and I were just friends... really good friends," Dad continued. "We'd known each other forever.  But one day, I realized just how awesome she really was and how much I really liked her... a lot! It was the day I knew I was in love," Dad looked directly at me and smiled when he said that.  "But I was sorta shy..."

"As shy as me, Dad?" I asked, earning a few chuckles from him and Keith with that question.

"Not quite as shy as you, Kev, but close." Dad smiled.  "Anyway, I was trying to get up the nerve to ask her out on a "real" date, you know, instead of just hanging out, like we usually did.  Your uncle told me if I didn't ask her out soon, then he was going to! I got really mad at him for threatening to take my girl and I lost my temper, if you can imagine that.  We started yelling and shoving each other... then the shoving turned into a food fight... and the next thing we knew... a kitchen chair went through the wall."

"DAD!!!" Keith and I both exclaimed, wide eyed... totally amazed. "What did grandma and grandpa do?? Were you guys in trouble!?"

"Well, that's putting it mildly.  Your grandmother was pretty ticked, that's for sure... but more at grandpa than at Tommy and me."



"Well, she made us clean up the kitchen, of course, scrubbing the walls, the floor, you name it. Spaghetti was everywhere... on the ceiling, the woodwork... even on the curtains!  And this is so old-fashioned, but she made us apologize to each other and shake hands. Next thing... your uncle and I were friends again... giggling, laughing, talking... making plans..."

"So what happened next??"

"Well, grandpa said he wasn't going to fix the wall. He was going to leave the hole there so we would have to look at it every day, as a reminder of the behavior that put it there. When people would ask about it, we had to tell them the story -- straight out -- no laughing, no short versions, no attitude. It worked too... it was embarrassing. We learned our lesson. Except your grandmother was pissed because she had a hole in her kitchen wall the size of a dinner plate."

"Did grandpa ever fix it?"

"Yes... two years later, right before my graduation party!"

"Wow, Dad!  That's something you would do... leave the hole there to teach us a lesson.  You're sooo much like grandpa."

"He is not, you little twit.  Dad's always 'patching things up' for you... making it all good." Keith laughed.

I couldn't disagree with my brother, because deep down I knew it was true.  We both knew, though, that I was a little pissed that he said that, but I let it go.  It wasn't worth getting into another fight over.  See... I'm learning! 

"Dad, can we go to Chicago again, sometime soon, to visit Uncle Tom? That'd be so cool!!"

"I'm sure we could handle that," Dad smiled. "I need to call him anyway.  Who knows... they might have plans to come here, too.  It's been a while." 

"Not to change the subject," Keith whined, "but are we still gonna get something to eat???  You promised us Chipotle, you little hair ball!  I'm starved!" 

He was only teasing, but I still gave him the biggest eye-roll I could muster.  I gave him the finger too, which I thought Dad didn't see, but shit, I was wrong.

"I guess we got carried away looking at pictures and telling family secrets, and forgot we were hungry," Dad said.  "And Kev, I'd hate it if something happened to that finger, you know."

Fuck!!  I could feel myself turning red.  I get busted and Keith gets away with murder!  "Listen, I'll tell you what," I handed my brother twenty bucks.  "I'm gonna take my shower.  You guys go get it, whatever you want... it's on me, like I promised," I snickered.  "I'd like a barbacoa... no rice, no beans, no salsa... just cheese and guacamole.  Got that, or do I need to write it down?"

"God, Kev, you're so damn picky!"

"I think we'll remember," Dad said.  "Come on!"

"Oh, and get extra limes... and I want sour cream, too... on the side... you know, in one of those little plastic cup thingies!" I smiled."

"You mean in one of those sperm donor cups??" Keith teased, trying to be funny.

"No more of that kind of talk!" Dad warned.

"You're sick!" I snapped at Keith.  "Those aren't sperm donor cups!"

"Yeah, they are, you idiot!!!  That's what I heard!  I mean, I don't know for sure... myself... first-hand."  Keith was back-peddling now.

"Oh, sure you don't, you crazy fool!  Haha... Keith is a sperm donor, Keith is a sperm donor!" I sang teasingly.  The thought of my brother -- or me, for that matter -- being a sperm donor??  Eeewwwuuu!!!

"Boys!  Stop it!" Dad demanded.  "I don't want any holes in OUR kitchen wall!  Keith, get your ass in the car!"  Our laughter continued.

Thank God they left.  But I knew they wouldn't be gone very long... so, as planned, I took a quick shower, spending much less time in the bathroom than I usually do.  And, of course, as soon as I got naked, I was thinking about Mark and missing him.  He should have been in the shower with me, damn it!!  As I soaped up, my pole got nice and stiff and I couldn't resist jerking it.  Then I stopped, trying to take my mind off my hot dirty-blond boysicle... my Marksicle!  Lick Lick!

It didn't work.  My damn boner just wouldn't go down!  So I thought, OK, I'll make it a quick wank, sorta usual for me.  I played with my soapy-slippery balls and fingered my hole a little bit, sensing I was about to cum any second... but I stopped jacking... again.  I leaned back against the shower wall and my dick started to pulse as I continued to squeeze my balls and feel my ass. 

I waited a minute, then started to jack it again -- slowly -- taking myself right to the edge.  A nice blob of precum oozed out and I stopped again... for real this time.  I didn't cum, but let me tell you, edging was really getting me primed!!  Funny how I kept thinking about the "sperm donor cups" and thought it would be sooo hot to jerk Mark off and have him cum in one of them... "donating" to me!!!  I'd eat it!

As soon as I got out of the shower, I heard Dad and Keith pulling in the drive.  Wow!  I was right... it didn't take them long!  Food!!  I sorta daydreamed that it would be cool if Mark was waiting for me in my room, and that I could hear him calling for me as I turned off the shower.  I'd just have to run down the hall, wet and naked and jump on him!  Cuz, you know, there'd be no way I could get dried off fast enough.  I wouldn't even try.  I imagined him sprawled out across my bed, waiting for me, and all I'd have to do is get his clothes off too.

Well instead of my little fantasy about Mark, I bounced back to reality as I wrapped my towel around my waist. I got dressed in my room, changing into my new pair of spicy red CK boxers, then my jeans and just a plain white t-shirt.  I ran a nice amount of Citre-Shine through my hair, you know, to give it that wet look that Mark likes.  I swear, that stuff reminds me of precum!

It might have been hot during the day, but now that it was evening it cooled down a bit.  There was a nice breeze going, and it sorta felt like it might rain, so I shut my bedroom windows part way, leaving them open about a foot.  I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs to eat my barbacoa.

The food smelled sooo good!  Mmmm!  Maybe it's because I was super-hungry. Dad also got a couple of bags of tortilla chips!  Crunch Crunch!!  I opened two Code Reds... one for Keith and one for me, and unwrapped my barbacoa.  "God, look at this monster!  It's HUGE!!!!"  I started to gulp down my food, then chugged my soda and immediately got myself another one.  My father and brother sorta made fun of me for eating so fast.  Fuck it.  For once, I was really hungry... and thirsty, too!

"God, look at you... you got both hands around that thing!  You're supposed to take your time with it, Little Dude, not swallow it whole!"

So the exact minute Keith said that, I grinned... I mean, a really big seriously-evil grin!  I made my brother blush!!  Him -- not me -- for a change.  "Umm, I think I know what I'm doing, Keith."

"Oh, I bet you do!  You are sooo bad!!!"  He mouthed the words "deep throat" to me.

"Damn straight!"

"Alright you two, that's enough!" Dad warned, with a naughty smile on his face.

"What??  What'd I do???" I acted all shy and innocent. "I'll save the little plastic cups for ya, bro, so you'll be able to 'donate' some more!" I whispered to Keith.

"Just behave yourselves."  Dad changed the subject, asking Keith and me if we would get the big extension ladder out of the garage after we ate.  "I'm gonna put up the new weathervane tomorrow!"  Dad was so proud.  "It's a sailboat made out of copper!  Just put the ladder around back."

"No problem, Dad."

As soon as we ate, Dad and Keith both thanked me for buying Chipotle.  I told them it was the least I could do.  Dad cleaned up while Keith and I got the ladder out of the garage and carried it around to the back of the house.  "I guess we should just leave it laying here." I suggested.

"No, let's put it up.  Dad can adjust the height tomorrow, but this way it will already be up, so he won't have to do it by himself.  I'd rather put it up now than to have him drag our asses out here in the morning to do it.  I wanna sleep in!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right."  We propped the ladder against the house, actually kind-of by my bedroom window, then went back inside.  I don't know what Keith's plans were for the rest of the night, if he had any at all.  But I know I was pretty beat.  Maybe -- just maybe -- I'd have enough energy to jerk off in bed, finishing what I started earlier in the shower. If only Mark were there to help!

I excused myself to go up to my room to call my hot loverboy.  I was tired, but not too tired to talk to him!  I still wanted him to come over really bad.  I asked him -- no, I BEGGED him -- but he wouldn't give me a straight answer.

"Fucker!  Why are you teasing me??  Get your ass over here!"

"Haha!  You sound like you miss me!"

"Oh really??  Me...??  Miss you???  What ever gave you that idea??"

"Admit it sweetie, you miss me!  I'm your hook-up... your hunk of meat."

"I don't think you're just a hook-up and a hunk of meat!!  Damn it!!  I mean, you ARE, but not like THAT!!  Like, you're not just a sex object!  Well, you are, sorta, but... DAMN YOU MARK!!!  You know what I mean!!!" We were both laughing, trying not to talk too loud.

"See, I knew it!!!  I AM just a sex object to you!!!"

"Yeah... a sex object!  You're the object of my erection!"  I laughed.  (By the way... just hearing Mark's voice did, in fact, get me completely erected... INSTANTLY!!  AGAIN!!)

"You perv!  That sounds like a porn flick."

"Gosh, dude, what's so bad about that???  You'd be sooo hot in a movie!  I can totally see it now!"

"Easy, pervo!!!" Mark was laughing.

"Come on, Mark!  Can't you come over?"  I sounded like a squealing, whimpering pup, crying for a bone.  And in a way, I was!  Mark's bone!  "There's no reason you can't.  Like, what are you doing right now?"  I wanted an answer, damn it!

"Nothing.  Really, I'm just... hanging out.  Not really doing anything too important!"

"See!  That's just it!  You're not doing anything, and you could be right here with me!!  You're avoiding me!"

"Let's change the subject..."

"Noooo!!!!!  Jesus, you got me all worked up.  I am so fucking hard right now.  Shit, even YOU haven't seen my dick this hard.  I'm gonna fucking EXPLODE!!!"  I was rubbing myself pretty fiercely through my jeans.

"I know, I can tell!"

"And you're NOT turned on???" While I was talking I got my famous pair of drumsticks out of the box in my closet. "It's been a while since I had some fun with these!" I thought to myself.

"Seriously, sweetie, I wanna know what's up with your bookbag and the mysterious treasure you have in it??  What went down with all of that?"

"Really, Mark... I'd rather tell you about all that in person.  And I will, I promise. So pleeeeeeease come over!!"

"No promises, sweetie, but I'll see what I can do."

I hesitated for a second. "Um, we made up, Keith and me. You know, he and I got in that big fight, but it's all good now."

"Good, I thought so, but I was wondering about that too. I don't like it that you guys were all pissed at each other. I hate it when Lisa and I fight, but thank God we don't that often. The way I see it, you never know when something weird or bad is gonna happen, and I'd sure as fuck hate to be mad at her if something ugly went down."

"So, like, isn't it weird that we're not with each other tonight... at least not right now, and neither are Keith and Lisa??  I mean, I don't think they're together, as far as I know.  Then again, I'm up in my room, and I really don't know what he's up to.  He seems in a good enough mood, though."

"Yeah, I don't think it would mean anything, necessarily, just because she's been gone with her girlfriends all damn day.  But I think he's on his way over here to our house now, actually.  I guess they're going somewhere, even though it's late..." I was silent for a few seconds... thinking. "Kev???  Kev???  You seem distracted all of a sudden..."

I was on my bed, half-lying, half-sitting, my pillow between my back and the headboard, still listening to Mark and missing him more than ever.  My extreme hardness subsided a little, but not much. I held my phone with my left hand and slid my right one down in my pants to fondle my balls and rub my cock... my still-very-hard, throbbing cock!  Mark was right... my mind drifted for a moment...

"Oh, sorry... I was just thinking about something else..."

So like, my TV was on the History Channel -- volume turned down, of course -- and my computer screen was on, but my lights were off, and my room had this bluish glow to it that I love. Blue's my favorite color, remember? And red is my second favorite, you know! The only sound besides Mark and me talking was the low-level of music that I had just downloaded and was playing -- "Hands Open" by Snow Patrol.

By now I was flat on my back, on my bed.  I was sooo turned on talking to hot sexy Mark and it felt so warm and good down there... I think I moaned a bit.

"What was that??  That... noise?? Did you say something??"

"Huh??  Oh, nothing.  Hold on, OK?  Gotta put the phone down for a second."  I had to un-do the snap on my tight Levi's to loosen them up for my cock.  It was getting pretty crowded inside those red boxers! I pulled up my t-shirt, exposing my abs. And I slid one of my drumsticks down in my underwear and rubbed it across my hardon and around my balls. I was careful, you know. I'm not into torturing myself.

"Kev... are you OK?"

"Yeah, yeah... So, I'm gonna have to go it alone tonight, huh?  You're not coming over, are you? Even though I'm pleading with my life!"   "Chill, dude!  You always want to have your way, don't you?"   "Are you like, yelling at me?"    "I'm just keeping it real, dude."   By now, I was incredibly harder than before and kinda sticky.  I had my hand firmly around my stiff pole down in my red CK's.    "Hold on a minute, will ya??"  I had to use both hands to completely unzip and pull my tight jeans down.  I kept my boxers up but my right hand and the drumstick still inside them.

"Kev??  What are you doing??"

"Huh??  Oh, nothing!"  Like hell!  I was jerking -- slowly -- and rubbing my stomach with my elbow, if you can imagine that.  And moving my butt in sort-of a circular motion.  Fucking hot... fucking horny... fucking wanting Mark!

"Bullshit!!  You think I believe you're doing nothing??"  He was talking low, almost whispering.  "All I can say is I'm loving the red boxers!  And, my God... you and that drumstick! Mmmm, mmmm!" 

"WHAT????!!!!????"  My hand IMMEDIATELY came out of my underwear and I sat up straight on my bed!  "WHAT THE FUCK????  WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY????  WHERE ARE YOU????  CAN YOU SEE ME?? HOW DO YOU KNOW I HAVE ON RED BOXERS????"  I looked all around my room, like, to see if there was a spycam on me or something.  All I could hear was Mark laughing... on the phone... and it also sounded like he was in the room with me.  And he was... almost!

"HELLO!!!!!  Look out your window, sweetie!"

I ran over to my partly-closed, partly opened window, and holy shit!  Mark was out there on the fucking ladder looking in!  "You fuck!!!  What the fuck??  What are you... what are you doing there... on the goddamn ladder??  How'd you know...? How long have you been...??  Oh my God, Mark!  You fucking peeper!  You're watching me??  You ARE a pervo!!"

"Shut the fuck up and let me in!" He laughed. 

To say I was surprised is truly an understatement.  I was afraid he was gonna fall off the fucking ladder. "Get down, you asshole!"

"Sorry, sweetie... I couldn't resist this.  This is TOO good!!!"

"Oh yeah, you're real funny!  GET DOWN!! And be careful!!"

"I am, I am! Shit!! It's starting to rain!!" We were both laughing non-stop!

I pulled my jeans back on quickly and "rearranged" things inside them (wink wink) and met Mark downstairs to let him in through the French doors in the kitchen.  I was sooo happy he was there, that he came over, that he surprised me.  But he also scared the shit out of me and I wasn't gonna let him off the hook that easily.

"What the fuck??" I was all smiles.  You know how thrilled I was that he was with me.  "Get the fuck in here you fucker! Jeez, if you stayed out there any longer you'd be totally soaked and you'd have to take all your clothes off!" I looked him up and down, head to toe, my eyes staying on the rounded bulge to the right of his zipper a little longer than everywhere else.

"I have a feeling you're gonna take care of that whether my clothes are wet OR dry... FUCKER!!" Mark laughed.

"You got that right!" I teased... except I wasn't teasing! That's EXACTLY what I had in mind! "What ever gave you the idea to come over and climb that ladder...? How'd you even know about it?"

"It was just a wild idea... Actually, I really was planning to come over anyway, I mean I wanted to, even though it's late.  It's not just because you were begging me!  So, I was just leaving my house when Keith showed up... just a little while ago. We were just talking and he sorta gave me the idea... I asked what you were doing and he said you were just hanging out in your room, and also something about you and him putting up the ladder for your dad.  So I thought a little surprise would be in order."

"Well... you got that right, too!!"

"The look on your face when I said I love those red boxers... too bad I didn't have my camera."

"I'll just have to pose for you, then!!!"

"Seriously!!! You got it going on in those things, man. You're my hottie."

"Oh shut up... I'm not a hottie." Still, you have no idea how good it made me feel when he said that. "I'll pose for you, but on one condition: You gotta do something for me..." I shot him a sinister glance.

"Oh god... now what??"

"Umm... did you ever donate sperm?"

"YOU shut the fuck up... man, you're sicker than I thought!!"

"No, I'm not joking!  Well, I sorta am, but you'll see!"

I gotta admit I was startled by Mark talking to me on the phone and actually being outside of my bedroom window, on the ladder no less, looking at me at the same time.  It was wild.  And had it been anyone else, I swear I would have pushed the ladder over!  But no one else would ever do that to me.  Only Mark...

"Get something to drink, and grab me a Mountain Dew... I'll meet ya downstairs. I gotta get something from my room! Be right back." I ran up the back steps, two at a time, and poked my head in Dad's room.

"What's up, bud?"

"Oh nothing Dad. Mark's over. I know it's late, but it's OK, isn't it? I didn't think you'd mind!" I grinned. "We'll be downstairs watching a movie, alright? Oh, and I guess Keith's out with Lisa, so it's all good. G'night Dad!"

His smile was all I needed to know it was OK. I got my drumsticks -- you know the "special" ones -- and some lube. I was serious about what I wanted to do!

I flew down to the drumroom, in like, two seconds. I wasn't too excited, was I??? Things were looking up for me! I really can't complain, but you know what I'm getting at. Keith and I were getting along, the thing with the booze was resolved, for now. And Mark surprised me and showed up outside my room! Literally!!

Mark knew exactly what to do in the drumroom... the lights were off, except for the Christmas lights, and he already turned the music on, down low.  And he picked quite an eclectic mix of perfect fuck songs, I must say!  Very sexy!  Mark knows exactly the right songs... new... old... whatever.  I know it's mushy, and sorta corny, but the song "Everything" by Lifehouse was playing when I walked in.  Listening to that song only reminds me of how much we love each other.

"Here, sweetie, here's your soda. So what's with the sticks??

"Oh, you'll see!" Then, I practically attacked Mark. Not practically... I DID attack him! I kissed him and told him I loved him and I played with his hair and I wrapped my leg around his, twisting our bodies together as we stood there kissing and mauling each other. Our breathing got heavier, our hearts were beating faster and faster. And it goes without saying how hard my dick got. And Mark's did, too! I could feel it. I bit my lip kissing him so hard. In a matter of seconds my hands were down his pants, and his were in mine.

"I want that bad boy of yours," Mark told me, forcing me backwards onto the couch.  He didn't have to push me that hard because I was as light as a feather. After he undid my jeans and pulled them down to my ankles, I spread my knees as far apart as I could. He knelt down on the floor, between my legs and wasted no time getting his hands inside my underwear. "Oh Jesus, those hot-looking red boxers are too much!" he said, as he buried his face in my crotch.   I couldn't sit still as he put his hands up the leg openings of my red undershorts.  I squirmed with sheer delight as he played with my nuts and teased my crack with his fingers.  He worked my cock out through the fly and sucked on it wildly, bobbing up and down.  As he licked my hard pole, base to tip, I scooted down further on the seat of the couch, putting my feet up around his back.  Here, I thought I was the horny one, but Mark had me beat.

Finally, after I don't know how long, he stopped sucking, only to get my red boxers completely off.  But he kept them over his arm, sorta like a sleeve.  He started licking and sucking me again, this time alternating between my dick and my balls.  He'd take them into his mouth, one at a time, and gently roll them around.  That drove me wild!  He slurped up and down my rod, holding it at the base with his right hand.  I'll tell you, I don't know what the fuck kept me from exploding!

Well, let me tell you, when it was time to explode, I did!  Mark slathered his warm spit over my dick with his lips and tongue, then licked his middle finger and went in for the kill.  He didn't even play any foreplay with my hole.  He just shoved his finger straight in, all the way.  Oh my God, it felt sorta sharp and piercing, a little unexpected at first, but he soon synchronized his sucking and licking in perfect rhythm with the thrusts of his middle finger, sliding it in and out of my ass.  I swear I stopped breathing.  I was ready, and he knew it, too!  Maybe it was the way I had my legs damn near around his neck.  Maybe it was the way I tensed up every muscle in my body.  And maybe it was the way I savagely pulled his hair.  I shut my eyes.  He made me scream.

"OH GOD!!  FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!  FUCK I'M GONNA CUM!!!!!!!!! UUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!  OHGOD!! OHGOD!! OHGOD!! Ahhhhhh uhhhhh!!!  OH MARK!!!!!!! Uhh uhhh uh uh aaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Thank God the drumroom is soundproof.

He took his mouth off my dick to watch me spurt. I bent my head down to look, too. Together we watched my fountain shoot up and out... several nice shots landed on my stomach.  The first few were thin and watery, but the third one went the farthest and the last one was thicker and creamier.  As I started to regain consciousness, I realized the song "With or Without You" by U2 was playing.  We both started to giggle and Mark rubbed my jizz all around as he licked the sweat off my neck.

"What's so funny" he whispered.

"Nothing... just... that song.  When I thought we weren't gonna be together tonight, well, I just got hornier and hornier, and was determined I was gonna cum one way or another... with or without you, so-to-speak... but I'm glad it was with you!!"

"Oh, so you were planning a little solo action, I see! Not bad!"

"Go easy on me, Mark.  You gotta cut me some slack, you know."

"Uh-huh... right...! You are definitely the horniest guy on the North Shore of Long Island.

"I just can't help myself and it's all your fault! I'm the horniest guy on the North Shore because my boyfriend is the sexiest!" So then it was my turn to take care of him.  I was a monster working on Mark... as soon as I heard the next song:  "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin!  Oh. My. God!!!

After a few minutes of just kissing (I had to shut him up somehow) and touching his body all over (I had to work him into a frenzy some way) I went down on him. I had worked my hands down into his pants, once again, but took them out long enough to unzip his jeans and pull them down. He kicked them off, along with his underwear, and lay back across the couch. I licked his beautiful banana like a madman, coating it with a mixture of my spit and his sweet delicious precum. I used some of the excess to coat my finger and do to his asshole what he did to mine. But I also had other plans.

I didn't want to make him cum too soon. I knew I could if I wanted to... make him cum right away... that wouldn't be a problem. But I wanted this to last! After several intense minutes of fingering his hole and teasing his cock with my tongue, lips, and teeth, I reached for the lube. And a drumstick. I wanted to fuck him with a drumstick!

As you may recall cough cough I have practiced this technique a few times myself, on myself, with myself... by myself! And what a time I had! The minute I grabbed the stick, Mark knew what I was up to. I lubed up his already moistened hole, making sure I got plenty all around and inside him. I kissed the end of the drumstick, then smeared a bit of KY on it, too.

"Oh, you're not, are you??" he smiled.

"Oh, yes I am!" I answered, in a whisper. "You're gonna love it! Enjoy!"

I must tell you that I, myself, was so turned on, wanting to do this to Mark... to drive him into outer space... that my own cock was still rock-hard and throbbing. And leaking some serious precum! A big stream of it dripped onto my leg and it felt cold, momentarily distracting me. I scooped it off my thigh and licked my finger. Delicious!

Focusing on my intended target, I pushed his legs up to his chest and set my sights on lining up the drumstick with his asshole, which was now more in plain view than before. Beautiful! I inserted it slowly... gradually at first... pushing it in farther and farther, smiling as he whimpered and moaned. I got it in him pretty deep, then slowly pulled it out... then plunged it back in, then back out... then in, then out... in... and out... in... and out!  Each time his hot pink opening squeezed around the drumstick and his balls moved up tightly inside his sac.  Fucking Mark with my drumstick and watching and hearing him was such a turn-on for me that I thought I was gonna cum again myself!  And I wasn't even touching my dick! (I didn't though... not then).

In fact, I was so excited that I might have gotten a bit carried away, pushing the drumstick waaay up his ass -- maybe a bit too far -- but he never complained.  In fact, it was the opposite.  After a while, I was gonna stop, but he begged for more.  So I obliged!  I thought about putting the other one in him, too... both at once, but decided not to.  We'd have to save something for later!  However, I did apply more KY and rubbed it on his balls and the area between his nut sac and asshole... the part of Mark that pulses as he cums. I love to watch that. 

I would have rimmed him too, while I was fucking him with the drumstick, but I didn't think I'd like the taste of the KY.  Oh well, I could always clean him up and have a taste later!  Lick, lick lick!  All the while I had been working on his bunghole with my drumstick, Mark had been slowly rubbing his huge hard cock.  I had a few tugs on it too, and he managed to ooze out quite a stream of his clear sticky goo, just like me!  So I did lick that off of his smooth tummy.  Then I lay down on top of him, our chests, stomachs and dicks mashed together... and I French kissed him.  It felt like we were swallowing each other's tongues! 

We were both a mess.  Sweaty, sticky, quivering, twitching... wanting more.  It was time for Mark to fuck me.  I broke away, only long enough to grab a condom and roll it on his throbbing pole.  We finished getting all of our remaining clothing completely off, and I got on my back, while Mark took his place between my legs. Our eyes were locked on each other's.  He lubed me up damn good, then did his thing. 

I think I sorta lost consciousness, at first.  I was sooo mesmerized by what we were doing... what Mark was doing.  I have to say, Mark's and my sexual "activities" have been hot and heavy quite a few times... in fact, everytime!  I held my breath for just a second when the roundness of his dickhead popped through my tight hole, and then he drove his entire length into me in one thrust.  Neeedless to say it's bigger -- much bigger -- than a finger or a drumstick!  It tingled and bit, but didn't hurt.  Nothing was weird.  This was more than lust or the instinctive need to get off.  But I will say... we were animals. Wild animals.

This time was... intense, to say the least.  I dunno, this time, something was different.  Maybe it was just how much we both wanted each other, maybe more than ever before, if that's possible.  What was awesome beyond words, was that a year ago, I would have never thought I'd be doing this... having these feelings... not just having sex, with a guy no less. Never in a million years would I have thought that this would be me... me and Mark... that this is what's right, for him... or for me. 

But what IS the same, is that's the same thought I have -- and the same feeling I get -- every time we fuck.  Yet each time it's different than before, and just as special and just as awesome and just as incredible and hypnotic and intoxicating as ever before, because Mark's electric... he's electric and electronic, and he takes my breath away with each thrust and I feel like he's splitting me in two and we pick up speed and I want him in me deeper and deeper and he goes in me deeper and deeper because he reads my mind and knows that's what I want because I know it's what he wants, and I want him faster and faster and rougher, and his eyes go right through mine and his tongue goes in my throat as far as his dick goes up my ass and we're both wet with sweat and I don't want to cry, but I love him too much and we can't stop and I don't want him to stop and it's like an out-of-body experience, now, and every time we fuck, because the room's spinning and I'm seeing stars and he makes

! me scream and he's screaming too, because I'm making him scream because we're both wild... just wild and out of control and our hearts are beating faster and faster, beating out of our chests, like they might stop, and we're getting louder and louder and we're soaring higher and higher, like we're in the ozone, and we're falling at the same time because there's no gravity, and it feels like now we're one body, because now we're all tangled up and intertwined, and we're hot... so hot, and we've melted together, and I'm feeling everything yet nothing at all, and I don't know how but somehow I know his cock is getting bigger and bigger inside me and feel mine getting bigger and bigger in my hand and everything is a blur and I can't see, but it's all perfectly clear what's happening... 

I do believe I stopped breathing. Mark collapsed on top of me, and he slowly took his dick out of my ass. I was still hard -- and stayed hard -- and my poor cock wasn't the only thing that was twitching. I came so much, my creamy mess was all over my skin and Mark's. Although my ass was sorta numb, I still felt full inside. Both of us were drenched with sweat, the salty taste I loved as we kissed. And speaking of full, that's exactly what the condom was -- full -- full of Mark's white boy juice. You know, I'm all about safe sex, but really I trust Mark completely. I wanna bareback again, and we will. But the condom does make cleaning up just a little easier.

Basically, I'm not much of a cuddler, except with Mark. We stayed hot and naked for a little while, snuggled up and sweaty, and I know it was late... like close to 2 in the morning. Finally, we put our underwear on, then some of our clothes, and went up to the kitchen to get something to drink, because... damn, we were thirsty! Really, we didn't talk much, we just mumbled and giggled, but we knew what we were saying.

"I'm spent, dude!"

"Me too," I yawned. "Where do you wanna sleep? Downstairs or up in my room?"

"Doesn't matter, sweetie. I just might sleep sitting here at the kitchen table. My legs are mush!"

"Funny, Mark... real funny! Blame me!" I teased. But my legs were tingly, too. So was my whole body. But that's nothing new. I tingle when I'm within 100 feet of Mark. It's got nothing to do with having sex. Well... maybe it does...

Mark and I sat there, across the kitchen table from each other, holding hands, both with that "just-fucked" look on our faces, not wanting to move. But the loudest crashing boom you could imagine broke the spell. We sat straight up, in disbelief! "WHAT THE FUCK??" The screeching tires, metal on metal... popping sounds, hissing sounds, blunt sounds, breaking glass and horrific screams. This was too close. We heard it all, like right in front of the house. The windows were still partly open, because the rain was only a drizzle. The accident... was in front of our house.

We jumped up and ran through the foyer, out the front door in a matter of seconds. Dad was woken up by the booming crash as well, and flew down the front steps... he was right behind us. Our incredible sex was all but forgotten... simply something in the past, after what we saw at the end of my driveway.

"Dad!! That's Keith's car!!" The three of us ran towards it in shock. Dad was under control, I think. I was, I'm sure, although I was quite numb... as I frequently am.

But I felt so helpless seeing Mark come unglued.

"LISA!!!!!! OH GOD, NO!! LISA!!!!!! NOOOOO NO NO NO NO!!! LISA!!!!!!!!"

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 38

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