Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Sep 7, 2006


This story is about gay teen sex stuff, but you probably know that by now. It's about how I met my friend and jack-off buddy and is based on true experiences. Hey, if you're too young or it's illegal for you to be reading this, then you better not. Thanks to all of you who have written asking me to continue. So now I will, with some help from my imagination, and, believe it or not, some help from him. Some of the names have been changed for privacy. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted. Thanks for your emails; I appreciate your continued comments! My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, kev.

Part 3:

I woke up a little late Tuesday morning, with a boner beyond belief. Something must have been going on during my sleep, because my pole was pointing straight out of the fly of my boxers. I really had to piss, so I climbed out of bed, hardon and all, and pounded on the bathroom door. I begged Keith to let me in, but all he did was shout "No, use Dad's." As I fumbled through my Dad's bedroom into the master bath, my boner went down, thank God. I put up the toilet seat, pulled down my underwear and stood there.

I couldn't piss. I looked down at my dick, pulled on it a little, and spit into the toilet. Nothing. I held my breath and squeezed my asscheeks together. Still nothing. It's like my piss slit was glued shut or something, I guess from dried pre-cum? Then...a big glob of something clear and thick came out of my penis and hit the water, making a big splash. Holy shit! It looked like an egg white coming out of my dick! It must have been a build up of jizz and pre-cum. Finally I was able to piss and it was all good, thankfully! I hurried up and showered, smeared some of my brother's Citre-Shine through my longish brown hair, and brushed my teeth. I skipped breakfast and begged Keith for a ride to school. I can't believe he was nice enough to give me one.

I got to my locker and Mark was waiting there for me, with that killer smile that sends me into orbit. That was a pleasant surprise because I didn't have to wait all day to see him. He asked me if I woke up late and I said, yeah, a little. Then he asked why, was I up late thinking about him, because he was up late thinking about me. I blushed and said yeah, again, and told him I was playing my drums for hours and that my hand was pretty sore. He said his hand was pretty sore too, but not from pounding his drums! "Later" he said as he winked and walked away. I stood at my locker and drooled, lost in thought. "Earth to Kevin!!!"

At lunch, I was grabbing a Mountain Dew 20oz. from the soda machine, and I saw Mark again as he was leaving the cafeteria. There was that smile again! We said "hey" and he leaned into me and whispered laughingly "Dude, I'm not wearing any underwear!" Forgetting where I was, I shouted "No fuckin' way!!" and I reached up to high-5 him. But as I raised my arm I must have stepped back and I accidentally hit this girl behind me, who was trying to get a tray. The dumbass was on crutches, and she fell, screaming at me. That drew a crowd, including a teacher who was on cafeteria duty. I had never seen this skaggy bitch before, her name was Emily something-or-other. She was fat and had huge tits, a big nose and sort-of a mustache. She had more hair on her upper lip than most guys in our school. (If her face looked like that you could only imagine what kind of rug she had on her pussy, LOL!).

As I was hauled into the office I lost all sight of Mark. I wished he'd have come to my rescue, but no luck. The assistant principal asked Emily her side of the story, then mine. She blasted me, saying I "assaulted" her and ordered her to "Get out of my fucking way." I denied it. I said I was high-5-ing my friend Mark Graham who just aced a big test (little lie there!), and I didn't mean to hit Emily. I didn't even know she was behind me. I tried to say maybe she lost her balance being on crutches and all, but Mr. Hartman didn't buy it. Emily was going on and on, saying I was "out to get her." (Listen, she could easily whip my ass, she's about 3 inches taller and must weigh a hundred pounds more than me. I'm only 5'9" and I think about 140 now. Look at me...do I look like the aggressive type?).

Bottom line: I got a two-day out-of-school suspension, mostly for shouting the "f" word. That meant I was the one who was fucked. I'd get all zero's for missed assignments those two days, including tests, and I wouldn't be allowed to make up any work. It was all my fault. Mr. Hartman called Dad at work and told him about the situation, and I was sure Dad would kill me. Dad always said if we got in trouble at school we'd probably be in trouble at home too. But somehow Dad performed magic and got my sentence reduced to a two-day 'in-school', which would allow me to get credit if my teachers were willing to accept it. And I'd get to serve my time after Thanksgiving break! Lucky me...prolong the inevitable!

After it was all over I went to the two classes I missed that afternoon to explain to my teachers what had happened. They already heard, but both still let me turn in my homework. It was 3:05 and when I went to my locker and opened it, there was my bottle of Mountain Dew with a note from Mark. It said "Sorry I drank some. Call me tonight, M." I looked all over for him but couldn't find him. I wanted to talk about what happened in the cafeteria. Since Keith had something going on after school, I couldn't get a ride, so I walked home by myself. I drank my Mountain Dew, putting my lips where Mark's had been. Yum! I even ran my tongue around the bottle opening and stuck it inside, pretending I was frenching Mark. But then I stopped, thinking that if anyone saw me doing that they'd think I was some kind of perv.

I walked up the driveway and saw Dad's car in the garage. He must have come home early. I went in the house and he was waiting for me, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Dad hugged me and told me I wasn't a bad kid, and not to worry, it's over. He said he backed me 100% and if Emily or her parents wanted to pursue it he'd handle it from there. But Dad did say he didn't approve of me saying 'fuck' in school, but he'd overlook it this time. I made sure my head was turned when I rolled my eyes around. If he only knew why I said it in the first place! And I also made sure my head was turned so he wouldn't see the tear in my eye when he told me he loved me, no matter what.

I grabbed a pretzel stick and went to my room to call Mark. I asked him if he could come over, and he said he would after dinner. When he got to my house Dad said I was up in my room, just to go on up. Mark sat beside me on the bed and kissed me, waking me up. I must have dozed off. He gave me a kleenex to wipe my chin because I drooled all over the place. I asked him why he disappeared from the cafeteria when the shit happened with Emily and he said he had to get to his next class. And after school his Mom picked him up to get his new contacts. He told me Emily was a fucking fat-ass cunt and to forget about her. He was like "God, did you see her tits? They're huge! It's like Queen Latifah says, when she rides in the car she sits in the back seat and her tits sit in the front seat." We laughed and laughed, then laughed some more, just sitting on my bed, looking at each other and laughing.

Then Mark got serious all of a sudden, and said all the shit that happened was his fault. He said it started because of what he said to me, and that's what got me into trouble. He hugged me as hard as he could, squeezing me like a boa constrictor.

I said, "Mark, there's no way you're responsible for me getting suspended. I shouldn't have gotten so overly-excited just because you were teasing me like that, about not wearing any underwear." Mark looked me straight in the eyes, with our lips about one centimeter apart and said he wasn't teasing. Then he kissed me again, so seriously. Our hands were all over each other, up and down our backs, our shoulders, our inner thighs, everywhere. That wet, open-mouth kiss allowed us to ram our tongues down each other's throats, until we almost choked. If I died choking on Mark's tongue, or his dick, that would be fine with me. A happy death!

My cock quickly rose to the occasion, straining to get out of my pants, and I fell back on my bed. Mark reached over to turn off my desk lamp with one hand while fondling my hard pole and balls through my jeans. I slid my right hand down the back of his pants now that he was half-on top of me. He was right! No joke! No underwear! I was trying to unzip him while remaining lip-locked, and keeping one hand cupped on his ass, kneading it. I had to be really careful because I didn't want to get any hairs or skin from his dick or bag caught in the zipper. Ouch! That would have ruined the moment, for sure.

Mark had my shirt over my head and my jeans opened, and the head of my dick was poking out of the elastic band of my underwear. I kept trying to unzip him, with not much luck, and he said he'd take over. I loved making out with Mark like that, I loved it! He pulled his pants down around his ass and got fully on top of me. We rubbed our cocks together, "dick-kissing" as we smeared our sticky pre-cum on each other. God were we leaking! That is SO hot! I grabbed his hardened tool with my right hand began to jerk it. I found his butthole with the index finger on my left hand. It was a little dryer than the last couple of times, but that didn't stop me from trying to get in! I stuck my finger in my mouth and got a good amount of spit on it, then went back to work on his hole. God that tasted good!

Mark was kissing and licking my neck, then moved to my little nipples. He lightly bit on the left one, which made me let out a little moan. My turn! I spit-slicked another finger and got two in him, pretty far up his ass, which made him eek out an "Oh God!" I thought to myself someday I'm gonna stick more up his ass than my fingers. We stopped licking and nibbling to laugh a little bit more, but not for long. We got into a sixty-nine and mutually sucked each other's hardons. I licked his hairless nutsack, taking his perfect egg-shaped balls into my mouth one at a time. I gave each of them quite a few tugs between my lips. Mark sniffed my little patch of brown pubes and licked my cockscicle from base to tip. He had a firm hold on my rod and as he grazed his teeth over the head, my balls drew up, my stomach muscles tensed and exploded all over his face. At least six hot blasts of my juice covered his lips, cheeks, chin and his hand. I heard Mark whisper, "Cum on, boy, give me more!"

I needed to taste his cum now, it was his turn to release his hot white liquid, into my mouth. I sucked on him harder, and jacked him in rhythm with my mouth. Believe me, Mark has plenty to hold onto and suck at the same time. With my mouth full of cock, I started to hum and he started to cum! And didn't seem to stop. I could feel his rectum grip and release my fingers with each spurt. I tried to drink his delicious stuff, but some dripped out of my mouth. He licked it off my chin and kissed me. We both got to taste him! We continued to lick each other's lips, tongues and teeth and giggled. It seemed like forever for our dicks to go soft. If this was the weekend and Dad wasn't downstairs, we would have gone at it again, I'm sure. I thanked Mark, not for the sex, but for just being him. But I didn't want to get mushy, because I had too much emotion for one day. I told him I couldn't believe Thanksgiving was in two days. Tomorrow we would get out of school early. He said yeah, and that his family was going to his relatives in Danbury for the holiday and they were leaving right after school. I got sick to my stomach when he told me that. I wouldn't be able to see him or talk to him for, what, three or four days?

He asked what we were doing and I said I didn't know, it would just be Dad, Keith and me and we'd probably go out to dinner with my Aunt Laura and her new husband. Whoopie! We were still sitting on my messed-up bed with our pants down, but with now-soft cocks. Mark had an idea.

"Dude! Maybe I could come back on Friday and then we can just hang out for the rest of the weekend, just me and you! Let's do it!" I was like, "Yeah, but will your parents say it's OK? Won't they want you to stay in Danbury?" Mark said his Mom would probably give him a hassle about it, but his Dad would cave in, so it's as good as a done deal. We got our clothes back completely on, just in time. I heard Keith come up the steps. It would have been a disaster if he barged in on us. You know, my brother isn't one to respect other people's privacy.

Mark kissed my neck and said he had to leave. I felt so much better, but at the same time didn't want him to go. Keith met us in the hall and offered to give Mark a lift since he was going to their house anyways to see his sister Lisa. Keith said he knew the Graham's were going out of town for Thanksgiving, but Lisa was wanting to come back on Friday, and Mark said cool, he did too! He winked at me and gave me a thumbs-up. With both of them wanting to come home early their parents were sure to say yes.

I went downstairs and b-s'd with Dad for a while since I was in a much better mood. I asked him if we were definitely going to Aunt Laura's for Thanksgiving dinner, and he said no. He had another idea instead. "Why don't we go into the city Thursday morning for the parade? We haven't done that since you boys were little. It'll be fun, even though you're both a little too big for parades. But we'll just hang out, do whatever we want and maybe have a late dinner, just the three of us." I was excited. "Dad that's awesome! Please, yes, I wanna go! Are we taking the train in?" Dad smiled and love-tapped me on the head, messing up my hair. "You got it big guy!"

Then it was my turn for an idea. "Dad, Mark and his family are going up to Danbury for the holiday, but he and his sister want to come back early, like on Friday, because, well, I think Keith and Lisa have plans. So would it be OK if Mark stayed here with us for the rest of the weekend?"

"Not a problem, son."

"Yesssssss!" I high-5'd Dad, but didn't knock anyone over this time!

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 4

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