Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Apr 18, 2007


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and, well, more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to everyone who has written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 23.

It's all making sense now. I sort-of remember Mrs. DeMarco working at the main desk in the library; she's like a supervisor or something. But, believe me, it's not like we know each other well. It's one of those "where-have-I-seen-that-person-before" kind-of things. I'm probably as vaguely familiar to her as she is to me, although I'm sure Emily has pointed me out to her, or at least described me. The sad part is, those two witches think they know the real me, but they don't have a clue. Huh, the real me and what they think they know... light years apart. Yup, that's the sad part.

Now that I think about it, she's not a bad looking woman, Mrs. DeMarco. Slender, maybe in her late forties. I guess I remember her smiling and being in a nice-enough mood, the few times I've seen her. But what the hell do I know?

What I'd really like to figure out is how she could have such an ugly, skanky bitch for a daughter. And mean, too! They have to be in cahoots together, against me. It's a conspiracy, I can tell. It may seem like Mrs. DeMarco is nice, at least to the public, while she's at the library, but my suspicion is that she's every bit the bitch her daughter is. After all, she did get bounced out of Walgreens the day Emily spilled the Mountain Dew all over the place and tried to blame it on me. How did Arlo put it?? "...I saw that and I threw her ass outta here, and her mama, too... Told 'em don't come back!" See, they really are haggy old bitches. Both of them. And then some!

I called Mark. My nerves had gotten the better of me, and I paced back and forth on the sidewalk, rolling my eyes, thinking, "Come on, damn it... answer the phone..." I was impatient.

Finally, he answered, on the third ring. "Hey sweetie! What's up?"

"Mark, come and get me, I'm at the library."

"You're a little early aren't you?"

"Just get here. Now, please! I'm waiting out front."

"What's going on? You sound out of breath."

"Just get here, OK? Hurry!"

I waited out by the curb, freezing my ass off, and sure enough Mark pulled up a few minutes later. "Hop in," he said, as he flipped open the door from the inside. "You're as white as a ghost, sweetie. What-the-fuck??"

"You got here really fast. I owe you a blowjob or something."

"Seriously, what's wrong?" Mark wondered.

"It's Emily-Bitch-DeMarco... That's what's wrong."

"Now what has she done? Did she do something to you? I swear I'll..."

"No. She didn't do anything, actually..." I interrupted. "OK, I saw her. Back there. She even waved to me. What does she want from me? It's like she's stalking me or something."

"I dunno... maybe she is." Mark said, grinning.

"Well, I figured out why it seems like I... or, we... run into her at the library all the time. Her mother works there. Emily drops her off and picks her up. Sometimes the bitch even sits and waits."

"You're kidding! Jeez! Imagine that... her mom really works there? At the library?"

"Yeah, you'll know who she is. I'm sure you've seen her, like at the main desk. And you know she's the one who complained to Mr. Hartman about me. She must be a fucking royal dumbass to believe Emily."

"Yeah sweetie, but... I'm not defending her or anything, but... Emily is her daughter. Of course she's going to believe her."

Even though I knew Mark was right, I glared at him in contempt. (Yeah right, LOL!) "I can't believe you said that. You fucker, you're probably part of their little conspiracy to get me. That's it!! Let me out right here!!" I acted like I was going to open the car door...

"No! No, sweetie, don't get out..." Mark caught my smile. Yes, I was upset about seeing Emily, but Mark makes the bad go away so fast. I mean, I felt better already, the second I heard his voice on the phone. And when I saw the Jeep pull up... and when I got in it and saw his face. And when he leaned toward me and I felt his body heat and smelled his scent... and his breath...

When I get crazy, Mark makes me sane again. Just him. "She makes me sick," I ranted, "Sicker than a dog!"

"Calm down... just... calm down."

"Shit!" I said. "I gotta renew this book, that's the whole reason I went there in the first place. I just flipped out when I saw them, and I called you, but I guess I can do it later."

"Give it to me. We'll go back and I'll get it renewed for you." Mark offered. He's doing so much for me, I guess he's really racking up the blowjobs!

I finally did calm down, and got my shit together, after we got to Townsend's and practiced. I was actually getting into rehearsing with such talented musicians, especially Townsend playing piano and singing "Red Hot". He's really good, better than Robert Gordon, actually, the guy who really sings it. Not bad for a rockabilly tune, which really isn't my favorite. But it's fun. The Kramers' guitar playing was outstanding, and, well Eric on bass made for an excellent rhythm section with Mark and me banging the drums (and each other!). The whole thing was hot! I definitely felt we were ready for our performance, which was less than a month away.

Mrs. Miller yelled down that she left money for pizza, and that she was going to the airport all the way out in Islip to pick up Townsend's dad. His company's jet flies a shuttle to Pittsburgh and back every day, and Mr. Miller had been away there for a few days on business. I guess he stayed over an extra day to visit Townsend's brother Christian, who goes to Carnegie Mellon. She said they'd be going out to dinner and would be home late.

After the pizza we all just b-s'd awhile, and I guess about eight o'clock Mark and I left to go back to my house. Eric and the Kramers were still at Townsend's. Jeez, Mark and I were the party poopers that night! (Actually we made our own party, LOL!) When we got home, Keith was just leaving to go out with Lisa, and told me that Dad was having dinner (just dinner... not really a "date") with Ms. Kirsch, the psychologist at school. I had a feeling those two hit it off, but Dad insisted it was only casual, that they had a few things in common.

I was OK with that, them having dinner. I guess I just didn't realize they had been talking about other things... like, things other than, well, me. I sat at the breakfast bar a minute, thinking. Why hadn't Dad told me up front that he was going out with Ms. Kirsch. They must have been talking quite a while, because the 'incident' at school when they met was back in November, and then with the holidays and stuff. Was Dad keeping this from me for some reason? I hope there wasn't anything wrong with our relationship. I wanted it to be that Dad and I could tell each other everything. Well... almost everything. I guess I answered my own question.

"You know what?" I told Mark, "It's cool if my Dad goes out with Ms. Kirsch and all, I guess. I just don't want them getting married or anything, and her moving into our house. That'd be weird, you know?"

"Look, Kev... just chill out, dude... they're only going out to dinner, that's it... just dinner, for the first time. Don't worry, I don't hear any wedding bells, OK?? Don't jump to conclusions for God's sake!"

"I know, I know. You're right (as usual). But why didn't he tell me they were getting together? Why did I have to hear about it like it's no big deal, from Keith of all people?" I must have still looked a little bummed because I got the much-welcomed arm-around-my-shoulders from Mark.

That little tongue-lashing he gave me wasn't the only tongue action I got. He put his lips to mine and gave me a long, wet, deep kiss. It took two seconds to realize we had the house to ourselves, at least for a little while. We kissed on the back steps, actually laying down on them. Check it out, it was hot making out on the steps in the dark like that. At one point I was upside down with my feet up, almost on the middle landing, and my head in Mark's lap, giving him head. We stopped there, for a moment, but got upstairs in the hallway, lights still off. I went down on him again. Mark was leaning against the wall, just outside my room, while I took off his shoes and got his jeans down around his ankles. The whole time I was sucking his pole and kissing his nuts. He stepped out of his jeans and boxers, and looked so hot naked from the waist down with his t-shirt touching the top of his ass. He grabbed his stuff and we went into my room, falling on the bed, liplocked.

He opened my shirt and started licking and sucking on my nipples. As he un-did my jeans, he slid his hand in my underwear through the leg opening and was jacking me with my underwear still on. The elastic waistband was rubbing against the head of my cock and it felt great. We kept up that pace... the kissing, nibbling, sucking. Slurping on every body part, taking each other just to the brink.

Then, we did take each other over the edge. Actually, I took Mark over it twice. I gave him his promised, and much-deserved, blowjob. He let his head hang over my bed while I straddled him and sucked his dick like a wildman. I gave his balls a nice gentle squeeze, then felt them draw up inside his sac. He screamed, "Ahhhhhh, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum," a half-second before he flooded my mouth. His stomach heaved as he cried out incoherently, and sprayed several streams of his warm semen on my lips and tongue. There was no use trying to wipe up the strings of precum dripping from my own piss slit.

We sort-of started laughing as we hugged and kissed. Although I swallowed most of Mark's milky treat, there was still a little bit of it on my chin, and he licked it off. We sat up, cross-legged on my bed, facing each other, still kissing. Our noses and foreheads were touching, and we were both still very, very hard.

"You're fucking amazing, Kevin. I hope you know that."

"Shut up! You're making me blush!"

We sat there, face to face, smooching, staring into each other's eyes (Mark has those piercing eyes), just laughing and talking. We had a very open conversation about our sex life. I point-blank asked him if he ever thought about having sex with another guy. Like, I know we've told each other before that we're the only ones for each other, but I wondered if Mark was ever interested in, or had a crush on, anyone else, before me. I don't know why I asked; deep down I knew the answer. He told me never, that I was it. I told him the same, although I admitted I sort-of wondered... but not fantasized... about other guys. I meant that I was sometimes curious about what they do, sexually and otherwise, and if they love each other as much as Mark and I do. He gave me a blank look, but said he understood what I meant.

I also confessed to Mark that if I didn't have him, I would be content just to jack off a couple of times a day. Well, maybe three times day. I kind-of did that anyways, LOL! I also told him that it really turned me on having my finger deep in his ass while sucking or jacking him off, and having his asshole squeeze my finger when he cums. Telling him that, I got a little warm and tingly. And it made him blush a little bit. We sat there for the longest time, telling each other the little sex-secrets about what we like to do to each other, and what other things we'd like to do. I thought, but didn't tell him, that sometime soon, I'd treat him to the drumstick.

I noticed our dicks were still semi-hard. Mark said he had to piss, and I quickly ran downstairs, still naked, and grabbed us both a Code Red. We got back on the bed, resuming our same cross-legged positions and talked some more. Our knees were touching, our foreheads were touching, and instinctively we were smooching and rubbing each other's nipples. We giggled as we both looked down at our now-fully erect cocks, both pointing straight up and throbbing.

Our kisses once again got longer, wetter, deeper and more intense. Even a little clumsy, sometimes accidentally hitting each other's teeth. Mark grabbed my cock, and I started playing with his. It was wild, jacking each other off ... our fists pumping each other's stiff rods, fast and furious, while we both alternately cried out squeaky "uhh's" and "ahh's" and ohh's". We kissed, jacked, screamed and squealed, and pulled our smooth, hairless sweaty chests close together. I felt around under Mark's balls, and the heat from his asshole on my fingers sent me over the top. And him too. We were out of control.

Then the hottest, most amazing thing happened: We came at the same time. That is such a fucking awesome thing to have happen, I can't describe it. We knew we were gonna blast at the same time, it was so incredible that Mark was ready to shoot again, so much so soon. I could feel his dick get a little bigger around in my hand, and my own cock began to pulse and throb just seconds before we spurted our hot gooey liquid love all over ourselves. We were both sweating, rubbing our faces, licking each other's cheeks, lips and necks. We kissed again, hands still around each other's creamsticks.

I reached for the Kleenexes; it took about eight or nine to clean it all up. We laughed the whole time we were wiping each other off. "I'll never get it all out of my pubic hair," Mark laughed."

"Oh well, it'll dry!" The smell of our fresh cum sorta lingered in my room for awhile, and we finally got dressed again, somewhat. We heard Dad come home, and went downstairs to talk to him. I was dying to find out how his date... or, "just dinner", was.

"It was nice." Dad seemed like he had a really good time. "Debra is... a lot of... fun!" I could tell my Dad was happy, so that made me happy, too. At some point I wanted to talk to him about what I wondered about before. He said goodnight, and Mark and I had a little snack. We watched TV awhile, then went back up to my room.

It was well after midnight, so we didn't fool around any more that night since we were both pretty tired. We only kissed and hugged in my small twin bed. Even though we had our underwear on, I was hard, and I made sure Mark knew it. What a surprise. I pressed it into the crack of his ass, as I spooned him from behind.

And Sunday was just another day to hang out, and do nothing. Well, we did sneak kisses and grabbed each other's crotches a lot, when no one was looking. We were always fully-clothed, of course!

Back at school on Monday, the week started off usual and normal. Busy, but controlled. And no room for anything to get fucked up. We were overscheduled, so things had to go like clockwork. But that never happens; something had to get fucked up. On Thursday, Mother Nature played a little weather game: a huge winter storm hit the whole northeast, dumping almost two feet of snow from Philadelphia to Boston. We were right in the middle of it, and everything was shut down. Schools were closed Friday, and needless to say there were no music practices, not even at Townsend's on Saturday. We were all too busy digging out of, and playing in... the snow! The only thing was, it was windy, too, so the snow kept drifting. Everything was basically closed down all weekend.

Saturday, Mark's family got a phone call with bad news from Connecticut. Apparently, old Mr. Graham, Mark's grandfather, had a heart attack while shoveling snow, and was in the hospital. His grandmother said it wasn't serious, but they were keeping him in for a while for tests and possible surgery. It was decided that, because of the weather, Mark, Lisa and their parents would go next weekend, after the weather cleared and they knew more.

By the following Monday, most of the roads were in better shape and it warmed up quite a bit. We were back at school, but I was getting to like the three-day weekends. It didn't matter if they were because of holidays or bad weather... a day off is a day off! And actually, by the following Thursday, one week after that big snowstorm, it was all gone. I mean all... gone...! Not a trace. Even where there were once big piles of snow where they plow the parking lots...gone! It all melted away just as fast as it had fallen seven days before. No one would have ever believed we had that much snow just a week ago. Then Friday it got a lot colder. I mean really cold. Like "zero degrees" cold.

So after that little snag everyone was back on schedule and ready for President's Day weekend. We had been practicing our asses off in rock orchestra. I had my part memorized on vibraphone for "Love On A Train". I was playing snare on "His Honor" by Henry Fillmore in concert band and Mark was playing tympani. He was so serious about it, a real pro. But that's the way Mark is with everything he does. He's the ultimate. He's my boss.

The good news was that his grandpa was going to be OK, and would be released from the hospital Friday or Saturday, but their family would go see him in Danbury Sunday and maybe stay over night. They'd come back Monday since it was the holiday. And that wouldn't interfere with our plans to see 'Beauty and the Beast'. On the surface Mark seemed fine, but deep down I knew he was worried.

Hanging out as usual on Friday night, we talked with Nora and Amy, and decided we'd pick them up at Amy's at three o'clock sharp Saturday. The bus leaves Broadway Mall at 4:00, we'd get into the city by five, if not before. That'd give us a good three hours to have dinner and get to the theater. Nora had that all planned out too.

"Guys, we gotta go to this new restaurant in Chinatown called Wang Wang... my mom was just there and said it was sooo good... you guys do like Chinese food don't you??"

"Yeah, we love it!" the three of us answered in unison.

"The only thing is it's pretty far down there and back so we'll have to move our asses when we get there."

Saturday everything was on schedule. The bus was waiting right between IKEA and the parking garage, so it was convenient to park there. Since we were a little early, we got seats toward the back. I'm glad they were those big comfortable ones that even recline a bit. I sat with Nora, and Mark and Amy sat in the same row, across the aisle. But we were all able to talk, so that was good. We laughed the whole time and the next thing we knew we were going up the steep circular ramps into the Port Authority. It was exactly 5:05 when we got down to the street.

I'm glad Nora knows the subway system, because I don't have a clue. We got down in the station, bought our farecards and only had to wait a few minutes. The subway car was pretty full, but Amy, Nora and I were lucky enough to get seats. Mark had to stand, darn it, right with his beautiful crotch in my face. We got to Canal Street, and only had to walk a few blocks in the freezing cold to the restaurant. My teeth were chattering; a good kiss from Mark would certainly warm me up.

Wang Wang was such a cool place. It's sort-of modern inside, everything is bright orange and cobalt blue. Dinner was great if you're into Chinese. Those guys all had some kind of ding-dong or ping-pong shrimp, I dunno. I stay away from stuff I can't pronounce, so I just had fried rice. Anyway, it was entertaining how the chef cooked everything in a big wok that he set up right next to our table. For me, the highlight of Wang Wang wasn't the décor or the food... it was my fortune cookie. I didn't tell anyone what mine said, but when Amy and Nora went to the restroom I showed Mark. It said "Someone you love loves you." He read it and kissed me, right there, in the restaurant. People could see. Nora and Amy didn't, thank God. But he kissed me. And I was weak at the knees.

"It's true, sweetie, it's true." That kiss, and his killer smile, didn't keep my knees from shaking.

The four of us shivered our way back to the subway station, and I guess I was still somewhat euphoric, not really paying much attention to my surroundings. I was the last to go through the turnstile to get to the platform, and just as I was half-way through, some woman tapped me on the shoulder. I stopped and turned to see what she wanted, but she couldn't speak English. I couldn't get through the turnstile and I kind-of yelled at her. I think she was trying to apologize to me, but whatever. Good luck finding an attendant or security person. So I had to buy another farecard. I know it's only a couple of bucks, but still.

Mark, Amy and Nora were laughing, calling me "Macaulay Culkin, Lost in New York." "Screw you guys!" I shot back. "Did you see that woman? She's crazy! A real nut case! She was probably trying to steal my wallet!"

"Yeah, right, rockstar. Whatever you say." Mark said, still laughing with them. Nora put her arm around me and gave me a loose, but comforting, hug. In my thoughts I threatened not to give Mark any blowjobs tonight. Funny how I really had no intention of keeping that little promise!

So the city was noticeably crowded, despite the near-zero temperatures. I think people were just happy all the snow was gone and they were all dying to get out and about. We got to the Lunt Fontanne Theater on 46th Street and found our way to our seats. To my surprise, the audience was a real mix of people, not a million eight-year-old girls like I originally thought. There were families, old people, young couples, kids our age, guys and girls, just like us. So it was all OK.

My nerves were a little more calm, and although 'Beauty and the Beast' was excellent, my mind was still back at Wang Wang, thinking about Mark kissing me there. During intermission, the girls went to the restroom... again... and that's when I told Mark I couldn't believe he kissed me in the restaurant. But, I was glad he did, and I told him so.

We left the theatre, I guess maybe around 10:30, I'm not sure. The bus was supposed to depart at 11:05, so we had to hoof it to get back to the Port Authority. Actually it wasn't that difficult. We practically ran down 8th Avenue because it was so damn cold and windy. No problem, except the bus station is so dingy. Luckily the bus was there and we were able to board, even though we had to sit and wait about fifteen minutes before we left. Better than out in the cold! This time, for the ride home, Mark and I sat together and Amy and Nora sat across the aisle. I checked my phone. No messages. Mark didn't have any, either; I guess that's a good sign.

The bus driver made good time getting us back to Hicksville. Mark didn't say a lot during the ride. I think he was just worried about his grandfather, but he perked up a little when we were talking about the show. I have to admit, much to my surprise, it was fantastic. The special effects were amazing, especially for a live performance.

We pulled into the Broadway Mall a few minutes before midnight. We took the girls straight to Amy's house since Nora was spending the night there. They invited us in, but Mark declined, speaking for the both of us. I was glad we went, and I thanked Nora for suggesting it.

"Well, happy Valentine's Day, guys!" Amy said.

"Yeah," I replied, as I looked at Mark, shrugging my shoulders.

Nora thanked us. "Sorry about your grandpa, Mark. Be careful. I hope everything's OK."

"Thanks, Nora," Mark said. "Well, you guys have a great rest-of- the-weekend. See ya Tuesday!"

We all said "goodnight."

As soon as Mark and I got back in the Jeep he hit me with the "Valentine's Day" remark.

"Honest, Mark, I don't know why she said that. Believe me, I'm sorry. She wasn't supposed to say that. I guess I owe you another blowjob." I smiled.

I wanted to be alone with Mark right then. Even though it was late and I knew he had to get up to go to Connecticut the next day. As much as I always depend on him and need to be with him, it was my turn to be supportive. So I just wanted us to be alone to let him know that. Well, he does know it, but I wanted to say it. That I love him and I want to be there for him, because I know how much his grandfather means to him.

"I know it's late and all, and you gotta get up early, but I don't want to go home yet," I told Mark.

"I don't either, sweetie. Let's just hang out and talk for awhile... OK?"

"OK! The library??" I asked.

"Yup, that's our place!"

So Mark drove us there, to "our place". We kept the motor running, and sat and talked. That's right, we just talked. Nothing more, at first. But then he kissed me again, and that did it. I couldn't resist. I opened Marks pants as fast as I could, savagely pulling his underwear down far enough to expose his cock and take it into my mouth. I licked his stiff shaft and sucked on his balls and licked behind them. Mark had my pants open, too, and his hands were in them, gently feeling every inch of me. Gradually they were down around my knees and we worked ourselves into an improvised 69 position.

The heated seats were semi-reclined. Mark was on his back, while I had my head over him, kissing his stomach and sniffing his pubic hair. I had the entire length of him in my mouth, while I searched for his asshole with my left hand. I thought I was in heaven, but... what the hell do I know?

"Shit!! Get off me!! Get your pants up!! FUCK!!! Come on. Hurry it up!! Mark fumbled to get out from under me and get himself back together... so... so... abruptly.

"What?? What's going on?? Why's it so bright?? What the fuck?? OH GOD!!!! NO!!!!" I screamed. I scrambled. No use. The last thing I needed was to be staring into the blinding white light of the flashlights of two Nassau County cops.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 24

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