Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Mar 31, 2007


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and, well, more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if you're not supposed to be reading this or if you're too young, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

I want to thank everyone for reading this story, and for your comments, questions and feedback. I really appreciate it, really. I try to reply to everyone, but if I forgot you, I'm sorry. Please re-send. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 22.

We were making our way through the month of January, day by day, inch by inch! Literally! Inch by every delicious inch of Mark's cock. And mine, too! Academically I was doing OK, but music kept me busy and Mark kept me busier. I made sure I was home at the right times every night to keep Dad off my back. And I made sure I was with Mark every chance I got so he could BE on my back! In addition to our usual and frequent blowjobs and handjobs, we managed to squeeze in anal sex at least once a week. No pun intended. OK, so it's only been a couple of weeks, but still, that's a pretty good track record, I'd say. It was hurting less and less each time, as I got more and more used to Mark's drill. (I have such a big evil grin on my face right now!)

We had been going to the library, after hours, so to speak, almost every night after rock orchestra practices. One night, however, we had to drive around awhile because some people were dropping off books in the night box, and they took forever. So we had a little time to kill. I confessed to Mark that when we had anal sex I loved being the bottom. But I said I also wanted to fuck him again, since I only did it once, at the cabin. Actually, I wasn't that polite about it...

"I'm gonna fuck you again Mark, soon. I can't wait to have my dick in you again. I wanna cum in your ass and make us both scream!" I confided. He smiled at me and told me I was "too much" and that he loved me. I don't think he meant my dick was "too much" for his ass, because, well, it seemed to go in (and out) easily that one time, and he wasn't complaining! Well, at first he seemed a little tight, but, you know, after I got going, it was... well... you know... (the big evil grin is still on my face...!)

Martin Luther King Day was coming up and that meant we had a three-day weekend and all. So Friday night, as usual, we all hung out at Smarty's Pizza to unwind after a busy week. Smarty's is an OK place, good music, good pizza, whatever. It was also the first real chance I had to hang out with Nora, Friday night, because she was usually working after school and on weekends. And I was involved with music after school and on weekends, too, so... that left very little time for hanging out with Nora.

"It's great to see you, Nora. I've missed you."

"I know, Kev, I miss you, too... it seems like New Year's was so long ago. That was fun, skiing and skating with you. We oughtta do it again!"

"Yeah, that'd be fun!" I told her. It seemed the only times I saw Nora since New Year's weekend were when we'd pass each other in the hall at school. And that was just a nod or a "hey" and a quick smile. I decided to make more of an effort to connect with her. I should go into Walgreens at least once a week, even if it's to buy something stupid. I like Nora.

"You know what... maybe you and me and Mark and Amy could do something for Valentine's Day. I know it's a month away, and on a Wednesday, but maybe we could do something on the weekend. Talk to Mark about it, it'd be fun just the four of us..."

"Yeah, I don't think I wanna do the fifty-people-in-a-cabin thing again!" We laughed. "So, what did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well... I was kind-of thinking it would be cool if we went into the city and maybe saw a show or something. I saw something at work about this deal called 'Broadway to Broadway' where you can take the bus in, and it seemed really cool. It leaves from Broadway Mall in Hicksville and takes you right into the Port Authority. Most of the theaters are all close by there."

"Hey, that'd be fun. So, like, what show?"

"I don't know. I'll look at the brochure again and call you, or if you come in the store we can look at it together. You'll check with Mark before I say anything to Amy, though, right?

"Yeah, sure!" I noticed it was about 11:00 and I was getting tired, being Friday night after another hectic week and all, so Nora and I said our "goodnight's" and "I'll call ya's." I found Mark and asked him if he was ready to leave.

"You are staying at my place tonight, aren't you?" I asked, smiling, assuming he was. I was definitely hoping for a 'yes.'

"Uhh, I guess I could, but does that mean you're staying at my house tomorrow night?"

Well I giggled and said, "Damn straight, but what are we gonna do about Sunday night? Flip a coin?"

We were in such a hurry to get the hell out of Smarty's that we really didn't say goodbye to anyone else. We let the car warm up for only a minute and sped off to Mark's. We decided against stopping at the library for a change, LOL! While we were on the road to Mark's, his cell phone buzzed and it was Townsend.

"Dude, you guys left and didn't even say goodbye to me."

"God, Townsend, you noticed? It's all about you," Mark teased. "You're always so busy going around the whole joint entertaining everybody, we didn't think it mattered. We're practicing at your house tomorrow anyways, right?"

"Yeah, why don't you guys come over about 3 o'clock. Maybe we can all hang out after we're done practicing. My parents are going out at night so we can party."

"Sweet!" Mark replied. "I'll let Kev know."

When we got to Mark's, he really didn't ask his parents if he could spend the night at my house. He just said "hi" to them and said he was sleeping over and didn't wait for an answer. When we got home Dad was just going to bed himself, and told us to behave and not make too much noise. Oh, if he only knew! I told him we were gonna hang out in the drumroom and probably crash down there. Actually, I knew damn well that's exactly what we were gonna do.

First, though, we went up to my room so we could use the bathroom, and so I could get my "supplies." Then it was back to the kitchen for a snack and something to drink. Mark found the pretzels and cookies, and we headed down to the drumroom by ourselves!

I gotta say kissing Mark with a mouthful of chocolate-chip-cookie-taste was definitely hot. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that's what we started to do as soon as we got downstairs... kissing! And feeling each other up. I had a second wind!

It was kind-of neat in there because I turned on the TV, but muted the sound, and also had on the Christmas lights. It gives a really awesome dim glow to that room and sets the mood. Between kisses we managed to put the blankets and sleeping bags down and slowly started taking each other's clothes off. It didn't take long to get down to our underwear. We fooled around, continuing our total body kisses, licking each other from head to toe, still with our boxer-briefs on. I should say half-on and half-off. It was sexy as hell having our hands in each other's underwear like that. Our kisses and smooches were loud, as we licked and slurped the night away.

At first, I thought we were going to have sex, but it ended up that we didn't. Actual anal sex, that is. But we did dry fuck, as our passionate making-out got hot and heavy. First Mark on top of me... then me on top of him. We'd roll over and grind our stiff and sticky cocks into each other, still with our underwear on. For some reason that was even sexier than being completely naked. It was warm in the drumroom, and Mark and I were soaked from sweat. Of course our boxer-briefs were soaked too, from all the precum. Our legs were intertwined and twisted, and then Mark straddled me. He came first, filling his underpants as he pushed and pressed his hard dick into my groin, sliding it up and down. It reminded me of that day on that treelawn, only this was much sexier. He was panting like a madman. I had the fantasy vision that sometime I would like to watch Mark jacking himself off, and I'd get my face up real close as he was about to cum. We rolled over again, our arms and legs wrapped tightly around our sweaty, slippery bodies. I was now in position to grind my way into orgasmic oblivion. I did so squealing and groaning "yes" to Mark's repeatedly asking me if I loved him. I screamed a long "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh" and "Ohhhhhh Godddddddddd" and then collapsed on top of him right after I came.

We lay on our sides, facing each other, giggling and smiling while our wet bodies finally cooled a little bit. I tugged at the waistband of my boxer-briefs, and Mark's too, for that matter, and marveled at our creamy messes. Mark was still hard, and the head of his cock was glistening. That made me smile more. But I was starting to doze off, and I can remember Mark lightly kissing me and telling me he loved me, just before I drifted off into my dreamy state. And I definitely remember smiling as I fell asleep, cuddled so close to him as he spooned me from behind, thinking it doesn't get much better than that.

I woke up sometime during the night and could feel Mark's warm hand on my ass, inside my underwear. His fingertips were right at my crack. I had to pee really bad, so I carefully removed his hand, and threw a blanket around me and went up to the bathroom. I tried to be as quiet as possible not to wake Mark. When I returned to the basement, I gently put his hand back inside my boxer-briefs, and I put mine in his, and fell back to sleep. Well, first I kissed him lightly on the forehead. He had that magic smile, even in his sleep, and it brought a tear to my eye. I wondered to myself why was I so lucky?

So Saturday morning Dad was already up and about, Keith was still sleeping and Mark and I basically got up at the same time. He went to the bathroom and I cleaned up the basement, but we met in the kitchen and munched on still more cookies. Mark downed like a gallon of milk and I drank two Code Reds. Yes, I know, Code Red first thing in the morning, oh well. I'm wired anyway, so a little more caffeine won't hurt. We showered and hung out until it was time to go over to Townsend's around 3 o'clock. I told him about my conversation with Nora.

"Oh yeah, I forgot... Nora and I were talking last night, you know, just catching up on stuff, and she wanted me to check with you, but she's wanting the four of us to do something for Valentine's Day, like see something on Broadway or something. What do you think?"

"Nuh-uh...no way, dude."

"What do you mean? What's wrong with that idea? It's no big deal..." I was curious.

"I don't mind doing something with them, her and Amy, but we can't say it's for Valentine's Day, that's too fucking romantic. Sorry, but Valentine's Day is for you and me to celebrate, sweetie." Mark smiled. "Just us."

"Well, OK, but what should I say to Nora?"

"Just tell her the truth."

"NO!!! I can't tell her the truth!!!"

Mark burst into laughter. "OK, hold on. Don't like, have a convulsion or something, sweetie. I know, we'll do something with them, but let's just avoid the 'Valentine's Day' thing and plan something for President's Day weekend... that's the weekend right after Valentine's Day... is that OK?"

"Yeah, that's better! Great idea! She said something about this deal where you can take a bus that goes right into the Port Authority and you can see a show because all the theaters are right there, mostly." I said, a bit relieved.

"Cool, then. Just make damn sure she and Amy don't get the wrong idea that it's for Valentine's Day."

"OK, OK! I won't, OK? I'll tell her they'll both have to pay their own way, so it won't seem like a fucking 'date'! Alright??

By then, Mark was laughing hysterically. I teased him like he was pissing me off, but you know he wasn't. He can't. He's so cute when he's laughing.

"Stop laughing, you fucker!" I warned him. Like I was really gonna do something to him if he didn't stop!

We pulled into Townsend's driveway, and before Mark turned off the car, he turned to me and stopped laughing long enough to kiss me.

"Go on in," I said. "I'm just gonna call Nora real quick now, from out here. Go on..."

Mark looked and me skeptically, and glanced down at the lump by my zipper. Ooh! There's that smile of his... again!

"Oh sweetie... you're so bad!! You're getting hard! I can make you pop one even when you're a little upset with me, huh?? You bad boy!" Mark teased. "You love it!"

I laughed back, teasing Mark with the temptation of what I planned to do to him tonight!

"Get the fuck in there while I call Nora and set this up!" I playfully demanded. "For Valentine's Day!" I teased.

"OK, I'm going!"

I got a hold of Nora on her cell, and she was thrilled that Mark and I were cool with everything. She suggested we see 'Beauty and the Beast' which I gotta say I wasn't happy about, but what could I do? We decided on Saturday, February 17th, and she'd make all the arrangements. I did luck out on one thing... she thought we should all pay our own way. I was glad she brought it up before I had a chance to. I knew that would make Mark happy. But, the downside was, he'd probably be as excited as I was about seeing 'Beauty and the Beast'. The theater will probably be full of a bunch of eight-year-old girls. Oh well...

Eric was already inside with Townsend and Mark. I said goodbye to Nora just as Matt and Scott's mom was pulling in the driveway to drop them off.

"Gotta go Nora, we're at Townsend's for practice. So you'll talk to Amy? Call me..." I hung up. "Hey guys! Need a hand with your guitars and stuff?" I nodded a shy 'hello' to Mrs. Kramer as I reached in the van to get one of the amplifiers. I was sorta leaning over and couldn't help noticing Matt's crotch as he grabbed his guitar case. Damn! Looked pretty good to me, even if it was only a half-second glance. I sure hope no one saw me looking! (Remember... it's OK to take a peek, right?)

Our rockabilly routine was getting to be a lot of fun. Townsend's basement made for quite a nice rehearsal studio. It was cool with all the instruments... his electric piano, all the guitars and amps, and the drums... Everyone was really into it, especially Townsend. He's such a show-off. Eric's not only a good drummer, but in this case he showed his other talents as damn good bass player. The Kramer brothers are better guitarists that I realized, trading off playing rhythm and lead. And of course, my idol: Mark. Seeing him play set... well, he's just perfect. And sexy at that! I sorta felt inadequate and a little out of place. But eventually I got into it too and it was a lot of fun.

We practiced for quite a while, until Mrs. Miller yelled down the basement for Townsend to bring up a bottle of tonic water.

"What the fuck does she do with tonic water?" I asked.

"Oh, it's for their gin and tonics," Townsend laughed. "They have them everyday. My parents have their own 'happy hour.' You know... with all the 'stress' they're under."

Time flew by and about seven o'clock we were all pretty much worn out from practicing. And hungry, too. Townie invited us all to stay as long as we wanted and offered to order Chinese. Eric, Scott and Matt were all staying to watch a movie, too, but Mark and I decided we'd leave after eating. Eric went to pick up the food, so while we were waiting, Mark and Townsend were getting crazy with a game on the X-box and Matt and Scott were jamming on their acoustic guitars, which they also brought. I was even more amazed at how good they are when they rocked out to "A Crazy Game of Poker" by OAR. Townsend stopped playing the X-box and sang along and Mark hopped on his drums. That little jam session was really good, mistakes and all. That's what music's all about: having fun!

Eric returned with the food, everyone ate and then Mark and I left. We stopped by my house to get a few things, then headed over to his house. His parents were home, so we just hung out up in his room the rest of the night. That was OK, because, although we started out watching TV, we quickly ended up on his bed, half undressed, making out. I think we heard Lisa come home, after having been on a hot date with my brother. We decided that since his parents and sister were home, we'd be as quiet as possible. That was our challenge.

We dozed off eventually, with the room dark and the TV on. Seems like that's a habit any more! But we sorta woke up a while later, at the same time. I knew it was late because 'Showtime at the Apollo' was on. We laughed as we watched a little bit of it. As we cuddled on Mark's bed, he asked me about my phone call with Nora.

"Good news and bad news..." I said. "The good news is... we're going Saturday, the 17th...not Valentine's Day. And, we're each paying our own way, so it's not like a date. That's what you wanted, right??"

"Well... yeah... but what's the bad news??"

"Nora wants to see 'Beauty and the Beast'..." I winced and held my breath, anticipating Mark to turn into the beast, reacting violently!

"Oh... cool! I heard it's really good. That'll be fun! My parents took Lisa last fall for her birthday, remember? They said it was excellent!"

"You mean, you're not upset that that's the show we're going to see?"

"No... not at all. In fact, when my parents went I sorta wanted to go too, but I was doing something more important that night." Mark smiled.

"More important? Like what?" I asked.

"Like making out with you for the second night in a row. You know, it was that second night you stayed here when we first started fooling around, and they were gone overnight. Remember?? We had the whole house to ourselves, but we mostly just stayed in the family room, mostly naked. I wanted you so damn bad!"

"Wow!" I said, my voice squeaking. God only knows how bad I wanted him!

"All along I was hoping it would have all led to this... you know, our relationship, the way it is... everything... I love you so much, Kevin."

I didn't tell Mark I love him back, not right away, because I was so overwhelmed, I just started kissing him. Deep, wet, kisses. Probing his whole mouth with my tongue. I was on top of him, straddling his legs, my hands on his neck and face. I soon got one hand under his shirt and the other down his pants.

"I want you Mark. I want you. I love you, too..."

It was anything but usual. I got the rest of our clothes off in record time... his and mine. And it's a good thing I did. I needed to free our cocks from the confines of our jeans. I was incredibly hard, and so was Mark. I went down on him, holding, licking and worshiping his pole. I kissed his balls, then took them in my mouth, one at a time, gently at first.

Mark did the same to me, but then I flipped him over. I just couldn't wait. He turns me into an animal. He leaned down into his pillow, and put his ass up to my face. I spread his crack and licked it, all the while gently stroking his loose-hanging balls.

I reached in my duffel bag for the lube and a condom. As I rolled the rubber down on my dick, I whispered to Mark that we really had to be quiet. He said he'd try, but then when I spread the cool KY in and around his hole he started to get a little loud.

"Shhhhhhh!!!!!! Quiet!!" I kissed the cheeks of his smooth ass. "Remember, I love you! I don't want to have to smack these to make you obey!"

"Yes, boss!"

I fingered his asshole, using one, then two fingers. I thought I felt something in there, because he squirmed a couple of times. But he was ready in no time... not too tight, stretched just right! And I was more than ready! I put my lubed cock up to his hot hole and pushed. I entered him easily and he gasped on the first thrust. I went all the way in, deep, and my pubes touched his asscheeks. This was sweet. Even better than before. I leaned over his back as he turned and our faces met. We kissed as I pumped in and out of his hole. Hard and deep. Mark stroked himself for a while, then I reached around and took over. Finally, after only a few minutes, I could feel it that I was gonna blast off into space, except my rocket was deep within Mark's hole. I stopped jacking him and fully concentrated on my own orgasm. I wanted to cum in his ass, and I did.

I whisper-screamed "Oh God!! I'm cumming!!" as I bucked and squirted, not entirely quiet myself. I stayed in him a moment, to stop quivering and to catch my breath. Eventually I slipped out and rolled onto my back. Mark got on his back too, and he leaned over to kiss me while once again continuing to stroke himself. That was hot.

"I want you to cum!" I begged as I watched his hand all a blur! I got closer, just like in my fantasy. I wanted him to cum while my face was right there close, and he did.

You guessed it... we made a huge mess, but the kleenexes were right there by his bed. I was somewhat soft by now and yanked the cum-filled condom of my dick. Mark wiped up his puddle of spunk after I swirled it around on his tummy a little bit. I kissed his stomach, letting some of it get on my tongue and lips. It's delicious... he's delicious... and I kissed him so he could have a little taste too.

We eventually fell asleep, and of course were the last ones to wake up Sunday morning. No one said anything to us to indicate if we were too loud, so we figured we were in the safe zone. We made funny faces at each other as we ate some cereal, and then I brought up the subject of where we were going to sleep that night. Like a whiney pup, Mark begged to sleep at my house again. Of course I said OK, and again we never even got permission. It was just getting to be a regular weekend thing. His parents didn't seem to care and Dad didn't mind; I guess they were getting used to it just like Mark and I were!

So that's how things continued through the next several weeks... our routine, which was anything but routine. We went to school. We had rock orchestra practices in the evenings two to three nights a week, with our special visits to the library afterward! We practiced at Townsend's Wednesdays and Saturdays for our rockabilly project, and Mark and I slept at each other's houses every Friday and Saturday night. And we had sex. Lots of sex. One way or another, we figured out a time and a place to be alone. Mark's house... my house... in the car, a lot... especially behind the library!

I was obsessed with all this, but I managed to maintain a rather normal life. At home, everything was good with Dad, and even Keith and I seemed to get along better. And things were cool with all our other friends; we even made some new ones. Like the Kramer brothers. It was fun hanging out with them when we were all together. Even with all the time I spent doing other stuff, I still kept up my grades. And even though Mark and I were so comfortable, with each other and with the way things were going, I know I couldn't have kept my sanity without him.

One Saturday, before we went to Townsend's, I had to stop at the library, just for a second, to renew a book. Of course, who the fuck did I see? Emily. That bitch Emily DeMarco. She saw me, too, and waved. It looked like she was dropping someone off again. Then it dawned on me! I recognized the woman getting out of the car: I knew her! It was Emily's mother and she works at the fucking library. Shit! And I'm sure her mother knows who I am. Emily probably pointed me out to her as the kid who caused all that trouble before Thanksgiving. And that day I saw them in Walgreens... that second day from hell, how it all happened in an instant, I never made the connection. But now I did. That explains why I've seen Emily at the library so much... she's dropping off or picking up her mom from work. Fuck!

I had to tell Mark. I had to tell him about this right away. I had a bad feeling. Sick to my stomach, really.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 23

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