Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Mar 8, 2007


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and, well, more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you from around the world who have written to me. I mean that with all my heart. I am forever grateful for all the new friends I've made along the way. You're awesome!

I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 20.

"Uhhh!! Mrs. Graham!! W-w-what are you doing??!!" I stuttered. Jesus, she scared the hell out of me!

"I'm just checking on you, Kevin. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't look fine. You're all flushed, your face is so red..."

And it was getting redder by the second. I wished the fuck she'd leave me alone already.

"Really, Mrs. Graham, I'm OK. Can I go back downstairs now?"

She grabbed me by the wrist and felt my cheeks and forehead with the back of her hand. "I think you have a fever, Kevin. You're so warm, it looks like you've been perspiring... are you sure you're alright? You were in there an awful long time..." She brushed my hair back, noticing my bangs were slightly wet, confirming I had worked up a sweat. Then she also checked my neck. "Your glands might be swollen, too," She continued, "And you're nothing but skin and bones..."

God, I was so embarrassed. All I did was jack off thinking about her son. I didn't need a fucking physical exam. I brushed past her and sighed as I rolled my eyes. I didn't give a shit if she noticed or not. I just hoped she didn't detect the smell of fresh cum when she went into the bathroom.

Oh yeah, and one more thing: What the fuck did she mean by saying I was in there a long time? I was pretty quick! I mean, sometimes I can last awhile, but you know, usually I'm like, BOOM! I'm done! Whatever.

Back down in the living room everyone was still watching the movie and they all looked beat. I was sorta thirsty, so I helped myself to a couple of big glasses of orange juice. Mark followed me in the kitchen and tickled me in the ribs as he whispered, "I think that's for breakfast, better not let my mom know you drank it!"

"Fuck it. You can take me to that store in the morning, and I'll buy more, then."

"Yeah right. I'm sleeping in tomorrow!"

Just then Mark's parents said goodnight and told us we should all get to bed soon, too. And not too long after, we did. It just sorta happened that I put my sleeping bag next to Mark's. It took awhile for everyone to piss and brush their teeth and stuff. And our giggling was non-stop when we all heard Eric fart when he was in the bathroom. That kid has a real problem and needs some serious medicine, or something.

"God, dude, don't start that again, or you're gonna have to sleep out in the shed!" Mark teased. I guess you could hear us laughing because Mrs. Graham came over to the bottom of the steps and warned us to "settle down!" I saluted like she was our drill sergeant or something, which made Mark laugh even more.

"What's so funny? You boys get to sleep! It's bedtime!" Orders from Sgt. Mrs. Graham!

"Yeah Mom, whatever you say!" Mark responded.

We quieted our giggles, and I whispered to Mark, "How do you put up with that shit from her?"

"I can't much longer, Kev. Can I come live with you?" he joked.

"Sure." That's what I said, but what I was thinking was that'd be a dream come true. God, how I wished that could happen. If Mark did live at my house I could kiss him goodnight every night. But that wasn't going to happen tonight, obviously. I'd just have to settle for sleeping next to him, in separate sleeping bags.

We were all in our boxers and t-shirts and in our sleeping bags still whispering about skiing and tubing tomorrow. Actually, Keith, Eric and Townsend were making all the plans. I'd basically go along with anything they said. Mark had no sooner gotten into his sleeping bag and he was out like a light. Even though it was dim, I stared at him as he slept. He looked like an angel. An angel I wanted to kiss, but couldn't. And since my hands were also in my sleeping bag, I reached down in my underwear and played with my nuts. It didn't take me long to get hard, that's for sure.

Eventually, after a few more playful insults and fumbling around, the rest of us did settle down. Townsend and Eric were next to doze off. Thank God Eric was "silent" LOL! My brother was lying on his back, staring at the ceiling, still awake. I couldn't get to sleep, so I asked him if I could listen to his iPod, which he was nice enough to lend me. I tend to listen to the same songs over and over. That night the repeater was "Bohemian Like You" by The Dandy Warhols. I was lost in the song, playing the drums in my head. After a while I was kind-of groggy myself and finally went to sleep.

Saturday morning, New Year's Eve day, I was the last one to get up. I rubbed my eyes and looked over the railing and everyone was downstairs, already dressed and having breakfast. Shit! It was after ten o'clock! I never sleep that late! Mark was just walking in from outside, stomping the snow off his boots. He handed a blue plastic grocery bag to his mom. I guess he didn't sleep in after all.

"Here's the orange juice, Mom."

"Thanks sweetheart," and she kissed him on the forehead. I sorta wanted to puke after seeing that. I don't know why Mark kisses his mother's butt. I pulled on my jeans and went into the bathroom to piss. I didn't feel like having anything to eat, but I did drink three glasses of juice, just to be a smartass!

Later, Mark whispered to me that I wasn't scoring any points with his mom. I said I didn't know I had to.

"If the fucking orange juice is that fucking important, I'll buy more," I snapped.

"God, sweetie, just relax."

I mumbled to myself, "Whatever..." Then I felt bad. I shouldn't have been such a snot about Mark doing a favor for his mom. I mean, I'm the one who drank the juice so he was really just saving my ass. And as far as his mom giving him a little kiss of appreciation, that wasn't terrible. My Dad shows affection toward me all the time, so now I felt like an asshole for, well, acting like an asshole. I apologized to Mark.

Later he whispered in my ear "I love it when you're an asshole, sweetie."

I said, "No, you just love my asshole"

Mark laughed, "Well, that too!"

I don't know why Townsend was in such a great mood, but he told us we should all get dressed and get our gear together. He couldn't wait to get on the slopes. We all wore long underwear and nylon pants and jackets. Of course I had my "boy scout" hat, the plaid one with the furry earflaps. Soon we were off, back over to Sugar Valley. We bought all-day combo passes, which allowed us to ski or go tubing as much as we wanted. Getting our rentals and being fitted with ski boots took a little time.

Townsend's a pretty good skier. He's been to a lot of places in Vermont, Colorado and British Columbia. Lucky bastard. Mark's good, too. Eric and Keith do alright, considering there's no place to really ski close to where we live, being that it's so flat and all. I'm not terrible but I have a hard time stopping. I usually fall on my ass! Amy, Jen and Nora did OK, too, after they took lessons for an hour or so. They said it was well worth it, except they only went on the beginner slopes.

After about an hour I caught up with Nora at the bottom, near the one chair lift and asked her if she wanted to go inside with me and get some hot chocolate or something. I went to the restroom and Nora was at the counter waiting for me. I walked up to pay for everything and it was so embarrassing. The girl who waited on us ignored me, but spoke to Nora.

"Is your boyfriend having hot cocoa, too?"

"Umm...you mean him?" She pointed to me, shaking her head 'no'. "He's not my boyfriend," Nora said, a bit of laughter in her voice.

That sent me to the edge. What the fuck. OK, so I'm not her boyfriend, I know that. That's fine. I don't want to be. But did she have to say it with that tone of voice? We sat down, and I wanted to talk about it.

"Nora, I thought we were friends, and OK, I know I'm not your boyfriend, but did you have to say it like that? It's like you're ashamed of me or something."

"What?? Oh, Kev, I didn't mean it like that. God, I'm not ashamed to be with you at all. I thought you knew that."

"Yeah, but it's just the way you said it... It sorta hurt my feelings."

"Oh, no, Kevin! I'd never want to hurt your feelings." She took my hand and got real close to me. "I'd die first before I hurt you. I'd never do that. That girl at the snack bar shouldn't have assumed anything. She was wrong."

"I know, but..."

"You're one of my best friends, you are soooo sweet. It's just that I can't have a boyfriend, nothing serious, not right now. I just can't. That's what I like about being friends with you. And I know you're not expecting more from me that I can give. I'm right about that... right?"

"Uhh, yeah, Nora, right," I admitted. "And really, I'm not ready for a serious thing with a girl right now, either. But I do like it, how we are with each other... you know... super-close friends."

"We're cool, then, aren't we Kevin? You never thought I was leading you on or anything, did you?"

"No...no, we're cool."

Nora's voice squeaked a little, "You're very important to me Kev." She said as she held my hand tight. "You never know... we might need each other some day. Let's promise to always be there for each other. Always, no matter what, alright?"

"Yeah." I shook my head. "Always, no matter what." I promised. It sorta felt like I should tell her about Mark and me, but something inside told me to wait, to take one step at a time. I'm sure that at some point, and I don't know exactly when, I will talk to Nora about Mark's and my relationship. She summed it up by saying when there's something we think we can't tell anyone else, we can tell each other, and I agreed.

Suddenly I no longer had hurt feelings. In fact, I liked the way this conversation was going. I was a bit relieved hearing Nora say all of that. Actually I was a lot relieved. I'm glad she and I clarified our friendship and we know where we stand with each other. I guess Townsend misread her when he mentioned that she really "liked me" a lot. But then I might have misread my own feelings for Nora, too. Wait, misunderstood is a better way to put it. There's no question she and I mean a lot to each other. We're tight. That's good. But I know I'm Mark's boyfriend, not Nora's. I just needed to hear the second part of that sentence from her. I'd already heard the first part from Mark.

Just then, with Nora and me still in our deep conversation, and holding hands, I looked up and Mark and Amy had just walked in. "Hey guys! We're over here!" I stood and motioned for them to join us. Mark nodded and then got some hot cocoa and came over and sat down. He said he thought the others might come in soon to get warmed up and get something to eat.

Nora and I both were relieved, I could tell. Now, maybe I could enjoy myself. It's like the tension I felt before was gone. I want to tell Mark about the whole Nora thing, but there's time for that too, later on, just not now. After we sipped our drinks the four of us decided to go tubing. Now that was a blast and a half! We had so much fun, just the four of us... laughing, falling, freezing our asses off. The others eventually joined us later in the afternoon. As darkness fell on New Year's Eve, we ended up all sitting around the big outdoor firepit drinking still more coffee and hot cocoa. There was no argument when Lisa suggested we mosey on back to the cabin.

I decided I was going to be nice to Mrs. Graham, even if it killed me. We all hurriedly got cleaned up and changed into drier, warmer clothes while our New Year's Eve dinner was being prepared. More oven-roasted frozen junk food. I was very polite, a real gentleman, and thanked Mark's mom and dad both. I even gave her a hug and thanked her for being concerned about me last night when she thought I was getting sick. Who would ever get masturbation confused with sickness?

It was a great evening, now that I had decided to grow up a little and not be so self-centered. Yeah, I still wanted Mark all to myself, but everything was cool. Eric and Jen were being very touchy-feely with each other. So were Keith and Lisa. The rest of us all just kind-of drank sodas and ate chips and Doritos all night while we watched Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest. I don't think anyone paid much attention, but at about ten minutes to midnight, Mark went outside to get some more firewood. He brought it in and stacked it by the hearth before going back out to get another load.

It was like one minute to midnight and he wasn't back in the cabin. Everyone was so noisy, standing around the TV, laughing, crying, carrying on... and waiting for the crystal ball to drop in Times Square. For a moment I wished that Mark and I were there at Times Square, too, just him and me, alone. But then I realized he was still gone. No one noticed that I went out to check on him.

I quietly slipped out the back door, shivering because it was so cold. "Mark?? Mark??"

I heard a faint whisper... "Kev... back here!"

I went around behind the shed where only a few small logs remained. Mark was just getting up off the ground, brushing snow off his ass and arms. He was laughing, too. "Damn it, I fell down." I laughed too, as I gladly helped brush the snow off his jeans, especially the back. Then we heard the roar and excitement from inside the cabin...it was finally midnight!

"Happy New Year!!" we both cheered. And there was no question who I kissed first.

"Did you plan this on purpose? Coming back here and "falling down" just so I'd go looking for you? Hoping I'd touch your ass, brushing off the snow like that? And getting a New Year's kiss from me? You devil!"

"Yeah, so... I'd do anything to get a kiss from you and have you to feel my ass any day! It had nothing to do with the fact I came back here to get more of the firewood Grandpa had delivered, since we used most of what you and I put on the deck!"

"Oh... OK."

"Come here, sweetie... Happy New Year!" Mark kissed me again. Only this time we both lost our balance and went flying through the snow. Some of it got down the back of my sweater; it was so cold I screamed. Mark can make me scream no matter what he does.

"What's going on out there?" We heard Mark's dad from the deck.

"Nothing, Pops. We just fell getting some wood." Mark was right about that. We really were 'getting wood' so to speak LOL! "It's really slippery behind the shed."

Back inside, everyone was still laughing and cheering and sipping champagne. Keith and I called Dad, thank God I didn't forget this time! Next thing we knew it was almost one o'clock in the morning. Mark's mom told us all we could sleep in, but we'd better be at the restaurant at the lodge for brunch by 11:00 if we wanted time to ice skate before heading back home. We all slowly said our 'goodnights' and went to bed. I think we were all so tired we fell asleep instantly. God how I wished again that I could have kissed Mark goodnight. But, I was thankful for the two I got outside at midnight. He just keeps me wanting more.

New Year's day brunch was good. Keith, Eric, Townsend and I all pitched in and paid for Mr. and Mrs. Graham. It was the least we could do to thank them. Then we all went skating on the outdoor rink. Everyone, even Mark's parents, skated really well. Except me. I spent most of the time on my ass on the ice LOL! At one point Brigette and Lisa each took one of my arms and the three of us skated away down the middle of the rink. Brigette went left, Lisa to the right and I did the splits. No, it wasn't planned. Yes, it hurt like hell. I've spread my legs pretty far apart before doing something else, but not THAT far! I did get a kick out of the music they were playing, though: "It's Not the Fall That Hurts" by the Caesars (one of my favorites) and "Crazy in Love" by Beyonce (not one of my favorites). But both very appropriate!

Finally, the cars were loaded and we were soon back on the Thruway, 87-South. On the way home! This trip was fun and all, but I think everyone was ready for the holiday to be over. First, because twelve people in that cabin was a bit much, even though it's very, very nice. But still, that's a lot of people. As for me, any number of people more than two (Mark and me) would have been too many! Second, the holidays just seem to drag on and on. I think we all were anxious to get back to school and into our routine.

Keith and I dropped off Nora first, about six o'clock, and I helped her into the house with her things. I thanked her, I think eight times. She finally told me to stop. Oh, and she said she had a great time, too. I doubted her.

"Really, Nora? Would you do it again, considering my weird moods and all?"

"Yes, Kevin. With you, yes, I would. I'd go again." She hugged me so tight, and it had a whole new special meaning. This time I kissed her, on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow, Nora. Thanks."

Then we dropped off Lisa. Mark was already in the house and I didn't see him, so I just told Lisa to tell him I'd email him tonight. Keith kissed her goodnight and I think he tried to feel her tit, but she brushed his hand away. They looked at me and smiled. Lisa shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. Keith seemed to be proud of himself that he tried to cop a feel, but he doubled over when old Lisa grabbed his balls! Way to go, Lisa! She's got his number.

As we pulled out of the driveway I rolled down my window and told her to thank her parents again for us.

"Bye, sexy!" she shouted, "And you, too, Keith!!" Really, she's the best thing that happened to my brother. And her brother's the best thing that happened to me.

At home, Keith and I were both exhausted. I just wanted to shower and go to bed. My ass was still sore, but this time my ass cheeks, from falling on the ice. My hole seemed to be feeling much better, after a few days rest, thank you very much! We told Dad all about the trip and he told us all about going to Aunt Laura's. Yawn

I had to get to bed. Back to school tomorrow! First I checked my email, and there was one from Townie that he had already talked to Matt and Scott Kramer about playing electric guitars for the song 'Red Hot'. He said they really liked the whole idea and that we could meet up at lunch or something. I replied that I'd let Mark know.

So I did. I IM'd Mark and he thought it was all way cool, too. I told him I had a great weekend, even though it didn't seem like it at times. I thanked him again and told him how much I wished he were at my house right now, getting into my twin bed with me, naked. No matter how tired we were, we could muster up enough energy to suck each other off, at least twice! I asked him if he was gonna jerk off thinking about me tonight and he said he already did. And he has the nerve to call me a horny bastard! Just the way our IM conversation was going, I was trying to type with my right hand while playing with my dick and balls with my left. That's not easy!

We agreed that we'd make up for lost time with each other tomorrow, maybe after school. "I know!" Mark said, "We'll go to the library after rock orchestra practice!"

"Great idea!" I thought to myself. I was still rubbing myself with my hands down my underwear. I sat back in my desk chair and worked up a sticky mess in no time as I thought about Mark. I blew my wad into the palm of my left hand, and licked up some of it. I ended up smearing the rest on my underwear. What the hell, they'll be a little present for Mark! I jumped into bed and before falling asleep, I reflected on the weekend.

I really was at peace with the way things turned out. I started out tense as hell on Thursday night... and during the drive up to the cabin, and Friday night and Saturday morning. By Saturday afternoon I had finally started to lighten up. But a lot of things happened. I learned some things about myself.

I realized that I don't like to share. I don't have to share with my brother. We have our own rooms, our own clothes, our own stuff. We're so different. He likes girls, I like boys. He plays football, I play drums. But he's not so bad. After all, he let me use his iPod, and he said I was a good drummer. And he doesn't rag on me about being so close to Mark. So I'll take what I can get where my big brother is concerned.

What I'm really getting at about sharing is I don't like to share Mark. With other people. I like all our friends, but I like being alone with Mark even more. I want him all to myself.

I got to know Townsend a lot better and valued his friendship more, too. Even though there's still so much about him that's a mystery to me. He's so smart, and very talented. But he's also a thief, and a very selective one at that. And, he's a very lonely kid.

Townsend was off the target as far as saying Nora was "falling for me" as he put it, but at least it opened my eyes to some things I might have otherwise ignored. I was able to have the courage to talk to her about where we stand with each other and be honest about it. Sort-of. I thank Townsend for that.

And about Nora. I know I'm lucky to have her as a friend. I just know she'll never judge me. Our friendship goes beyond just needing each other for appearances and the convenience of having a "date." I'm glad we're in each other's back pockets.

And as for Mrs. Graham. I just didn't want her in my face like she was the other night when she thought I was sick. Because... you know... I wasn't sick. She was only worried about me, and I'm just not used to that. In fact, I'm a little embarrassed about the way I acted. I was an ass. Maybe it's me who gives her the cold shoulder instead of the other way around. And maybe that's all it is, how I react when she seems to challenge me. Maybe she just wants to see the best in me. Maybe it's just a mother's love.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 21

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