Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Feb 17, 2007


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and, well, more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you from around the world who have written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 18.

What a way to go to bed on Christmas Eve! I was still on the high of just having had hot phone sex with my hot loverboy! Lying in bed, under the covers, naked. Looking at the ceiling, smiling as I thought about him. Dreaming with my eyes open. Yet missing him, wanting to feel his hot touch, needing him to kiss me goodnight as we say those three little big words to each other. I said them anyways, out loud to myself: "Goodnight Mark. I love you."

Every year until now, I'd go to bed on Christmas Eve, anxious about what presents I'd get, would they be what I really wanted... curious about what would be in my stocking, and what surprises awaited me under the tree. I even remember wondering what I'd do if my brother got more gifts than me. I know what you're thinking; I sound like a selfish, spoiled brat. But I'm not. Honest.

This year was different. Mark was front and center in my thoughts, ahead of Santa Claus and presents. If I didn't receive any gifts at all, that would be OK, because I had him. I stared, and I thought, I sighed and I wished... smiling, and rubbing my still very-stiff cock. Even missing Mark as much as I did, wanting him in my bed beside me, I fell asleep... smiling. And I woke up that way too, on Christmas morning. Smiling, and rubbing my still even-stiffer cock!

I wanted to beat off as usual, but instead I got up to piss, as difficult as that would be with my Christmas-morning wood still not having gone down. As soon as I walked out into the hallway, the aroma of Dad's pancakes wafting through the house got my attention, momentarily distracting me. It sure made my "yule log" get soft! When I was done in the bathroom I woke up Keith, demanding he get his ass downstairs so we could open presents.

"Keith! Get up! It's Christmas! Let's open our presents!"

"Get out of here, asshole!" He growled.

"Ah, come on Keith! Dad's already downstairs!"

"Fuck off you little twit! I'm still sleeping!"

'Comatose' was more like it. "Come on, please!!?? Dad's making pancakes and all, don't you wanna see what we got??"

"Alright, I'll be down in a minute. Get the fuck out of here already!" With that attitude I didn't care if he came downstairs or not. I was thinking he probably wanted to stroke himself a little bit before coming downstairs and just didn't want me to know, LOL! So I went on down to help Dad.

"Hey big guy! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, Dad!" I said as I hugged him. He messed up my already-messed-up sorta-long hair. "Mmmm! Pancakes! Need some help?"

"Sure! You want to get another bottle of syrup from the pantry?"

"OK!" You see... my Dad... makes... the best pancakes! Ever!!

"Do you boys want to eat first or open presents?"

"I dunno... Presents! No, pancakes! No... presents!" I had to think about this.

"Sounds like your brother's up... tell you what... these will keep warm. Let's open presents first!"

"Yeah, OK!" Suddenly, I was ten years old all over again.

Keith came downstairs in a slightly better mood, but he always puts on his best behavior in front of Dad. He probably did jerk off when he woke up, that perv! I sort-of ignored him, but once we were all more awake we got along and the snotty remarks stopped.

We always open our gifts youngest to oldest, so I got to go first! Funny how we all got and gave each other mostly money and gift cards. We're pretty much past the toys and underwear stage, but still, we all got several new pairs of socks. Dad got us both gift cards to the Gap and A&F, but he also bought us a couple of shirts, plus I got a new North Face book bag and a gift card to Sam Ash. "Santa" gave Keith the new iPod he wanted, and he also paid for my cell phone paid for a whole year, with text-messaging added.

"Dad... why did you do all of this?" Keith asked.

"What?? I didn't do any of it. Santa did. You see the card."

"But Dad... I said if you let me get the phone I'd pay for it, like I have been, and that I'd pay the extra amount each month for the text-messaging too." I added.

"Like I told your brother, it's from Santa." Dad smiled. "I told Santa it was OK to be a little more generous than usual this year!" Dad teased.

"Thanks, Dad."

"Yeah, thanks, Dad! And thanks, "Santa." Merry Christmas!"

Then Dad handed both Keith and me each an envelope, one for him, one for me.

"What's this?" We both asked, totally surprised.

"A little extra... for your New Year's trip."

"What??" Keith and I said, our jaws dropping as we both looked up.

"Look, if I can't spoil my sons once in awhile, then there's something wrong."

"But Dad, you don't have to do this..."

"Yeah, we've got the money..." I said.

"I know, I know. But you've got to buy lift tickets, you might go out someplace nice for dinner or stop for lunch...whatever..."

"But Dad..."

"Kevin, I insist. It's yours. You boys go and have a good time... no, a great time. Just be careful. I mean it. I don't want any broken legs or fractured skulls!

"Dad, this is really sweet." My brother said. "Thanks!"

"Yeah, thanks, Dad. You rock!"

He just smiled. "OK, let's eat!" My Dad's amazing.

I asked Dad what he was doing for New Year's, and he said since both of his boys were 'grown-ups now', and 'leaving him', he'd be joining Aunt Laura and Uncle Dave for dinner. At first I felt kinda bad that both Keith and I would be gone and Dad would be alone, but he said he was actually looking forward to spending a little time with his younger sister. And really, I was glad that I wouldn't have to face Aunt Laura and all of her questioning. After the three of us finished off the pancakes, I volunteered to clean up the kitchen. That way I could call Mark while Dad and Keith went up to shower and stuff. Plus, I figured I'd probably want to shower after I spoke to Mark!

We really don't have many Christmas Day traditions in our family. But having Dad's pancakes for breakfast is one of them and going to the movies is the other. I asked Dad if I could invite Mark to go with us, and he was like, "You don't even have to ask, of course it's alright." So Mark and I both got excited when I told him. I had already checked out the movies that were playing and my pick was 'King Kong'. I really wanted to see Brokeback Mountain, but thought that would be something I'd only want to see with Mark, alone. And 'The Family Stone' wouldn't really be a good idea, even though I'll admit Rachel McAdams is hot, not to mention Luke Wilson. But still, it wouldn't be a good idea. So 'King Kong' it was. We picked Mark up at 5:30, and Dad said we'd get something to eat afterwards. I can't believe Keith didn't ask Lisa. Maybe he did and she told him to "fuck off." That'd be great, then he'd know what it feels like to be talked to like that.

I didn't know how I was going to get through the day, not being able to see Mark until later. I passed the time by emailing him, listening to music, emailing all my other friends, going through my old book bag to see what homework I had to do over the holiday break, emailing Mark again, taking my shower (longer than usual), emailing Mark... again... you get the idea. There was a book I had to get at the library, but of course that would be tomorrow's project. Right now I was going over in my head how we could sit in the movie theater so that Mark and I could at least hold hands without getting noticed. I knew we wouldn't be able to make out, for obvious reasons, and I couldn't risk getting busted by Dad or Keith, so this was going to be a challenge. I had to think of a way to be able to touch him somehow. Maybe Dad and Keith could sit in front of us, and Mark and I would sit a row or two behind them.

No luck. The way it worked out was Mark and I sitting in the same row as Dad and Keith, in the two seats between them. Fuck! But it didn't stop us from going back out to the concession area to get popcorn and sodas after sneaking a quick, hot French kiss in one of restroom stalls first. Keith wondered 'what the fuck took you so long?' to which I replied I was in the restroom. I wasn't lying. He just shook his head in amazement. After the movie Dad took us all to TGI Friday's.

On the way home Keith asked Dad if we could drop him off at the house first, then he'd take Mark home because he wanted to stop in to see Lisa. Fine with Dad, and fine with me! We only stayed a few minutes, but Mark and I had time for a few more kisses and ass-grabbing. He said we better stop before we got carried away. I already sorta was carried away because I could feel a little stickiness in my underwear. And Mark's famous rounded right-side bulge was bigger than usual and up a little higher. Believe me, I know, because I looked! I told Mark maybe he and I could get together the next day, that I had to go to the library. And actually, we got together every day that week.

I did try to sleep in until 9:00 a.m., though, instead of waking up at the crack of dawn like I usually do every morning. Of course, if I had my way I'd wake up at the crack of Mark every morning, LOL! Yep, I'd have my smiling face right there at his ass, ready to sniff, kiss and lick! Delicious!

So, Monday afternoon Mark picked me up and we went to the library. We were in there, oh, probably two hours or so, and I got the book I needed. Both of us worked on some other stuff we had to do, then he wanted to go to Starbucks. Fine with me, but I said no funny stuff in the restroom this time.

"What? No bathroom blowjobs this time, sweetie? You didn't have a problem with me kissing you in the restroom at the movies yesterday." Actually, I did start to have a little "problem" if you know what I mean LOL!

"Umm... Yesterday at the theater was one thing, but that time at Starbucks was another. I gotta admit that was hot, though, mister! But we can't risk getting caught there, at Starbucks. I'd like to find a new place."

"Believe it or not, I thought part of the thrill was almost getting caught." Mark quipped.

"Yeah, that's for sure. Remember that dude who was standing outside the restroom when we walked out? We were this close to him barging in on us."

"We could hide out in the restroom... here...!!" Mark suggested, laughing hysterically.

"What???? Are you out of your mind!!?? You're crazy, Mark! I can't believe you said that!"

"Yeah, man! I hear library sex is fucking awesome! Like, in 'The Squid and the Whale' when that kid beats off and jizzes all over the bookshelf, I laughed my ass off!"

"He got caught, though, dumbass."

"Hey, yeah, sweetie, that's why I said we could go in the restroom and it would be more private, you know, like we wouldn't do anything right out here in the open or anything..."

"You're pathetic, Mark. You are one horny bastard. I'll take care of you, just not here in the library. And not at Starbucks, either. Now come on. Buy me something." We laughed even more as we drove the few streets over to Strarbucks. I tried to look in Walgreen's to see if I could see Nora, but I couldn't tell if she was there or not.

We sat in those big, soft velvety chairs again, sipping our mistos. As we planned the trip back to the cabin for New Year's, it was Mark's idea that I stay at his house again Thursday night since we were leaving Friday. I was all for it, but I had another idea. I wanted him to sleep over at my house Wednesday night. I missed him and I had to have sex again. I just couldn't wait. I was hornier than hell, and between jacking off every chance I got and stealing kisses from him once in a while, that just wasn't cutting it. I needed Mark to make me scream. That's what I like. For Mark to make me scream.

I just had to get through the next day or two. Tuesday we went to Dick's Sporting Goods with Townsend because he wanted to get new Oakley's and we just sorta split up and looked around the store. I didn't really need anything but Mark bought a new stocking cap. After a while we caught up with Townsend as he was paying for the sunglasses and he motioned to 'let's get going.'

I was sorta relieved that he decided to pay for something. But as he drove down to Wendy's so we could get something to eat, he pulled out the rest of the loot he got at Dick's. For a moment I thought he hadn't shoplifted again, but boy was I wrong. Another pair of less expensive sunglasses, gloves and thermal socks. How does he do this shit?? If he had gotten caught Mark and I surely would have gone down with him. I was uncomfortable about it, yet fascinated with it at the same time. That's sick, I know. And he was our friend. I decided to keep silent and not judge him. Mark and I just exchanged glances and said "Wow, dude!"

Maybe it's the thrill of almost getting caught that we're all hung up with. For Townie, it's stealing. For Mark and me, it's sex in a public place. (Maybe Mark and I just need to go to Amsterdam! LOL!)

Well, soon enough it was Wednesday and I had it Mark's stayover all planned out. I didn't know how much fooling around we could do up in my room, with Keith possibly being within an earshot. And we all know he hears everything I do. And Dad would be there too. So we just couldn't do a whole lot in my room. But we could mess around down in the basement in my drum room. After all, it is soundproof! I don't know why I didn't think of this before. My drum room is the perfect place, but we still had to be careful not to be suspicious or obvious. I just told Dad we were working on some stuff for rock orchestra and we'd be up pretty late, not to worry. He bought it. As for my brother, I don't know what time he got in, but we never saw him the whole night. I put the sleeping bags in the drum room and got a bunch of extra pillows... and my "supplies!"

Mark came over around eight o'clock. We stayed upstairs for a while talking to Dad, and I made sure I was acting normal. Finally I was like "Hey Mark, let's go down the basement." When we got in the drum room I locked the door and turned on only the Christmas lights. I never thought of that room as being romantic before, but it sure seemed that way now. I practically attacked Mark as soon as I shut the door. In between kisses and licks I told him, like a million times, that I loved him. I think I was already hard when we got down the basement, but if I wasn't, I sure was hard now. Uncomfortably hard.

I began to rip Mark's clothes off, starting with the cargo pants he had on. I had my hand down his boxers and the other hand up his shirt, my mouth never leaving his lips. He wasn't undressing me yet, but grabbed my head in his hands as he was kissing me back. I couldn't wait to get his hardness in my mouth. Soon we were both stripped. Me, completely, but Mark still had on his T-shirt and socks. I thought that was sexy as hell. My mouth went straight for his cock, and I swallowed him whole. I licked hispole like a popsicle, up and down, up and down, occasionally rubbing it against my cheek and kissing his dickhead. I played with his nuts, too, which made Mark whisper "Oh God, Kevin" like a million times.

We were soon on the floor with me under Mark's ass and balls, licking furiously. He, in turn worked on my throbber and balls, all the while having his hands under my butt, squeezing it. Finally his tongue jabbed at my hole, which made me scream a little bit the first time. He got me good and wet with his spit and he teased my hole relentlessly with his fingers. He used them all, too.

I wanted to cum right away and yet I wanted to wait. I knew this was going to be a long night, at least a two or three-timer for each of us. The precum was flowing and Mark's tasted sweeter than usual. I remember Mark bending me over the desk I have in the drum room, spreading my ass far as I put my left leg up on a chair to give him even better access to my hole. After a few more licks and one hell of a deep finger probe, he really greased me up with the KY and then rolled on a condom. I couldn't help it, I was stroking myself with both hands. I guess we both thought he had my hole stretched pretty good, so he wasted no time plunging right into me.


He wasn't exactly barbaric, but he wasn't gentle either, that's for sure. He was way deep up my rectum, farther than I remember at the cabin, but what do I know? Thrusting hard, it hurt. Burned is more like it, around the opening. But inside it felt great. I didn't want him to stop.

"Harder!" I whimpered. "Oh oh oh oh!" It felt like he was splitting me in two. "Fuck me harder!"

Mark slid his dick almost all the way out, then back in several times more slowly, just to tease me because I was begging for more. I was still jacking myself, now with some of the lube from my hole. I spread my legs as far apart as I could, with the one still up on the chair, and Mark pushed my asscheeks even farther apart. He pumped me faster again, and the squishing sounds we were making really turned me on, too. I couldn't hold it any more.

"Uh... uh... hmm... I'm gonna cum!!" I gasped. Mark put his hand around my dick too, just in time. My nuts tightened up and I started to squirt my boy cream in both of our hands. We caught most of my cum, but I'm sure some of it got on the carpet. And I could feel my asshole clamp around Mark's dick, too, with each shot.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh!! Uh... uh... mmm...uhhh!! Oooooohhhhhhh, oohhhhhh!! OHHHH!!! Oh shit, OHHHHH GOD!!!! OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! UHHHHHHH!!!!!!! OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhh......... Mmmmmmmmmm!!"

We both screamed, at the same time. I could feel Mark filling the condom as he shot deep in my ass. We were both breathing hard, panting actually, dripping with sweat, dripping with cum, Mark's dick still in my ass. He kissed my shoulders and the back of my neck. I turned my head as far as I could so the tips of our tongues could meet. Then we licked my jizz off our hands. That was hot.

We cleaned up a bit, and for some reason put our underwear back on and just sat and talked. Yeah, I was listening to him, but my mind was also drifting, thinking how much I missed the privacy we had at the cabin, and how going back there with a crowd would be sorta like torture. I mean, with that many people and only two bathrooms, I don't think I'd even have the privacy and the opportunity to jack off. It's not like it was summer and I could go out in that shed for a few minutes alone. Or with Mark! Oh well, I guess I was just gonna have to use willpower. Tough job, though.

We both laid down on the sleeping bags and were making out before we knew it. Soon our hands were in each other's underwear again, then they were off in no time. Butt naked again! Kissing and tongue sucking. I got on top of Mark and we pressed our dicks together and we eventually gave each other mutual hand-jobs, while still kissing. Our kisses became more forceful and deeper and we approached the moment of truth. I think we both came almost as much as the first time. We mopped up gain, said "I love you" and "goodnight" and cuddled close to each other. I left the Christmas lights on, which gave a certain warmness to the room. I never slept down in my drum room before, but doing it with Mark was cool! Yeah, we fell asleep, but after a few hours we both sorta woke up and "did it" again, in that dreamy state of mind.

We woke up Thursday, at the crack of each other, and cuddled and kissed, even with morning breath. I had that "fire and ice" feeling in my ass. Tender, yet content. I just had to get more used to it, and believe me, that's what I was determined to do. I hated to break up our little party, but thought I better go upstairs and scope things out. Dad was already gone and left a note on the counter to clean up the house and call him at the office if there was anything we wanted from the grocery store, as he was going shopping at NatureMarket after work. Keith was awake, but still in his room. I told Mark it was OK for him to shower first, then I would. We ate a little breakfast then packed our things and went back to his house.

"Oh, I gotta stop by the library again, I just gotta drop off this book and check out another one that I had them put on reserve."


Mark waited outside while I ran in the library. I was only in there a few minutes, and when I got back to the car he mentioned he saw my good friend Emily DeMarco. She was driving and dropped someone off, too. Her mother, maybe?

"What the fuck is that stupid cunt up to?"

"She's stalking you, buddy!" Mark teased.

"That isn't funny, Mark. She probably is."

We goofed around the rest of the day doing stupid stuff. I called Dad, we went to Walgreen's to see if Nora was there (she wasn't), we went to Dairy Queen and got ice cream cones. It was fun eating each other's, making suggestive swirls and licks with our tongues and laughing our asses off. Of course I was shivering!

Later that night we stayed at Mark's for dinner and Mrs. Graham was pretty nice to me this time, asking what we got for Christmas and how were my grandparents... you know, all the nosey shit your friends' mothers always ask. I was polite and thanked her not only for dinner, but for letting all of us go to the cabin for New Year's.

Mr. Graham wanted to talk about packing, the driving arrangements and what time we'd be leaving, all that stuff. Mr. and Mrs. Graham plus Mark and Amy would ride in the Jeep. Keith, Lisa, Nora and me would go in Keith's car, and Brigette, Eric and Jen would ride with Townsend in his car.

After dinner we went back to my house so I could get my stuff together and spend a little time with Dad. I said Keith was going to pick me up at Mark's in the morning and since Dad would already be at work, we'd better say "goodbye" and "Happy New Year" now.

We hugged, Dad said to be careful and to call him at midnight on New Year's. He emphasized not to turn off my phone this time!

Back at Mark's, after the Jeep was loaded and his parent's were in bed we stayed up a while watching 'Family Guy'. Finally when it was quiet we went to bed.

"Sweetie, we gotta be really quiet you know. This isn't quite like your soundproof drum room!"

"I'll do my best!" we laughed. Slim chance of me not being loud. Mark makes me scream without even trying.

We took our clothes off and got into his bed, totally hard. Our mouths and hands were all over each other once again. We felt around each other's asses, mine of course being a bit tender. Well, a lot tender. But I was impatient. I reached for a condom and the lube and handed them to Mark. "Fuck me now, Mark."

And he did. Yes, it was painful at first, especially after the workout from last night. My dick was a little puffy too. We didn't waste much more time with foreplay, we just got down to business: Having the best hot sex I could imagine. I lay on my back with my legs locked up around Mark's waist. I could feel his balls as they touched my asscheeks with every push. He was more gentle this time, slower than before. He kissed me the whole time and grabbed hold of my dick, our chests and tummies touching. It was time, and as I shot each powerful spurt he kissed me harder. My screams were muffled by Mark's kisses. "Oh Jesus!" I whispered, totally out of breath.

Mark pulled out of my ass and took off the condom. As he squatted over me, I put my finger in my cum then up to his tight butthole and rubbed it around, but didn't stick it in. I loved doing that to him. He jerked himself off and came all over my chest and neck. We collapsed, then quietly cleaned up and went to sleep. We cuddled again in the morning, but only for a little while because Nervous Nelly (Mrs. Graham) was yelling for everyone to get up and get ready or we'd be late. Mark and I just looked at each other, dumbfounded. Late for what??

Soon everyone arrived at the Graham's, we loaded the cars and it was time to leave. It was a little chaotic, so much was going on and my mind was a blur. With worry, with joy, with desire, and with disappointment all rolled into one. I was glad to be with all my friends and looked forward to a lot of fun, yet I wanted to still be alone with Mark and sad that I couldn't be. Mrs. Graham asked one more time if anyone had to use the bathroom, and if anyone could think of anything we were forgetting. Although we were all were looking forward to the long holiday weekend of skiing, skating and tubing, I was a little pre-occupied because my ass sure did hurt, and I hoped it wasn't noticeable.

Just as I was slowly getting into my brother's car, Townsend got my attention, asking in a whisper if I remembered my swimming trunks. What's up with that? Why did he whisper? Did he ask only me?? Just what did he have in mind?

"Huh??" I said. "Wh... What??

"Kev... you alright?"

He was asking about my swimsuit, and all I could think about was who I was going to kiss first at midnight on New Year's Eve.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 19

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