Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Dec 28, 2006


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and jack-off buddy, and yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you who have written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 15.

We sat there in the middle of Rt. 32 for a minute, staring at that damn 'Road Closed' sign in disbelief.

"Well sweetie, we gotta come up with a plan. The cabin is on Moonbeam Road, which is off 23-A, so I gotta think." We pulled into a gas station, although it was obviously closed, just to figure out what the fuck we were gonna do since the only road to the cabin Mark knew of was shut down. We knew we were fucked. Only it wasn't the kind of "fucked" we had hoped for.

I debated whether I should call my Dad and just come clean with him about where we were and what we had done. Just fess up as to why I hadn't called again and about the mess we were in. Then I thought I should listen to the messages first, but I was too scared. So I didn't listen to them. I didn't really have the opportunity. Just then a big snowplow came past, followed by the red flashers of a New York State Police SUV, which pulled over beside us. The trooper got out and approached Mark's side of the Jeep.

"Hi fellas"

Mark said "Hello, sir." Me, like an idiot, I said "Hello, your honor." Mark gave me a 'shut-your-mouth-dumbass' look.

"What brings you guys out in weather like this so late at night?"

"We're going to my family's cabin, sir. It's just off 23-A between here and Tannersville. We're just wondering what to do now, since the road's closed off."

"Yeah 23's closed alright, I guess you can see that. Had some pretty bad drifting and icy bridges, not to mention those bridges are all so narrow up there. May I see your driver's license, please, young man?" The trooper was very polite and despite that big parka he had on he had to be freezing his ass off. Mark gave him his license and the trooper shined his flashlight around the inside of the Cherokee. Thank God my coat was covering my crotch, because otherwise he might have seen a wet spot there!

"Is this your vehicle, young man?"

"No sir, it's my mom's." Mark replied. "Actually it's my mom and dad's both."

We kept hearing the static sounds and the dispatcher on the police radio, which for some reason made me nervous as hell. I decided I better just keep my mouth shut.

"Well we gotta get you boys somewhere safe, off the roads for the night. You're a good three hours from Long Island, in nice weather. Do your parents know you're out this late in conditions like this?"

"Umm, yes sir they do." Mark continued, "Excuse me, sir, but do you know if there is any other way to get to Moonbeam Road, other than from 23-A?"

"Nope." 'Nope' as in he didn't know, or 'nope' as in there is no other way? Mark and I both were a nervous wreck, I could tell he was. I just hope the state trooper didn't pick up on it. "I think I'll put in a call to your parents to let know you're alright. Then I'm going to have you follow me to the police station after we call. It's just down the road there a bit."

"NO!!" I blurted out. "I mean, sir, I'm Kevin, by the way, but, umm sir, I really have to go to the bathroom, really bad, I mean really, really bad, sir. See, I haven't gone all day, sir, all damn day! Can we just go to the police station first and we can call them from there, please??" I begged. "I really gotta go!!"

"Oh...sure...that's not a problem, son. I hope you can hold it." He smiled. "Follow right behind me. The station's about a half-mile down on the left."

What a relief. I had a few minutes to call Dad while we followed the trooper to the police station, since he agreed to wait until we got there to call our folks. Maybe I wouldn't be in any less trouble, but at least I possibly wouldn't be quite as embarrassed if they talked to Dad before I had a chance to. I was shaking as I speed dialed, but it didn't go through because I was out of my area code. So I had to dial manually. I was so anxious I don't know how I did it. Dad answered on the first ring, as if he was waiting next to the phone.

"Dad! Listen, it's me, Kevin. Hey I'm sorry I didn't call before, but we're alright and I know it's late, but see Dad, I had my phone turned off by mistake, and I didn't mean to leave it off, I just completely forgot about it when we were standing in line and everything, so don't worry about anything, Dad, I mean it, honest, we're alright, and I know I should have called, but please Dad I'm really sorry, I know I screwed this up, but honest, I didn't mean to, and the state police are here now and we're safe and everything's OK, and Mark's fine and..."

"Kevin??!!" Dad was almost shouting at me in the phone. "Kevin! Calm down already!"


"What's going on? Where are you two? Was there an accident or something? Car trouble? Why are you with the state police? Where have you been?" Dad didn't sound angry, just relieved I finally called.

"OK, we've been driving to the cabin, and we just stopped at some places Mark wanted to show me, like we said when we called before..."


"And we were just taking our time and I turned off my phone and I just...forgot to turn it back on, and then after that it started to snow..."

"Well, at first I was a little worried, but I figured you just forgot even though I asked you a million times to call me. So, where did you go, what was this place?"

Dad's cross-examination again. Shit! It was all I could do to stay calm and yet not lie to him, not directly at least. "Oh, it was just some place, some building Mark wanted to go to, you know..."

"Did you go shopping too, is that why you were in line?"

"Oh...yeah, we went to a store there."

"So, what did you buy? You guys had everything..."

"Oh we just bought some postcards..."

"Postcards? You're six hours late and you stopped at some store to buy...postcards?"

"Well, yeah, Dad. Well then we were at another store and bought juice and potato chips."

"Juice and potato chips...?"

"Yeah, Dad, juice and potato chips, we didn't have any, just a snack...OK?"

"Yes..." Dad hesitated, but after what felt like an hour on the witness stand he let me off gently, his usual style. "I don't know about you, Kevin. This is so typical of you, I can't be mad at you. I'm just glad you're alright, and Mark too. You're sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, Dad. Honest, we're fine, don't worry."

"I was just a little bit worried, that's why I called you when I hadn't heard anything. But I think either my phone or yours is messed up, or something. I tried four or five times before it went through, finally. I kept getting your voice mail greeting but it wouldn't let me leave a message, till finally it went through. Make sure your phone is charged. So where exactly are you now? And what's this about the state police, again?"

"We're almost at the cabin, but the road is closed, and with all the snow, the state police saw us and we're probably gonna have to sleep at the police station. I think they're gonna call you so you can hear it from them we're OK."

"Alright." Dad said.

"OK, we're here now, just pulling into the police station here in...(Mark where are we?)...we're at the police station in Palenville. I'm sure they'll call you in a few minutes. Love ya, Dad."

"I love you too, Kevin. Be careful! Be sure someone calls me back!"

"Bye!" My God, what a relief. Despite the usual line of questioning from Dad, at least he didn't seem pissed, just concerned. And I didn't exactly lie.

Mark quickly called his parents too, and explained why we were so late. He said they were also a little worried, but figured we were there and all was well or we would have called if there was a real problem. They called him a few times with some reminders of things to check at the cabin. We decided to listen to all the messages later. Mark parked the Jeep where the trooper told him to and we all went inside the station. It was warm in there and the dispatcher, a very nice woman about 40, offered us some hot cocoa, which we gladly accepted. I immediately asked to use the restroom.

The trooper went into a little room and talked to another officer for a few minutes. Mark waited while I took a piss. A few minutes later he poked his head through the door and told us to get whatever we needed out of the Jeep, we would bunk there for the night.

Mark and I came back in with our bags and sat while the other police officer called Mark's parents and then Dad. Although at first we fully expected to get reamed, that didn't happen, thank God. The officer assured Dad and Mark's parents we were fine, and that 23-A would be re-opened in the morning and they would see to it that we got up to the cabin safely. The dispatcher showed us a cell we'd be sleeping in and got us some extra blankets. The only things in there were two cots and a sink. No one else was there, like convicts or prisoners. It's not like I was expecting death row or anything, but I'd never really been inside a police station before.

"Are you locking us up, sergeant?" I asked.

"No, son, I'm not locking you up. You two get some sleep and let me know if you need anything. You know where the restroom is, right across the hall here."

We thanked her and she left, finally.

"She's not the sergeant, dumbass. She's a dispatcher." Mark teased me. "God, Kev, where do you come up with some of the shit you say??"

I thought I was gonna cry because Mark was annoyed with me. "How the hell how would I know that? She's wearing a fucking badge and a uniform and everything. I'm just being polite. Lighten up on me already, my nerves are shot!"

"Aww, sweetie, I'm sorry. Hey, I wish these cots were bigger so we could sleep in the same one, together." Mark said.

"Yeah, I know. This isn't exactly the Plaza, is it?" Mark gave me a quick kiss goodnight. "And not exactly the way I thought we'd be spending our honeymoon!" We laughed.

We lay down on our beds and covered up with the extra blankets, but still had our clothes on. Somehow I didn't feel right taking off my clothes in jail. It was quiet and very dark.

"Goodnight Mark."

"Goodnight sweetie."

"Are you gonna dream about me?"

"Yup! Tonight and every night!"

"I love you Mark."

"I love you too sweetie."

"You sure about that? You seemed pissed at me a couple of times tonight..."

It was getting easier and easier to say "I love you" to Mark. And it was music to my ears to hear him say it to me. I kept talking, but after a few minutes of my nervous chatter, he didn't answer and I knew he had fallen asleep. I shut my eyes and fell asleep too. Next thing I knew we both woke up to voices in the hallway. I looked over at Mark in the dim morning light and wanted to crawl in bed with him. He got up first and used the restroom, then me. But I think waking up in a jail cell had an adverse effect on my dick, because my usual morning wood didn't exist. At first I didn't even think about it. Until Mark put his hand down the front of his jeans scratching and re-arranging his balls.

"Need some help with that?" I teased.

"Huh?? What?? Oh! That!" Mark looked down and laughed, not even realizing at first what he was doing. He took his hand out and smelled his fingers. "Here, you want a whiff, too?" I put his fingers in my mouth and licked them. "Oh you're a sick puppy!" Mark laughed and shook his head.

"Hey, you offered!!"

We went back into the main area of the police station, greeted by a tall, heavy-set gray-haired man, in uniform. Two New York State troopers were there too, talking to the dispatcher, a different woman than the night before. Obviously this was now the morning crew.

"Mornin' boys! I'm Chief Grubek. Name's Tom. You call me chief, got that? You fellas sleep good last night?" He laughed, but I couldn't figure out what the fuck was so funny.

"G'morning sir," Mark and I said in unison. Mark said yeah, we slept good. We thanked him and introduced ourselves.

"I knew we had a couple of jailbirds...I mean...overnight guests. Help yourselves to some coffee. You two must be hungry, I think we might have some cereal somewhere around here. Might be old, though. And maybe a donut or two from a few days ago." He paused, thinking for a minute, looking at Mark. "Hmm... Graham... Graham... are you Charlie Graham's grandson by any chance?"

"Yes, sir, I am"

"Well I ain't seen you since you were a little shit, about this high." He held his hand down low, about mid-thigh. "My God, your grandpa and I go way back, how the hell is that old son-of-a-bitch?"

Mark was startled. "Uhh...he's...f-fine."

"Well god-damn! You tell that old cocksucker I said hello and he better call me. He and your grandma coming up here for Christmas? She's a pretty thing, old Charlie don't deserve a woman that nice!" He laughed some more.

"Uhh, yeah, they're gonna be here I think Christmas Eve. He just wanted me and my friend Kevin here to come up a little early and get things ready in the cabin. Are we gonna be able to get there? Like, is the road open yet?"

When the chief called Mark's grandfather a cocksucker the two state troopers turned and looked at him and raised their eyebrows and smiled.

Chief Grubek hollered to the troopers, "Boys, you think these kids can get by on 23-A now?"

"Yes, chief, the crews just got it re-opened. The call came in over the radio a few minutes ago."

"Good, that's dandy! Can you boys head these two kids up that way and make sure they're alright? They're just going up about four miles to Moonbeam Road, towards Tannersville."

"No problem chief, glad to do it."

"Good, good, good!" he laughed some more. I don't know why he was in such a good mood. He reminded me of a crude, but nice Santa Claus. If you can imagine a Santa-type calling someone's grandfather a son-of-a-bitch and a cocksucker! "You kids take your time and get your stuff. If you wanna get cleaned up a bit the shithouse is right down the hall there. I'll see if we got that cereal. No milk though, hahaha!" (The only milk I wanted was Mark's creamy juice!)

The troopers were laughing, and winked at Mark and me.

"Thank you, chief, we'll pass on the cereal, but thanks. We'll just be a minute and get our things." Mark said. We grabbed our stuff from the cell and put on our coats in two seconds. We couldn't wait to get out of there. "I'll tell my grandpa you said hi!!" Mark shouted as we hurried out the door. "Thanks again!"

The trooper said he's quite a character and gave us a snow brush to clean off the Jeep from the additional snow that fell overnight. All in all it looked like there was more than a foot. It was still cold, but the sun was out and some of the snow on the road was melting into slush.

"Do you believe that guy, Mark?" I asked as we put our things in the Jeep. I can't wait to get to the cabin."

"Yeah, let's get the fuck out of here." I grabbed the box of chewy granola bars as we followed the state trooper onto 23-A. We were so hungry we both ate three of the raisin ones. Moonbeam Road had been cleared but it looked like it was only one lane and we had to cross a narrow bridge but we made it. As we approached the driveway to the cabin Mark blinked his lights to signal the trooper, and we pulled over to the right as much as we could. Mark got out and spoke to the trooper, telling him this is as far as we could go, and asked if we could leave the Jeep parked there until we could clear the driveway. He wasn't too thrilled, but understood we had no choice.

Mark and I walked up to the slight hill of a driveway to the shed to get some shovels and cleared just enough at the bottom to get the Jeep in off the road. The trooper turned around and left and we thanked him. He told us to stay warm and be careful.

"I'll get the snowblower now and finish the driveway if you wanna shovel around up by the door." He was really asking me, which he didn't have to do. The snow was pretty deep.

"It's cool, no problem"

It took a while for Mark to clear the driveway, after he found the fuel mix for the snowblower and finally got it started. He's such a mechanic! He drove the Jeep up close to the back door of the cabin, which was actually quite a bit bigger than I thought it would be.

"Before we unload the car let's grab some firewood and I'll get a fire going."

"OK, sounds good. Oooh wait! We both better call home first!" We learned our lesson last night.

After the phone calls, we both got some logs for the fire. At first I only stood inside the back door, which opened into a large square kitchen with a stone floor. The kitchen was next to a huge living room with the floor-to-roof stone fireplace, a cathedral ceiling and a loft. It looked like a small ski lodge.

"Come on in, you won't hurt anything." Mark said. He didn't even take off his shoes, which were snow-covered.

"Wow! Are we gonna sleep up there?" I asked, pointing to the open loft.

"Sweetie we can sleep anywhere we'd like! When we get settled in I'll show you all around."

I put the logs down and said I'd start getting the stuff out of the Jeep. Mark got a huge fire started and then together we unloaded everything, putting it all just inside the door, in the kitchen.

"We'll put it all away later."

"Jeez that fire looks great! It's warm in here already!"

"There's all that wood stacked behind the shed. Grandpa wanted us to get it up on the deck, and I think we're gonna need it, so I was thinking while we still have our coats and stuff on we might as well do that right away."

"OK! You're the boss."

Mark hugged me and kissed me, his raisin-granola flavored tongue parting my lips. "I'm glad we're finally here. This is all I've been thinking about!" he told me.

Most of the wood had already been chopped into the right size logs for the fireplace. There were some other big logs and branches Mark said we'd cut with the chainsaw after while. The wood had been covered with a tarp, so it was dry. We moved it all to the deck, right outside the living room door. It seemed like it took hours, but at least now it was more convenient. It was cold, but thank goodness it stopped snowing.

"Wanna go in?" Mark asked. "We can cut the rest of the firewood and fix the screens and put in the porch windows tomorrow."

I said OK, but apparently Mark wasn't quite ready to go inside. He tackled me in the snow in the gently sloping back yard. Towards the back the hill got steeper. I rolled over on top of him, then he got back on top of me.

"You tricked me you fucker!"

"No shit!"

He got up to get something out of the shed, so that was my chance to make a snowball, and I threw it right at his ass from about twenty feet away.

"Bastard, I'll get you for that!" Mark threw a snowball at me but I ducked and it missed. But he immediately threw another and that one hit me on my arm.

"That was lame!" I shouted. Then I threw one back at him, hitting him in the leg. An all-out snowball fight was underway! We hid behind trees, the stack of firewood on the deck, behind the car, the shed, everywhere, to get a strategic advantage of pummeling each other with snow. We laughed our asses off as we playfully called each other insulting names. When we finally stopped we both had runny noses and cold, red faces.

"Let's get the sleds!"

We rode down the backyard hill for probably an hour, until it started to get dark. Sometimes we stayed on the sleds, the round smooth-bottomed flying saucer types, and sometimes we just rode down the hill on our frozen asses. We occasionally threw snow in each other's faces, but of course it was always an 'accident'!

At some point Mark lost his knit stocking hat, but I found, filled it with snow and plopped it on his head. But of course, I got the ultimate payback. He took my hat, the one with the furry earflaps, which held a lot more snow than his, and did the same to me. Ten times worse! I had snow in my ears, down my back, down my front, I swear even in my pants! We couldn't stop laughing. We were out of breath and Mark said we better go in before the bears come out.

"Yeah, I think I heard one of those bears howling before." I joked.

"Umm...sweetie...I hate to tell you, but bears don't howl. They growl!" Mark corrected me. "Rrrrrrrr-rrrr-rrrr-grrrrrrrr-grrrrrrr-Rrrrrrrr!!!!!!"

"Kiss my ass, you asshole!! You're an asshole, Mark!"

We stomped our feet outside in the driveway and tried to brush as much snow off each other as possible, but we were still like snowmen.

Inside, Mark threw a couple more logs on the still-burning embers to get the fire going again. In seconds it was raging, and we stood in front of the hearth shedding everything: our wet, snow-covered and snow-filled coats, hats, gloves, shoes, shirts, jeans, socks and underwear. Our tighty-whities had turned blue from our wet denim jeans. We spread out all our gear to dry. We were cold, wet, red...and naked, standing together in front of the fireplace. The fire wasn't the only thing that was raging. So were our hardons! The warmth felt so good.

Outside it was completely pitch black. I never saw the night so dark. Living so close to the city there's always a glow to the night sky. In the cabin, the only light was from the flames.

We stood there in the orange radiance, lost in the moment, face-to-face, dick-to-dick, our chests mashed together. We kissed another long, wet delicious kiss, just like we did on the observation deck of the Empire State Building twenty-four hours earlier. I sucked Mark's tongue like I was blowing it. He put his arms around my shoulders, then they fell around my bare waist. When I sucked his tongue he squeezed my balls. I got dizzy, and not because it hurt. It tingled and almost made me cum on the spot.

"I love you, sweetie."

"I want you, Mark." I whispered.

"How about if you start the shower, and I'll get us a little something else to warm us up even more, OK?. I'll be right in."

"Yeah." I agreed.

I kept the bathroom door open, and although dark, the fire cast just enough flickering light to see what we were doing. A moment later Mark brought in a really special treat. A shot of Jagermeister, which we both sipped from the same glass. I never had that before, in fact I never really had very much alcohol at all, except for the time in Florida when Keith and I drank beer with Dad at our hotel at Disney World, LOL!

In the shower, our boners returned, stiffer than ever. First we kissed, then I knelt down in the tub and sucked Mark as I gently played with his nuts. He moaned until I sensed he was close to the edge, then I stopped. I stood back up, and he turned me around and bent me over as he got on his knees. I leaned forward with my hands on the tile wall as Mark spread my asscheeks. I not only felt (and liked) the warm water running down my crack, but soon felt the warm wet presence of Mark's tongue there as well. I felt a jolt when he stuck both a finger and his tongue in my hole. He moved them both around and around in a circular motion and all I could say was "Oh God!" I couldn't help but stroke my own cock as he licked and fingered my ass. I was pumping myself faster and faster, and Mark stopped me seconds before I was ready to blast.

We were both dripping our clear stickiness as we got out and dried each other off. As we finished the shot of Jagermeister we went back in the kitchen. Naked and still hard. The way we would stay the rest of the night. A few more logs on the fire and Mark cooked us a gourmet dinner: Kraft macaroni and cheese from a box! And while we waited for the water to boil...another shot of Jagermeister! That was so hot sharing it from the same little shot glass. I really wanted both of us to stick our tongues in the glass at the same time but I didn't say anything for fear Mark would think I'm perverted even more than I already am, LOL!

I sat on a barstool, naked, as I watched Mark cook the mac and cheese, naked. We sipped yet another shot, naked. We ate naked. We kissed again, naked. We moved to the big fluffy rug in front of the fireplace, naked. Mark put down a blanket, and we lay down on it together, naked. Wrapped up together, warm and kissing...and naked. Probing and dripping and licking...naked.

"I love you so much Kevin..."

"I love you Mark, God I love you...you know what I want..."

"I know..."

My bag was a few feet away. I fumbled through it in the dim firelight and found a condom and the lube I brought, and handed them to Mark. He was kissing my back and licking my neck, his fingertips touching me everywhere, sending electrifying pulses through my warm body. We made each other's hearts pound.

What we did...what we did...Oh my God, what we did. I want to tell you it was wonderful...

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 16

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