Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Dec 16, 2006


This story is about my relationship with my friend and jack-off buddy, and yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you who have written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 14.

"OUCH!!! Damn, that hurt! Fuck!"

"Settle down, Kevin" Mark yawned, covering his face with a pillow. "I'm still sleeping."

"Wake up, Mark! Fuck, it hurt like hell when you turned over and it pried us apart. All this dried cum on us, it's like our skin is super-glued together!"

"Come on, go back to sleep, Kev..." Mark begged.

"No, dude...wake up! Let's get ready and go! I'm so excited!" I sat up in bed and dangled my feet over the edge. "Let's take a shower together!"

"Go ahead, knock yourself out. My parents are here, remember?"

"Oh...yeah. Fuck."

Mark scratched his ass and made big red marks on it with his fingernails. I pulled the sheet back and kissed his ass, literally. He smiled, that killer smile of his, and rolled over on his back, showing me his massive broomstick. God, I put the whole thing in my mouth, I didn't care what we smelled like! And I didn't care what dried whatever tasted like. I swirled my tongue around Mark's cock head, and in and out of his piss slit, which made him gulp.

I heard Mrs. Graham yell upstairs, "Boys??!!"

Mark whispered, "Stop Kevin." I didn't stop. He yelled back, "Yeah, Mom??!!"

"Are you boys up yet??"

We looked down at our crotches. "Yeah!!!" We giggled.

"Stop! Seriously!" Mark whispered again. "And take off that god-damned bow tie, will ya?"

"Why?? Does it tickle?

"You are such a fuckin' perv." Mark teasingly snapped back.

"Come down for breakfast. Daddy made waffles. And I made fresh-squeezed orange juice."

"Daddy??!!" I asked. "You call your father 'Daddy'?? Jesus, Markie!!" I continued to suck his cock. Now I was playing with his nuts and teasing his inner thighs with the red bow tie, too. I was determined to get him off. I came up for air and asked him, "Who's your Daddy now, bitch??"

"You are, fucker!" Mark laughingly responded as he pushed my mouth back on his pole and held my head in place while I sucked like a baby pig. Suck, suck, suck! It didn't take long and I felt his already tight sack draw up.

"I wanna squeeze the juice out of your oranges, Mark!" And with that I gave his balls a yank and he grabbed his own dick with both hands and jacked himself. He shot a big volley of his creamy juice right onto my lips. I licked them and he shot another. And another, each time whisper-screaming "oh's" and "oooh's" and "ahhhh's." We fell back on the bed, both harder than ever. I admired his beautiful twitching pole. Mark rubbed his stomach and yelled to his Mom we'd be right down.

"Here, you shower real quick in the guest bathroom, I'll hop in my parent's. Fast! Chop chop!! We can take another one before we leave, but we can't go downstairs smelling like this."

I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out at Mark, showing him I hadn't yet swallowed all of his cum. "You bastard! You demented, sick bastard!" He laughingly said to me, pushing me back on the bed. "Move your ass and get in the shower."

"It's amazing we're both still hard!" I needed to get off, too, but I didn't feel right jerking in their shower, knowing we had to get down to breakfast in such a hurry. I didn't even have time to wash my hair. We both threw on jeans and t-shirts and ran downstairs.

"Morning, guys!" Mr. Graham smiled.

"Hey Dad."

"G'morning Mr. Graham." I fake-yawned. Mark and I both grabbed a waffle and I squirted the whipped-cream-in-a-can on mine in the shape of the letter 'M'. Then I licked it off, and ate about half of the waffle. Mark shook his head and mouthed the words "sick bastard" to me and we both laughed out loud. Mr. and Mrs. Graham had gone into another room so they didn't see me do that. It was about 11:30 and Lisa walked in, all happy and smiling. Obviously in a great mood!

"How's my baby brother and his boyfriend?" She kissed Mark on the cheek. I choked.

"God, Lisa!" Mark sounded pissed when she said that. Lisa just continued to smile. She glowed, actually. I had a pretty good idea why.

"So, did you and my brother have a good time last night...I mean, at the dance??" I said with a slight pause.

"Uh-huh!!" She beamed. "He is something else, Kev! We had a great time!"

"Good!" I smiled. "Good for you!"

"I'll tell you this, Kevin. If you're half the man your brother is, you'll sure as hell make Nora a happy girl!..." I blushed. "...If you haven't already!" Lisa continued.

"Believe me, Lisa, Kevin's twice the man his brother is!" Mark laughed. I couldn't stop the warmth and redness filling my face.

"Really??!! Lisa came over to me and hugged and kissed me on the cheek. "Oooh, baby, looks like you must have drooled in your sleep and got some in your hair and it dried. You better wash it."

A good reason to take another shower! I looked at Mark with that Macaulay Culkin/Home Alone surprise face again. I swallowed hard, no pun intended. It wasn't dried drool in my hair, now was it?! Mark just grinned.

"So, Kevin...twice the man as Keith, is that right?

"Lisa, stop. You're embarrassing poor Kevin." I just shook my head at them.

"And just how do you know all of this, Mark? Huh?" Lisa wondered.

"Uh...well...uhhh...it's just stuff guys know, you know, stuff they say..." He laughed.

"So you little stud-muffin, you're taking good care of Nora, huh? You had me worried there. I was starting to think you were taking care of my brother. You two are together all the time," Lisa said with a slightly comical-sinister laugh.

"Funny. Real funny you guys." I said nervously. In my paranoid way I was analyzing everything, trying to figure out who, if anyone, had figured us out.

Mark put our dishes in the dishwasher and we went back up to his room. "Jeez, it's way past noon already, we better get going." Mark said.

"Hey wait, we gotta shower again, like for real this time."

"Yeah, but we can't here..." Mark said.

"But...but...I gotta wash my hair now since there's your dried cum in it, and your sister found it, thank you very much."

"I know," Mark added, "Let's take a shower at your house."

I thought about it a minute, then agreed. That would give me one more chance to say goodbye to Dad, and also I could jerk off at home in my own shower and not feel weird. And I desperately needed to get off. So we did. And I did!

Dad warned us to call the minute we got to the cabin. He said we were supposed to get snow later tonight. Mark mentioned that we probably would be stopping a few times along the way and not to worry, that we'd check in periodically. I spotted my plaid hat with the long fur-lined ear-flaps and took it with me. It was now after 1:00 and we were off. Finally. Mark honked and we could hear the "be careful" shouts from Dad as he waved from the front door.

I sat with my back turned, sort of resting on the door and window and just looked at how hot Mark was as he drove. I put my hat on in the car even though my longish brown hair was still wet.

"You look hot, Mark" I smiled.

"OK, dude. And you look like a boy scout."

"So...what does that mean, huh? Are you saying you don't want to fuck a boy scout?"

Mark choked when I said that! "Uhh, I don't want to fuck a boy scout with matted-down hair."

"Oh, well I guess you'll just have to mess it up then!"

"Don't worry, dude. I have big plans to mess up more than your hair!"

As we turned onto the Long Island Expressway/495-West, I rummaged through the cd's and put in the one that was labeled 'Mark's Mix'. The first song was "Live Forever" by Oasis, and I played air drums along with it while I stared at my guy as he drove. I also took a sudden interest in driving.

"Since I'm riding shotgun, I'll be that navigator, OK? You know, I'll read the big green signs and tell you when to change lanes and stuff."

"You'll read the signs and tell me when to change lanes?"

"Well, yeah..."

"You'll fucking tell me when to fucking change lanes?? I think Mark was irritated with me, but in a playful way.

"Mark, are you mad at me or something?" I asked.

"No, I'm not mad, I'm just nervous."

"Oh, I get it. Well I won't bother you then, I promise. I'll just let you drive and do your thing so you can concentrate. If you wanna read the signs by yourself, go ahead. I'm just saying..."

(Second song: "In My Place" by Coldplay)

"Good song," I told Mark as I continued to play dashboard drums to the beginning.

After we crossed the Throgs Neck Bridge I handed Mark the toll money and couldn't help telling him where to drive.

"LeftLaneLeftLaneLeftLane!!!" I chirped.

"I guess I'll get in the left lane then, sweetie!" Mark just looked at me.

(Third song: "Smile Like You Mean It by The Killers)

"Sorry!" I said, as I leaned over and kissed him. That, at least, made Mark smile. He can't be too pissed at me if he called me sweetie. Again.

"What the fuck is a Throg anyways?" I wondered.

"Who the fuck knows?? Who the fuck even cares? Only you would ask a question like that, Kevin." Mark smiled as he teased me.

(Fourth song: "Radiation Vibe" by Fountains of Wayne)

I looked out the window, as I sang along with the song: "Baby, baby, baby, come on what's wrong, there's a radiation vibe I'm groovin' on..."

It was chilly, but there was not much snow on the ground and the sun was shining. The roads were clear, so Mark really didn't have a reason to be nervous. About driving, at least. "Don't it make you wanna get some sun...shine on, shine on, shine on..."

(Fifth song: "Got Your Name On It" by Feel)

Mark knew just where to turn and which exits to take. He must have studied mapquest for like a week to know the route this good. Me, I'd be lost. We were on this expressway and that one, the Cross-something and the Major-somebody...hell I didn't know where we were. But I did know we had been on the road over an hour, because most of the songs on the cd had played. Mark turned off I-87 at the Tarrytown exit, the last one before the Tappan Zee Bridge. We turned off the music after "Breakdown" by the Plain White T's.

"Is this how we get to the cabin?" I asked. "We must be close, it's almost 2:30 and you said it takes about an hour to get there."

"About that, Kevin...I was wrong, just a little...about the time. But it doesn't matter, we're gonna do something else first."

Mark drove through town and followed the signs to the Metro-North train station. I grabbed my hat as Mark parked the Jeep. We ran along through the lot as he hurried me over to the station to buy tickets. I had no idea where we were going or what we were doing. In the back of my mind I was excited by Mark's sudden little mystery tour, but also somewhat scared of where it was leading us. If only Dad hadn't laid the call-as-soon-as-you-get-there guilt-trip thing on me. Jeez!

"Come on, we don't want to miss the train, sweetie."

The ticket windows were closed so Mark bought two round trip tickets to Grand Central from the ticket machines.

"Oh my God, we're going into the city?? What are we doing? Come on, Mark, tell me!" I begged. "You gotta tell me!!"

It's a surprise, Kev. Just a little something I wanna do, sort-of your Christmas present, I guess, in a way..."

"Mark, what are you up to? What am I gonna tell my Dad? I'm supposed to call him when we get there...to the cabin, not Manhattan!"

"Don't worry, we'll think of something."

We were waiting only a few minutes on the platform, when the Hudson Line train pulled up and we got on board. "You want me to lie to my Dad?"

"No, no. Not at all..." Mark looked so sad, like he fucked something up, or something. He thought for a minute. "Oh...oh! I know! We'll call him and say we're still on our way, just taking our time and everything's OK. We can even call him a couple of times."

"I don't know... I hope you know what you're doing." Mark definitely looked like he needed a hug. I wasn't pissed at him, but I also wasn't feeling very sexy toward him either. "How long is the train ride?" I asked the conductor.

"This run is about 48 minutes, sir."

I told Mark I hope I didn't have to piss on the train. "Don't worry, sweetie. If you do just hold it till we get into Grand Central. I'm sure they have restrooms there," Mark said with a chuckle. As the train sped down the tracks I looked out the window and kind-of daydreamed. My mind drifted back to Thanksgiving Day when Dad, Keith and I were in Penn Station and I peed in that filthy, dark men's room. And what I witnessed in there. And how I felt about it. I was smiling big-time.

"What are you thinking about?" Mark asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just...thinking about train station restrooms, that's all."

"OK, I must have missed something..."

I laughed. "Didn't I tell you about that time when I was taking a piss in that god-awful restroom Penn Station and these two guys were in there getting it on? Jesus, the sounds they made...slurp, slurp...oh shit, oh fuck, oh yeah...slurp, slurp...that restroom was horrible!"

"Yeah, kind-of sounds like you and me in that bathroom in Starbuck's, huh??"

"You got me there! But in the train station, that was so hot hearing them that day. Better watch out, Mark. I might attack you in the restroom in Grand Central! I'm hard right now just thinking about all that!"

Mark looked down at my crotch. "Mmmmmm!!!" His eyes widened and he licked his lips and smiled. "Promise??"

"Well, I don't know. We might not have time for that. I'm gonna be in enough trouble as it is, let alone what if we get caught having sex in a public restroom. I might as well jump off the Empire State Building if that happened."

"OKOKOKOK!!!! No sex in the train station, I promise. We'll wait till we get to the cabin!"


I hadn't even realized it but the train had already gone underground, which meant we were in Manhattan. In no time we pulled into Grand Central Terminal. We got off the train and walked through the concourse, admiring all the Christmas decorations, and the shops and the people... Gosh it's a beautiful place. And fucking huge, too. We walked out onto 42nd Street and I took Mark's lead. "Where to now, hot stuff?"

"Follow me." We walked down 42nd to Fifth Avenue and turned left. All the way down to 34th Street and the Empire State Building. We were silent almost the whole time. I'm the one who is usually the spaz, the over-the-top goofball. But today it was Mark who was the seemingly nervous one.

"Why are you acting all "Holden" today? Jumpy and weird and stuff," I asked Mark. He never answered, almost as if he didn't even hear me.

"We're here!" he said. "Let's go up."

"Wh-wh-what??" I said as I looked up at the amazing skyscraper.

"Well, we didn't come here just to stand in the lobby! Come on!"

I hadn't been to the observation deck since third grade, but Mark knew exactly where to go. He had this all planned, and even bought our tickets online. All we had to do was go up the escalator and through the security check. We had to wait in line, probably twenty minutes, but it seemed like forever. I called Dad while we were in line. He seemed OK that we weren't at the cabin yet, as I explained we stopped at a few places along the way to do a few things. That wasn't really a lie. I said it would probably be late when we got there and not to worry, that I'd check in again. I really sucked up to him as well as Mark by going on and on about what a great driver Mark is. That is definitely NOT a lie! I turned off my phone after I hung up with Dad.

Security wasn't a problem and we proceeded to the line for the elevators to the observation deck. The lines were long; it seemed like we waited for more than an hour. Finally it was our turn to get on the elevator, shoved in with like 20 other people. Mark and I were both a little fidgety, and I really wanted to hold his hand. I whispered what made him decide to do this. He just smiled, again, like he didn't hear.

We reached the 80th floor then had to get out and get on another elevator to the 86th floor. We walked around for just a minute in the gift shop, then looked at the view to the west from the inside. By now it was almost dark, the orange sun was sinking behind the New Jersey horizon.

"Let's go out," Mark suggested, and led the way.

"Wow, it's windy up here! And co-o-o-o-o-ld! Shit!"

It was sad to look to the south, seeing the eerie vacancy in the skyline where the Twin Towers once stood. But it was cool to see the Statue of Liberty way out in the distance, even though it was barely visible because of the almost-darkness. We went to the north side and laughed as we looked down onto buildings we would normally look way up to.

"Look! There's the GE Building and Rockefeller Center. It's like we can reach out and touch it! It seems so close from up here!"

We walked around to the east looking out over Brooklyn and Queens. The bridges looked so cool with all the lights. And the old Pepsi sign was lit up, right there across the East River facing Manhattan! How cool! And all the buildings glittered. We could see LaGuardia Airport and all the way out to JFK.

Mark and I stood there against the railing, forever, looking east. I realized my hand was in fact now in his, and I could feel how warm he was, despite the bitter, windy chill. I had no plans to remove my hand from his. We were standing so close to each other. I was looking at him, fixated on his sweet face, his lips, his eyes. I put my other hand on his arm. I wasn't a bit nervous. I was fully concentrating on one thing: Mark.

By this time I could feel his heart, and mine for that matter, beating like...drums. This was more intense than ever before. I could not feel the cold at all. I was thinking of nothing but Mark. I wasn't worried about a thing. We couldn't have been standing any closer to each other, even if we were bound together in shrink wrap. By now Mark was holding me so tight my face was comfortably nestled between his chest, neck and shoulder. I could hear him breathe, I could see his breath and smell it. I was never more sure of how I felt about him than at that very moment. This wasn't about sex. Yet. I wasn't even hard. Yet. But it was about the most awesome, incredible thing I could ever imagine.



We were both taking deep breaths. Very deep, heavy breaths.

"I've wanted to do this for such a long time..."


"So I wanted to be someplace really special, and..."


"And...I wanted to be just with you, in a way, but..."


"But I want the whole world to know, too..."

"Mark, I wanna tell you something..."

"And I wanna tell you something, too, I've wanted to tell you this so many times..."

"And I've started to tell you this so many times..."

"And sometimes it just wasn't the right time or the right place..."

"And I've always been sure, but sometimes I wasn't sure about, well, not about me, but about how you felt, and I know this totally doesn't make any sense..."

"So, here goes..." We both took a big gulp and another deep breath...

With tears streaming down our cheeks, and our arms around each other, standing face to face, we said it. Finally. We both said "I love you" directly to each other, at exactly the same moment.

Mark put his hands around the back of my head, his fingers through my hair, pulling me in. Then we kissed...the longest, deepest, wettest, hottest, most delicious kiss ever.

I guess we had forgotten we were outside on the observation deck of the Empire State Building! We did attract a little crowd. LOL! When I opened my eyes, an elderly white-haired couple was standing near us. The woman had a look on her face like 'what did I just see' but the man smiled and gave us what seemed like a nod of approval. Mark and I looked at that man, then looked at each other and again and grinned from ear to ear. That felt so good and meant something.

"Look Mark, it's snowing!"

It was beautiful seeing snow falling from so high up. "Are you about ready to hit it?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, I guess we better go..."

"God I can't wait till we're alone in that cabin!"


We went back in the gift shop. I had another wacky Kevin idea.

"Let's by Empire State Building postcards and send them to each other. We can sign them 'Love, Kevin' and 'Love, Mark' because it's official now!

"Cool! That's cute! Only you, Kev, would think of that."

The crybaby that I am, the tears welled up in my eyes again, but I tried to turn so Mark wouldn't see. He did anyways.

"It's OK, sweetie. I love you and you love me and we've always known it, we both just waited to say it, but we did now, and it's OK...see...?"

"I know, I know...I'm alright..."

We got back on the elevators down to the lobby with a lot of other people. I'm not sure if any of the heard or saw Mark and me, but who cares? As soon as we got outside I put on my plaid hat with the furry earflaps, and I didn't care if I looked like a boy scout or not.

We walked back up Fifth Avenue toward 42nd Street, and I looked back every so often to see the Empire State Building. It was amazing, all lit up red and green. That place will never be the same to me. You see images and pictures of that building everywhere. And no matter what happens ever ever ever in my life, every time I see it, it will remind me that's where Mark and I told each other we love each other for the very first time.

The snow was really falling. By the time we got back to Grand Central Terminal there had to be about three inches on the ground. The sidewalks were covered and slippery. The streets were slushy. I never peed. We never ate anything. Honestly, I wasn't hungry and I don't think Mark was either. Now I know why he was nervous and acting a little weird today. I didn't have a clue that's what he was planning to do...what he wanted to say...but I'm glad he did! All of the above!

Once inside Grand Central we checked the departure screens for the Hudson Line northbound. Trains were running 30-40 minutes behind schedule. I guess the snow was worse north of the city, the storm right over the Hudson Valley. Mark bought juice and chips at a magazine stand for "dinner." I didn't eat mine. We finally got on a train that departed around 8:40pm. We didn't get into Tarrytown until almost 10:00. By the time we got off the train, through the station and the parking lot to the Jeep, and let it warm up it was well after 10:15 when we pulled out.

Mark decided it would be best to take I-87, and head north to the cabin that way. With the snow they'd probably take better care of the interstate than the smaller roads. The other option would be to go up Rt. 9 on the east side of the valley, which they have done in the summer, but that road is kind-of narrow and remote in places. The snow was steady, crews were out in full force and 87 was in fairly good shape. Mark did fine driving. But still it was late, and with having to drive much slower, it was now close to 12:30am as we got off the interstate at Rt. 32, about ten miles from Palenville. The man at the toll-booth said if you boys are alone you shouldn't be. I know he meant because of the weather, but what the fuck. The whole point of this trip was to be alone!

Even with the snowstorm, the late hour, and the stress of driving, plus the giant step Mark and I took with our relationship, the adrenaline kept us going. I was thinking about being alone with Mark. Now I was hard. Sitting there in that Jeep with the heated seats, watching Mark drive, so safe, so careful. Damn he's hot. I love the word hot. I love Mark. He was much more relaxed that when we started out 12 hours earlier. I couldn't wait to get to the cabin. I didn't care how much snow there was. I didn't care how cold it was. I was rubbing my hardon through my jeans.


"Yeah, sweetie..."

"I love you."

"I know, I love you, too."



"I'm sorry I waited so long to tell you."

"I'm sorry I waited so long to tell you, too, but we did now. We both know."


"Yeah, Kev..."

"I have a hardon."

"OK, dude, tell me something I don't know. It's snowing like a motherfucker and I'm driving, OK?"

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too, sweetie. Really, I'm sorry."

Rt. 32 into Palenville was winding and slippery, but passable. Then all of a sudden I remembered my phone and reached in my pocket for it.

"FUCK!!! It's turned off! Shit! I forgot all about calling my Dad back. God, what now?" No more hardon, that's for sure! I turned on my phone and there were five voicemails from Dad, two from Keith and one from Nora. "Shit!" Then Mark reached for his phone and he also had his turned off.

"Hell, I've been so damn nervous all fucking day I completely forgot about my phone, too. It didn't even occur to me that it hasn't rung all day." He had three voicemails as well.

Before we even listened to the messages I told Mark if he thought the snow was deep the shit's even deeper.

"And about to get even deeper yet...Look..." Mark said, as he pointed to the 'Road Closed' sign blocking Rt. 23-A, the road we need to take to get to the cabin.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 15

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