Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Dec 5, 2006


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and jack-off buddy, and yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you who have written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 13

Well I was anxious all morning at school on Monday. But my day started off just fine at home. When my alarm went off I stayed in bed a few extra minutes to fully wake up. I instinctively grasped my boner, played with my balls, felt my inner thighs and around my hole. But then I couldn't stand it any longer and had to piss. As soon as I heard Keith start the shower I had the urge to go, so I used Dad's bathroom. I didn't dare bother Keith while he was in the bathroom. That was one battle I'd never win, so why would I even try.

On the way to school I wanted to ask Keith more about him and Lisa having sex, but instead I told him about Nora's parents inviting everyone to their house before the dance. He said they'd go but had other places to go to also. I also asked Keith what he thought of Nora, since they were actually friends before she and I ever hit it off. He said he really liked her and even had a crush on her last year. I even got my brother to admit that if he hadn't asked Lisa to the Christmas dance that he would have asked Nora. I also confided in Keith about Nora saying she knew she'd be safe with me.

"What do you think she meant by that?" I wondered.

Keith shrugged his shoulders and smiled, raising his eyebrows. "Hell, I dunno what she meant. You hardly seem like the type who's gonna get in a girl's pants, so maybe that's it."

I ended the conversation right there because now I didn't know what Keith was getting at by his comment. Did he think that I wouldn't get in a girl's pants but I would a guy's? Does he really, I mean really, think I'm gay? Or did he just mean I'm way too shy and nerdy to have sex at all yet. Too much analysis for a Monday morning.

My friends and I all made our usual before-school chit-chat about what we did over the weekend. Mark bragged about how he beat my ass at Laser Space-Out. I laughed along with that too since that was another battle I'd never win, both Laser Space-Out with Mark and him bragging about how good he is and how terrible I am. I didn't mind him making fun of me, because he doesn't do it to hurt me. He's just kidding around.

Eric and Townsend said they also got fitted for their tuxes and we all said we'd meet at Nora's with our dates Saturday night. This was going to be a busy week and we said we'd all be glad when it was over. Mark said he'd see me later in band, and we all split up and went to our classes.

After fourth period I noticed a bunch of students gathering outside the music offices and practice rooms. As I made my way towards the crowd I realized the results of the auditions were posted. I admit I was a little nervous. Whatever happened I just wanted to be in the same ensemble as Mark. Being close to him everyday was something I needed. To stand near him, smell him, look at his crotch, play drums with him...that was a fix I needed every day. My Mark fix. I'm addicted to him, you know.

I wiggled my way through to the front so I could see the rosters. Christmas came early. We must have been good boys, because we all got what we wanted. Eric was lead drummer in jazz band. Townsend was principal keyboards in rock orchestra, as well as back-up percussionist. And I couldn't hide my excitement. (Drum roll here...) The rock orchestra drummers: Mark Graham and Kevin Carson! Seeing our names there together on the list made me instantly hard. Yes!!! I shut my eyes and thanked God!

Everyone was high-fiving everyone else, and even the kids who didn't make it were good-spirited, offering congratulations. As I turned to make my way into the band room I saw Mark and ran up to him with the news. He gave me a friendly, congratulatory boy-hug and said he knew we could do it all along. Thoughts of late-night and weekend practices were running through my head, with Mark and I being together even more, hanging out, him driving me home, us kissing goodnight, maybe even a driveway blowjob now and then! I didn't care what happened the rest of the day. More important to me than the prestige of being a freshman in the coveted rock orchestra, was the fact that Mark and I would be together even more.

Nora saw me after school and gave me a kiss on the cheek. She gave Mark one too and said she was proud of both of us. I blushed. For some reason it was a little weird standing there with both Mark and Nora. I never felt that way before. It wasn't tension or anything, just different. And then, who had the balls to walk by us? Emily DeMarco.

"Hi Kevin." Her fake, high-pitched voice made me wanna puke. Why was I singled out? She didn't say hello to Nora or Mark. We all just glared at her as she walked past us. Bitch. Fat, ugly, smelly bitch.

Nora had to get to work and Mark and I went to a brief music meeting after school just to get information about practices and stuff. Then we walked home together in the cold, dreary after-school afternoon.

"Sweetie this is gonna be so much fun, isn't it?" Mark asked.

"You bet! It wouldn't have mattered to me if we didn't make it, but just so we could have a reason to be with each other even more is all I wanted."

"Me too!"

"You know we have a lot of practices, on the weekends too."

"Yeah, so I guess that means we'll have to stay over at each other's houses a lot, huh??"

"Right!!" I was excited by that thought!

As we walked Mark and I talked a little more about our trip to his grandfather's cabin this coming weekend. He said he had something else planned but wouldn't tell me what it was. I could only hope it was what I wanted! We split at the usual intersection and he gave me a quick smooch on the lips. No one saw because it was almost dark. We both walked backwards, shouting things to each other.

"You're hot!"

"You're hotter!"

"I miss you!"

"I miss you too!"

"But we're only twenty feet apart!!" LOL!

I was the happiest I'd been in ages. I couldn't wait to tell Dad about rock orchestra. But I didn't just tell him about me. It was Mark and me this and Mark and me that. Mark and I knew we would make it, Mark and I would have a lot of late practices, Mark would pick me up and bring me home...

"You and Mark are inseparable." Dad commented, smiling.

"We sure are Dad, he's the best!"

Dad and I talked about Saturday night and he said he'd call Mrs. Eckert after dinner to see what he could bring to their house. I told him Mark was driving. We also talked about the cabin.

"Well it's fine with me that you go Kevin, but I want you to call as soon as you get there. I trust Mark, but he is a new driver and its pretty remote upstate in the Catskills. The last thing I need is for you two to get lost in the mountains and be attacked by a bear." Dad kept a straight face.

"Bears??!! What bears??!! Mark never said anything about bears!!"

"Well, you know, that's what I've heard..." Dad laughed, teasing me.

"Dad, come on!"

"Sorry, Kev, I couldn't resist."

Later that night I emailed Mark and asked him if there were bears in the mountains near the cabin. He wrote back and said yes, he thought so, but he's never seen one for real. Thanks Dad. Thanks Mark.

That night after Mark emailed me back I was horny, but instead of sleeping naked, I slept in my boxer briefs and a white t-shirt. As I massaged my tight balls and steel cock I imagined Mark and me in that little remote cabin, late at night, darker than hell. We'd be snuggled up in the same bed, naked of course, tangled up together like a pretzel under a lot of covers, hearing the "bears" howling outside.

I pulled my briefs part way down and my t-shirt part way up and jerked off like a madman to that visual. I blew my load in no time, a couple of nice creamy gobs which I scooped up and put to my lips. Mmmm! Goodnight! I slept like a baby!

The rest of the week went by fairly quickly. We had practices Tuesday and Wednesday after school and Thursday night from 7-10pm. Thursday after school we all picked up our tuxes. Before practice Mark and I went to Wendy's for something to eat, I actually had more than just a few French fries, LOL! We hadn't fooled around all week, believe it or not, but just being together at practices was enough. Well, not really, but I at least got my Mark fix every day and beat off to thoughts of him at night. And in the morning. Thursday night I was too tired to study for the math test I had on Friday, but I figured what the hell.

Earlier in the week I asked Dad if Mark, Townsend and Eric could stay over Friday night, and it was fine with him. The guys were kind-of rowdy, but Dad didn't seem to mind. Keith was out and Dad ordered...what else...pizza for us. Wow. Between Eric being on the phone all night with Jen, Mark playing my drums and Townie obsessed with video games on the computer in my room, we all finally managed to settle down around midnight. We slept in my room, but I was ready to kick Eric's ass out after a while. The dude had gas and kept farting all fucking night. He said it was nerves, that he was so excited about his hot date with hot Jen. We all laughed so hard all night and the more we laughed it seemed the more he farted. Loud, too! It wasn't normal. I was like dude, you gotta stop or something, because I'm not putting up with this shit! Guess what? He didn't stop and we all continued to laugh all night long!

We finally got a little sleep and Saturday morning as we eventually woke up, we sat around and bs'd, laughing and joking about Eric's fart problem. Townsend warned him he better not do it at the dance or old Jen will never go out with him again. The guys all left around noon, and we said we'd meet at Nora's around 5:00. But I told Mark I'd be over after I showered to help him with whatever we needed to do to get ready for the cabin. Dad dropped me off at his house around 3:00 with my tux. I was going to get dressed there.

Mrs. Graham had bought some food for us to take, like peanut butter, crackers, cereal, fruit cups and snacks, soda, stuff like that. And I had my duffel bag all packed. Drumsticks, condoms and lube included, just in case. After Mark and I loaded everything in the back of the Cherokee, we filled it up with gas. We got ready for the dance, putting on our tuxes. Mark told me I was handsome, but he was stunning. He still had his famous slightly rounded bulge visible in the tuxedo trousers. Mmmm!! While my hair was longer than I usually wore it, I combed it, except it flipped up at the ends down by my ears. Mark's was longer too, and although clean, he kept the messed-up look that was his trademark. Hot!

He went to get Amy and brought her back to his house. I waited in his room while he was gone and had an idea. As soon as he left I took off my underwear, then quickly got my tux pants back on. Just as Mark had surprised me that time at school, I could do the same thing to him! It was a little cool at first without my boxers but I got used to it. I looked in the full-length mirror to see if you could see the outline of my dick or if anything was too revealing. Seemed alright to me! Mark and Amy got back, then we followed his parents to the Eckert's. Dad was pulling in too, just as we got there.

It was really nice at Nora's parent's. A light snow was beginning to fall and there were big fluffy white-blue clouds in the night sky. Traditional Christmas music was playing and there was food out the ying-yang! They had a big table of all kinds of appetizers, cheese, shrimp, sushi, you name it. And these mini cheesecake things and brownies too! That's what I had...four of each! There were sodas for all the kids and the parents were all drinking wine. Even Dad had a glass.

Nora looked absolutely beautiful. My red bow tie matched her red satin dress perfectly. It was sexy, kind-of low-cut in front, but only the tops of her boobs showed. It's not like they were hanging out or anything. It was very form fitting to her darling shape, but not too tight. And her hair was just her natural style, but it sparkled and she has small red flowers in it. Actually, Nora could be my sister if I had one, we sort-of have the same color and style of hair, except I left the glitter and flowers out of mine, LOL!

Mr. Eckert had a really nice digital camera and eventually gathered everyone in the living room for pictures by the Christmas tree. Several poses with all the kids, then all of us with our dates and the parents.

"Kenny, let me get one with just you and the boys." I noticed Mr. Eckert nudge Dad.

"Oh...sure..." The room grew quiet and still as Dad stood in the middle of Keith and me, his arms around us. Mr. Eckert snapped a few shots of the three of us and I noticed both Mrs. Eckert and Mrs. Graham wipe their eyes. Before the entire room broke into tears, Nora's little brother turned up the stereo really loud playing "Christmas Don't Be Late" by the Chipmunks, his favorite. That scared the shit out of everyone! I didn't want anyone to notice, but I asked Nora if her dad would take one of just Mark and me. She said sure he would, and he'd even take one of Mark, Eric, Townsend and me...the drummerboys.

Soon after the picture taking and hugs and kisses and parental instructions to, most of all, be careful and have a good time, we were off to the Centrum at Nassau Place! Nora and I sat in the back seat of the Cherokee, and I held her hand all the way there.

Nassau Place was really cool. It's huge! And our dance was the only thing going on at the Centrum. It's completely round with a glass-domed ceiling. And on the inside the big dance floor was on one side of the room with round tables on the other side, and there's a big fountain in the middle. All around the top they were projecting silent scenes from the movie Polar Express, the theme of the dance. The place was packed, but we were lucky and got a round table for eight. Eric was all over Jen, and Townsend was hot for Brigette, so that pretty much left Mark and Amy and Nora and me to laugh and talk.

I wasn't nervous about slow dancing with Nora, and we did quite a bit of it. And I even slow-danced with Brigette once and Lisa, too. But that meant my brother got to dance with Nora. Hmmm! But there were plenty of fast dances, too. Even though I am not much of a fast dancer, Mark, Townsend, Eric and I hit the floor as soon as the DJ played "Somebody Told Me" by the Killers. Of course we sang all the words as we danced! We took a break when he started to play some funky hip-hop shit that nobody seemed to like very much.

Something was missing. The girls had all gone to the restroom and Mark and I were alone at the table. I told him I wanted to dance with him. He said he wanted to kiss me. I said we'd both have to wait until later! Then I looked around and when the coast was clear I told him this time I was the one not wearing any underwear!

"You shit! I knew it!"

"I knew someday I'd get back at you!" I giggled.

"Damn! Let's go in the restroom!" Mark begged.

"No, you cockhound! We can't do anything here! Guess you're gonna have to wait till we get home!"

"Kev, I'm gonna get you for this one!"

"OK!! Fine with me!" We both laughed. Then the girls came back and I noticed it was late, about 11:45. Mark went out to get us all something to drink and just then the DJ made some stupid-ass announcement that Christmas is the time to believe and he played some old song "It's Only Make Believe" but lots of people started to dance. He played a little bit of that then broke into some techno-dance mix of "Believe" by Cher, and all the girls got on the dance floor whether they were with a guy or not. That got a little wild.

But then, to end the evening, the most important slow dance of all was "Believe" by Josh Groban from the Polar Express soundtrack. As soon as I heard the song start I was caught in between glances with Mark and Nora. My heart skipped a beat, and even though I'm not a huge Josh Groban fan, that song kind-of hit me. The theme of the dance and all, and how beautiful Nora looked, and seeing how hot Mark was, it just got to me. I danced with Nora and held her close. Of course Mark danced with Amy. I was hard and Nora could tell, I know. I didn't care if she knew, and I held her close as we danced.

"Kevin," she smiled, "Maybe we should sit down."

"No. No. Let's dance." I insisted.

When the song was over, Nora and I both blushed and stood there a moment, but didn't talk about my hardon, thank God! What I couldn't figure out is if I was like a rock because of her or Mark?

The DJ thanked everybody and wished everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and all that shit. We got our coats and left. It was a nice evening. I really enjoyed myself. I told Nora that, and she said the same. We all talked about what we liked and what we didn't like, about how cool the Centrum was, and how some, but not all, of the music was good. Amy was staying the night at Nora's and Mark and I were invited in for a little while. We only stayed about fifteen minutes, then Mark said goodnight to Amy in the family room in private. I walked to the living room with Nora and kissed her. On the lips. No tongue. That was for Mark.

"Kevin." Nora smiled at me and touched my face. It's almost as if she wanted to say something about Mark and me, about our relationship. I think she knows. If old Arlo could see what's between Mark and me, I'm sure Nora could too. But I don't know. And I don't know how to bring it up. So I won't, for now. Maybe never.

Nora and Amy waved goodbye, thanked us both again, and told us to have a good trip to the Catskills. I couldn't wait. It was snow-flurrying as Mark drove us to his house. The Jeep was still warm. He leaned over and kissed me at a traffic light. We were quiet when we got to his house, his parents didn't wait up. I think Lisa was staying someplace else. Maybe at my house! Maybe my brother was fucking her again! God only knows how much I wanted her brother to fuck me!

We didn't even bother to brush our teeth or piss or anything. Mark and I went straight to his room, and he locked the door behind us. We wasted no time ripping our tuxes off each other. Our shoes, socks, and jackets went flying across the room. I somehow got Marks pants down while he somehow got his tongue down my throat. It's like he was fucking my mouth with his tongue. I tore his shirt off and kneeled down, shoving my hands up his boxer-briefs, playing with his delicious, smooth ass. I finally pulled his underwear down too, freeing his dick and balls. There was already a wet spot on the fly of his underwear and I held them to my nose and breathed deep. He was so hard and his cock went straight into my mouth. I had everything off except my shirt and the red bow tie. Of course I already had my underwear off the whole night, so the precum I leaked coated the inside of my tux pants. I sucked Mark's dick and played with his balls, slurping up his clear sticky boy juice. We had to be careful not to make too much noise. The last thing we needed was to wake his parents.

Mark leaned me over his bed. He straddled me and let his balls hang over my mouth and nose, teasing me as they swung back and forth over me. He would pull up just as I would stick my tongue out trying to lick them. He bent down to kiss me and sucked on my tongue. While he did that, more and more precum oozed from his piss slit. A big rope of it dripped down and landed on my chest between my nipples. I got some of it on my finger and smeared it on his asshole. I fingered him as he got on his knees and continued to dangle his baseball-bat-cock over my face and lips. I kept lapping at it like a fish nibbling a worm. Only believe me, his dick was no worm!

As I got my left index finger comfortably in his hole, I grabbed his ass cheek with my right hand and pulled him in closer to my face. And I got his throbbing dick comfortably in my mouth. I sucked like a maniac! We were both getting close and suddenly we stopped. I still had on that fucking shirt and red bow tie. I finally got the shirt off but kept the tie on. I pulled my finger out of his ass and rubbed it around his nipples, then sucked on them as Mark sat back on my lap, facing me. He positioned himself perfectly with his moistened ass crack over my bone. That big dong of his was right there at attention. He leaned back away from me while I jacked him. The rhythm of my pumping him fit perfectly with his ass crack riding me.

I couldn't hold it any longer and started to shoot. I could feel my dick get a little bigger. My orgasm was intense and my warm cum filled the crack of Mark's ass. As I could hear and feel the squishing of my sensitive jizz-spurting dick in his crack, Mark began to take uncontrollable deep breaths and gasped as he squirted his milk in my hand. It dripped down over my thumb and fingers and I pumped him dry. We both said "Oh God" a million times and Mark got on top of me. We continued to feel each other's bodies all over, making one big sticky mess with our cream. We smeared it all over each other, on our chests, thighs, asses and backs...everywhere. We sucked on each other's tongues. The red bow tie was still around my neck.

And that's how we fell asleep.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 14

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