Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Nov 18, 2006


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and jack-off buddy, and yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you who have written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 11.

It really got to me, what Arlo said about how he could see the love between Mark and me. It meant so much, it was so important. We were standing right there in the middle of Walgreen's, where anybody could have seen us and heard what he said. I didn't care if anyone heard, really.

I'll never forget the day when Mark and I were there asking Arlo for help, and I'll never forget this day either. It was all I could do to keep it together. I was an emotional wreck and there's no way in hell I was gonna let Nora see me like that. Not right now at least. I think Arlo knew that too, because he led me through a back room to a door that went outside, by the dumpster where Mark kissed me that one night. For a minute I thought I saw Mark. Arlo stood in the doorway and told me to take care, that he'd see me around. With my hands in my pockets, unable to speak, I nodded 'yes' and started to walk away. But I ran right back to him and gave him another hug. I managed to eek out a quiet "thanks."

"You'll be fine, kiddo. Now go on, get outta here before I kick your skinny ass. I got work to do." This time he was smiling, and that made me smile too. And even though I was still sniffling a bit, I was a little more composed.

"You think...you're gonna kick my...skinny...ass?? Guess you'll have to...catch me...first! I hiccupped between words. He waved goodbye to me, standing in the doorway as I waved goodbye to him, walking backwards, both of us still smiling. I had made a new friend.

And I was still smiling, still sniffling and now oozing precum in my boxer briefs because all I could think about was Mark. Mark and me. And what Arlo said. It was cold and starting to snow a little and I found myself in front of Starbucks again. I could never think of Starbucks the same, after what Mark and I did in the restroom in there. That was so dangerous! And so hot! I got myself a latte and started to head back home when my phone buzzed. Actually I keep it on vibrate and it was in the front left pocket of my jeans. Christ, I jumped and almost spilled the latte. As I fumbled around trying to get the phone out of my pocket it vibrated again and I thought I was gonna cum in my pants. Caller ID said it was Townsend.

"Hey Townsend..." I answered.

"Dude you forgot something at my house."

"I did? What?"

"Well, actually I forgot to give you something."

"You did? What?"

"Well...what are you doing tonight? Wanna hang out or something? No one's here again at my house, you wanna come over here?"

"I suppose, but I'm not sure what I'm doing. I gotta check with my Dad, but yeah, I probably could. Let me call you later."


"Hey wait...Townie...what'd you forget to..." Click. Call ended.

Shit, he hung up, before I could ask him what he forgot to give me. And before I had a chance to call him back my phone vibrated again. This time I was holding it but I still jumped, not expecting a second call so fast. It was Mark!

"Hey..." I answered with a big grin.

"Hey sweetie, what'd Nora say?"

"OK, don't I even get a 'hello' first?"

"Dude, come on, we were just together, what, an hour ago?"

"Well, yeah, but that's not the point."

"Kev, am I pissing you off or something? You sound a little ticked..."

"What? Me? Ticked? Should I be?" I teased back. I really was in a much better state of mind now, especially hearing Mark's voice.

"I dunno!" Mark replied.

"Well...she said yes!"

"Excellent!" Mark said, then suggested we double date for the Christmas dance and he would drive since he got his license. I said that'd be perfect.

"Are you still going to that wedding tonight with your mom and dad?" I asked. I wanted his answer to be no. Mark had told me about the wedding several days ago, but I thought maybe those plans had changed. I hoped he and I could just hang out a little, fool around a lot, then fall asleep together wherever that might be. Its not that I didn't want to go over to Townsend's, I just would rather be with Mark because we all know I can't get enough of him!

But, Mark said yes he was going to the wedding. Someone his dad works with, it's their daughter who's getting married. Mark said he sorta wanted to go because he knows the people and its gonna be a great wedding, but on the other hand doesn't want to go because he'd just rather be with me. (See! Right answer!). I half-wondered why Mark wasn't taking me as his date, LOL!

"Bummer," I said, "I wish we could just be together, alone." I told him I might go over to Townsend's to watch a movie. Mark told me I better be careful, that Townie might have his eye on me instead of the movie. I told him if he was so worried about me possibly getting hit on then he should be there to protect me!

"Uhh, you're a little testy aren't you??" Mark said laughing.

"Uhh...more like a lot horny!" I said, not laughing. Well, then I laughed too.

"I'll call you when I get home, tonight after the wedding, OK? We shouldn't be too late."

"Yeah, sounds good, I won't stay over Townsend's too late either. Deal?"

"Deal!! I'll be thinking about you, your horniness."

Maybe Mark could still come over or I could go to his house after the wedding and watching one movie. I was hoping...

We hung up and as I continued to walk towards my house I was thinking about the Christmas dance. It was two weeks away and I had an idea. I walked past NYTux and saw a really cool looking tux in the window display. It was very plain, but classy, no frills and ruffles on the shirt or anything. There was no way I would wear anything like that, or a weird color (like orange), or a top hat or anything stupid. No way was I gonna look like a pimp. But the tux in the window, that screamed 'Kevin style'...plain black with black satin lapels, a crisp white shirt with the little black things that looked like buttons and a simple black bow tie. So I went in and got fitted! Only I wanted a red satin bow tie, same size as the black one on the display. Not a problem!

I paid the deposit since I had enough money with me. The clerk told me to come in next Thursday, it would be there and I could try it on. She also told me about a special that if I got three more guys to order their tuxes there I would get 50% off mine. So all I had to do was get Mark, Townsend and Eric to agree and that wouldn't be a problem. I couldn't wait to tell Nora, so I went back to Walgreen's.

"I swear we have ESP!" Nora said. "I meant to tell you we should coordinate what we're wearing, because I already have my eye in this long red satin dress, so that'll be great!"

"Well don't go calling me Mr. Fashion, but yeah, we'll look cool. Don't tell anyone because they'll copy off of us!"

"For sure!" Nora said. She told me she bet I would look hot in a tux. "The theme this year is Polar Express, like the movie, and it's a different DJ. I'm glad you asked me, Kevin, really, I am." Then she noticed my red puffy eyes. "Gosh, Kevin, does ordering a tux always make you cry?" she asked with a laugh.

"Nora, come on, you know it's my allergies."

"Oh. Yeah. Right. You're allergic to...umm...tuxedos??!"

She smiled at me and I tried to give her a stern, mean look, but with Nora, about the only meanness I could muster up was an "OK-you-busted-me" smile in return.

Then I had to go because Nora got customers and looked really busy.

"I'll call you tomorrow." Nora said, and I nodded OK.

It was about noon and I decided I better call Townsend back to tell him yes I would be over and ask what time. He said come over anytime, that he wanted to watch 'Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring' because it is his all-time favorite movie. I like Lord of the Rings too, but then I wondered if he really liked the movie or just liked getting off watching Elijah Wood! (I only thought that, I didn't ask him!). I said I'd bring 'Wedding Crashers' too. We could probably watch two if I got there early enough. And I could still maybe see Mark if I left early enough.

When I got home, Dad had music playing. The Clash, one of Dad's favorites, was on and I think the song was 'Train in Vain'. Sometimes on the weekends Dad and I liked playing music loud in the house, but Keith preferred his ipod. But hell, he wasn't home anyways, so who cared? I opened the fridge, stared at the food for a minute and closed it again, deciding I wasn't hungry. Dad was cleaning and doing chores so I pitched in and helped.

(Just a note about music here...I basically like rock, especially 80's music, but I like other stuff too. I'm a rocker. You probably guessed that already. It's what we grew up listening to mostly. I don't like rap and hip-hop really very much, but I do like other new stuff like Snow Patrol, Coldplay and The Killers, you know the good stuff!)

After a while I went to my room and lay down, daydreaming about Mark and rubbing my crotch. I slid my hand down my jeans, and the inside of my boxer-briefs was still precum-sticky from earlier. I got hard instantly and had to arrange my hardon and balls to be more comfortable. Soon I had both hands in my pants, my right going up and down feverishly on my cock, and my left alternating between feeling my balls and asshole. I never even unzipped or pulled my jeans down. It was a little tight, but it was kind-of erotic too. I had the benefit of additional precum to use as lube on my dick and asshole. I finger-fucked myself with the middle finger, the precum-lube making it glide easily in and out of my hole. I think my arms were in my pants up to my elbows, and I knew I was getting close to blasting my load. I don't think Dad could hear my usual "uhh's" and "ohh's" because the music was still playing downstairs.

I tensed my legs and tried to spread them out as much as I could, but that was a little difficult with my jeans still all the way up. I sped up my jacking and fingering and in no time I blew my wad inside my underwear, which I thought was so hot. It was a super-soaker and I had jizz all over my hand and thumb, too. I pulled my right hand out and licked my cum-covered thumb and fingers. My stuff tasted pretty good, but it did burn my throat slightly. Maybe I was getting a sore throat? Afterwards I un-did my jeans and looked in to see my pubes and underwear cum-soaked. I loved it, and I fell asleep like that, pants un-done and my left hand still inside.

I only dozed for about an hour, but hadn't moved because I woke up in the same position. I got up and noticed a basket of clean, folded laundry that I didn't remember seeing before, and I didn't remember putting it there. After I showered and went downstairs Dad mentioned he put some clean laundry in my room. Translation: he saw me, unzipped, with my hand in my cum-filled pants. Am I ever gonna get a break?? I just said thanks and he said OK, never mentioning anything about what he must have seen. It obviously didn't bother him. After all, Dad's a guy and was a teenager once. He knows what boys do. Oh God, I don't even want to think about that, LOL! But I'm sure he understands. Maybe.

Dad asked what my plans were for the evening and I said I was going to Townsend's to watch a movie. He offered to give me a ride there since he was going somewhere in the same direction. He dropped me off around six, and I said I wouldn't be late, that I'd walk home.

Townsend was home alone again and I felt sorta sorry for him. His parents are very social and his one brother (Cameron) is married and the other one (Christian) is away at college. It's just sad that he's alone a lot, or so it seems. And I'm not so sure he's bi. We popped in 'Lord of the Rings' and he ordered a pizza. I'm sick of pizza but I didn't want to hurt his feelings, so I said it was alright. But then he also made popcorn, so that was quite a gourmet treat, popcorn for an appetizer and pizza for the main course. Even though it was dark in their den, I tried to notice Townie's crotch to see if there was any wood when he saw Elijah Wood! I think there might have been some signs of arousal but I wasn't sure, his jeans were kind-of baggy. I didn't have the balls to come right out and ask him what he thought of old Elijah, like if he thought he was hot, but I did ask him if he thought he was gay.

"Nah, but I think he's probably experimented like everyone else!" Townsend said with a laugh.

"Like everyone else?" I asked. "Like...who's everyone else?"

Townsend was giggling like a madman, and so was I at that point. "Well, you know, everyone else in the movie, like Orlando Bloom. Who wouldn't think he's hot?"

I wasn't sure where this was going, so I tried to throw him off. "Well, I dunno, I don't look at other guys and think they're hot." I said.

"You don't have to. You're just sweet little innocent Kevin. Only I bet you're not so innocent."

I just looked at him and we giggled more. "I'm sure you're not so innocent either."

I changed the subject and asked him about Brigette, the girl he's taking to the Christmas dance, since I don't know her that well. I also told him about the tux deal. He said he thought that was cool and he'd do it. I had to piss, so we paused the movie and while I was in the bathroom that's when the pizza was delivered. When I came out I caught a glimpse of the delivery guy. Townie had him step inside, probably to check him out! I didn't recognize him but he was cute. After pizzaboy left I could easily see Townsend was hard. He was adjusting things in his pants, and despite their looseness I could clearly see his hardness! I gulped and stared as he felt his dick and balls through his jeans, I couldn't help it and he wasn't hiding anything. He said the delivery boy was hotter than Elijah Wood and Orlando Bloom put together. With a comment like that, plus the bulge in his jeans, there wasn't much to keep me guessing!

We took the pizza and some cokes in the den and before he started the movie again Townie brought it up about forgetting to give me something a few days ago.

"Dude I've been wondering about that, what's going on?"

He went to his room and came back with a Footlocker bag and gave me a new pair of Avia running shoes. I didn't know what to say.

"Here," he said, "They're yours. I got them for you."

"Pretty nice, but...what do I owe you?"

"Nothing, they're yours. Just take them." He insisted.

"These are expensive. I can't let you pay for these. I love them, but let me pay you."

"No" was all Townie would say each time I insisted I pay him.

"Dude, what the fuck's up with this? You just go out at random and get me a pair of shoes...?"

"Yeah, you said you needed some new ones, and I did too, so I got us both a pair the other day when I went to the mall after school." He emphasized the word 'got'.

"Wait, you said you 'got' them? What does that mean?"

"It means I 'got' them. Period."

"Townsend, do you mean you..."

"Do you want the shoes or not, Kevin? Just take them and let it go." He insisted firmly.

I said OK. I figured it out. He stole them. I waited till he started the movie again, then I quietly tried them on. They fit perfectly and I loved them. But why would Townsend Miller, probably the richest kid I know, who always has plenty of money, why would he resort to shoplifting? His dad's an engineer, his mom's a nurse, they have a big six-bedroom house and a Mercedes...why would he steal?

I decided just to drop it, and not pry into why he lifted the shoes. But in all honesty, it was bothering me, and I knew enough that there must be some underlying issue why he would choose to do something like that. And I knew at some point I'd have to get involved even though I didn't want to bust him. I thought maybe I'd talk to Dad about it, definitely not Mark or Keith. In the few weeks ahead I found out it wasn't just the shoes he'd shoplifted, there was plenty more. And being the Christmas season, it was a matter of time that could get get caught and if he did, that would be a fucking disaster. Then I thought if Mark and I ever got caught doing what we do, that would be a fucking disaster too...literally!

We didn't talk too much as we watched the rest of the movie. Toward the end, Townsend was really into the song "May It Be" by Enya. He said even though he doesn't like Enya at all he loved that song, it was his favorite song ever. I admit I like it too, it sort-of haunts you and calms you at the same time. Townie went to the kitchen while I started in Wedding Crashers. He came back in the den with ice cream and asked if I wanted to spend the night.

I said no, I better not. He was like, "Look I know you'd rather be with Mark right now, instead of me, but I can do whatever Mark does."

Was that a hit? My heart skipped a beat. I instantly got nervous and started to shake a little. He was right, that I'd rather be with Mark, but I was having a good time there with him. And Townsend is a great guy and a very good friend of mine, but...

Maybe deep down, based on some of the conversations we had earlier in the evening and the fact that pizzaboy obviously turned him on, maybe I knew if I stayed Townsend and I would probably fool around sexually. The offer was there. And while I admit that might be hot, it could ruin mine and Townie's friendship and would surely come between Mark and me. And I couldn't do that to Townsend or Mark, no way.

"No, really, Townie. I stayed last night. I told Dad I'd be home sort-of early tonight. I haven't been home much, either."

He looked all serious, a cross between pissed off and wanting to cry. "Come on, why not? Nobody's here."

I repeated that I told Dad I wouldn't be late, and I really I should be going soon. He dropped it, and we ate our ice cream. About half way through Wedding Crashers he yawned and I said well I better get going. It was a little awkward leaving. In fact the whole evening was awkward. I learned some things that in some ways I wish I hadn't and in other ways I was glad I did.

I put on my coat and Yankees hat and thanked him for the pizza and ice cream. And I thanked him for the shoes.

"I don't know what to say, Townsend. This is just between you and me, right?" I asked.

"Right." He said with a smile and nodded. We bumped fists, then I hugged him and left. I looked back and waved as we exchanged "See ya's."

Damn it was cold. My mind was racing, thinking all sorts of things. About Townsend, his parents, the shoplifting...

Really it was none of my business, but it somehow bothered me that Mr. & Mrs. Miller seemed to leave Townsend alone so much. I know now, but I didn't know then, that someday they'd wish they hadn't. And, I know now how much I wish I hadn't left him alone that night either. He was Mark's friend and Mark trusted him. He was my friend and I needed to trust him too. And I feel guilty knowing now what I didn't know then. If I'd have had a crystal ball I would have stayed with Townsend that night and never looked back.

I walked fast through the cold, shivering and my teeth chattering. My cell phone buzzed and it was Mark.

"Dude, where are you?"

"I'm j-j-just walk-k-king home from T-t-townie's."

"I'll pick you up, what street are you on?" "I'm on Brighton, j-j-just a b-b-block from his house."

"I'll be there in two seconds."

And sure enough, there was Mark, driving his mom's Jeep. It was so warm when I got in, and Mark's hug and deep wet kiss warmed me up even more. He asked me how was my evening and if I was alright. I said yeah, I was fine and we watched the first Lord of the Rings. I asked Mark about the wedding.

"Ahh, it was OK, but I was thinking about you all night."

We pulled in my driveway and sat and talked a while. Actually it was a short while because Mark started to feel my shoulders and rub my back while he rammed his tongue down my throat. I let him do whatever he wanted. He somehow reclined our seats and I laid back with my head on the armrest. Mark continued to kiss me and lick my neck while groping my crotch. He was on top of me humping my leg and I could feel his firm growing steel pole against my thigh. I opened my coat and Mark lifted my shirt and kissed my nipples, lightly sucking on each one.

He managed to unzip my jeans and reached in to massage my sticky hardon, quickly moving his face to my groin. As he pulled down my underwear, my dick sprang loose and slapped against my stomach. It began to throb. The warmth of the car, the warmth of Mark's hugs and kisses, while fantastic, could not compare to the hot wetness of his mouth taking in all of my dick. He bobbed up and down, grazing his teeth over the sensitive ridge around the head. He played with my ass and balls with any hand he had free. We gasped and moaned but didn't talk. As Mark spread my asscheeks with his left hand he pulled on my ball sac with his right. I could feel my dickhead hitting the back of his throat. He bobbed and sucked, slurped and moaned, and so did I.

Mark pressed his thumb between my balls and reached down to my hole with the middle finger on his left hand. He pushed in a couple of times and I naturally pushed out. Then licked his finger. He didn't put it in quite all the way, but enough so that I thought I was gonna blast off each time he pushed. I was about to blow and began to breathe heavier. Mark sped up his sucking and pushed his finger into my ass a little more.

It was time. Mark took his mouth off my dick and stopped sucking, but kept his lips and tongue right there at the head while he finished me off by hand. I squeezed my butt together around his finger and I fired my creamy cum directly toward his lips and tongue, about 6 forceful jets in all. Not all went in his mouth. One spurt landed on his cheek near his eye and two more outside his mouth and dripped down his chin. He lapped up my cream that landed on his tongue. I licked my jizz of his cheeks and chin and French-kissed him. He finished licking my still-hard, still throbbing pole to clean it up before I had to pull everything back up. I sat up and we kissed again. I didn't want it to ever end.

"Let's go in." I said.

"No, I can't. I told my mom I was just going to drop by to give you something, and I did."

"Yeah, you sure did! How did you ever learn to do what you do like that to me?"

"I think we both do what comes natural to us, to you and me that is. I don't think I'd be like this with anyone else, Kevin. Only you. This is all I want. You are all I want."

I kissed Mark again, just for saying that. We made plans to hang out together all day Sunday, and he still had to tell me about his grandfather's cabin in the Catskills. And I had so much I wanted to talk to Mark about, but so much I couldn't. Not yet.

I wasn't ready to say anything about Townsend. I promised not to talk about the shoplifting, and I wasn't ready to talk about the offer he'd made. The offer I passed on.

And I wasn't ready to tell Mark what Arlo said to me, or even that I talked to him at all. For now, I just wanted to keep that to myself. When the time is right, I'll tell him, I will. But because it's so special I'll have to keep it in my heart, for now.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 12

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