Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Nov 1, 2006


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and jack-off buddy, and yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you who have written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 10.

My days always seem to be overwhelming and emotional. Things happen that surprise me, sometimes making me freak out a little. Other things make me stand still in my tracks, frozen in life, even if only for a moment. Maybe I'm just being dramatic.

One thing is for sure: Thank God I have Mark in my life. I'll take a creamy kiss from him anytime! He said I got him with the "Shoot to Thrill" idea and he would have to think of something to try to top me. Does that have a double meaning or what??!! Please, please Mark! Top me! YES!!!!!!!!

Well, after we had that little snack, Mark left and I did my homework, but I wasn't really concentrating on it. I emailed him to say maybe I would ask Nora Eckert to go to the Christmas dance. I was pretty comfortable with her, and she and I had become sorta close over the last week or two, so yeah, I decided to ask Nora. We'd be going as friends, not as a real date or anything. Mark emailed me back and thought it was cool, he knew Amy Frey and Nora were friends so we would really all hang out together anyways. Then I thought about it and got butterflies, thinking what if Nora turned me down. I'd be disappointed because of the rejection, I hate being rejected. Don't we all? But Mark cautioned me that I better ask her right away, that she's cute and hopefully she won't already have a date.

After my homework I went down to my drum room and practiced, all the required stuff that was pretty easy and I also practiced "Shoot to Thrill" while listening to it. I guess my showmanship wasn't the best, but I wasn't bad. I kept my fingers crossed that it would be Mark and me in rock orchestra, especially since Townsend wanted keyboards and Eric wanted to be in jazz band. I was hoping the audition was just a formality.

The week went by fast. I had a math quiz Wednesday and a project due in English Thursday and I think I did pretty well on everything. In fact everyone seemed to be busy. I hardly saw Mark. Well I saw him, but we didn't have any time to be alone. But I was alone a lot and relieved myself many times, always closing my eyes thinking of Mark, imagining he was with me. He's my perfect jack-off material! Late Thursday night I called him on his cell hoping we could at least have phone sex, but he must have had it turned off. I was naked in bed, just me, my phone and my drumstick and lube. I called him like five times, but never left a voice message. Well I smeared a little KY on my hole and some on the fat end of the drumstick this time. I was ready for a bigger, fuller feeling. I tried getting on my knees with my ass in the air and my cheeks spread apart. I got the drumstick in and it felt great, but the problem was I couldn't keep it in. Maybe I used too much lube. Even if I squeezed my pucker nice and tight that damn drumstick still slid out. Fast. See, I needed Mark there to hold it in place then work it in and out slowly, fucking me with it.

So next I got on my back and put my pillow under my ass and stuck in the stick. That worked better. I thought what the hell and I lubed up my cock with KY too. My right hand was covered with KY and precum, but my left hand was clean. Sometimes I like the slick jack off, even though it's messier. And what a mess it was! The lube squishing between my fingers was incredible and so was the feeling as I rubbed the very sensitive head of my dick. That feeling made jump and skip a heartbeat every time, I swear.

I was going to town up and down on my hard pole, my very loose balls banging on my inner thighs and the pillow under me. I was saying "Oh Mark, yes" over and over. I knew I was getting close but didn't want to cum yet. I grabbed my phone with my left hand and hit re-dial to call Mark back one more time. Then boom! Just like clockwork it went to voicemail and I began to shoot. With each spurt my asshole clamped down on the drumstick, but each time I could feel it slide out just a little but and that feeling made me cum more. I bucked and raised up off the pillow and a big volley of jizz, I think it was the third spurt, landed right in my belly button.

Somehow I managed to still hold on to the phone as I was leaving this XXX voice mail for Mark. I couldn't control my thrashing and twisting as I continued to splatter my hot juice on my tummy, legs, balls and on the sheet. When I was finally done cumming and my breathing slowed a bit I started to laugh and told Mark see what you're missing! I said I was just practicing for my audition and thought of a new way to use a drumstick. I wondered what he thought of the idea that I include this little routine in my performance Friday afternoon. Still laughing, I said goodnight and almost slipped up and told him I loved him. I needed to clean up and had to use the towel in my closet plus Mark's underwear that I kept from the other day, as well as a sock to wipe up all the jizz and lube. I'll know in the morning if Keith heard any of this.

I slept really well that night, and Friday morning getting ready for school I purposely stayed close to Keith at home to see if he was going to say anything to me, like that he heard me.

"What the fuck are you hanging on me for, you little shit?" Mark yelled.


"Well what do you want? Money?"

"Fuck you Keith. I'm just getting ready. Hey, did you ask Lisa to the Christmas dance yet?"


"So-o-o-o...is she going with you?"


"So-o-o-o...what's your problem?"

"You're my fuckin' problem!" he screamed. "Dude I couldn't get to sleep last night. What the fuck are you doing with yourself that late at night, huh? You're so god-damned loud, you need to really get laid for real instead of fucking yourself, dude. Jesus Christ!"

Well I guess my question was answered. He heard me alright. I was beet red. "OK, OK, I'm working on it. I'll make sure I catch up with you, stud." I said. Shit, I didn't think the walls were quite that thin.

"Yeah, right. And what the fuck was so funny? What were you laughing for? Shit when I beat off it doesn't make me laugh, not like that at least. I smile maybe, then I feel like shit."

"Oh well, you're you and I'm me." I said with a grin. I thought Keith was gonna lose it when I asked him if he thought it was hot, you know, listening to me. He pushed me and I fell against the refrigerator door and knocked off all the magnets and papers. Then we both started to laugh and Keith said get in the car you demented bastard. I grabbed my bookbag and my own snare drum, which I already cased up last night. Even though for audition purposes we would all use the drum set at school, I preferred using my own snare.

On the way to school I called Mark again but it still went right to voice mail. I didn't leave a message; I figured I'd see him soon enough, and I did. He was on the grass by the Anchor talking to Townsend and Eric. I grabbed my snare case and walked over to them. We all said 'hey' and then Mark said, "Shit I better turn on my phone, I forgot to do that this morning. Maybe I have a message." Well, three guesses who spazzed out.

"No! No! Don't turn it on, not now!"


"Uhh, the bell's gonna ring and you gotta have it off in school anyways, so...why bother, ya know!"

"Kev, relax, it's just my fucking cell phone. I'll turn it back off."

"No, Mark, NO! DON'T!" The three of them were laughing and, of course, Mark turned on the phone anyways, despite my begging him not to. The warm redness returned to my face. He kind-of stepped away from us as he was listening to my message from last night, holding the phone close to his ear, grinning, looking at Townie and Eric, then pointing at me, laughing harder."

"You guys...you gotta...you gotta hear this! This is good, Kev, damn good."

"Mark, please, I've had a good week, come on. Stop."

"Yeah hot guy, sounds like you had a good night, too!" He continued to laugh. "Im saving this for later!" I was so embarrassed. I was gonna have to work out a deal with Mark...like I'd give him a lifetime of blowjobs if he'd just erase that voice mail! Then I realized he had already listened to it and was just acting like he hadn't to tease me. Christ, I hope he didn't let the guys hear it. Mark wouldn't do that to me, would he?

He hung up and powered off his phone after saving my message, and Townsend reminded us that we were invited to spend the night at his house that night. A bunch of us were all going out for pizza anyways after auditions, and Townie, the social bird that he is, wanted to have just us four over after that. Just us. Him, Eric, Mark and me. I was honored that they included me since the three of them knew each other before I came along. But after all, we were the drummerboys.

I was cool with it, it's just that when was I going to get to be alone with Mark? Then again, after he teased me with the phone message I wasn't sure I wanted to be alone with him! Just joking! I know he was just having fun and he'd never do anything to really hurt me. And it was my own fault. And I did have a good week.

We all kind-of went our separate ways once the bell rang and we went inside. I was at my locker and just as I closed it I had a visitor. Emily DeMarco.

"Hi Kevin."

I just glared at her and rolled my eyes. "You. What do you want?"

"I'm just saying hi, is that against the law?"

"Just leave me alone." All I could hear in my mind was Townsend warning me she'd strike again.

"Be that way. I'm just trying to be friendly to you, but I see you have a problem with that." She snapped. "You think you're out of trouble, Kevin, but you're not. Just wait! You haven't seen the end of me yet!" I walked ahead to my class, ignoring her. It was difficult, but I did. I swear if she had her crutches I would have shoved one of them up her ass. I probably could have gotten both of them up her ass it's so big.

Well the day went by fast. I skipped lunch and opted for my usual Mountain Dew. After school everyone congregated in the auditorium waiting to be called one by one into Band Room #1 where the auditions were to take place. The practice rooms were available for people to warm up and rehearse. I didn't bother. While we were waiting to be called I took a little snooze. I was up kind-of late last night, ya know!

Well, I must have been dreaming because I was drooling. I had a big wet spot on my shirt where the drool dripped out of the corner of my mouth and down my chin. I dunno, maybe it wasn't drool. Maybe I gave Mark a blowjob in my sleep and it was his cum dripping out, LOL! The auditorium seats aren't the most comfortable in the world, but I sorta laid back using my bookbag and coat for a pillow. My legs were spread apart and my crotch in full view. I didn't realize the Levi's I had on were a little tight, even for my skinny ass. The auditorium is usually dark anyhow, but as I awoke I noticed another wet spot. My crotch! And my hardon was totally visible. Thank God my underwear absorbed most of my precum, so the spot on my jeans was fairly small. Maybe it would dry soon.

"It's about time you woke up sleepyhead." It was Mark, running his fingers through my hair and on my face. That made me shiver and I loved it.

"Oh!" I exclaimed as I covered myself as best I could to hide the boner in my jeans.

"It's just me. I already saw!" Mark smiled.

I was a little groggy as I looked around and yawned. "Jeez, I didn't realize I fell that sound asleep. How long was I out?"

He said not long, maybe about 20 minutes. "You were dreaming and it was obviously a hot wet one, Kev. I hope you and I were the ones in it! You were wiggling your ass and rubbing yourself." Mark smiled. He looked so hot, and my hardon was doing anything but disappearing. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to hold his hand.

"Oh God, please tell me no one else saw me." I asked. He said no, he was the only one, but thought he better wake me before I started moaning and talking in my sleep.

"Hey, how about when we leave here we swing by my house, I gotta get my stuff. Eric said he'd give us a ride." Mark said.

"Oh, right. I gotta get my stuff too, I forgot it today. When are we gonna get to be alone?"

"I know, sweetie, I know. We'll think of something, maybe."

Then the announcement: "Drum auditions next, please get set up in Band Room #1 now. Auditions begin in 5 minutes. We'll start with Wolf, Miller, Carson and Graham, in that order."

I still hadn't figured out why Townsend was auditioning on drums even though he had his heart set on playing keyboards. But he did. Auditions were closed, which meant we couldn't hear each other's. But we could watch through the band room windows. Eric and Townie both said they thought they did well but that Mr. Walters knows what they really want to do, that it will be automatic that Mark and I get the rock orchestra slots for drums. Maybe Townie would help out with percussion if there was another keyboard player, too.

Then it was my turn. I took a deep breath. Eric asked me what song I was going to do for my free-pick. I told him "Shoot to Thrill" by AC/DC and they both grinned and shook their head yeah!

"Good job, Carson. It figures you'd pick something with a cool title." Eric said. That made me blush.

I went in, and I must say, I think I did a good job. I set up my snare, arranged the floor tom and cymbal heights just the way I like them and sat at the throne. I was ready. I picked up the sticks, followed Mr. Walters' cues and pounded away! Mr. Walters even laughed a little when I said my free-pick was "Shoot to Thrill." Maybe he was cooler than I thought. I wasn't my usual nervous self; I was at home with drumsticks in hand behind a set of drums. Other than in Mark Graham's arms, that's where I belonged.

Mark bumped fists with me as I came out of the band room and he went in. I told him good luck and asked him what did he finally decide on for his free-pick song.

"The Geeks Get the Girls" by American Hi-Fi he said.

We just smiled and gave each other a mental kiss. I whispered to him, "So I guess we're not geeks then, huh?"

"You will be when you ask Nora to the Christmas dance and she says yes."

After auditions were finally over we didn't bother to hang around school. Results would be posted most likely Monday or Tuesday so there was no sense in staying. Everyone was pretty whacked, except me. I had my power nap, so I was juiced again (literally, in my pants). Eric took us to Mark's house first, and his mom said 'hi' to all of us boys. She was nice and all, but I never got a warm feeling from her. She said we all looked handsome, what a crock. She also told Mark his grandfather called and to call him back, something about hiring Mark to do some work at their cabin in the Catskill Mountains upstate.

Then we went to my house and I got my stuff. It was dark out, and on the way into town to go to Smarty's pizza we went through my intersection, Cove and Forest. A fairly common one, but one that's special to me. As we passed through I looked back at the red stoplight that blinks the same as my pounding heart. I see in my mind Mark holding and kissing me there on that very corner and I'll never forget it as long as I live.

We got to Smarty's and parked out back. Lots of kids were already there. Even my brother and Lisa were there, too. Before we went in Mark called his grandfather in Danbury. All I overheard was "Sure grandpa, I'd love to Grandpa, can I bring my buddy Kevin to help?" As we walked in Mark said he'd tell me more later. I went in the restroom to wash my hands and when I came out Eric waved me over to our table. It was the perfect set up, almost.

Amy Frey was there and Mark was talking to her, I know he was asking her to the Christmas dance. Even though Mark and I talked about this, I was still a little jealous and I had no right to be, for Christ sake. That was silly of me. And Nora was there, too. Should I do it, should I ask her now? I decided to wait and talk to Mark first.

Well, Mark did ask Amy and she said yes, and they were all shits and giggles. I motioned over to Mark to talk to me by the pool tables and he followed me there. We told Mr. Social (Townsend) to order whatever pizza he wanted, it didn't matter to us. Especially me, because I wasn't really going to eat much of it anyways.

"So Amy said yes?" I asked.

"Yup! Now move your ass and ask Nora, now, dude!"


I sat back down and was making small talk with Nora and everyone else.

"Hey Nora, I'm glad you got the night off from work. This is fun."

But just as I was ready to get her away from the table so I could ask her to the dance in private, I lost my nerve. They started playing "The Bad Touch" by the Bloodhound Gang. You know, the Discovery Channel song, and I got so embarrassed. I couldn't talk to Nora seriously with that song playing. The song is totally about fucking, and 'doing it like mammals.' And the line about 'put your hands down my pants and I bet you'll feel nuts' gets me every time. Shit! She even teased me about it. No one else knew what she was hinting at but I did.

"Your song, huh Kev?" I was so red...again!

"Nora, stop." I laughed. She knows by now those condoms were in fact for me, not 'a friend' like I told her. So now, how could I possibly ask her on a date (even though it's not a real date), and have her not think I'd try to take advantage of her sexually?

But I got my confidence on and stood there like a real man and asked her, yes I did.

"Nora, umm, well, I wanna know, would you be my date for the Christmas dance, I'd love it if you would."

"Oh, Kevin." She looked directly at me. "I wondered if you were going to ask. Come in the store tomorrow morning and I'll give you my answer."

I was heartbroken. I was pretty sure that was a "No."

I stuttered. "Y-y-y-you mean, N-no, or what?"

"Just come in tomorrow. I start at 10." Nora was smiling at me, so now I was a little confused. I said OK and we sat down.

After the pizza and pitchers of cokes, some of the kids were playing pool, but we decided to get going. We got to Townie's and his parents were gone again, so it was just us four guys. I was a little nervous, wondering if Townsend was going to suggest a circle jerk or something. God I hope he didn't! We just talked a little, then all used the bathroom and crashed in our clothes in the family room with the movie "Napoleon Dynamite" on. I slept really sound, and in the morning I woke up and just Mark and I were in the room. No sign of Eric and Townsend.

I sneaked around a little to see if I could find them, but nothing. So that was my opportunity. I went back to the family room, snuggled up to Mark and slid my hand down his jeans. I got a firm grip on his morning wood, then unzipped him and pulled his underwear down. He looked bigger than usual and his balls seemed nice and plump. Hopefully I would have a nice liquid breakfast soon!

I did.

I pushed up his shirt and rubbed my face all around his chest and tummy. Like a madman, I sucked him hands-free, concentrating on taking as much of his pole down my throat as possible. I played with his balls, kissing them, then taking each one in my mouth, gently biting them with my lips. I was careful not to hurt him. He lifted up his legs and I began to lick and kiss around his crack. Then I tried something new. I spread his ass with my thumbs, giving full exposure to his pink hole. I rubbed around it a little and watched it twitch and he squeezed. I rubbed around it some more, relaxing him. Then I dove in and licked his hole. After all, its only skin. I heard Mark moan, "Oh God, fuck!" After I gave his sweet hot hole several good, deep licks I went back to his smooth perfect cock. I jacked him at the base while I sucked the shaft and head. Mark soon started to buck and he squeezed his ass tight while reaching for his balls. He played with them as they drew up closer to him. He and I both knew he was ready to shoot, we could feel it. I sucked slower and more deliberately while he played with his nuts. I stuck my middle finger up his ass, and that did it.

Shot after shot, this delicious creamy breakfast filled my mouth. I tried to swallow as fast as he came. He just held his breath and let me do my thing. I licked him clean, then kissed his balls again and gave his butthole another deep lick too. I kissed my way back up past his hair and belly button, then kissed all over his chest before sucking on both nipples. Finally I French-kissed his mouth, and that was hot, even with morning breath. I didn't care. After all, it's only Mark!

Mark pulled up his pants and headed for the bathroom, rubbing his hand through his hair, scratching his head. I sat on the floor with my hand down my own pants, just staring into space. I heard Townie and Eric come in from the garage.

"Hey, we went to get bagels, help yourself," Townsend said. I wonder if they left for a while to give Mark and me some alone time. I wonder.

After we ate (yes, even I ate a bagel), we thanked Townsend, and Eric took us home. I told Mark I'd call him later, for sure, that we'd get together to talk about what his grandfather wanted, and I'd let him know Nora's answer about going to the dance.

I showered, but didn't play with myself this time. Instead, I got dressed and headed down to Walgreen's to get an answer. But I got more.

"Hey Kev!" Nora was all smiles.

"Well.....?" I asked.

"Of course I'll go with you, silly! I think you knew that last night."

"No, I wasn't sure, seriously. I thought maybe you were waiting for some football player stud to ask you, then you'd have to let me down gently."

"It was a 'yes' all along Kevin. Really, I was hoping you'd have asked me, you're a great friend and besides, you're a hottie! We're gonna have a good time! And I know I'm safe with you, Kevin."

"OK, yes, we're friends and yes, we'll have a great time, but I'm not a hottie." And what the fuck was with the comment about being 'safe' with me? Does she think I'm gay??

"Look there's Arlo. Why don't you go talk to him?" Nora suggested.

"Is that the real reason you got me in here? To talk to Arlo?" I asked. Nora shook her head yes.

I walked over to the aisle where he was working. "Mr. Arlo, sir. Do you have a minute?"

"Hey kiddo, you're back again. Whaddaya want now??"

"Um, I just wanted to thank you. You called my school and that helped me a lot, you know, to get out of that trouble I was in."


"Well, you told me you weren't going to call, remember? What made you change your mind?"

Arlo took me by the shoulder and I looked down. He spoke very softly. He was different today, not gruff and mean.

"It's Kevin, right? The other day when you were in here, I didn't know you. But after you left I thought about you a lot. I thought about the love I saw. Yeah, everyone thinks I'm just a rough old smartass from Brooklyn. But let me tell ya, it was the love. I saw it.


"That boy who was with you. He loves you, Kevin. He loves you deep. I saw it in his face, in his eyes, the way he looked at you and the way he stepped in when I was a little rough on ya's. I could tell. I know love when I see it, son, and he loves you."

I stood still, once more. Surprised and frozen. Arlo wiped away my tears with his shirtsleeve. Then he hugged me, and whispered, "Yes, he loves you. And he knows you love him."

That was all I needed to hear.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 11

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