Drum Major and His Little Drummer Boy

By Simply Paul

Published on May 28, 2009


Ok, so here is Chapter 3. I love the feedback I have been getting, apparently people like this story more than I thought anyone would! So continue sending your feedback, it's really helpful and inspires me to continue writing, and don't think I don't listen, because the backbone of the next chapter was suggested by one of my readers, one of you!

As always, this story contains explicit sexual experiences between two guys, if you disapprove of that, please close the browser, because this the wrong site for you. If you are not of the mature age to be reading this, you should probably leave now, breaking the law is bad, k?

The Drum Major and His Little Drummer Boy - Chapter 3 By Simply Paul

...I know what you're all thinking, we had sex right there in the movie theater. Well, if that is what you're thinking, you're wrong! Although I would be ok with it, as long as it was with Logan, but I began to find out over the weeks, Logan is a good guy, a really good guy, and he would never have done that. And in all honesty, I was not ready to have sex, and neither was he, but don't worry, eventually we did become ready, and it did happen, and it was great, but that's a story for a future chapter!

We had decided to go see a different movie, Angels & Demons to be exact, luckily, we had both seen it already because we definitely didn't watch much of it this time around! One of the previews started, and a song in the background started playing, a very familiar one, Feelin Good, by Michael Buble. This is when I found out something about Logan I had never known before, he smiled and as the music began, he began to sing it to me. I had never figured him to be the singing type, but Damn! This boy could sing!

I sat there smiling at him as he continued to sing, and when the song was over I kissed him. We began to kiss even more, we just sat there while the movie was playing for 10 minutes kissing. When we finally parted lips, we sat there smiling at each other. I found myself to be very tired, something I hadn't noticed before. As he went to watching the movie, i rested my head on his shoulder and soon enough I had fallen asleep, I sure do hope I wasn't snoring!

When I woke up, I found the movie was nearly over, and that Logan had fallen asleep to. He looked so cute when he's sleeping, and he was smiling too. I didn't want to wake him up though, how could I wake up this adonis from a slumber he so clearly was enjoying. I decided to let him sleep a bit longer, and just soaked up the warmth of his body, I just couldn't get enough of him.

A short time later I felt his hand running through my hair, and knew he had woken up and thought I was still sleeping, I stayed motionless for a bit longer, I liked him running his hand through my hair. When he noticed that I was awake, a large grin appeared on his face, "You know, you snore really loudly buddy!"

"oh so funny, at least I don't drool on my self!" I snapped back.

"I couldn't help it, I was drooling over the sight of you sleeping."

"Ya, well I was too busy dreaming about you" I said, smiling.

"Haha, ok you win dude, we should get going it's already 7." He grabbed my hand and led me down the isles to the emergency exit.

I couldn't help but grab his ass as we went through the door. He quickly turned and pushed me against the outside of the door(The exit leads to the outside of the theater in the back, so no one could see) and said "Don't tempt me dude, I just might do something right here."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, "What if I want you to do something right here?"

"Well in that case, I should probably play hard to get, but it's just so damn hard, I can't keep myself away from these lips!"

"Well they do seem to have that effect on people," We both laughed, and turned back towards his car.

First we stopped at my house so I could grab my needed stuff for the game, then we went to his house so he could grab his. We made it to the stadium at about 7:50, 20 minutes late! We endured J wasting another 5 minutes yelling at us for being late, and then we both had to rush to get dressed, I couldn't help but glance at Logan as he changed, he looked hot in his boxers. When he had both finished changing, we were the only ones left in the band room, I took that precious moment to kiss him.

"Damn, I never noticed how sexy you look in your big bad drum major uniform." He did look sexy in his uniform, we have black and red uniforms, and damn it made him look sexy as hell! Thinking about it made me realize something, Logan was the head drum major, I had completely forgotten, he was a senior. He quickly noticed the frown that came across my face, but I shrugged it off and told him it was nothing, I didn't have the heart to tell him I was thinking about the future, Logan was graduating a semester early so he could get a nice head start on college, that meant we only had a month and a half left together...but I wouldn't tell him that, after all, this thing had only started this morning, I couldn't tell him I was already thinking about the future.

We wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered into my ear, "Whatever it is that's bugging you, don't worry about it, whatever it is it can wait till tonight," and he kissed my neck, which made me let out a quiet moan. He knew fully well he couldn't get me too excited, not while I'm wearing my uniform, that would be very noticeable, so we left after that.

About 20 feet out of the band room, I felt dumb realizing I had forgotten my snare drum, I was so immersed in him I complete spaced.

"Hey, I feel really stupid, I forgot my snare, I'll go get it and see your sexy self on the field, ok?"

"aww, ok," he grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze before turning and heading towards the field.

I ran back to the band room, and realize I hadn't even gotten my harness on yet. 'boy, today just is NOT my day' I thought as I took my uniform jacket off to put the harness on underneath it. After I had finally gotten completely ready, I ran to the field, I was really late, we play the pre-game national anthem in 5 minutes!

As I got to the field, J glared at me, which was the universal stare in band for 'What the fuck is wrong with you?'. Embarassed, I quickly got into position and we marched out onto the field, and performed the pre-game.

While we were playing the anthem, I couldn't help but stare at Logan as he conducted, god he was amazing, is there anything that he isn't good at? I got caught up in staring at him again, and had a mis-step, which J noticed, boy am I gonna be yelled at for that later...but oh well, I shrugged it off and when right back to playing, trying my best to focus on the game and not on the adonis on the drum major stand.

The game just seemed to drag on and on, our team was losing as they always do, our football team SUCKS! I had to sit with the rest of the drumline at the bottom of the stands as always, and couldn't get my mind off Logan, god was is happening to me! He was up at the top of the stands with the other two assistant drum majors. I couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking about me too, I really hoped so, I really hoped this wasn't just a one way street kind of thing. Every once in a while I would glance up at him, he would notice and he would give me a nice sweet smile. His smiler are addicting, it's can be a drug sometimes and his has the power to put you into an unbreakable trance, trust me I know, if you recall it has happened before.

Luckily, I was able to really focus during half time, I found it was hard to keep my mind off of him, but I managed to do it just for those short 7 minutes of playing time, then the second I stepped off that field my mind jumped right back to the pleasure spot, thinking about Logan.

I had to stay for almost a half an hour after the game was over, since Logan was the head drum major he couldn't leave until everyone else had, which means I had to wait with him. It was ok though, at least I got to stare at him the entire time.

The time began to slip by and I didn't notice that everyone had finally left until I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Ready to go sexy?" he whispered into me ear as he kissed the back of my neck.

"Of course, but may I ask what our agenda for this perfect weekend is?"

"Why of course you can, but don't expect an answer, it's a surprise!" he laughed and I couldn't help but laugh with him, I couldn't wait to see what this weekend would hold, and neither could he...

To Be Continued...

I'm sorry, I know it must annoy the hell out of everyone that these first chapters are so short, but don't worry, they are going to start getting much larger, starting with the next chapter, which will be a huge one! I also know that right now the pace of the story is going very slowly, I planned this, I really wanted to focus on these first few days of their relationship, but don't worry the speed will pick up in the next couple of chapters! I hope you enjoyed this one, sorry it was so short, remember to send in your feedback!

Thank you to all of you who have been reading this story, you are my inspiration!!

Next: Chapter 4

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