Drum Major and His Little Drummer Boy

By Simply Paul

Published on May 25, 2009


Ok here's chapter 2, just as before, tell me what you think, suggestions, comments, etc, etc! This story contains explicit sexual experiences between two guys, if you disapprove of that, please close the browser, because this the wrong site for you. If you are not of the mature age to be reading this, you should probably leave now, breaking the law is bad, k?

The Drum Major and His Little Drummer Boy By Simply Paul

...as he kissed me, I noticed it wasn't a lustful kiss, it was more than that, it was a geniune kiss, and it made it so much more enjoyable. But as all kisses, it ended much earlier than I had ever wanted it to. Infact, I never wanted it to end. I was perfectly ok with kissing Logan there in that bathroom for the rest of time, it was perfect.

As he removed his lips from mine, so did his spell on me, and suddenly I was rushed back to reality, standing in a smelly bathroom about to have to go to class with the huge piece that was now pushing at my pants. Logan noticed, and he shot that huge grin at me again, giggle, and went for the door.

As he got to the door, I noticed he had to unlock it, he had wanted to do more, or so I thought. I felt myself begin to move and before I knew it I was behind him. I grabbed him by the shoulder and spinned him around forcing him to face me. I pushed him against the door and kissed him again, this time a lustful, naughty kiss.

When my lips left his, I noticed he was still grinning that perfect grin, he giggled again, and left. Left me there sitting alone in the bathroom. I felt dirty and amazing at the same time, but I hated how soon it had ended, I wanted to run out of the room and go kiss him again, and it took a lot of restraint to keep myself from doing just that.

I stood there for what seemed like hours just taking in what had just happened, when the door opened again. It was our director, Mr. Jacobs, or J as we call him. When he saw me he just stared at me. I realized then that my shirt was still completely soaking.

"umm..Austin, what are you doing in here? Don't you have lunch this hour? I just saw Logan walk out of here, what were you two doing?" he said.

It took me a minute, but finally I was able to say, "ummm...Nothin J, he just needed to talk to me about the end of the season in private, give me a scoop on some stuff, nothin important...er...anyways, I gotta get back, the bell's about to ring."

He stared at me for a moment, but finall let out a quick 'Ok' as he walked to the sink.

As soon as I got out of the restroom, I began to run. I had to go talk to him, I just had too. But I couldn't find him anywhere, maybe he was in the cafeteria, but I didn't dare go back in there, not after that scene...Unfortunately, the bell rang before I could continue looking for him, and I had to get to my English class.

I took my time walking to English, knowing full well who sits right next to me in that class...

Just as I had predicted, there he was, sitting in the desk right next to mine, in my eyes, the devil...Andrew. I decided to ask Mr. Edwards, the teacher, if I could have my desk moved. I had dealt with Andrew many times before, but this time I had had enough of it, I just had to get away from him.

I talked to Mr. Edwards about it, and when I had finished, he had a grin on his face. A mischevious grin, but not like Logan's grin, Logan's was a grin I loved to see, however, this grin sent volts through my body. I had forgotten, Edwards hates me, why did I just ask a teacher who hates me to help me out...sometimes I do very stupid things, this was one of them.

"Oh, well, no we can't do that Austin, you need to learn how to put up with people and get along, infact, I am going to make you and Andrew partners for the project we'll be doing for the next couple weeks, that should help you get along with him." His grin turned to a smirk as he finished, I suddenly felt like I'd rather die, but I went and sat next to Andrew, who as always, was whispering to the dumbass jock in the desk in front of him. They were laughing and occasionally looked back at me, they were obviously making fun of the scene from lunch, ugh, how I dread high school.

I hated English solely because of Andrew, he always made it a much less enjoyable subject, no matter how much I truly loved to write, write anything and everything, essays, poetry, stories, you name it I loved to write it, but Andrew...he made me hate it, he made me want to never go back to the class again, thank god he hadn't been in my creative writing class, or worse, creative writing club, I wouldn't have been able to take it, i'd of gone insane!

I was able to make it through the hour as I always am, reminding myself of the fact that after this, I get to go to work. I LOVED my job, I worked at the local movie theater, it was truly the most enjoyable job ever, and as I was the assistant manager at only 17, I got to pre-watch any movies I wanted to! It was perfect! And thanks to being a junior, I was able to get to work an hour early, thank god for early release schedules, I only had 5 classes as opposed to all underclassmen and most upperclassmen's 6 classes, and it would be even better next year, I will only have 4 classes like Logan does now, only having to go to school for 4 hours! PERFECT!

When the bell finally rang I couldn't help but run to my car, after today's events, I nice day at work would really make me feel much better, and get me ready for the football game that night, boy was that gonna be fun! Thinking about the football game made me think about the Drum Major...Logan...I thought about what had happened at lunch, and low and behold, I get to the parking lot, and guess who is right there, leaning up against my car, smiling at me with that heavenly smile.

I couldn't help but stop and stare at him, which I felt was ok this time, since he was staring at me too. Eventually I began walking to the car again, but now with a huge smile on my face, I was happier than I have ever been watching that perfect man leaning up against my car, smiling at me, waiting for me...

"Notice anything?" He said, as I got to the car and stood in front of me.

"Should I?" I was confused, of course I didn't notice anything.

"Look around, tell me if you notice anything then." I looked around, and I did notice something, the parking lot was empty of people, and so were the areas within viewing site, we were completely alone.

"We're alone?" I asked, knowing the answer was yet.

He stopped leaning on the car, used his perfect hands to pull me closer to him and kissed me. A nice, sweet long kiss, but definitely not a kiss lacking lust, I knew what he really wanted to do in that parking lot, and it made me smile. Unfortunately, just as before, it had to end, and luckily it did, because a teacher, Mr. Edwards of all teachers, started walking into the parking lot shortly after.

We just stood there silent for what seemed like an hour, but eventually I came out and said it, "er...I have to get to work."

He just smiled at me, "I know you do, but...I know you being the assistant manager gives you these nice perks, like, getting to pre-watch new movies, and well this new movie is about to come out, so I figure, maybe you can go and watch it, and possibly I could join you."

He was right, I had completely forgot that a new movie was about to come out, and I had planned to watch it today, suddenly I was happier than ever!

"Of Course!!" I blurted out with sudden excitement, which made my face turn red as it always does when he giggled.

I started walking to the driver's side of my car, "So I'll meet you there..." but he grabbed my arm before I could walk too far.

"Oh no, you're not driving, I am, and we're taking my car," He said with a huge grin.

I protested, "But what about my car, how am I supposed to get to the game tonight without it!"

This just made his grin larger, "Well...I was planning on after you're done with work taking you to the game, seeing as you know I have to go too, and then taking you back to my place, where I'm alone for the weekend...but...if you want to go in your own car...I guess I can't stop you."

"NO! Nevermind, forget I said anything!" I nearly shouted slamming the car door, "Ok, come on let's go!"

I couldn't help but laughing with him as we walked to his car, somehow I knew this was going to be a good night, but I had no idea how amazing of a night it was really going to become...

The ride to the theaters is a long one, it's at least 20 minutes from the school! It started quiet, but then he turned on his music, he was listening to New Found Glory! I couldn't believe we like the same music, we both even started singing together to Kiss Me! And to top it off at the end of the song, he turned to me and said "Kiss me," with a huge grin on his face.

I wasn't sure if he was being serious or not, but damnit it was way to tempting to pass up! I leaned in and kissed him, luckily we were at a stoplight, cause if not we probably would have crashed, that was one long kiss!

We got to the theater at the end of Tears Don't Fall by Bullet for My Valentine. When I reached for the door handle Logan quickly stopped me with a stern "No."

He got out of the car, shut his door and went to the other side of the car and opened my door for me, how cheesy! And worse, he kissed me when I got out of the car!

"Why thank you," I said, blushing because a group of old ladies going to see the latest chick flick were watching the whole thing, and of course they laughed when I saw them staring! Luckily, they're the only ones that saw, I don't know what I would have done if someone I knew had seen us!

We walked into the theater, and I told him I had to go change into my work clothes, even though I wasn't technically going to be working.

"I'll be right back, you can get some popcorn and a drink or something, anything you want, it's free since you're with me," I saw a sudden smile stream across his face, free food, even better, he loved food as much as I do!

I quickly changed and went back to join him in the lobby. When I got there, he had gotten a large popcorn and ONE large Dr. Pepper. "Oh, well where's my drink!"

"It's right here." He said, pointing at the drink in his hand.

"Oh, so where's yours?"

"Right here silly," He said, still pointing at the same soda.

He smiled and so did I, and then we both walked into the empty theater #5, but not after telling a buddy of mine to start the movie.

We decided to sit in the far back of the theater, where the on-lookers in the room with the projector couldn't see us! And that is when the day turned truly perfect...

To Be Continued...

Hope you liked this one even more than the first one! I am enjoying writing it sooo much, I'll get the next chapter up as soon as possible, I promise! Remember to let me know what you think, you've got my email!

Next: Chapter 3

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