Drug Study for Erection Medication

By MagLev Dan

Published on Jan 9, 2015



It was the summer between my junior and senior year at the University of Texas in Austin. I needed some easy cash, and wasn't having luck getting a summer job. I had heard about a company in town which did drug studies, testing new pharmaceuticals, or new combinations, on young healthy people. I gave them a call. They had a study open for men only, ages 18-35, starting the next week, lasting for three weeks. It paid $5000! What really peaked my interest during the phone interview is that the medication was for erectial disfunction. I didn't need the medication of course, but the thought of all those other study subjects walking around with constant hardons made my mind wander.

During the screening, they made sure that we knew that male staff would be periodically checking our penises for hardness and size, and were repeatedly told that sexual activity while sequestered in the facility for three weeks, including masturbation, was prohibited. Holy crap! I don't know if I could handle that even without the Viagra, of whatever brand they are giving us. Well, it was a bunch of money in a short amount of time, so I pressed forward.

I passed the physical, and showed up to drug camp with my 15 other male subjects, all ready to spend three weeks locked up in an area of a building that was about the size of a school cafeteria. There were a number of other studies going on for other drugs, but since ours was special, they separated us from the general population; partly so that we could walk around in bath robes with boners, and partly to protect the females in the other studies from certain rape.

Our first stop after the lengthy check in process was to find our beds, and set up camp. There was a variety of guys in my group, but I wouldn't through any of them out of bed. They put us in two big rooms, with windows to an observation room between, presumably to watch us in bed to be sure that we were not jacking off.

We soon went to lunch, where we all became acquainted with each other. A few of the jock types soon were talking about how their girlfriends better watch out when they went back home, because they were going to be so pent up and horny. I pretended that I was straight too, and said that I didn't have a girlfriend, but better find one quick when I get out. Banter when on like that quite a bit in the study.

The next morning, we started taking the medication, and the fun began. We had a series of blood tests, as well as penis checks, measuring our reaction to the drug. Around day three, the guys were getting more and more vocal about their sexual frustration. It was most evident in the communal shower room. We soon became comfortable walking around and showering alongside other dudes with erections. Comments flew left and right about getting off. Some guys openly rubbed one out right there in front of each other, and we would all just keep going about our business like it was nothing. In the shower, there were no monitors, so we could try to get satisfaction there.

Complete satisfaction never came (no pun intended). We took the erectial disjunction drug every day, so just minutes after shooting a load in the shower, we were horny again. About a week in to the study, we were walking erections about to burst. The shower jackoffs turned into experimenting with jacking each other off--not everyone was so bold, but regardless, even the non participants were sympathetic, and were for the most part curious to watch.

I had developed a friendship with two other straight guys, and we fell into a routine of doing everything together. We had to eat at a certain time, which was nearly the same time, but we did off-time things together too, like watching movies, shooting pool, and taking showers. Our mutual maturation in the shower one day took a turn. The alpha male of our group, Jay, while grabbing the cock of the other jock, Jason, grabbed his hip and turned him facing away. Jay, playfully, in a way only a jock can in a locker room, teased (and tested for reaction) Jason by rubbing Jay's constantly hard cock on Jason's butt crack. Jay simultaneously gave a hoot, and said, "oops! I though that it was a pussy!". Laughter by all three of us followed, alone in the shower. Jason said, " oh yeah?! ", and spun Jay around and gave a single thrust of his hard hot dog up along Jay's hot dog bun. The two laughed at their locker room prank, and then at the same time shot lustful looks across to the other shower head at me.

Both in unison took two steps over, each grabbing an arm, turned me around, and they each took turns doing the same playful slap and rub of their cocks on my ass. Jay said, " Hey, I think that he likes it! ". All I could muster up to say was a lame, " hey guys, come on..." with a smile on my face. Jason reached around and grabbed my dick, and said, "yeah, he DOES like it. He's hard as a rock!". " Of course I'm hard, you idiot. We are taking hard on pills!", I said.

Jay, being the leader of our little group, then said, "man, I'm so horny and hard, and jacking off just isn't cutting it. I think that I need myself some tail!". Jason echoed the sentiment. I looked over my shoulder with a look like a deer in the headlights, but gave no resistance. Jay's playful jock-teasing look instantly changed to a masculine lustful gaze into my eyes. He said, " A whole is a whole, and we are all that each other has for two more weeks. I think that we should just do what it takes to help each other get through this thing and get our money.". I nodded just before he spit a big hocker onto his dick, and slid it into my butt. I cried out in pain. He cried out in pleasure. Jason wanted in, but didn't know what to do. He looked to Jay for guidance. "Wait your turn." was the response.

We were all tested for HIV upon entry to the study, so I had no fear of that. I relaxed, and then joined Jay in his pleasure. We were always walking around about to burst at any moment in the day, so it only took half a minute to be filling me with his seed. He passed my ass to Jason, like I was an object to be used. Jason followed suit, and added his baby batter to Jay's in my ass. I turned around feeling like a wrung out rag, and asked , "what about me?". They both laughed, and Jay said, " Sorry man, I don't do that.". "Fuck! I need to shoot too!", I said. Jason hadn't said anything, so I took that as an opening. I turned on the bold masculine attitude and took charge. I looked at Jason and said, " Your turn!", and grabbed him and pinned him against the shower wall. Jay actually helped me hold Jason. I proceeded to fuck his ass, and fill it with my jizz. We all silently cleaned up, and left the shower room. We never spoke about it, and just kept doing our daily routine as usual.

Each day, however, we managed to arrange our shower time to minimise the chance of being interrupted in our new activity. We could see over the partial wall, the top of the hall door as it opened, so we were able to stop fucking, and act like we were showering. We had erections almost constantly at the drug study, especially in the mornings after dosing, so it was not an issue to be seen in that state. Sometimes we would get in a row and the three of us would fuck all at the same time... sometimes I was in the middle, and sometimes Jason. Alpha Jay was always the total top. Jason and I would sometimes try to pin him down to fuck his ass, but he was strong, and eventual won the locker room wrestling games by fucking one or both of us. We never did any sucking though. I guess that sucking was too gay for those str8 guys.

The study ended. We collected our money, and Jay and Jason went back to their girlfriends.

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