Droit du Seigneur

By Lance Kyle

Published on Feb 8, 2016


Droit du Seigneur 7

The boys used the pieces of soap to clean themselves thoroughly in the creek, washing away the cum leaking from anuses, peeling back penises to clean them of anal residue. Then Sam led his two black slave boys up onto the bank where he bade them sit on the picnic blanket. They hesitated, looking at each other with questioning glances; was their white master really asking them to sit with him. Sam asked them to sit again and pointed at the blanket. Hesitantly, the slave boys sat down, but the blanket was small enough that, sitting cross-legged, their knees were almost touching Sam's on each side Then Sam opened the picnic basket and began setting food out, telling the boys to eat.

They were again hesitant, exchanging worried glances, and then Remus said, "We take our food ovah theah, masta."

"No, sit right here, we will all eat together," Sam said. The boys exchanged glances again at this unheard of invitation, then at first gingerly began picking at the bread, meat, and apples. Once it became clear that Sam meant it, they relaxed and dove in to the picnic lunch with gusto.

Sam for his part was enjoying the friendly presence of his slave boys. He did not assume that they would in fact be friends, but it was enjoyable to be so physically close to his slaves. The fact that they had so easily given in to his orchestration of sex in the creek confirmed him in thinking that many if not all of the boys he was going to seduce had in fact already had sexual experiences with each other, and what more natural than that twin boys should do so with each other.

Sam enjoyed running his gaze all over the boys as they sat there eating. They for their part shot quick glances at him, at his body. It would have been unusual for a black slave to have seen a white male body. Sam was sure his mother's maid had seen her undressed, but there was no comparable situation, at least at the plantation so far, that would have allowed the white male body to be on view. He understood that Romulus and Remus were eyeing him, and it gave him a thrill of pride and mastery. For his part, he very much admired his slave boys. Highlights of dark honey and chocolate played over their slim, brown bodies. Their penises, now flaccid, flopped down over large hanging ballsacks, nearly black in color. Small puffs of peppercorn pubic hair grew above their genitals, and even smaller tufts of black hair sprouted under their arms. The boys' trumpet lips were beautiful, pushing out as if to be kissed.

Three hungry boys soon made short work of the food, the scraps of which were put away in the basket. The morning's exertions and the warm sun filtering through the trees made Sam drowsy and so he stretched out in the middle of the blanket. The slave boys glanced at each other as if wondering what to do. Sam patted either side of him and said, "Lie here...and here...and let's rest. The boys did. The blanket was small enough so that their arms touched Sam's arms on either side of him. All three were soon asleep in the warm noontime weather.

Sam awoke to find he was turned to one side and that Remus, the boy on that side, was likewise turned on his side facing his master. Sam drank in the boy's beautiful face, full trumpet lips, long eyelashes and broad nose. Feeling his penis begin to swell a little, Sam quietly put his hand around the back of Remus and, as he gently pulled himself into Remus, Sam put his lips to the thick, curving lips of the slave boy.

Remus woke, but not with a start. This close to the white boy, he looked directly into his master's eyes. Then he reached his own arm around the white boy's back and pulled the two bodies together. Remus responded to the white boy's gentle kissing by opening his lips and gently sucking the white boy's tongue into his mouth. Sam responded in kind, and for a long time the two lay there like that, tongues exploring teeth and gums, enjoying an intimacy that seemed even beyond that of the intercourse each had enjoyed that morning. Both rosie pink and dark chocolate penises were rising now, pressing against the flesh of the other.

On Sam's backside Romulus awoke with a start, uttering an involuntary "Wha?" when he looked over at what his white master was doing with his brother. He paused a moment and then scooted in close, his dark rod almost instantly rising and pressing against the white buttocks of Sam as he reached an arm around his master's belly to pull them close together.

Now Sam turned to Romulus and gently seized his lips as he had those of Remus, while Remus pushed up against Sam's backside now with his rigid dark penis. Each boy ground his body against the other, each one now breathing heavily. Clearly, lunch and the nap had allowed each boy to recover his sexual potency. Sam shifted to lie on his back and pulled first one and then the other boy to his lips, while each slave boy pressed up against their master's side, hard dark rods pressed against the white boy's thighs, each slave boy taking turns gently pumping Sam's rigid rosie penis. The white boy delighted in running his fingers through the kinky textured hair of his slaves, and each slave, suddenly liberated to do so, fingered the thick blond hair of their master.

Seized with an idea, Sam scrambled around to arrange himself and the boys in a three way chain of sucking. Lying on his side, he had Romulus's penis in his mouth as he grasped it tightly with one hand and with the other reached through the slave boy's legs to massage his firm buttocks. Romulus did the same to his brother, and then Remus in his turn took the white boy's penis in his mouth, his hands busy at kneading the young master's buttocks.

Nobody was in a hurry, but the pace gradually picked up of sucking, hips now gently bucking back and forth to match the rhythm of the sucking. Moans escaped from throats blocked off by meaty penises. Sam was the first to come, moaning, tensing and then pushing his penis hard into the mouth of Remus, who could be heard to gulp and swallow greedily even as his own rhythm of pumping increased. Then came Romulus, shooting streams of white cum into his young master's mouth while making a high pitched whine deep in his throat. Sam was no longer pumping with his hips, but Remus kept custody of his penis with a gentle sucking pressure. Then Remus came into his brother's mouth with a guttural groan and shivers that shook his whole body. All three boys kept a penis in their mouths with gentle suction, draining it dry, waiting for the shivers of the other to cease. One by one each released the organs.

All three boys sat up and began laughing from the sheer joy of the forbidden experience they just shared. Then all three, without a word, leapt up and went to the creek to wash themselves. There was good natured horseplay, water glinting as it ran off in sheets from the dark skins of the slaves. Penises became a little more engorged, but none were at full staff after two sessions already today. But that didn't prevent the pressing of them against bottoms, playful squeezing of them by furtive hands, and quick kisses taken. The black slave boys seemed to have cast off inhibitions, at least for the moment.

Finally the boys returned to the bank, drying quickly in the sun, and dressed. With one of the slaves taking up the basket, the boys made their way along the path back toward the house, again passing workers in the fields who paused to eye them curiously. The boys managed casual conversation as the two blacks learned more about their white master, and vice versa.

As the path brought them to the house, where they were to part ways, Sam reflected thoughtfully on the day. He was fascinated to think that, by mouth and anus, semen that used to be part of the slave boys was now becoming part of him, and likewise, his own fluids had entered the dark bodies and were being absorbed to be taken up into muscle and bone. He had found a special joy in today's adventures. In part because of the sex, certainly. In part because of the joy that comes with any meaningful contact across racial and forbidden lines. In part because of his joy in ownership of these two magnificent young stallions-in-the-making. Sam paused behind the corner of the house where he exchanged a quick kiss with each boy and a playful slap on their butts. Each boy said "Thank you, massa," smiled, and then made their way off to the kitchen to return the basket.

Sam slipped into the library where he pulled out the list of boys to be deflowered. This had been such an enjoyable day that he was determined to continue varying the routine. Summoning a trembling or an angry or a confused boy to his room was alright, but he now wanted some variety. He thought long and hard and then summoned Hannibal with instructions for the next day.

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Next: Chapter 8

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