Driving While Erect

By Kenneth Rodman

Published on Aug 28, 2014




As the miles rolled by underneath him Don was reminding himself that driving a monster tour bus with a boner was probably as dangerous as texting and driving. Thinking back it was no wonder; he hadn't cum in five days. He promised himself that tonight was the night to unload and tried to get his mind out of his crotch. He was thinking again what a neat summer job he had: comped to all meals, a room in a nice hotel, good pay, a chance to visit a myriad of interesting place and meet all sorts of people intent on relaxing and enjoying a good time. All he had to do was load and unload the luggage every day and take care of the driving. He liked the exercise with the luggage and he enjoyed the challenge of driving this rig. The Tour Director, Mark, did all the rest. When Mark interviewed him for this trip they found they had something in common. Mark had been a forward on the Harvard basketball team and Don had been a linebacker for Amherst. Mark was 6'2" and had maintained his playing weight since graduation at 180# and Don @ 6' even had trimmed down 20# to 190 when his playing days were over. It was a great summer job for a guy in graduate school.

They had been on the road for four hours when Mark touched his shoulder and said,"You need a break and this bunch needs lunch. There's a nice little joint about twenty miles ahead so let's stop there." The "bunch" was a group of plumbers and their wives. Seemed like a fun gang. The bloody Marys had been flowing for a couple of hours and the voices were louder and the jokes he could overhear were getting raunchier. He was thinking any one of them would probably out earn him when he got his CPA. He smiled as he recalled the old joke about the guy who came home unexpectedly in the middle of the afternoon, saw the plumber's truck in the driveway and hoped he was just having an affair with his wife.

About two hours after lunch, Mark touched his shoulder again and said, "Everybody knows we have a lavatory on the bus but It's a good idea to take a break and walk around a bit. We have another three hours to go." That was another interesting thing. Mark touched him just about every time he spoke to him. Didn't seem to do so to any of the passengers. Maybe that was why his gaydar started to beep any time Mark was around. Or maybe his prostate was just overloaded. He hadn't traveled with Mark before. He looked to be about ten years older than Don. Maybe in his late thirties. Nice looking guy, seemed to be in good shape. Tour directors spend a fair amount of time talking to the passengers about what they were going to see on the trip but there wasn't much talking today. All they were going to see would be highway and pretty dull scenery.

When they arrived at their motel for the night Don began to unload the luggage and the passengers trickled into their various rooms. Mark walked over to him with a worried look and said, "I've got some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?" Don chose the good news and Mark said, "Well, at least you don't have to sleep in the bus."

"OK, so what's the bad news?"

"Well, somebody screwed up. Me or the motel, but I'm betting on the motel. They didn't book you a room and they're sold out so you're stuck rooming with me tonight." Now Don's gaydar was really beeping. Mark was schmoozing with the passengers during the cocktail hour and dinner while Don was talking to three passengers about the lousy economy and lack of jobs. The plumbers all said the economy was fine for them and the problem they had was finding men with any training or interest to work in the plumbing trade. Don bailed out after dessert, took a fifteen minute walk and went to his room. He was half asleep watching a baseball game when Mark arrived. "I don't know about you but I'm pooped. Been a long day.", he said.

Don: "Yep, I'm ready to hit the sack." Mark went to brush his teeth and got undressed with his back to Don. He wore a pajama top, but no bottom and when he slipped into bed Don was pretty sure he saw a boner, and a good sized one at that. Or was it just his hornyness playing tricks on him? Don got undressed, no pajamas, and climbed into bed.He turned out the light but the light in the parking lot shone through the curtained window and put the room in a dusky light. Mark was lying on his side facing away from Don and after a couple of minutes Don moved his foot over and it touched Mark's leg. Mark pulled his leg away but shortly thereafter his leg came back and gently rubbed Don's. Don rolled over and his hard cock poked into Mark's back.

Mark: "Did you bring a flashlight to bed or is that a proposal?" Mark reached back and ran his hand over Don's rigid cock and then threw back the covers and turned on the light.

Don was looking at a very long, gently up curving dick. "My God, how big is that thing?"

"Ten and a half inches, but as they say about tits, anything more than a mouthful is sheer waste."

"Not for me. I've never had anything near that long tickle my colon.", said Don.

Mark: "And I've never tasted an uncut pecker." Don's penis was a nine incher and this was the first time he'd seen a tool approaching the size of his. "And look at the head on you. It looks like an oversized Nazi helmet! But I don't think they had pink helmets and I'm damn sure they didn't secrete precum." Don's cock was uncut, with just the tip of his glans peeking out from his foreskin and Mark bent down to lick the drop of Cowper's pre ejaculatory fluid oozing from Don's piss slit. "Man, I can hardly wait to suck that thing.mI've never tasted an uncircumsized penis.

"I'd like that, but only after you've given me a nice warm fucking." Said Don. Mark with a wide smile went to his overnight bag, retrieved a magnum condom and a small bottle of lube.

"How about you on top? That way I can watch that lovely cock of yours responding to my little thingy.", said Mark. Don rolled on the king sized rubber, greased it up and directed it to his eagerly waiting rosebud. Mark's cock entered easily. It was longer than a whore's dream, but on the thin side like it's support system. When Mark's dick was fully inserted Don paused for a moment to enjoy the feeling. And he did enjoy it a lot. He began to rise and fall and after a minute or so he tightened his anal sphincter. "Ah yeah, man that feels great!", said Mark. Don's tool was oozing precum again and Mark, wishing he could suck up every precious drop, at least could reach down to coat his finger with it and suck that. Don was going nuts. He needed to cum something awful so he sped up his pace but Mark took five minutes that seemed to Don like an hour until Mark's hips lurched upward and lifted Don in the air. Don felt a pulsing in his rectum and knew Mark's orgasm had arrived. "Oh, shit!", said Mark, that feels so good! Don't go away yet, I'm still cumming." It took a few minutes for Mark's penis to soften and then Don held the condom in place while he lifted himself off a totally collapsed tour director. When Mark finally descended from outer space he looked over to Don's rock hard penis whose foreskin was now almost fully retracted and without a word eased the skin back to fully expose the glans.

"Oh, come on.", said Don. "Stop staring and start sucking. I need relief! But go easy, I damn near unloaded when you were in me and I'm still red hot." Mark had been curious for years how an uncut cock tasted and he took Don's cockhead in his mouth gently as directed and sampled the taste. It was complex, with the taste of precum and that of an uncut glans. Mark decided he needed to sample Don's cock before it began to leak. Maybe in the morning? Don's dickhead was so big it almost filled his mouth, but he could get a couple inches more in and he began to swirl his tongue around his tasty treat. In only a short time, Don warned him he was about to pop so Mark lifted off his head and reached up to slip a finger into Don's still greasy pooper. Two little strokes over his prostate and Mark felt it harden and swell two little seconds before Don's cock exploded, squirting cum two feet in the air. Mark counted ten spurts before only a small stream of dishwater thin semen leaked down Don's penis.

"That's quite a load you just dumped. You must have been saving up for the occasion and I'm flattered." said Mark.

Don: "I plan to save up again but I'll be disappointed If my savings account lasts longer than tomorrow night."

The next day they toured Zion National Park with numerous stops for photo ops, short hikes, coffee, lunch and the same routine in the afternoon. Don worked hard maneuvering his big beast of a bus around the narrow curvy roads. He smiled when he noticed the women mostly sat on the side of the bus opposite the drop offs into deep canyons. Finally the tour ended for the day and it was time to freshen up and start the cocktail hour. Don and Mark were the last to leave the bus and Don said, "I can pass cocktails but I'm much more interested in cocktails, namely yours. What say we repair to your room and do a 69 before dinner?"

They were peeling their clothes off on the way to Mark's bed and both hard by the time they got there. Nary a word was said before they were busily sucking each other. Don paused long enough to ask Mark if he would fingerfuck him again. "Yeah, if you'll do me the same.", said Mark. There was no sense of urgency and they were slow and gentle, enjoying the taste of precum and the sensation of hard cocks being expertly sucked. Mark said, "Your finger feels so good in there, so why is it when my doctor examines my prostate it hurts?"

Don: "You need to find a gay doctor. Now are you going to chit chat or suck my dick?"

"That thing is so big I just needed a chance to breathe again. I really want it to tickle my prostate."

Don said, "Tomorrow night for sure. Now, pretty please put that magical tongue of yours back to work on my cock instead of my ear." So he did and all was quiet for a few minutes until Don's cock became even more sensitive, his breathing got faster, his excitement was rapidly ramping up and he knew his ejaculation was imminent. "I can't last much longer.", he said. Mark stopped sucking and used just the tip of his tongue to tickle Don's piss slit. "Oh, God, you're driving me crazy! I'm right on the edge......c'mon, make me cum!" But Mark's tongue moved even slower and Don was writhing in delightful agony. Finally CRACK! The first wad of hot jizz raced down his cock and he yelled, "Oooo, SHIT! Oh, man that feels...." He shut up and just enjoyed the cum pouring from his dick and watching it splash on Mark's face.

"Wow, that was hot!" Mark said. "A close second best to cumming myself." He wiped his face off with a corner of the sheet and before he was finished Don had him back in his mouth and it didn't take long before Don felt a hot stream of semen squirting into the back of his throat. He stopped sucking and just enjoyed the penis in his mouth throbbing and spurting. He swallowed most of Mark's load, but some ran down his chin. "Sheesh, what a gooey looking pair we make! Let's wash up and go schmooze with the passengers. Here, have a stick of gum. Our breath probably smells a bit, uh, queer."

They toured Bryce Canyon the next day and although Don couldn't believe anything could be more gorgeous than Zion, Bryce was. Mark and Don were hot, sweaty, pooped and agreed that a quick nap, a shower and fresh clothes were what they needed before dinner. After dessert Mark said he had some work to do and phone calls to make for the following day's tour but he figured by ten 0:Clock the coast would be clear for Don to amble down for a little bedtime treat.

The phone in Don's room rang at 9:35. "I got my chores done, I have a huge boner and I want you over here NOW!", Mark said. When Mark opened his door he was stark naked and indeed that long tool was hard as a rock. It was as though a two ton load landed on Don's back and forced him to his knees to take Mark's cock in his mouth. "OK, that feels far too good and I want you to finish me off, but not before you stick that huge cockhead of yours up my ass and fuck me silly. Don donned a magnum condom, greased it up and asked Mark what position he wanted to be in. "See that big mirror on the wall by the bed? If I lie on my side facing that, you can lie behind me and we'll both get a nice view of the show."

Mark positioned Don's dickhead against his rosebud and moved back against it. "It may take a minute to get me relaxed enough to handle that thing, so don't shove. Mark progressively increased the pressure, Don's greasy glans got about halfway in and then popped all the way home. "Woof!", said Mark.

"Sorry, buddy, did I hurt you?"

"Not really, it was just kind of a shock. Felt good, actually.", and Mark moved forward again and Don squished back out. "Whee, I like that." And Mark took him in again. Then he moved back to engulf Don's whole cock and remained motionless for a bit. "Oh man, the straight community just doesn't know what they're missing.", said Mark, and he began to move back and forth. Mark's tight asshole was doing a real number on Don's dick and he didn't last long before the tightness in his groin and the progressively increasing sensitivity of his penis signaled the approach of his ejaculation. God it felt good. He slowed down, barely moving hoping to make the moment last but it was only that, a moment, before POW! The first jet of jizz raced down his impossibly engorged cock. And again, and again, and again. Mark said, "I know it's just my imagination, but I swear it seems like I can feel your semen flowing into me. Stay there until you get soft, will you? It just feels too good to quit."

Finally Don's softening organ slid out of its own accord and he said, "Now for the encore. Roll over so I can suck the juice out of that pants python of yours." Mark's cock was a veritable taste treat. There was fresh precum to delight Don's taste buds, but also dried dick juice. Don retracted Mark's foreskin when he had completed his tongue bath and gently sucked his cockhead for a different but equally lovely taste. The precum just kept oozing and there was little question his dick's support system had enjoyed being cornholed. Don rolled his head around and around and Mark's penis was getting stimulated from many different angles and from many different parts of Don's mouth.

Mark: "Damn, I should have waited awhile to cool off after your fucking. I'm going to cum soon. Oh, I feel like.....o, o, o, O, O, OOOOHHHHHHH!" Don had risen from Mark's cock when warned of his impending climax and just used a fingertip on his frenulum to get him off. He watched the spurts of cum shooting from Mark's jerking dick with total fascination. Would he ever tire of watching a penis ejaculate?

Mark took a minute or two to return from heaven and then he said, "This may be the best damn trip I've ever run and it's less than half over. How would you like to become a partner in Adventure Tours?"





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