Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 14, 2011


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Drive in Pisser part 9

All of us were just lying around the pool. The night air was warm, and the bug zapper was an almost constant buzz of flying insects meeting there shocking death. My dad was over showing Eric this new sucker thing which he used to clean the pool, which actually climbed the sides. Josh and I were sitting on the edge our legs in the warm water. "I need to take a leak," Josh told me, and he stood up and smiled. I took my cue and tipped my head back. Piss began to drizzle form his cock, into my mouth.

"Hey," shouted Eric, "wait." Turning to my dad, he motioned him to follow. They came over to where josh and I were and Eric, holding his cock by my mouth, "Ok now, together." Both he and Josh began to unleash their hot streams of strong piss into my mouth, most of it getting all over my face, running down my chest. I swallowed what I could, and let the rest just wash over me. My eyes were burning, and it was hard to really see, but the feeling of yet another stream on my head, this one not as forceful as the others, told me my dad was joining in the fun, my now hard cock, a signal to all present that I indeed loved every second. "Yeah bitch, take all our hot piss." Eric was groaning, sticking his cock in my mouth. I could see my dad's hand had replaced Josh's on his cock and was moving it around, spraying his dark yellow fluid all over me, Josh's cock growing harder as he did. "Now, bitch, you're gonna suck my fucking cock, and make me dump another hot load of cum in your mouth," Eric demanded, stepping over me and plunging his cock into my pissy mouth. I did as I was told and sucked on his cock as he fucked my mouth. I could see my dad kneeling, taking Josh's big cock into his mouth. "Oh fuck, look at daddy sucking your boyfriend's hot cock bitch. Looks like I made a cock hound out of him." I could see well enough to notice my dad was having trouble taking the whole thing, but was trying. I knew he hadn't put his teeth back in, and knew from the look on Josh's face that he was 'gumming' his cock.

"OH fuckin a, I'm gonna cum," Josh moaned, grabbing my dad's head and face fucking him. His grunts told me he was unloading another big load into dad's mouth. Cum leaked from around his cock, as my dad gagged with the volume.

"HOTT," Eric moaned, as he too began to pump a nice hot load down my hungry throat. I lay back, my dad's throbbing cock above my face. As he continued to suck on Josh, I quickly drained him of another load, this one much less in amount and more watery. He quickly pulled out of my mouth and said he was tender. Eric had knelt and was stroking my cock, but Josh motioned for him to stop.

"That's my job, for later." Eric smiled and released my dick.

Very slowly, we all began to regain some composure, and us boys dove in the pool to clean off, mush to my dad's protests of "NO PEE IN THE POOL". I got out and was drying off by my dad as Eric and Josh splashed and played in the water.

"He's a really nice young man," my dad said looking at Josh. "I'm glad you two are going to hook up. I'm also glad that Eric isn't being left out." I remained silent, but nodded in agreement. "I can't say I really understand this whole pee thing, especially with Eric, but seeing Josh peeing in your mouth and everything, was really erotic." The boys joined us and made a comment about the road trip early in the morning, so I was thinking about heading to bed. Josh put his arms around me,

"Yeah we have some unfinished business to take care of," and he kissed the hickey he'd left. Using his body he turned me and began walking me to the house. I saw my dad touching Eric's leg when he began to follow us and he stopped. Once inside, I put out a blanket and sheet on the arm of the couch for Eric, and then joined Josh, who was slipping under the covers of my bed. "Get your hot ass over here and let me do some loving on you." I climbed into bed and into his strong arms. Josh and I began to make out, our lips locked as our tongues fought between our mouths. We kissed for quite a while, when we decided we needed a beer. I headed to the kitchen and noticed the pool lights were off. After grabbing two beers I walked through the living room, where I saw a vacant couch, sheets and blanket still folded on the arm. Where was Eric, I wondered. I saw my dad's bedroom door partly open, and that a light was on. I walked over, thinking he and Eric were talking. When I peered in, I was shocked to see Eric kneeling by my dad's side, my dad's cock in Eric's mouth. Eric's head was bobbing up and down as my dad's hands guided him.

"Oh yeah boy, that's right suck daddies cock for him. MMM yeah baby boy, just like that." I could see that Eric was enjoying himself, as his hand stroked his own cock. "You going to let daddy have that hot young boy ass tonight aren't you." I was shocked to see Eric nod yes. I quickly and very quietly left and ran to my room.

"Josh," I barely breathed, "come here quick, you gotta see this. Eric's blowing my dad and my dad's gonna fuck him." Josh flew out of the bed, his hard cock drooling precum as he rushed at me.

"No way babe, Mr. Dominance is gonna let your dad fuck him?"

"Heard it with my own ears, just now, come on, but be fucking quiet." I led Josh back through the house to my dad's room. The door was still open as we crept back up. My dad was still on his back, but Eric was now squatting over him. Eric had his cheeks spread and my dad was aiming his cock at Eric's hole.

"Come on boy, take daddies cock in your tight boy pussy. Just take it ease and it'll slide right in." We watched, me kneeling, Josh standing, his throbbing cock beside my head, his precum dripping down onto me. Eric slowly lowered himself onto my dad's cock, wriggling his ass while dad's cock went deeper.

"Oh fuck daddy it hurts." Eric cried. "Ah, ah, oh fuck."

"Easy son, pretend you're taking a crap and push. Oh yeah baby boy push hard." Eric sank down on dad's cock, "oh kiddo, get my cock up in your tight boy pussy." The sight was so fucking hot, Eric was now relaxing and we watched as he began to slowly ride on my dad's cock. He'd moved forward, and we could clearly see the shaft of my dad's cock fucking into Eric's ass. I was getting hot watching my best friend taking my dad's cock. I reached up and started stroking Josh's cock, as we continued to watch Eric take it. Josh motioned for us to go join them, but I held him back, not wanting to interrupt what appeared to me as an intimate bonding. Eric, now on his hands and knees, my dad's cock thrusting in and out of his ass, dad's hips rose, shoving his cock deep.

"OH, mmm, yeah 'daddy' fuck me hard," Eric moaned. "Breed my boy cunt."

"Not so fucking tough now, are you," my father grunted. "Now who's the bitch? Huh, boy?" Eric buried his face in my dad's chest.

"I am," he cried out.

Josh pressed his mouth to my ear, "Hmmm, so Eric is straight, alright; straight into bed with your old man, to get 'daddies' cock in his ass." I pinched him, making him smile.

"I never thought he was straight," I whispered back. "I've always had a thought all it would take is the right time and place. Looks like my dad's got a new son and me a new brother." Cries from Eric turned our attention back to the 'lovers'. My dad was thrusting like a wild man into Eric's ass. Eric, grunting, asked my dad if he was ready to cum. Eric pulled off of my dad's cock and quickly moved sinking the same cock that was just in his hot ass deep into his mouth, his head bobbing, taking it all in his mouth. Dad's hands on his head forcing him to stay down, while he pumped his cock violently while he came.

"Swallow it all son, drink my seed from my cock." I motioned to Josh for us to go. As we were turning, we saw Eric and my dad making out, a true daddy and son. I actually felt proud. Back in my room, I drank Josh's hot piss, drinking it all from his cock. He held my head, his cock barely in my mouth.

"Fuck yes, Jimmy, drink it all. I am marking you with my scent, and then we are going to make love. We belong together." Josh and I spent several hours, making love. This guy was amazing. He could cum huge loads, multiple times without losing his erection; each cum as much in volume and consistency as his first. His cock, long enough to reach that special place deep inside me, yet not so large as to hurt. His cum, thick and sweet to the taste, coating all it touched. Then, after he's cum twice more, and as we made out, his softening inside me, he used his hand to bring me to a long awaited orgasm.

I woke up, alone. The bed was still warm where Josh had been, so I knew he hadn't been gone long. I heard voices from another part of the house and went to investigate. I found Josh in the kitchen, on the phone. He was making arrangements for Eric's car to be towed to the shop he worked at. After that, I heard him telling whoever he was talking too, that he needed the day off. Something had come up and he needed to run out of town. I heard him say thanks to someone named Tony and that he really owed him one. I stood back, hidden by the door frame, as Josh made coffee, and toast. I squired back to the room, diving back into bed. I pretended to just be waking up as Josh brought me breakfast in bed. He fixed my coffee just how I liked it, and actually fed me toast, in between kisses.

"So, I know you have to go to Weirs today," Josh said.

"Yeah I do, and I know you can't come with me," I feigned disappointment.

"Well, what do you say, you," he patted my chest, "and me. Find a way to slip away from Eric, and we spend the day together, just you and me? Think you'd like that?"

"Like it? LIKE IT? Josh that'd be the best day of my life, ever, but you have to work, you told me already."

He smiled at me; "Let's just say I called in a few favors and got the day off. I'm sorry but I want it to just be me and you, OK, no Eric."

"Who?" I asked. We both laughed and finished our coffee. He explained he'd set it up for Eric's car to get towed in later that day, and it only take a few days to get it running. So we planned to leave and run by his house to get him some clothes, and then we'd be off.

I got up and we went back to the kitchen. We shared another cup of coffee, and decided we'd take a shower and get going. We walked by my dad's room and saw Eric and him, cuddled up. In the shower, I drank another hot load of Josh's piss, and then cleaned up and dressed in shorts, but remained shirtless.

I was picking up my keys and wallet when my dad emerged from his room, naked and looking like shit. When he came into the kitchen I gave him a kiss and asked if he knew were Eric was - as if I didn't know. Before he could answer, Eric walked in, also looking like death warmed over. He smiled at me and when I asked where he'd slept, he sheepishly looked at me and then went and kissed my father.

"With my dad," he said, putting his arm around my dad. I explained about his car, and that we were heading out for the day. I suddenly felt a twinge of guilt, this being really the first time, we'd be separated. Eric had moved toward me, and while he gave me a hug, told me it was ok.

"I had a long talk with... our dad last night. He helped me understand you and the stud," my dad smacked him on the back of the head playfully. "Sorry, I meant Josh, need some time one on one. Hey, it's cool; you, me, best friends forever, right?" I agreed, and he kissed me on my lips. "Besides," dad added, "Eric's going to be pretty tied up today, right kiddo?" Eric broke from our hug and returned to dad, hugging him.

"Yes dad, we got a lot to do." I grabbed Josh, and after I kissed Eric and dad, he and I headed out.

As I backed out of the drive, I commented to Josh, "Hmm I wonder what they're going to be doing today."

There you have it, Part 9. Hope you enjoy, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write. Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 10

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