Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 8, 2011


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Drive in Pisser part 7

I was able somehow to will my erection down, and grabbed a pair of shorts, heading outside to Josh was bent over the engine of my dad's car. I stood beside him and bumped him with my hip. Josh looked up and seeing me smiled. "Hi," he said low and seductive.

"Hi back at ya," I must have blushed, I felt flush. Josh pressed his hip into mine, but turned to look back at the engine. I know very little about cars. I can change the oil or a tire, that's about it. So to tell you what Josh was doing, I can't. It looked like he was removing some part on the motor. He and my dad were talking about something back and forth. He finally pulled something out and went to my dad. See this s the problem right here. He and my dad were really into this conversation, my dad telling him about some car he once owned, a corvare or something. Josh seemed impressed and asked a couple of questions. He went to his car and while he was out of sight, my dad starts in about me hooking up with Josh. Making all kinds of rude motions with his hands and hips, and telling me he really liked this guy, and telling me to "go for it". Thank god he stopped before Josh saw him acting like a loon.

Dad got back in the car and Josh moved back under the hood, looking at me to follow. Our bodies touched we were so close, Josh moving his shoulder against mine. "Where's Eric," he asked putting a new part on.

"A BBQ, at bear brook park." Josh nodded. "He won't be around till later."

"Nice, I need to talk to you about something, OK?"

"What about," I asked.

"Not here, OK," Josh nodded slightly towards my dad.

"Oh for Christ fucking sake, Jimmy, he's gonna ask you out," came my dad's shout from inside the car. I collapsed onto the fender; Josh dropped the wrench he was using to the ground, my dad laughing up a storm. "Told you, I told you," dad was singing now.

I looked down and could see Josh looking up at me. "Is that it," I mouthed to him. Josh just smiled back, and climbed out from under the car. He took the position he was in before, I leaned real close to him; "Really?"

"Later," Josh said shaking his head. He went back to work on the part and in a few minutes and then with his arm brushed me back from my leaning position. "Go ahead, turn it over sir."

"Sir is too formal, how about... Dad!" My dad said starting the car. The noise was gone, the car sounded good. My dad got out and walked to Josh, shaking his hand. "Hey sorry if I stole your thunder there Josh, I was just kidding around." Josh shook his hand and shook his head, looking down. "How much was the part and how much I owe you?"

"Nothing. The part was just laying around and I like to do this so it's cool." Josh looked at his hands and then to me. I nudged him and nodded my head to come on. We walked to the house and left my dad under the hood.

Inside, I stared to head to the bathroom, but Josh took my arm and began kissing me very passionately. His hands holding my biceps as his tongue and mine clashed in our mouths. The sound of my dad turning off the car broke the spell and our lips parted. "I'm sorry, but I needed to do that." Josh breathed on my face.

"No worries, I'm glad I had what you needed. OK, fess up, are you going to ask me out," I asked trying to kiss him again.

"Yes and no, let me wash up and we can talk, if you want." Josh went and washed his hands then came into my room. He stripped off his shirt and asked if he could borrow one of mine. I pointed to my dresser and he tossed his sweaty t shirt at me, covering my face. I took a deep breath, yeah this was nice.

Josh found a shirt and moved over to me. He grabbed his shirt from my hands and used it to wipe his torso and pits, then draped it back over my head. "Keep it up dick weed, and I'll make you fuck me."

"Oh yeah, ya think so," he laughed, jumping on top of me, wrestling with me. He pinned me to the bed and teased me with his lips, coming close kiss me but pulling back just before we kissed. My legs were wrapped around his waist, his crotch pressed hard to my ass, he began to hump me softly. "how about," he kissed me, " how about you drink my piss," hump hump, " then let me fuck this hot hole?"

"I did not just hear that," came my dad's voice from the doorway. Josh tried to get away, but my legs held him in place. "Look, sorry for interrupting, and having to hear that, but, I just wanted to know if I have a new son in law yet."

"DAD," I shouted at him. "Go the fuck away and leave us alone, PLEASE."

"Um, yep, just leaving," he backed out of the room. "Um you will tell me when he asks you out right?" I threw a pillow at him but missed as he closed the door. Josh looked down at me;

"Well actually I was going to ask if you wanted to maybe go out with me? I mean I'm still with my girl, but I'm gonna break it off. So when I do, I'll be um, well free. Know what I mean" he said kissing me again.

"So you're saying, that when you break up with her, you do want to go out with me?"

"That's what I'm saying. Unless you and Eric are like a couple, then I wouldn't wasn't to interfere."

"No, were just friends. Fuck yeah I want to go out with you." I kissed him deeply and his hips began humping my ass.

"Baby, I'm gonna make you the happiest boy in the world."

"I bet you tell that to everyone you go out with."

"No, just the one I'm in Love with." He leaned down and releasing me from his pin, we rolled to our side and continued to make out. The door to my room flew open;

"YES, YES!" My dad screamed. "Yes, I knew it, I fucking knew it! Oh boys you made me the happiest dad in the world!"

Josh looked up at my dad and smiled, "Um, 'DAD', unless you want to watch us fuck, I suggest you leave." My dad raised his hand and again left the room. "Now I believe you said you were thirsty?" Josh knelt by my head and unzipped his shorts. He hauled out his stiffy and put the head in my mouth. He lay his hand on the side of my face and released his piss into me. I sucked his cock like it was a mother's tit giving milk to a baby. He started and stopped his flow making it last a long time. Every time he stopped, I'd groan and deep throat him. He never thrust; just let me suckle his hardening cock. When he was done he grabbed the lube from my night stand, and stripped of his shorts, kissing me, he told me he was going to fuck me now. I grabbed him and looked into his eyes, the taste of his piss still in my mouth, on my lips;

"No, don't fuck me, like some cheap whore. Make love to me, like I am your boyfriend." I kissed him again.

"Oh baby, you got it." He went between my legs and began to lube his cock and my hole. Adjusting my legs, he worked his cock head over my ass, and leaning forward, slid his cock into me. I arched my back as his cock stretched my hole, filling me with his manhood. Holding my hips, he began to make love to me. His thrusts were forceful but still gentile. His balls would press hard against me, and then fall away as he withdrew. Our eyes were locked as he continued; sweat beading up on his face and chest, running down, shinning in the light from the window. He pulled out and I moaned at the loss of his cock. He moved so we were together, lifting my leg he re-entered me, his mouth on my neck, his teeth biting my flesh. My leg raised high as he continued to glide in and out. Slow gentile thrusts were changed to rapid pistioning stabs. His arms snaking under and around me to hold me tight to his strong body; our sweat conducting our spirit, making us one being. His breath hot on my neck, as his mouth continued to kiss and his teeth, holding tight my skin. Opening my eyes I could see the door to my room had opened slightly, I could make out movement on the other side. My dad was there watching Josh make love to his son. I knew he could see Josh's cock going in and out of my ass, but I lifted my leg higher, trying to make eye contact with my dad.

"Yes," I hissed, "make love to me. Oh, yeah, deeper, I need all of you inside me." The door to my room slowly opened more; I could now clearly see my dad standing there, pants at his knees, hand wrapped tight around his cock, stroking to match Josh's thrusts.

"Jimmy, I can't stop, I'm gonna cum." Josh moaned into my neck, one of his hands found my cock and began to stroke me. His other hand covered the top of my head, and then slid it down over my face as he thrust one last deep thrust and began to cum. I could feel his cock throbbing deep within me, filling me with his seed. His thrusts now just trying to go deeper, his hand caressing my face, his scent filling my nose, he was becoming my man, and this was a welcomed feeling.

Josh's hand slid to my chest as his thrusting slowed and began a longer gentile thrust. I looked to my dad, who was now stroking his cock hard. He was holding the door frame for support. Josh reached down and slid his cock from me and then pushed it back in. "Oh fuck yes, I like that," I moaned. Josh continued this movement, as I pushed back, so he was below me, his cock bent still working its magic. The pressure he cock was applying in me was too much and I groaned as my cock erupted in Josh's skilled hand. My cum shooting straight up in the air and then falling back to land loudly on me. Lifting my head, I saw my dad as his orgasm took hold and his cum oozed from his cock. I don't know if he was looking in my eyes or at Josh's cock still thrusting in my ass, but which ever it was enough to make him cum. He watched as Josh released my cock and raised his hand to my mouth. My dad was shaking as he watched me lick my own cum from his Josh's hand and sucked it from his fingers. Josh's cock slid from my ass, and bobbed against me as it softened, his load seeping from me. I looked and saw my dad blow me a kiss and as he backed away he winked. I sighed long and deep, feeling myself melt into Josh. "Well," he asked, "what do you say? Think you'd maybe want to get a little sometin, sometin going between me and you?"

"What about your girlfriend?" I asked.

"I told you it's over," His arms held me tight again, "I've been with her a while now and we've never done it like this! Shit we've never had anything even close to any of the stuff I've done with you, baby" his lips on my ear.

"I do want to be with you Josh, but I want you to be with me as well. I want you to understand it here," and I touched his head. "Fell it in your heart; know it in your soul. When you can be sure of that, and it's not just your cock wanting great sex, then ask me." Josh was quiet. I could feel his breath on my neck, hear his mind working, and feel his hands caressing my chest.

"I can feel all that now. Before now, earlier today, seeing you coming up to me, the way seeing you made me feel inside. The feelings I had when you said hi and pushed against me. The way I wasn't scared that your dad saw right through me and knew I wanted to ask you out. The pride I had, knowing your dad was watching me make love to his son, and not shame."

"Huh? You knew he was there?"

"The whole time, babe," Josh chuckled. "I even saw him blow you a kiss when he left. I think I have his seal of approval. Now I just need you to say yes." I rolled over and looked into his eyes. I stared past the color, into the darkness within. I wanted to see if I could catch sight of his thoughts, see his desires, and know his heart. All I could see; all I could feel; was the warm gentleness that was his being. His hand caressed my face as I knew in my heart I'd say yes.

"Yes," was all I said. Our lips met and sealed our destiny.

Josh grabbed my hand and told me to come on. He led me from my room and into the main house. He stopped quickly in the kitchen to grab a rag and wipe the cum still on my chest and abs. Then he led me out to the pool where my dad was scooping leaves from the water. He led me right up to my dad, who turned, scanning the two naked young men standing there.

"OK, what's up fellows?" My dad asked, resting on the long scoop pole.

"Mr. Britt, somehow, I don't know how exactly, you knew I was going to ask Jimmy to go out with me."

My dad laughed, "It was written all over your face, son."

"So I asked him and he said yes. Now I want to ask you if I can see your son. I promise you I will treat him with the respect he deserves."

My dad seemed to think for a minute. "You know it takes two, to make things work. You say you'll respect him, but will you love him as I know he loves you? Can you look me in the eye and tell me that? Think hard Joshua, this is my only son, my baby, you ever hurt him, you'll deal with me." I saw Josh swallow hard, sweat beginning to bead on his forehead.

"I do love him, sir. I know we haven't known each other long but I guess I knew it from the moment we met," Josh looked at me then back to my dad. "I also understand your warning, and promise you, both of you, now, that I will not willingly allow Jimmy to be hurt."

My dad began to scoop leaves again, moving a few steps from us before stopping again. He sighed, "If I say yes, my son is happy. If I say no, my son hates me for the rest of his life, and you two fuck bunnies go hopping off together anyway. So, yes, you can see my son, but I am reserving judgment and not giving you my full blessing until I am convinced you are sincere. Deal?"

"Deal," josh said walking up to my dad and giving him an awkward hug, then shaking his hand, "Thank you sir, thank you." Josh ran back to me and wrapping his arms around me, picked me up and began kissing me.

"Oh," my dad said looking down at the pool. "Just because I said you can date my son, doesn't mean you can be screwing his brains out all over the place, they make doors for a reason, so keep them closed. I don't need to be seeing all that."

"We will," Josh said, "but I've noticed some doors that are closed somehow seem to open up all by themselves."

My dad turned beet red, "Er, um, yeah I should get that fixed, he muttered."

Josh and I walked back into the house, "or not," josh called back to him as we stepped inside. After making out in my room for a while, we decided to shower. While I got the shower ready Josh called his Girlfriend and made plans to see her later. I would love to see the look on her face when she finds out she can't have his cock anymore and that it's not a girl getting it but a guy, me. We got in the shower and Josh left the bathroom door open, just in case, as he put it. We made out for a while when I told him I was thirsty.

"Well I got a massive after sex piss waiting for you." I knelt down and as before, with just the head in my mouth, I drank from his cock. He didn't start and stop, but instead tried to drown me with his super strength flow. We showered and were in my room getting dressed.

"What are you doing later," Josh asked me. "Mind if I come over?"

"No, I was hoping you would want to, well maybe spend the night?" Josh just smiled, and then he frowned.

"Wait, what about Eric?"

"I'll talk to him at work, it'll be fine. I know, when you're done with your girlfriend, come by the drive in. I'll tell the ticket booth to let you in. Park next to my van, by the dumpster, and then go behind the dumpster. We got a little break area there. Wait for us there." Josh agreed and said he should go. He needed to change and pick up some stuff for later. I walked him to his truck, and thought about kissing him good bye, but thought since we were in front of the house, he might be uncomfortable.

"Hey," Josh said pulling me back to the present. "Com'ere", and he pulled me into a very passionate kiss. I kept kissing him as he climbed in, and finally let him go. He caressed my face, "Hey, don't be sad, K? I'll see you tonight." He pulled me in and kissed me once more. "I love you babe." I smiled as he backed out of the driveway heading for his home. I made my way out back where my dad was setting up the pool vacuum.

"Hey kiddo, you ok?" "Yeah, I'm awesome." My dad gave me a hug.

"Don't worry, he has my blessing. I just want him to be sure." He hugged me again, and mussed my hair. "Do all straight boys know how to fuck like that?" I laughed;

"He wasn't fucking me," I sighed. "We made love." I swooned, closing my eyes and drifted away for a second.

"You're all sweet on him, huh?" I just looked at him and smiled.

"I have to get ready for work," and I turned to leave him.

"Um, should I be expecting that you'll have company tonight? And should I make extra coffee in the morning?"

"Every morning, I hope. Love ya dad, see ya later." I walked back to my room, leaving my dad chuckling by the pool. I straighten my room and made my bed with fresh sheets and a new comforter. I was throwing stuff in my hamper when the phone rang. It was Eric, his car wouldn't start and could I pick him up. I tried to be positive, but Eric read through my attempt.

"What's wrong dude?" I assured him it was nothing, and said I was leaving now. I told him to call work and tell them we'd be a few minutes late. I hung up and grabbed a t shirt, running out the door. I got the van started and took a few hits on my pipe before speeding over to Eric's.

I had a nice buzz going when I got to his house. He jumped in and after our "what's ups", he grabbed the pipe and began toking on it. We were almost at work, when while I was checking traffic to make a turn, Eric freaked;

"What the fucking hell is that," pointing to my neck.

There you have it, Part 7. Hope you enjoy, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write. Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 8

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