Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 5, 2011


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Drive in Pisser part 6

I left Eric, in bed, sleeping. I headed to the bathroom, and after taking a much needed piss, and taking a shower, I grabbed a clean pair of Boxer briefs, tucked a fresh joint behind my ear and padded out to the kitchen for coffee. My dad was at the table, reading the new paper. 'FUCK', I screamed in my head, I was not in any way ready to deal with his inevitable barrage of questions right now. As I've said, my dad and I are really open and honest with each other, and there aren't many secrets we keep. It never failed, I would have a guy over, and the next morning, dad would want to talk about it. I actually think he gets off on me telling him about my encounters. I really don't mind, I actually liked telling him, but not today, not after the last few days. 'FUCK' I need to smoke this joint.

I thought I just might make it out of the kitchen, unscathed, when dad spoke up from behind the paper; "Sounds like SOMEONE, had a good night last night," he chuckled. All I could do was groan. Dad lowered the paper and took a good look at me. "What's the matter stud? Starting to feel a bit worn out?" He said in a mocking tone. Taking a gulp of my coffee, I flipped him the bird. "Tisk, tisk, tisk. Now is that anyway to say good morning to your old man? You know I don't speak sign language"

Lowering my cup just enough so I could speak, "Sorry dad," I groaned, "Good morning FATHER DEAR, fuck you." I raised my cup and took another sip. My dad started laughing. This was usual banter for us. He knew I loved him and that I didn't mean anything bad.

"Ahh, that's much better. Hey come here I have something to show you." I Lit the joint, inhaling as deep as my lungs would allow me to, and walked to where my dad was sitting. "Hm, bit early, no?" He commented nodding to the smoldering joint in my hand.

"Fuck no. Not when I gotta deal with you this early." I leaned over and gave the old man a kiss on the top of his bald head, exhaling traces of the sweet smelling smoke.

"God damn it, Jimmy," dad cringed waving the newspaper, fanning the smoke. I arched my back, smiling. "And get that fuck pole out of my face," he said with a nudge of his shoulder to my hip. "Look here," he said pointing to the drive in's listing. I peered over his shoulder and tried to focus on the print. When I didn't react, he dramatically pointed to the lower part of the listing showing next week's movies. A huge week for us, as we were actually getting a first run feature and a block buster form last summer as a first show. Rob was billing it as the Harrison Ford extravaganza. We were going to show Blade runner as a first show followed by, as the paper read, Return of the Hedi!

"Holy crap," I said re-reading the ad.

"Oh I bet ol' Robbie is tearing them a new one over this," my dad said, giving me another nudge with his shoulder, only this time pressing it right against my cock. I stood there, still looking at the ad, Lighting and taking another toke on the joint. My dad and Rob, my boss were good friends going back to the days they went to high school together, and even did two tours during WWII, before Rob got shot and sent home. "So, kiddo, tell me what's going on with you and your 'new' friend, Josh? Got a little bit of a thing for him, don't you." I shrugged, taking yet another hit off the joint.

"Maybe," I whispered, still breathing in. "Got a girlfriend," holding my breath, "I wouldn't mind, but I dunno, it's complicated," exhaling loudly.

"How so son?" Dad asked, setting the paper down, "Oh, because of Eric?"

"Yeah that too," I said, pulling out the chair next to my dad and reclining into it, my legs spread on each side of his chair. "Now with me and Eric building on our friendship, but knowing that it'll never become a 'thing' forever, but not wanting to hurt what we have, and Josh in the picture," I sighed, "I'm just confused." I took another toke and extended my hand offering him the joint. My dad looked and wrinkled his nose.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out," dad said patting my inner thigh. "I know I just met Josh, but he seems like a 'good Joe', but a girlfriend would be a major complication to anything that you might want to happen." My dad turned to face me, then placing his warm hands on my thighs, his fingers on the fabric of my underwear, "I don't care who you want to be with or who you choose to love. I just want you to be loved in return and get the respect you deserve. I don't want you to get hurt." He lifted my face to look at him, "Understand what I'm telling you?" I nodded and he lean up and kissed my head, one of his hands lightly brushing my soft cock.

"Um, am I interrupting anything?" Came Eric's voice suddenly from the kitchen.

"Well look who finally dragged his lazy butt out of bed. " Dad laughed at Eric, who was having trouble standing up straight. "Have a bit too much fun last night," dad continued, "and don't even think about lying, because somebodies voice carries." Dad was very sarcastic and nodded his head at Eric. "Good morning 'son'," dad said in a firm tone, holding his arms out as if waiting for a hug. Eric waddled over to my dad and gave him a big fake hug, then to my surprise sat in his lap. My dad made a sound like the air had been punched from him and laughed then pushed Eric off. Eric, in just boxers, came next to my and bumped my shoulder and arm with his crotch;

"Morning grumpy, why didn't you wake me up." Eric asked taking the joint from my hand. "Ahh, breakfast of champions, here hold this," and he shoved his coffee cup at me. My dad stood to leave, and before he moved an inch, Eric plopped down in his chair. My dad just shook his head as Eric fumbled with the lighter. Dad went to the kitchen, I don't know what you too studs have planned for today, but don't forget josh is coming over to work on my car later. Thought 'you'd' want to hang around?" His comment was directed at me, but Eric, who had finally managed to get the lighter working answered;

"Oh, well I have to get home soon, got this family picnic thing going on at Bear brook park."

"Oh, fun," my dad replied, "but I was talking to Jimmy." Eric seemed to ignore dad's comment, but under the table, Eric's knee was bumping against my leg.

"Yeah, I'll be here," I told him, "I have no plans yet." Eric's leg again began to hit against mine, his hips making fucking motions. Frustrated, I stood and tapped him side the head, and went for more coffee. My dad stood next to me at the sink.

"It seems to me like someone might be a little jealous." He whispered.

"Maybe, I don't know yet."

"OK my boys, I have a couple of errands to run, be back in about an hour," dad kissed the side of my head, and headed for the front door. I filled my cup, and went back to the dining room. I sat facing Eric, who was now slouched back in his chair. Pulling my chair closer, I sat placing my feet on the sides of his chair, by his hips. Eric, having just taken another toke, sucked in air;

"You making me an offer I can't refuse," he asked grabbing his crotch. "SHOTGUN," he called out. Leaning his face to mine, I opened my mouth as he pursed his lips, sticking them inside my lips, his hands holding my head. He began to blow the smoke from his lungs into my mouth, which I inhaled. I loved shot gunning with guys, and especially Eric. He finished blowing smoke and pulled back kissing me. Standing up before me, "I woke up and you weren't there, I was like what the fuck," Eric began to run his fingers under the waist of his boxers. "I come out here, and you're already up, bull shitting with your dad. So as punishment for making me wait to piss," Eric pulls his boxers off and grabs his cock, "you have to not only suck my piss, but you can lick my cock and balls clean." He stepped forward and shoved his dirty cock in my face. The heady scent was intoxicating, I could smell dried piss, and cum from last night, as well as sleep sweat, his balls just as ripe as his cock. I moved forward, trying to get his cock in my mouth. Eric pulled back and slapped my face with his semi hard cock. "Nope, not yet, first I have to dump a piss." With one hand on top of my head, the other holding his cock, he commanded me to open up. I did as I was told, and with expert aim, began to squirt his stream right into my mouth. The hot acrid fluid, assaulting my nose, filling my mouth as I swallowed, gulp after gulp. "Oh fuck I needed that," moving his cock closed to my mouth. "Phew baby, that's a stinker today, better enjoy it." Oh I was enjoying it, to the fullest. "What were you and your dad whispering about," Eric asked. You guys looked all sexy sitting like you were, all kissy, kissy." I couldn't answer; I was too busy drinking his morning juice. "Oh, hang on, almost done." Eric's stream now just a dribble, and then one last squirt and he shook it and waited for me to swallow. "Ok, so now tell me what you were talking about."

"Nothing really, he was just telling me that..." Eric cut me off; "Just suck me real quick son."

"NO!" I stated. "He doesn't care who I end up with, as long as they love me and I love them. Oh and he found a misprint in the paper about next week's movies." I turned the paper so he could see the ad, not wanting to go into all that my dad had said.

"Ho, ho," Eric said, "Mr. Rob's gonna be pissed." I agreed and drank some coffee. "So, how bout you start us off with some lip to my cock action," holding his hardening cock, as if an offering for me. I wasted no time, and began to lick his dirty cock. Eric released his cock and smiled as my tongue chased it around. He was soon rock had and had begun to ooze precum, holding my head as he slid his cock into my mouth, "about last night. I really like it. I didn't think I would, but wow, yeah felt good. Oh but this is fucking better. Man why did we wait till now to get down like this?" I took his cock from my mouth,

"I don't know. I just know I'd wanted to do this almost as soon as we became friend, but didn't think you'd be up for it."

"Open your eyes sexy, I'm up, and up for it." Eric rammed his cock back into my mouth. Shoving it in as far as he could. Grabbing my hair, he pulled himself onto my mouth. "Fuck yeah bitch, choke on my dick, come on choke," Eric forced his cock in and out of my mouth, but was not able to choke me. "I'm gonna fuck your hot wet mouth and shoot my nuts down your throat. Get ready cuz I'm about to bust." He was thrusting harder than he ever had, mashing my face into his pubic nest. His scent form the night before was so awesome. "Gonna nut in your bitch mouth and then, fuck you raw. You're gonna walk funny when I'm done. Oh fuck, 'groan', I'm gonna cum bitch." And with his final ramming thrust, he began to cum. I felt six large blasts go directly down my throat. Then pulling back I sucked just his head, as his remaining cum dribbled from his cock.

Eric was on tip toes, and his grip in my hair was near pulling it out. His grunts and moans, loud and guttural, almost like that of a wild animal. His breathing ragged and saliva, drooled from the corners of his mouth, landing on his chest and my face. I was in heaven, and was ready for him to tear into my ass. I released his cock from my mouth, and stood, looking at my best friend, the look of pleasure he had made me want him even more. "I want it now," I huffed at him, dropping my boxer briefs and hopping onto the table. I wrapped my legs around his waist, spinning him to face me, his still rock hard cock jabbing down my crack. "You're going to make me beg you for it?" I pleaded. "Do I have to beg my best friend to fuck me? " I reached down and pointed his cock at my hungry hole. "Spit on it, make it more wet," I gasped. Eric tried to spit but nothing came out. He looked about quickly, then leaned over me and grabbed something from the table behind me. He stood up and on his fingers, a wad of butter. Without wasting a second, he slathered it on to his cock and fucked it into my hole with two fingers.

"Talk about 'buttering' you up," Eric sneered, and removing his fingers, pushed his swollen cock into my ass. I grabbed his hips with my hands and cried out as his cock ripped my ass open. Eric slapped his hand over my mouth. My cries did not deter him as he pushed deeper and soon was fully inside. I was thrashing about on the table, coffee cups went crashing to the floor, their still warm coffee spilling out on to the table around me. I grabbed Eric's head and pulled him close to my face. Through his hand I grunted;

"If you stop, I will hurt you."

Eric shook his head, "I aint gonna stop baby, you're gonna take all I got and then some." He then began to fuck his cock in and out of me. It was tight and it was uncomfortable, but I bit his hand covering my mouth and took it like a man. After a few minutes, Eric slowed a bit and leaning down said, "Ready for a surprise?" He stood up taking his hand off my mouth and grabbed my legs at my hips. He pulled almost all the way out, and then with all his might, shoved his cock in as far as it would go. With a deep groan he remained pressed to me, a loud sigh escaping his parted lips. I suddenly felt warmth, deep in my bowels, a feeling of fullness deep inside me. "AHhhh," Eric sighed. "Fuck man, did I ever have to piss." At that very moment I realized what he was doing, pissing in my ass as he fucked me!

"Your dad said no pecker tracks. He didn't say anything about piss stains," Eric laughed. I clamped my ass tight around his cock, as he resumed slow short strokes. I could feel him stopping and starting his flow. I could feel his piss leaking from my ass. He reached down and took my cock in both his hands and began to double hand stroke me. I moaned I was close, and he pissed in time to his stroking my cock. When I came, he released his stream and I came even harder. Seven shots of my hot cum shot up around my face and head. Eric's piss stopped, and he resumed fucking me. I was like a rag doll, flopping to his continued thrusts. He groaned and I could feel his cock throbbing as he shot his second load deep in my ass with his piss. He released my cock and stroked and rubbed my chest and abs. I looked up at him,

"What a mess, dude, you look like you've been put through the ringer."

"OH yeah? Go look in fucking mirror." Both of us gasping for breath began to laugh. "You know," he began, "when I pull out, all that piss is going to spray out on me."

"You? What about the table, the floor and everything else?" I chided him. Again we both laughed. We were trying to figure out what to do when the phone rang. Not in any position to answer it, I waited to see who was calling.

"Hello, this is Cynthia, Eric's mom. Is Eric still there, or do you know where he is?"

"Shit," Eric said in a panic, "the fucking picnic, I fucking forgot"

His mom continued, "He was to be home an hour ago, we are going to a family BBQ. If you get this Please return my call." The call ended.

I reached up and grabbed around Eric's neck. I then wrapped my legs tightly around his waist.

"Dude, grab my ass and carry me, shit I don't know, outside or to the shower." Eric grabbed my ass and easily carried me to the shower. Once inside, he knelt, lowering me down. With me again on my back, he withdrew his cock. A massive blast of piss, cum and other stuff came rushing out of my stretched hole. Eric started the water and then helped me to stand, his fluids vacating me as I stood.

We took turns washing each other, admittedly taking longer than we should have, but oh well. I couldn't resist sliding a finger up his ass when I washed his crack. Eric's only comment was to push back a bit on my finger. After, we went to my room and he grabbed some of my clothes as his reeked. He was rushing to go and made a dash for the door. Stopping, he spun around and returned to me, giving me an awesome tongue kiss. He brushed the hair from my eyes, "hope you won't count me out. Call you when I get home, See ya!"

"Later dude," I called out as he ran from the house. I went to the dining room and surveyed the damage. What a fucking mess. I set about cleaning it up and had just finished, and was heading to my room, when my dad walked in.

He began talking to me as he walked down the hall," Hey guys, I'm home," and he entered my room. Seeing me naked, he glanced around. "Where's Eric," he asked, his eyes now focusing on my.

"Picnic, BBQ, something like that, remember?"

"Yep I do." He turned to leave, his eyes looking at my semi hard cock as he did. "You guys have fun?" He turned to look when I didn't answer and saw the look on my face as I nodded, my cock throbbed. "Looks like it to me," he smiled. "Well I should leave, and let you, ah, handle that," he pointed to my now almost fully hard cock. There was a knock at the door. Taking one last look, my dad smiled and turned heading for the front door. Another knock and we both heard Josh calling out my name.

There you have it, Part 6. Hope you enjoy, remember to tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write. Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 7

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