Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Jul 25, 2011


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Drive in Pisser part 3

"Flip over bitch," Eric demanded, speaking to me. "I got a sac full of cum, and a hot cock that's gonna shoot it deep in that tight ass of yours." Having drained my men of piss, I did as I was told and rolled onto my hands and knees, sticking my ass in the air. "Yeah, baby!" Eric groaned, slapping my ass. "Look at that tight shitter Josh." Eric's hands spreading my cheeks, rubbing his fingers over my hole. "MM, looks tight huh?" Eric pushed his finger on my hole and gave a push.

"I guess," Josh mumbled, "I ain't never tagged an ass before, girl or guy, you?"

"Nope, ass virg here, but this bitch," Eric continued slapping my ass again, "he's a regular slut. Never seen him turn down a cock." Eric again tried to stick his finger in my ass. I whispered for him to spit.

"So, um, you guy play around much," Josh asked Eric as he hocked a big gob of spit on my hole.

"Nah, he's my best friend, but only been doing him a short time, but fuck, he's so good, fuck, I wish we'd done it sooner." Eric said finally getting his finger in my ass, I moaned. "See, dude? He loves it," Eric said fucking me with his finger.

"Um, you're gay then, right," Josh asked, now spreading my cheeks for Eric's fingers.

"Not me, I ain't no queer, just like dicking jimmy here, but he's gay, through and through. That's OK though, he's a really awesome guy, best friend I'll ever have." Eric's words were nice to hear. Oh not that I don't know how he felt about me, but still. I moaned for him to use more fingers. "See Josh? Hungry ass here, wants more." Then I felt him stick in a second finger.

"More," I begged, "more." Eric withdrew his fingers and spit more spit on my ass, telling Josh to spit, which he did. I used the chance to turn sideways on the lounge, making Eric wonder what I was doing.

"What, wait, where you going," he said grabbing my hips to hold me still. I nodded at Josh and then looked back at Eric, who understood and smiled. Josh needed not explanation and stepped right in front of me, shoving his cock in my mouth. I began sucking his cock in earnest, as I heard Eric spit in his hand and lube his cock. "Brace yourself my bitch, I'm coming home." With that statement, Eric pushed his cock into my ass, nearly all the way in. The force of his thrust forcing me to swallow Josh's cock, his balls pressed to my chin, my face slamming into his pelvis. A combination groan and moan, as I was now experiencing massive pleasure at both ends by my studs. Josh grabbed my head for support, and moaned as I swallowed his throbbing steel hard cock. Eric, pulling out and the slamming his cock home, just lost control and cried out that he was going to cum. He began roughly fucking my ass, grabbing my hips, his cock tearing into me, his balls slapping against my ass. I could feel his cock swelling and his balls quickly tightening. With one final shove, his cock buried itself in me and his cum began filling my hole.

Josh, quickly pulled out of my mouth, stating that all this "shit" is gonna make him cum too. He went behind me and told Eric to move! Eric withdrew, still cuming and almost jumped over me to get his cock in my mouth. He shoved his cock in my mouth, tasting like my ass, I loved it. Josh, took up the same position as Eric, hand s on my hips, and shoved his cock into my dripping hole.

"Oh fuck this is so hot," Josh moaned, "it's so juicy and tight. I can feel your cum in him dude."

"Yeah fuck that ass boy." Eric demanded. "I want to see you fucking 'my' bitch good and hard." Eric's cock had stopped cuming, but he continued to fuck my mouth. Leaning down to me, he asked, "you liking this baby?" I moaned, Eric's cock falling from my mouth. I was grunting loud as josh continued to fuck me. I reached up under myself and grabbed my cock, stroking it. Josh's cock was hitting my g-spot and I was going insane. I motioned for a change and flipped to my back so I could see Josh's face as he fucked me. It took him a second to understand what I was trying to have him do. He eventually understood and with Eric's help to hold me, Josh stood and plunged his cock back in me. I didn't last much longer, and soon was shooting my hot load of cum on my face and in my mouth. Josh went on for about two more minutes, giving me deep long plunges with his cock, before his face distorted and he announced he was going to cum. As I had with Eric, I felt Josh's cock explode in me. He continued his quick thrusting, slowing only after his cum stopped. The guys lowered me to my back, all three of us panting and covered in sweat. Eric took his semi hard cock and smeared the cum on my face with it. Then he shoved it in my mouth to clean. Pulling it out, he let loose with a hot stream of piss, soaking me from head to foot. Josh just collapsed in the other lounge, completely out of breath, his softening cock hanging over his balls. When Eric finished, he moved to sit behind me, so I was in between his legs, pulling me back to lie against him. Eric eased my head back to rest on his shoulder, as he kissed my neck and stroked my chest and abs.

We lay there for a while, just chatting. Josh had gone to my room and brought out the pipe so we could smoke. As the new high caressed our brains, Josh became more relaxed.

"Um," Josh began, "you sure you guys aren't like a couple or something?"

Eric and I answered in unison, 'no', and asked why he thought we were.

"Well, you guys have sex together, and now I see how you're all sitting as you are. I mean Jim, you're all back against him and Eric, you like kissed his neck and stuff. Now you've been playing with his nipples. I don't care if you are or not, but that's just how it looks to me." Josh explained.

"Nope, honestly we're just friends," Eric said. "Really dude. It all started last night after work, and it's all your fault." Eric and I both laughed.

"My fault?" Josh stated flatly. "How the fuck is it my fault?"

Eric explained about finding out that I'd sucked him off last night, how things transpired between us from there. He left out the part about spying on me sucking him earlier.

"OK, but when you got here, you kissed him, in front of me."

"Yeah, so what? You never seen your girlfriend his another girl - friend of hers? Same as that. Here I'll do it again," and Eric moved his head and we kissed, like before, no tongue.

"That's hot," Josh mumbled under his breath. Never once taking his eyes off us.

"It'd be hotter if he'd slip me his tongue now and then," I added, smiling at Eric.

"Hmm?" Eric played like he hadn't heard, "oh French? Like this?" Eric began kissing me passionately, our tongues meeting in our mouths. I held his head to mine with one hand and with my other I grabbed his hand still on my chest.

"Knock it off guys, you're getting me hot again," Josh moaned. Just then, the phone in the house rang. I struggled to break free of Eric's embrace, but did get away.

The call was for Eric, his mom needed him at home, so he had to get going. "Shit, my car's at home," Eric exclaimed, "now what." Josh said he should be heading out anyway, and maybe I could take him home. I was wasted from all the sex and pot and needed to nap, so I told Eric to take the van. He could come back and get me when it was time for work. That settled, we all dove in the pool to rinse off and then headed to my room.

I turned on some tunes - motely crue - and fell onto my bed as Eric dressed. I asked Josh for the pipe and when he handed it to me, I patted the bed next to me, motioning for him to lay back and relax. Eric, grabbed clothes out of my dresser and quickly dressed in shorts and a tank top, grabbing sock from my drawer, he sat on the bed to finish dressing.

"You guy always wear each other's clothes too?" Josh asked looking at me. I nodded as I hit the pipe again.

Eric jumped up and announced he had to go. He came over to me and after taking one more hit on the pipe, he leaned down to me; "See ya later stud," and he again kissed me. I accepted his kiss and realized I was really beginning to like this new path our friendship had taken. He broke the kiss and then in his usual style, ruined the moment but giving me a nipple twister. We laughed and he turned to Josh and puckering, asked if he wanted a kissy too. Again we all laughed and they shook hands and Eric was out the door. Josh again said maybe he should go, but when I said he didn't have to, he remained. I soon lost consciousness and fell asleep.

I don't know how long I was out, but when I woke up, Josh was lying with his head on my thigh, his face close to my sac. He was fingering my cock and I saw him licking his lips. "You don't have to do that." I told him, scaring the crap out of him. He went back to fondling me saying that before today, he would have never thought of touching another mans "junk". He, like many straight men before him, blamed his actions on the pot, and opening his mouth, stuck out his tongue and began to lick my cock. After I let him explore my cock, I moved us to a sixty-nine and we both started sucking. He was having trouble, and I softly encouraged him. I was getting hot knowing that I was taking his mouth cherry. He suddenly stopped and announced he had to piss. I told him to just piss, and went back to sucking his cock. He took my cock back in his mouth and continued to blow me. It was only fair that I stopped and warned him that if he pissed while sucking my cock, I would cum. He continued to suck and as soon as I had his cock in my mouth, he let loose with his piss. With a tight seal on his cock I let none escape. Josh reached down and began rubbing my hole with his fingers. That did it, I blasted a huge cum load into his mouth. His pissing stopped and before I had finished cuming, he was shoving his cock as far in my throat as he could, his third cum of the day, smaller in volume and more watery shot down my throat.

We collapsed back next to each other, josh grabbing a pair of my boxers for the floor and spitting my load into them. "Sorry, I just can't take it like you do." He said lying next to me. I told him no worries and thanked him for what he did. We lay there, Pink Floyd now playing, and just chilled.

Josh turned to lie on his side and look at me. "In case you fall asleep and I have to go, I just want you to know I had a great time today," then blushing, "and an awesome time last night." I said it was my pleasure any time. There was hesitant movement from Josh, and suddenly he lunged at my face and kissed me quickly on the lips, then returned to where he'd been. The last thing I remember was feeling him tracing lines on my chest.

I woke with a start, Eric shaking me awake. "Dude, dude, get up now!" I sat up and looked around. Eric was panicked for some reason, and Josh was gone.

"What man? What's up?"

"Oh fuck man, open up, I gotta piss bad....."

More to come so stay tuned! Keep them emails coming, I love them all!

Peace, Jimmy

Next: Chapter 4

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