Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Jan 29, 2012


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Drive in Pisser part 20

***Authors note: it is hard to correctly write or inflect the full accent of some dialogue. I would like to recommend; as Jean-Louis and Gaston speak, that you imagine their voices such as that of Pepe' la Pew or some similar character. Corny as it may sound, this is what they sounded like to me.

It was about three thirty; Josh and I were just coming back from the lounge after having a few drinks. Well Josh was drinking, where I was only 18, I still couldn't drink even at sea. I was OK though, we'd found a hidden spot at the stern where we could get high. We found it by accident when we were exploring. So before we went to the lounge, we went to this place and I got blazed. While we were out there, we noticed the rain had picked up and the sea was getting choppy. We were heading to our room with the ship rolling back and forth. In the room, we soon found that the little beds in our room were not big enough for two. So we pulled the mattress off and made a large bed on the floor.

Not the most comfortable bed in the world, but the gentle rocking of the boat and Josh's arms around me, I was able to ignore most everything else. I know I've said before how happy I was, how content and protected I felt when wrapped in his arms, but these thoughts kept coming to mind each time he held me. The sounds of his breathing, his warm breath on my skin soon lulled me to sleep, content and at peace.

I woke sometime later, sunshine blazing through our little window. Was everything on this ship small? Now that I thought about it, our cabin was smaller than my room at home. There I go again, I mean our room. I reached up and touched Josh's arms that still held me across my chest; Caressing the soft hair and firm muscles. Carefully I released his grip on me and he rolled to his back, a soft groan escaping his lips. I stood up, my body stiff from the crapy sleeping arrangements we had. Stepping to the window, all I could see was ocean. Never having been on a ship like this, my mind drifted off to stories of Robinson Caruso, and Swiss family Robinson. How perfect it would be to get shipwrecked and spend the rest of my life on some deserted island with Josh as my only companion. I envisioned us waking up on some sandy beach, palms swaying in the tropical breeze, birds and monkeys playing just out of sight in the forest. I see a ship coming our way, a rescue ship. I wake Josh and we run and hide so they can't see us. We watch as the crew from the ship, yeah one of the crew is Diego, Looking through the wreckage strewn about the beach. We over hear the captain saying there must not be survivors. I look at Josh, should we go, should we let them know we are here, no. The look in his eyes tells me everything I need to know. We watch as the sailors leave the beach in their little boat. Josh and I stand; the warm island breeze caressing our naked flesh; his arms encompassing me tenderly; his lips pressed to my ear, "Good morning sunshine."

Huh, what? My mind confused suddenly, no island breeze, no sandy beach. Just a window, set in an off white wall, a vast ocean stretched out before me. Wait; strong arms holding me, soft breath on my neck, and the scent of him filling my senses, it wasn't a dream after all. The most important part was still right here with me. I melted into his embrace, "MMM, good morning."

"Whatcha thinking bout sexy boy," his words drifting like the imagined breeze on the beach.

Relaxing further in his arms, "Nothing really; you and me on an island, forever." Josh kissed the top of my head.

"Sounds nice, until the cannibals find us and toss us in a huge pot." we laughed. "Did we miss our visitor? I stayed awake as long as I could, but never heard him knock."

"Me either," turning my head to look at him. "I don't remember much of anything after my head hit the pillow."

"Yeah you were out like a light, snoring loud enough to wake the dead." I hit him playfully on his chest with my fists.

"Fuck you, I did not," trying to escape his grip.

"How would you know, you were sleeping," his fingers began to tickle me, causing me to squirm and wriggle, trying to get away. We tumbled to the make shift bed, Josh on top of me pinning my hips with his body, his hands relentless in the quest to tickle me to death. Finally pinning my wrists to the floor, his face looking down at me, his eyes looking past into my soul. "Do you know how much I love you? How every minute we are apart is an eternity to me. How you make me feel deep inside? Do you?"

"Yes, but tell me again," I whispered.

"No, I'll show you," and he began to kiss me. This kiss was unlike any we'd shared before. It was unlike the first time he'd kissed me on the bed in my room. Unlike the kisses we shared when he came home from work. Unlike the the kisses while we made love. This was a kiss where our souls kissed. Everything around us faded into oblivion. We existed as one being, one person, one life. The kiss was magic, erotic, loving. I did not want it to end, but it did. Easing back into reality, I fully expected my cock to be hard, his kisses always made me hard, yet, my cock was soft. Rolling onto his back, Josh pulled me to him. I saw that he too was not hard. "Hey, what's wrong," he asked, brushing hair from my face.

I shook my head, "nothing, everything is perfect." I smiled and lay my head on his chest, his fingers playing with my hair. Then, almost as if he could read my thoughts:

"It's love, babe." I lifted my head to look at him:


"It's called love," he nodded towards his cock. "Not everything is about sex. Sometimes all that matters is each other, just being together, alone. No Eric, your dad, anyone. Sometimes it's not about fucking and sucking, cum and piss. It's about me holding you. Your head on my shoulder, our hearts beating as one; sometimes that's all I want, all I need. Like right now. Sure we could be fucking like bunnies, as your dad so fondly says. Fucking each other, moaning and screaming like animals and that's awesome, but right now, right here, this;" motioning at us with his hand, "this is more to me that the most mind blowing sex I could ever hope for. This is what I dream of when we are apart. This is how I stay sane when you are not with me. This is my love for you, our love for each other." A single tear formed and ran from his eye. I kissed it away, laying my head back on his chest.

"I want to tell you something." I again looked at his face, his eyes, although looking at me, were distant. "The night we first met, well it almost didn't happen. I'd just had a huge fight with Lily, and well things were not good in my mind. I wanted to run away and never come back. Just, you know, disappear. My buddy Wes convinced us to go with him and his girl to the drive in, saying it would be good for us. I really only went because he was buying the beer. I figured I'd get drunk, fuck Lily and well, it'd be better. So I got trashed, but it didn't help. I needed to get away, needed air to breath, so Wes and I went to take a piss. When Wes left to go get food, leaving me in the men's room, I kept thinking, just go, just walk away. I convinced myself to do it, when I heard a voice. 'Um you might want to put that away before you walk out.' I was in turmoil, my life all fucked up, and now some bitch ass punk was making fun of me." I opened my mouth to speak, but his expression silenced me.

"I don't know what I was thinking, Ok yeah I did know. I was going to turn around and beat the shit out of you. I wanted nothing more than to bitch slap your head right off your fucking shoulders. When I turned around I was ready to do that, then I saw you. Standing there, young and innocent and I couldn't do it. I wanted to, but just couldn't. What had you done to me, nothing. Then you touched me. I felt your energy through my clothes as you knelt in front of me. It was weird. In that brief moment, that fleeting second of time, all my troubles vanished. Nothing else existed except you and me. I will never forget thinking, yes, touch my cock, PLEASE, and then at the same time thinking, NO, just hold me. Well after we did what we did, which was mind blowing to say the least, I remember walking back up to Wes's car. I remember getting in and nothing mattering anymore; Lily's constant bitching, nothing. All could think about was this guy I'd just met. No, not that he'd just sucked my cock, at that moment it was not even on my mind. If I closed my eyes, I could see you standing there, and everything else went away. I had to see you again. I had to fight not to get up and go find you. I didn't sleep that night at all. I can't tell you how bummed I was when I called and you were not home. When you called, I was so happy. I remember driving to your house wrestling in my head this gay not gay thing. When the door opened and I saw you standing there, something in my head told me it was right. Something deep inside told me I was done with Lily, and that this young guy standing here was the person I was going to be with, and nothing else mattered anymore."

"Pinch me," I whispered to him. "Pinch me so I know I'm not dreaming."

"Maybe we are dreaming. Maybe none of this is real and if that's the case, I want to die right now, so I don't know any different."

"Kiss me," I whispered, "like you did before." Josh's lips met mine and once again, everything around us faded away.

The sounds of the engines slowing, and loud blasts of the ship's horn, alerted us we were soon to be docking. We dressed and packed our bags, getting ready for the next part of our adventure. We soon were in the van and driving off the ship. We had until Saturday noon, to explore. We found a small restaurant outside the city, and settled in for some breakfast. The waitress was this sweet old lady, who was full of information; where to go what to do, where not to eat, which was any place but there. Josh had asked her about a good hotel. She told us of one back in the city, and even went to get the address for us. When she came back, she found us holding hands, talking quietly. She smiled and raising her finger, walked away. We looked down and noticed we were holding hands. Laughing, we realized we didn't care. Our waitress came back and handed Josh a slip of paper.

"I think you two would be happier here," she said. "It's a cute B&B about twenty miles north. It's owned by a nice couple and, well, I think," patting our hands, "you'll be very comfortable there." Looking at me she asked, "How long have you been together?"

Josh and I looked at each other. "About a month or so, this is our first time alone, away from everything," Josh explained.

"Well you two just be yourselves and have a great time. If you would like, you can use the phone to call and see if there is room." Josh nodded and followed her to the counter, where she pointed to the phone.

We were soon on our way north, Josh having made a reservation. The drive was awesome, beautiful county side, breath taking ocean vistas, but still nothing compared to home. Josh pulled off the road on to this dirt drive, and through a grove of trees. There situated in front of some dunes was this really cute house, rustic and with an old attached barn. There were no other cars in the small parking lot, so Josh just parked by the barn. We got out and looked about, it was beautiful. So peaceful and quiet, the ocean waves could be heard crashing on the other side of the dunes. The front door opened and a middle aged man came out. He was, well to say the least, colorful. OK, rather flamboyant. He had a huge smile on his face as he came up to greet us.

"Bonjour, le jour de matiŠres poisseuse vous est comment?" He said throwing his arms wide. "Vous ne parlez pas du fran‡ais, n'est-ce pas ?"

"Oui, je fais," Josh replied. "Bien, un peu de toute fa‡on," he continued. "He said hello welcome, and asked if we spoke French. I told I did a little bit."

"YOU DO," I gasped?

"Oui," then turning to the man, "Mon pŠre est fran‡ais. J'ai appris de lui." The man nodded to this;

"Merveilleux, quelle partie de France ?"

"Une petite ville hors de de Leon. Mon ami ne parle pas fran‡ais." Leaning to me, "My dad is French so I learned from him. He asked where he was from and I told him outside Leon. I also said you don't speak French." I was stunned, I had no clue Josh spoke French.

"Oh, trŠs bon. Les amants ? L'amour comment doux et jeune. Then we speak a the English, no? So a your 'lover' can speak with us, no?" He hugged us both in turn, kissing out cheeks. So now I welcome you to 'la maison sur file des dunes, er, how you say? The house on shadow dunes. I am Jean-Louis, s'il vous plaŒt entrer, NO, I say, please come in." Taking us under his arms, he walked us inside. "You are very lucky, no other guests, only Gaston and Jean-Louis. Gaston? Gaston!" He called out, "nous avons l'invit , NO," he said stomping his foot," English," he touched my face, "We have guests! Young lovers, here to stay with us." His accent as he spoke English reminding me of Saturday morning cartoons, making me smile. Jean-Louis was an older man, maybe in his mid-fifties; his brown hair, curly and unruly; his eyes a piercing brown. He was a shorter man than me, maybe five foot six. He was dressed in a bright shirt with linen slacks, loafers on his feet.

We stood in the entry hall, and I looked around, having never been in a bed and breakfast before. If I didn't know any better, this was just a normal house, well with the exception that there was a small hotel like desk off to the side. In front of us were stairs leading up to the second story. Beside that a hall ran towards the back of the house. On my right was a large living room, and to my left, open French doors led to a dining room with several small tables with two or four chairs at each. A loud crash from off the dining room made us all look, as Jean-Louis threw up his hands and quickly walked in the direction of the sound, muttering in French. He'd only made it a few steps when another mid-fifties man emerged from a room off the dining room. He was similarly dressed, except he wore a flour dusted apron around his neck and a puffy chef's hat on his head. Small round, wire rimmed glasses sat low on his nose. His hair, jet black, poked from under the hat he wore. He was shorter than Jean-Louis at maybe five foot five. He weaved his way quickly through the tables, also muttering in French, wiping his hands on his apron as he went. I smiled seeing this, I felt good.

Jean-Louis, scolded him in French, and Josh laughed. Jean-Louis turned looking at us and smiled an uneasy smile, walking back to us. "Oh my, he is so, how you say, um, so crazy," laughing a nervous little laugh.

"Ello, Ello," came the voice of the other man. "I coming to see you," his words almost musical in tone. We turned to see him look up at us and then trip on a chair. "La merde, la petite clope stupide ! Maintenant vous avez l'air d'un idiot total devant eux." Jean-Louis waved a hand at him and told him to shh, and then something about English. Josh leaned to me and chuckling told me he called himself a stupid lil fag, now he looked stupid.

He came right up to us, arms way above his head, opened his mouth to speak, but froze seeing everyone looking at him. His eyes darted between all three of us, and then looked at his upstretched arms. He snorted and wiggled slightly, lowering his arms. Clearing his throat, he began to speak like, well, butch. Thrusting his hand forward, he gruffly began to speak.

"Ello, I am Gaston, I am happy to meet you. Oh mon dieu, ils sont si beaux, non?" He giggled, looking at Jean-Louis, who in turn shh'd him again sternly. I looked to Josh;

"He thinks were cute. Merci beaucoup monsieur." Gaston, shivered again and touched Josh's arm.

"Oh my, he understands me. I need to watch what I say, no?" We all laughed at this and the tension between these two men seemed to ease.

"No, no this will not do," he squealed, Then grabbing first Josh and then me he pulled us to him and kissed our cheeks, each one with a loud smacking sound. I laughed, this was good. "We were going to the city when you call. Jean-Louis, he yell to me, Gaston, unpack, we have guest coming. Oh I threw my things like this," he made an exaggerated motion of throwing things in a closet. "I say, oh chier, you have no bread!"

A heated conversation started between the men, Josh explaining that jean-Louis was scolding Gaston for being a queen, and Gaston telling him to shut up himself. Then they were deciding what room we would get. They seemed to come to an agreement, and Jean-Louis asked if we had any luggage. I said we did and headed out to the van to get it.

"I go with and help," Gaston said happily, and followed me outside. As we walked, he clutched my arm and told me again how happy they were we came. Then seeing the van, he literally screamed. Scaring me so much I nearly pissed myself. "Mon dieu, look at this, is so beautiful." He was referring to the elaborate mural I had painted on my van. It showed a dragon on a craggy cliff, with a wizard below holding a staff and the dragon's orb, in a battle for control. It was the most expensive thing I had done to the van save the wheels and tires. Gaston, walked around the van marveling at the design and how it went all the way around, speaking in French, so I had no clue as to what he was saying. I met him on the opposite side and opened the side doors. The pungent odor of pot wafted out at us. Gaston, looked to me, his eye's narrow. He pantomimed smoking a joint, nodding his head yes, a huge smile on his face. We each grabbed a bag and started back to the house.

"How long you stay," he asked as we walked.

"We leave on the ferry, Saturday morning."

"Oh, so little time, much to do." We entered the house and taking the bag I was holding, set them by the stairs. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall, out through a glassed in room, and out behind the house. He led me down a short path through the dunes, to the beach. I couldn't believe how close the ocean was. Gesturing with his arms, "All ours, nobody else for kilometers. The water, she is cold, but the sand is warm." We headed back into the house and back to Jean-Louis and Josh. Taking us up to our room, they made sure to point out that their room was right next to ours. They told us lunch was at one and would leave us to get settled.

Once they were gone, Josh and I got right to it. Flopping on the bed, we began to make out. Pinning me down, Josh told me, he was badly in need of fucking me, but first things first.

He repositioned himself kneeling over me. Quickly undoing his shorts, he pulled his semi hard cock out and pushed the tip into my mouth.

"I haven't pissed since the ship, so get ready to drink." His urine was a gusher, pouring out of his cock like a fire hose gone mad. I clamped my lips tight around his cock so none of his stagnant piss escaped my mouth. "Oh fuck did I need to do that, I was ready to pop." He continued to piss for what seemed like ten minutes and just as I was getting full he finished. Pulling his cock from my mouth, he spun around and literally ripping my shorts off, he told me he wanted my piss as well. I was only too happy to oblige, and he drank all I had to offer.

Stripping his clothes off, he roughly raised my hips and attacked my ass with his mouth. His tongue began to fuck me and lube my hole, in preparation for the fucking I knew I was about to get. I tore at my shirt, wanting to be as naked as he was. His mouth driving me crazy, I began to beg him to fuck me.

"As you wish my love," and holding me up, my legs under his arm pits, he plunged his mighty cock, down into my wanton hole. A cry of ecstasy escaped my lips, louder than I wanted, but I really didn't care. I just continued to moan and grunt as Josh continued the assault on my ass.

"I'm not going to last long baby," he cried out. "I'm almost there, and I can't stop." His plunges into me were of a dire need now. Sinking his cock as deep as he could, he reached down, grabbing my sac. This did it for me and with a very loud moan; I shot my load onto my face and into my mouth.

My ass clenched at his cock, pulling him to orgasm; his cock spewing his seed deep into my ass. When he'd finished, he lay beside me. "Sit on my face so I can eat you." I did as I was told and soon he was eating all that came out of my ass.

We lay together for a while, and then decided to shower and check out the beach. Where it was warm, we both went shirtless, choosing to go commando, with flip flops. I grabbed some smoke and my pipe and we headed out of the room. As we descended down stairs, the smell of fresh baked bread hit us. We rounded the corner and were met by the guys, who blushed and smiled big grins. It was clear; our love making was heard though out the house. They told us lunch would be ready in about an hour.

Josh said we were going to check out the beach, and would be back before then. Gaston, looked at me and with a big smile, again pantomimed smoking. I smiled back and nodded yes. Gaston, nudged Jean-Louis;

"Ils fumeront la marijuana." Jean-Louis looked at us, a smile creeping onto his face.

"Oui, no, Yes? You have, um how you say, um, refer, no, pot," looking at the two of us as he spoke.

"Hell yes," I replied, and pulled the baggie and pipe from my pocket to show them.

Oh mon dieu, le regard! (oh my god, look!) He exclaimed taking the baggie and sniffing it. He rolled his eyes and licked his lips. "It is so hard to get this, and so expensive. You can sell some to us, no?"

"Keep it," I told him, pushing the baggie back to him. "It's yours, we have more." Their faces lit up like puppies on speed.

"Come," Gaston said to us, beckoning us to follow him. We followed him into a huge kitchen, with a big chopping block table in the center. It was like stepping into a different world. I suddenly felt like I was in France the way it was set up and decorated. Oh and the smells; fresh bread and something cooking on the stove; unbelievably delicious aromas.

They pulled up chairs and bid us to sit. Gaston franticly searching for something he could not find.

"Baiser, o— l'est. Where are you my love?" He sang out, looking in the cupboards. I lay my pipe on the table, and he gave up looking and came to sit next to me. We smoked several bowls, each of us getting pretty high, them more so than Josh or me. Gaston, began looking at Jean-Louis, then bowing his head, mutter something in French. "ceci me fait excit et si fort." Jean-Louis shh'd him and they both blushed. I looked at Josh for a translation.

"He said smoking this makes him," then looked at Jean-Louis. "quell est, excite?"

"excite, um it means, um excited, um you say, ah, honry?"

Looking back at me, Josh said, "He gets horny and hard smoking pot."

I nodded my head rolling my eyes; "Oh fuck me too!" We all laughed.

Lunch was served, a hearty stew of some kind and fresh bread. Oh my god it was so good. We learned that they had been lovers since they were in school, and had moved here about 15 years ago to open this place. We shared how we'd met and that we'd only been together about a month. Gaston pinched my cheeks saying something about young love; then took Jean-Louis's hand and asked if he remembered when they were our age. Gaston cleared away the dishes and commented to Jean-Louis, he had something nice to show him. Josh nodded to me saying let's go. I quietly said I wanted to see what it was. Josh chuckled and again, said come babe, let's go to the beach. I turned back the guy's and Gaston, smiled a sheepish grin;

"I am happy show, but, I think he says no," nodding towards Josh. I was lost. Then it hit me, duh! "You go to the beach, and maybe later, we," again with the pantomime, "and maybe we all show, no?" We all laughed, as Jean-Louis commented that he was a slut, but I caught him side looking at Josh.

We headed to the beach, leaving our new friends, making out in the kitchen. As we walked hand in hand, we talked about our new friends.

I knew a couple guys at school who acted like that, we called them flamers. For whatever reason, I never found anything about them I liked. I mean I didn't dis-like them, but never went out of my way to be friends either. But I told Josh, I thought these guys were so cool. Josh teased me about wanting to fuck around with them, Gaston especially. I didn't deny it, and added that I knew Jean-Louis was sweet for him. We ended back up at the house, and as we walked through the glassed in room, Josh grabbed me and pulled me to him. Our lips met and we began to make out. His hands found their way into my shorts, and he began to play with my ass, pushing one then two fingers inside me. I broke our kiss and flung my head back, moaning.

"I want to make love to you babe, right now, right fucking here," Josh said. I kissed him again, telling him yes, now. Hearing a small sound, we looked to see both our friends, peaking at us from the shadows in the house. I did not care if the pope himself was watching. I wanted it now. Hearing a 'psst' from one of the guys, they beckoned us to come inside. Both were dressed in some strange kind of underwear (I later found out it was European) and both were very aroused.

We followed them upstairs to their room, which had a huge four post canopy bed, and a big fire place, in front of which lay a skin rug. They offered us the room, and turned to leave. Josh motioned for them to stay, and then turned and began kissing me, taking me down to the furry rug.

I heard the door close and thought they'd left. I was delighted when I felt them lying down next to us.

There you have it, Part 20. Hope you enjoyed it, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write.

Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 21

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