Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Jul 24, 2011


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I woke up, my head throbbing, my mouth dry, and the smell of urine permeating the air. It was hot, hot as hell is said to be. I was covered in sweat, my pillow acting like a sponge sucking up the moisture. There was a weight on my chest and over my legs, preventing me from moving. I opened my eyes to the semi darkness, slivers of bright sunshine escaping the heavy curtains that covered the windows of the Van, I squinted. Lifting my head from the soaking pillow where it lay, I looked to see Eric was passed out next to me and was the cause of the weight on my chest and legs. Eric's head was on my shoulder, his arm across my chest, his leg over mine, his crotch pressing his hard on to my hip. Looking down, I could see his sweat matted hair dripping onto my overheated skin. I spied movement, as one of his eyes peeked open. Sliding his head to look at me, I groaned; "Good morning!"

"MMph. What time is it?" Eric croaked, his voice cracking.

"It's time to get your ass off me, bitch!" I said, pushing him from me.

"Phew, you stink," he replied.

"Yeah I guess I do, but you ain't no flowering rose either." I moaned sitting up, rubbing my eyes.

"Maybe not, but I bet if I shoved my cock in your face you'd suck it like a baby sucks a tit." Eric rose to his knees, his hard on sticking out. "Open up you bastard, I gotta piss like a horse." Eric moved off the bed and stood hunched over holding his cock. I rolled over and faced him, opening my mouth. The stench of his cock making my head spin. He leaned forward and slid his hard cock into my waiting mouth. Placing his hands on the walls of the van for balance, I closed my mouth as he unleashed a torrent of steaming hot piss into me. I drank greedily as his bladder emptied, the hot acrid fluid over-flowing my mouth and running out my nose. "Hey," Eric yelled, "all of it. I don't want you spilling a fucking drop bitch." He shoved his cock deep into my mouth. His words making me even horny. I continued to drink from his cock. His stream lessened, and soon stopped, I sucked his cock for a few more minutes until he took it from my mouth. "Oh you want more? You wanna suck on it till I cum?" Eric asked waving his cock in front of my face.

"Fuck yeah, give it to me." I begged of him.

"Nope, gotta take a dump, back in a minute." He grabbed some shorts that were on the floor, which happened to be mine and opened the side door of the van, allowing the blinding sun to assault us both. "Fuck, we're at the drive in, how'd we get here," he asked. I shrugged, as he reached back in for my keys to unlock the bathroom. I suddenly had the urge to piss so grabbed his shorts off the floor and quickly followed him to the men's room. I scanned the area as we moved. We were the only ones here, no big surprise for early Saturday morning.

"Maybe we just drove here last night," I said as Eric fumbled with the lock.

"But why here," Eric asked, getting the lock off and running into a stall. "You house is on the way back from the mountain. My house is way off the other way."

"Maybe I was taking you home and I couldn't drive anymore." I hauled out my cock and began to piss in the now empty trough. My stream splashing against the faded porcelain.

"Jimmy, can I ask you something?" Eric said.

"Yeah, what?"

"That dude you sucked off in here last night?"

"What about him?"

"If he calls you, are you going to so him again?"

"I don't know, maybe. Depends on what's going on at the time, why?" I asked, stuffing my cock back into Eric's shorts.

"Where do you think you'll do it? Eric asked emerging from the stall, still pulling up my shorts.

"Don't know. Why?"

"I was just thinking last night about it, while, while?" I cut him off.

"While I drank your piss and gave you the best fucking head of your young life?" I said grabbing him in a bear hug.

Eric's eyes half closed and he got this dreamy look on his face, "yeah when you did that." I shook him, picking him up off his feet. Eric groaned as I did this. I dropped him to the floor, and patted his back.

"It's ok I understand if you have trouble saying the words. As long as you enjoyed it."

"MMM, yeah, the fucking best." Eric shook his head; "Anyway, I was thinking, maybe, somehow, I could maybe watch you do it."

"Really," I said opening the door to the van letting him climb in.

"Yeah, I think it'd be fucking hot to see."

"I guess, if we can figure a way. I don't think he'd be willing to just let you sit there and beat off while some dude sucks his cock, but we'll see, OK?" We opened the van up to air it out. It stunk of sex and piss and dirty guys. I grabbed some socks that were on the floor and my boots and began to put them on. Eric came around to where I was sitting, socks and boots in his hands, a joint hanging from his mouth. He dropped his boots and socks and lit the joint taking a deep inhale.

"Breakfast, stud," he asked handing me the joint.

"Why thank you sexy, don't mind if I do." I took the joint and dragged it. I lay back through the back door of the van against the bed, thinking about how I had just a few hours earlier, been drinking my best friends piss and then giving him head. Eric's voice brought me back to the present;

"It's a good thing we're such good friends, and are about the same size." I just looked at him with a puzzled look on my face. "We're wearing each other's clothes." He said laughing. I looked to see that not only were we wearing the others shorts, but socks as well. We both broke out laughing falling into each other. The touch of his skin to mine was electric. I dropped between his legs and tore open my shorts he was wearing. The stench from his crotch was erotic and I tugged the shorts down. His cock sprang free and I dove in, sucking his rank cock into my mouth. The scent from his nuts was driving me crazy and I whipped my cock out and began jacking off.

"Easy, you're gonna make me cum," Eric pleaded. I heard him but just sucked harder. Eric grabbed my head and stood up. He roughly fucked my mouth with his cock, calling me his dirty bitch, ordering me to suck his nasty dirty cock. I did as I was told. The way he was thrusting, I knew he was close, and after three more thrusts his nuts exploded in my mouth. Wave after wave of his cum shot down my throat, as my own cock shot its load between his legs. Eric, slumped back onto the van and said; "God fucking damn, where have you been hiding? Why didn't we do this sooner?" I stood up and after tucking my cock away, I tucked Eric's in his shorts and told him to zip up.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him up; "come on you perv, let's get to work." We left the van, leaving out shirts there; it was just too fucking hot, and grabbed the blowers to start out day. By the time we were done, it must have been 100 degrees; we were both covered in sweat, which even began to soak through the shorts we were wearing. We grabbed a cold soda from the snack bar and Eric called home.

"Too many peps at my place, cool if I crash at yours?" Eric asked, as he shoved a cold hot dog left over from last night into his mouth. I made a quick call home and told my dad we were coming, and after he bitch me out for not calling to say I wasn't coming home last night, he said he was going out of town on lodge business for the day. I grabbed Eric by the neck and told him the pool was ours. We jumped in the van and drove the short distance to my house.

As we pulled up my dad was just leaving the house. I said I was sorry for last night, and he gave me that well known "dad" look. You know, the one that says I'm mad because I was worried, but it looks like you had one hell of a night, wish I'd been there, look. He finally smiled and said some guy named Josh had called me like three times and I should call him, telling me his number is by the phone. I quickly got nervous, and claimed he was a friend from school. My dad gave me this look that told me he knew I was lying, but let it go. Eric and I started walking towards the house, when my dad called out to us;

"Hey guys, grab a shower before you hit the pool, ok? Shit you guys stink!" He got in his car and drove off, as we entered the house.

As he had said there were three messages from Josh by the phone with the times he had called; 9 am, 10:15 am and just a few minutes ago at 11:20 am. I looked at the message and at the number, I motioned for Eric to get the scrap of paper from the pocket of my shorts and as he handed it to me, I realized why my dad knew I had lied. I go to an out of town school with a different area code that the number on the message.

"Are you going to call him," Eric asked me, coming to press against me, looking over my shoulder.

"Yeah, let's go to my room." We got to my room and I stripped off my boots and Eric followed suit. I grabbed the phone and dialed the number, falling onto my bed. Eric plopped down nearly on top of me.

"Get him to come over here, so I can watch, OK," Eric pleaded. I just waved him to be quiet.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end said.

"Hi, can I speak to Josh please?"

"This is Josh. Jim is that you?"

"Um yeah, what's up? My dad said you called?"

"Ah, yah I did. Um, look about last night. I ah wanted to see if sometime we could um maybe um do it again?"

I paused before answering, "Sure, if you want too." Eric was pressing his head near me in an attempt to hear Josh. "Just call me whenever you're free."

"Well, um how about now? Can't come here cuz my roomie's here, how about your place? Your dad said he was leaving, that sound cool?" His voice had dropped to a near whisper, Eric was now half lying on me his face pressed so tight to mine I could feel his lips when I spoke.

"OK, I just got back from work, so give me a few to clean up."

"Cool. You sure it's Ok," he asked.

I assured him it was fine, and gave him the address, which he wrote down. Before hanging up I told him to bring shorts cuz I had a pool. He said he would and hung up. I looked at Eric, who hadn't moved. "We need to shower and find a place for you to hide." We ran and jumped in the shower together, which was not really a new thing for him and me, as his house didn't have a big hot water heater and we'd often shared the shower to save hot water. After we got clean, we put on clean shorts, eric choosing another pair of mine to wear. Then set out to figured the best place for him to hide was in the room across mine. I'd leave my door open, and he could spy from the other room. Then after the blow job, I'd get him out to the pool and Eric would wait a few minutes and then just show up. We'd barely figured all this out when Josh arrived. Eric went to hide while I went to let Josh in.

I opened the door, and Josh was standing there. He was wearing flip flops, cut off shorts (a good sign that I'll explain in a bit) he had a towel hung on his shoulder and had a paper bag in his hand. I let him in and took his towel. I offered him a drink, to which he raised the bag and said he'd brought beer for us. I lead him down to my room, and told him to make himself comfortable. I tossed his towel on the dresser, and climbed onto my bed, lying on my side, propped up on an elbow. Josh, seeming very nervous, fumbled with the bag, finally producing a beer for each of us. I thanked him and watched as he chugged the beer all at once.

"Hey, Josh, you ok? I asked patting the bed for him to sit.

"Ah yeah, just, well you know, nervous," he said sitting stiffly on the edge of the bed.

"Just relax, bud. Just us two buddies kicking it at my house, drinking a beer; nothing's happened yet, and won't unless you're all cool, OK?" He nodded, but still was nervous. I moved up and past him, being sure I made as much skin contact with him as I could. He jumped as I did. "Hey, man," I said sternly, "chill. I'm just going to get something to help you relax." I reached past him and opened my night stand. I reached in and pulled out my pipe and a nice big baggie of awesome pot. Grabbing my lighter, I lit the pipe and took a hit. I dragged deep and handed him the pipe.

"Now you're talking," he said as he grabbed the pipe and toked it. We smoked two bowls, when he was finally getting relaxed. I remained on my side propped on an elbow, while he'd laid back his legs over the edge of the bed. I took one more hit and laid the pipe and baggie on his chest, telling him to reload it. I had something to do. He looked at me but soon realized what I'd meant as my hand moved to his crotch and began to rub him.

He lay motionless for a moment then, lay the pipe and baggie on the bed; "I think I've had enough for right now," he sighed. I changed positions and moved to my knees, being sure Eric had a clear view. I opened Josh's shorts and had him help me slide them off. His cock was rock hard and throbbing.

"Been like that since I got home last night, thanks to you."

"ME," I said looking at him, when you left me last night, it was soft. Remember? This is how I found you."

I know, but after I got home I was looking at your number and thinking about what you'd done and how good it was and BAM hard as a rock all night and all day."

"Well, I can solve that problem," and I bent down and began licking his cock. Josh began to moan instantly. I grasp his cock at the base and started to lower my head over the shaft taking his cock all the way. As I swallowed his cock I looked up to see Eric peering from the hall around the door. He smiled and stepped out to show me he was naked and stroking. I put my focus back onto Josh and turned my head while his cock was buried in my throat. I could hear Josh begin to moan as I sucked. After I worked his cock awhile, I stopped and told him I wanted to work on his balls.

"Go for it stud, sounds hot." I took this opportunity to remove my shorts, freeing my swollen aching cock. I lay back down; being sure Eric had a good view and went to work on Josh's large sack. I was working his nuts one at a time, going from left to right. Josh had become more by now, saying my name, and giving directions on what he wanted done. "Fuck Jim that's so good, yeah dude, lick my balls. Oh fuck yeah, suck my nuts Jim." His right hand had moved to my head, gliding his finger through my hair, guiding my head. He moved his left hand to my thigh first, and then slowly slid it up to my balls which he began to rub and massage. Then he reached out and grasped my cock, making me groan. I saw him lift his head slightly to watch me blow him and we made eye contact. I move back to his cock. "Oh fuck dude that hot seeing my cock in your mouth, fuck gonna make me bust my nuts down your throat." His hand began stroking my cock harder and faster. "I want you to cum at the same time I do Jim, come on lets nut together buddy." All I could do was moan; I was trying to concentrate on making him cum, as I was ready to explode. "Move closer to me, I want to see your cum shot on me. I slid over so my body was touching his. I began thrusting my hips into his hand. "Yeah dude fuck my hand while you suck my cock. Shot your hot load on my chest buddy."

I couldn't hold back much more. "I'm gonna cum Josh, can't hold it." I moaned with his cock still in my mouth.

"Fuck yeah baby, cum on me! I want to see it shoot! Awe fuck I'm gonna cum," Josh cried out. His cum shooting into my mouth in a flood. My cock erupted at the same time, sending volley after volley onto his chest. I felt him moving my cock making it shoot all over him. I continued to suck his cock until his cum stopped flowing. Gasping, I let his cock fall from my mouth and I fell onto my back, his hand, although not stroking, remained on my cock. "Fuck that was awesome, better than last night!"

I got up and stood over him. My cum was all over his chest and even some on his face. I leaned down and began to lick my load from his chest, climbing back on the bed as I moved forward. His cock was still semi hard and flopping about. I made sure as I climbed up that his cock pressed into my crack. When I reached his face we looked into each other's eyes. I felt his hand go down and position his cock at my hole. I smiled at him and said; "hang on stud, let's take a break before that ok?" Josh thrust his cock in between my cheeks, the head rubbing my pucker. "Let's take a swim and then, if you're up to it, I'll let you fuck my ass. First, I need to finish cleaning you up." I leaned down, and thought he'd pull away, but he just lay there and let me lick the cum from his face. "There, all done," I said. I prepared to move, when Josh, still looking in my eyes, gave me a fast peck on the lips.

"Thanks bud."

I climbed off and took his hand, pulling him up. I said we should go for a swim and pulled him to follow me. When he tried to grab his shorts, I told him to forget them. I explained they were cut offs and they fuck up the filter. He followed me to the pool and we both dove in. We both swam a lap and then climbed out and collapsed on to some deck chairs.

Within minutes of getting out, Eric made his appearance.

"Yo, Jimmy, you home?" He called out as he came through the house. He was a good actor; he continued to call my name as he walked inside the house. Josh, Stoned, panicked. I quickly restrained him and explained it was just my best friend, that he was way cool, and just lay back and relax. Josh did lay back but he was still panicked. Eric walked out to the pool, and I immediately noticed he had changed shorts and was wearing an old pair on my cut offs.

"What's up Jimmy?" He called out, then pretending to notice Josh, "Oh man I didn't know you had company, my bad, I can leave." Eric made like he was going to leave, and I spoke up.

"No way, it's cool. Hey Eric, Josh, Josh, Eric. Josh is a buddy from," and I glanced quickly at Josh, who was looking at me all panicked. "From school." I could hear Josh's sigh with what I said.

"You guys been in the pool?" Eric asked looking at us.

"Yeah, just got out," I said.

"You mind," Eric asked pointing at the water. I motioned to go ahead, and Eric, dropped a towel on the end of Josh's chair and facing us unbuttoned the shorts he was wearing and kicked them off. Then to my surprise he approached me and gave me a kiss in the lips. "I missed ya man," he said and then turned and dove in the water. He swam up to the side and climbed out. He dragged a deck chair over to where Josh and I were sitting, and plopped down.

"What," Eric said looking at Josh and me. "What?" Josh just motioned to Eric about the kiss. "Oh that? Please don't tell me that bothers you?" Josh just sat there staring at Eric. "Dudes, please, come on. I walk in the house looking for you," Eric pointed at me, " and the house reeks of man sex. I half thought I'd find him," again pointing at me, "with some dudes dick buried in his ass. I walk out here, and what do I find, you two naked as jaybirds. So please don't go being all shocked and all." I was surprised and didn't know what to say. I was more surmised that Josh didn't just bolt out. "So, you two an item," Eric asked Josh.

"AH, no." Josh said, stealing a quick look at me.

"OH, OK," Eric said. "He let you fuck him?"

"Not yet, er ah I mean no," Josh stammered.

Eric stood up, his cock getting hard, "good, then we can all play." Eric moved over to my side, so Josh could see, and turning my head, shoved his semi had cock deep in my mouth. I began sucking it but Eric held my head still, "not so fast there Jimmy, I gotta take a leak," and he began pissing in my mouth. I again half expected Josh to get up and bolt, but he was watching intently as I swallowed Eric's piss.

"Holy crap, you really peeing in his mouth," Josh asked breathlessly. Eric stopped pulled his cock from my mouth, his piss hitting my face. "OH fuck that hot." Josh whispered as he grabbed his cock and began stroking.

"Hey dude, get on over here if you gotta piss, Jimmy will take all you got." Eric held my head and I opened my mouth and let him continue to piss. Josh stood up and moved to my other side. He aimed his cock at my mouth and let loose with a gusher of piss. His aim at first was off, and he shot it all over my face, but he soon got things in hand and crossed streams with Eric. I swallowed as much as I could but a great deal poured outta my mouth and down my body. "soon as we're done here, lets breed his tight ass." Eric said to Josh who nodded but seemed lost in the scene.

I was in piss heaven, two hot guys filling me with their hot piss, who were going to fuck my ass raw.

More to come guys, send me an email and tell me what you think. I'll try and answer all!

Peace, Jimmy

Next: Chapter 3

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