Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Jan 28, 2012


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Drive in Pisser part 19

After tonight, I was off for two days. Thank God, I was beat, and this heat wasn't making work any easier. I was in the kitchen looking at the mail when Josh came home. I spun around to greet him in our usual fashion, but he was covered from head to boots in some kind of oily grease. "Look, but don't touch. A tranny burst its seal, and well you can see the results." That didn't stop me; I grabbed him in my arms and began kissing him deeply. He smelled like a mechanic, and he smelled like my man. Our kissing continued, and the touch of his rough hands on my bare skin was electric to me. Breaking our kiss, Josh looked into my eyes; "you better quit that, my boyfriend is around here somewhere, and I don't want him to get jealous."

"Tell him to go away, you're all mine," I said. We began kissing again. Dad's voice from the dining room, caused us to look, but we didn't stop kissing.

"Hey, get a room you two knuckle heads." Without missing a beat, Josh grabbed me under my ass and lifted me up, our lips still locked, tongues making love in our mouths. He carried me off to our room where he set me down.

"Let me get outta this mess and take a shower." I stood and undressed him. I then led him to the shower. Pushing him against the wall I washed his entire body of the oil that clung to his skin. As I was kneeling in front of him, washing with much love his cock, he caught my chin; "Thirsty?" His cock jumped and a strong flow poured out onto my face. I washed my face with his piss, and then set to drinking his hot golden juice. As his stream lessened and then stopped, his cock began to swell. I took his slowly hardening cock into my mouth and began to make love to it. He tasted so good, clean yet still a hint of garage which only made me want more. I worked his cock until he stood me up, only to bend me over. I soon felt his face on my ass. His tongue began tracing around my hole, sending shivers up my spine.

"mmm, this lube I taste," he asked before poking his tongue against my pucker.

"Yeah," I moaned, and really quickly told him about seeing Eddy. Josh's only response was a deep moan, as his tongue stabbed into my ripe hole. His fingers working to spread me open, his tongue began cleaning anything left over from my earlier fucking. I could tell he loved it as he kept driving his tongue deeper and deeper.

"Fuck this is awesome babe," his fingers replacing his tongue, seeming to wipe out my ass juice. "I love cleaning your nasty ass after some jerk off fucked you. I can taste his cum mixed with you. He must have cum a lot, dam it's just running out of your pussy." I felt him smearing it around my hole, and then felt him running his cock up my crack lubing his head and shaft. Josh had his left hand on my hip and his right pushed down on the small of my back, as he maneuvered his cock into my primed hole. He slid right in and sunk to the hilt. I could feel every inch of his cock sliding into me, pushing on that special place deep inside. "I'm gonna shoot my load in you then you're gonna sit on my face and I will eat you until you cum."

"Oh yes, fuck me hard stud," I crooned.

Josh wasted no time and fucked me hard and fast, our bodies smacking wetly as they slammed together. He came in mere minutes, thus showing me just how horny he was. As he came he made long strokes spreading his cream throughout my tunnel. When his body spasms stopped, he withdrew and knelt behind me. Pulling my ass back to his face, he started cleaning me out.

Loud sucks and smack echoed through the bathroom as he moaned while he ate. I was working my cock as he continued, telling me how all this cum and loaded ass juice was oozing out of my open hole. I lost it, I was ready to cum. Josh grabbed my cock and forced it back under me. His mouth found the head and he swallowed my cum as well.

We stood and faced each other, his mouth slimy with cum and ass juice. We embraced and kissed until the water began to turn cold. Quickly we washed each other's hair and then with the water off, we stood there making out. I think we would have kissed like that forever, but Eric busted in and said we were going to be late and to hurry up. I hurried to get dressed.

"So you're off until Saturday, right?"

"Yeah, I go back Saturday night, why, what's up." I asked pulling on some shorts.

"Well I have a surprise for you. Nope I'm not going to tell you what it is, so don't ask. Just know that when you come home tonight, be ready to go away for a few days."

"OK, I said, checking myself in the mirror. Shorts low in the front, showing I was going commando, hugging my ass; half shirt exposing my abs, hair damp, tickling my shoulders. Josh's chain around my neck, hint of Drakkar wafting from my skin, I was ready.

"MMM, you're hot," hurry back," Josh said before kissing me. The phone rang and dad yelled for someone to get it. Eric's voice yelled out he was busy, so I grabbed the extension in my room. It was my boss. I blurted out some lame excuse, saying I knew we were late but on our way. He told me to shut up and listen. He told me I was off until Saturday night. It'd been so hot lately he wanted me to take an extra night off. I asked about Eric, was he off as well? Fuck no was his reply. He told me to 'tell that rat bastard he better not be late'. After he stopped laughing, he told me to relax and enjoy myself. I hung up the phone, puzzled by his last comment. I called out to Eric, but got no reply. I heard a car door close and looking out my window saw Eric backing out of the driveway. I looked to Josh who was by now dressed.

"What's going on? My boss told me I'm off from now till Saturday. Eric has to work, but I'm off?"

"Sweet, then we'll need these," and he opened the closet pulling out two small gym bags. "Come on we need to go or we'll miss it." We met dad by the front door. He gave Josh a hug and me a hug and a kiss,

"Have fun you too, see you Saturday," pushing us out the door. Jumping in the van, Josh drove like a bat out of hell. It was very clear that we were heading to the coast, thoughts of Robbie crossing my mind, but no, we were going in a different direction, heading further north, higher up the Maine coast.

Josh wouldn't tell me anything, and although I was excited, I didn't like being kept in the dark. I passed the time and told him the details of my afternoon, with Eddy. Josh brought up several points that were good, and some questions I couldn't answer and needed to ask Eddy.

It was almost 8:15 pm when we pulled into Portland harbor. I was now really confused, where were we going. Three long lines of cars and box trucks appeared before us. Josh maneuvered the van into one of the lines and grabbed one of the duffle bags. He dug into a side pocket and pulled out an envelope and passports. He avoided looking at me, but I could see a big smile on his face.

We followed the car ahead of us as it slowly moved forward. I could now see the lines of vehicles were turning to the right continuing beside a huge warehouse. As we slowly approached the turn, I began to see a funny shaped ship, the front bow was raised way up in the air and the cars and trucks were driving across a ramp into the belly of the ship, which looked like a small cruise ship.

"Where are we going," I asked, not taking my eyes off the scene.

"Away," was all Josh would say.

We continued along and up to a girl dressed in a sailor's uniform. Josh handed her the envelope. She removed something from it and examined it closely.

"Very good sir," she spoke with a different accent. "Continue forward across the ramp, you will be directed from there, enjoy your trip." We proceeded forward and followed similarly dressed persons. At the entrance to a huge area with hundreds of vehicles parked, we were asked to get out and take our belongings with us. We did as we were told and followed a group of other passengers up some stairs into a huge lobby. We were greeted by a young man, his name tag showing his name to be Brandon.

"Hey guys, welcome aboard the Scotia Prince." Josh handed him the envelope which contained our tickets. "Very good, gentlemen," He raised his hand and a really cute porter came and took our bags. "Enjoy your trip. We'll be sailing in just over an hour. If you'll follow Diego, he'll take you to your room, Diego, 417 please."

The cute porter took our bags and with a sexy Puerto Rican accent, asked us to please follow him. We followed his sexy ass as he led us to an elevator, and up through the ship, down a narrow corridor, to room number 417.

He opened the door to a very small room. He led us in and explained how the beds pull down, and on about the ships amenities. He set our bag on the tiny bed, and asked if we were just visiting Nova Scotia or did we have family there. Josh said we were just visiting; that this was just lover's get-away, as he stepped behind me and slid his arms around my chest. A sly smile crossed Diego's lips, his eyes betraying him as he looked us up and down.

"My name is Diego, and if there is ANYTHING you should need, PLEASE do not hesitate to ask for ME." Josh handed him some cash, and as Diego closed his hand around the bills, he repeated himself, "ANYTHING". As he left, I could not help but see the large swelling in the front of his black pants. He closed the door, and we heard him say "Ay dios mio, muy hermoso! Deseo de ese! (oh my god, so beautiful! I want some of that!)

"Surprise!" Josh exclaimed, kissing my neck. "You told me to find some crazy way to spend the money, so here we are." I turned to kiss him our lips meeting, tongues stabbing into each other's mouths. After we made out for a while, we headed out to explore the ship. Josh explained that how this was a ferry between Maine and Nova Scotia. That it took eleven ours to sail here and there. You left at night and arrive the next morning. We walked around, checking it all out; small casino, restaurant, Bingo, bar, it was small but cute. We ran into Diego several times as we explored. The first few times he was with other passengers and just smiled and blushed. Later as time drew near to sailing, he became slightly more vocal, "Buenas nochas, whapos." (good evening cuties)

We grabbed a bit to eat in the restaurant, and when the ship sailed we watched the shore grow smaller from an observation deck. A slight rain had begun to fall so we headed to our room and change. We passed Diego in the hall and he asked if we were retiring for the night. We told him no, just going to change clothes. He nodded and told us to call the desk when we were ready for turn down service. "Just ask them to have me come to your room." He again was looking us up and down, that same sly smile on his lips. As he walked away, Josh and I stood transfixed by his sexy ass wagging back and forth. Josh leaned to my ear and said,

"You know I love you, right, but I have to tap that ass," his arms coming around me, sliding across my bare abs and down over my shorts, grabbing my already hard cock. It was at this very moment, Diego turned and looked back at us as he rounded the far corner. A smile on his face, he motioned with his hand to call him.

We spent the next few hours wandering around. Josh had a beer in the bar, and we did some very hot making out in an off limits passageway. We were on our way back to the room to continue when we passed the front desk. Josh asked me if I wanted to have company. With a nod of my head, he knew it was yes, so he went to the desk and asked the girls there for turn down service. They looked at each other and explained that they do not offer a turn down service. Puzzled, we headed to our room. When we got inside, I went to the phone and called the desk. I simply ask if they would please send Diego up to our room. I was told he would be sent right up. After about ten minutes there was a soft know on the door, and that sexy Latino voice, "Porter." Josh opened the door, and there stood Diego. Josh let him in and he moved to the center of the room. He seemed a bit nervous, but by the growing bulge in his pants, I knew he wanted what we all did.

"Hello my handsome men," he began. "I do not have a lot of time now, but I have break at five for little more than a hour," his accent thick and sultry; his hand lightly stroking his enormous bulge. "Maybe I come back then?" His two way radio crackled his name, "Ay Pindeha, my fucking boss." He held his hand up for us to be quiet, and he spoke into the radio. He was needed somewhere else, and as soon as he was done with us he needed to go right there. "I have to go," he said, a sad tone to his voice. "May I come back when I get break," his voice lifting with hope. We agreed to be waiting. "May I use your toilet, our toilet is far down in the ship and I need to pee." I smiled and knelt before him, opening my mouth. I reached up as he tried to back away, but managed to hold him still. Josh came up behind him and undid his belt and opened his pants. Josh hooked his thumbs in Diego's white briefs and pulled them out and down. Diego's cock sprang forward hitting me square in the face. Josh grabbed Diego's cock and pointed it at my mouth, telling him to piss. With some hesitation, Diego began to piss, Josh aiming it right into my mouth, pulling his dark brown skin back exposing his cheesy head.

Diego never took his eyes off me as he emptied his bladder into my mouth. As the last few drops dripped from his cock, I swallowed his cock head, cleaning it for him. Diego began trying to push my head away, saying no, stop, you make me cum, but soon gave in to my tongue cleaning under his rim. With a very loud grunt, his body tensed and his balls began to empty into my mouth. Diego was grunting and saying things in Spanish I did not understand, as his cock continued to spurt his hot sauce down my throat. As his cock softened, I stood up.

"Ay wedo, your mouth is heaven, mmm thank you."

"Still coming back at five," I asked him.

"Si, five, I be here." I watched his reaction as Josh slide his hand up Diego's crack.

"Hope you'll let me in this sweet ass of yours Diego," Josh asked him.

"Oh si, yes, and me chupa, er me suck too." He pulled up his pants and straightened himself up. As he was leaving, I took his hand and put it on my crotch, "We'll be waiting for you." Diego squeezed my cock and shivered.

"See you at five, muchacos," and he stepped from the room, closing the door behind him.

Josh and I looked at the clock on the wall, 2:10. We looked at each other and groaned; this was going to be a LONG two hours.

There you have it, Part 19. Hope you enjoyed it, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write.

Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 20

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