Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Jan 27, 2012


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Drive in Pisser part 18

I was stunned, a job? I choked on my water, coughing it up into my glass, spilling it all over me and the couch.

"Oh, hey easy there handsome," Eddy patted my back before jumping up to grab a soft towel. "Here, let me get you a new glass." I dried myself as Eddy cleaned up the table and brought me a fresh glass of water.

"A job," I asked? "What could I do for you," Motioning around the office. "I don't know the first thing about any of this, and besides, I already have a job." I looked at Eddy, who was in turn looking back at me. Eddy took in a deep breath and stood up.

"Ice Man, what you see here," opening his arms, showing the office, "is the current state, of one side, of four generations of De Lucas. This is just a very small part of the whole picture. The rest, well my brother's handle the rest, but never mind that. What you see here is a globally vested enterprise. This company has interests in many places; The US, Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, but again, never mind that. In addition to all this, I have small, um, projects around here. I'll tell you more as you need to know it, but suffice to say, I have a created a reputation, and well some people don't really like me too much. Like I could give a fucking shit if they do or don't. So here's the thing. I'm too known, out there," pointing out the window towards the city. My people are too well known out there as well. What I need is someone who isn't associated with me. That no one knows; A person who has his eyes and ears to what's going on around them; someone who has the ability to relay information back to me; Information that I couldn't get anywhere else. This is a dog eat dog world, and every business has competition. That's what a free market society is all about. Everyone has spies, shit even my nana Bella has friends who go to other restaurants to see what's going on. That's where you come in, handsome."

"I still don't see how I can help you. I didn't understand a thing you and that other guy were saying. I'm not smart enough to learn, and I don't speak French." Eddy laughed.

"Ice Man, don't sell yourself short. You are smarter than you think. The guys you saw in the office would kill for the smarts you have. Yeah sure some, if not most have gone to college, fuck I've been to college," his arm sweeping towards the book case and a large diploma hung above it I hadn't seen. That's all book smart, I don't need book smart, I need street smart. I need you."

I sat there for a minute, while Eddy refilled his glass. "I don't know," I said looking down. My mind racing a mile a minute; drug dealers, underworld Mafia kingpins, murder. I suddenly didn't want to be where I was. I wished I'd never met this guy. I was scared. If I say yes, some mafia god father would send him minions to gun me down. If I said no, Eddy would send Tua to sit on me. Eddy came over and sat beside me again.

"All I am asking you to do is to listen to what is going on around you and then tell me what you heard. There is nothing illegal about it, just sharing information, and getting paid for it."

I tried to look at him, but couldn't. The movie the god father kept playing in my head. Waking up to a horse's head in my bed was not my idea of a good thing. "What kind of information are you looking for," I asked him finally. Eddy got up and retrieved a small wooden box from the bar. He handed it to me and motioned for me to open it. This is it I thought, I'm gonna open this box and there's gonna be a severed hand, or an ear in it. Then he's gonna tell me this will be me if I don't do it. I slowly opened the box, and the sweet smell of pot wafted into my nose. Looking down, there was a big bag of pot, some papers and a sweet looking pipe. "Oh man, cool," I breathed.

Eddy laughed, "See, nothing bad. I want you to go about your life, buy your pot as you always do, but when you do, listen. See what you can learn. Then come to me and tell me what you've heard. I might ask you, if you are willing, to make small purchases for me, just to get conversations going. I'll give you the money to buy it, and then keep what you get as a bonus. I'm not talking big eye opening amounts, but enough so you have to talk in a bit more detail. What do you think?"

It actually didn't sound too bad after all. Looking at the pot in the box, I thought, he's gonna pay me to tell him what I hear, and basically give me pot. I put the open box on the table in front of me. "Ok, so what if I don't hear anything?"

"Then you don't hear anything. Just do what you do and move on. Someday, you might hear something, and then you come to me and tell me whatever it is. Then, like I said, I might ask you to try and buy a certain kind of pot like say poka poka, or something like that. I give you the money and you try to buy it. If you do, great, enjoy it. If you can't, great, just tell me what you're told when they say no." Eddy fell silent for a minute, and then he put his arm around my shoulder. "Look, in my line of work, I don't have many friends. There are few people I trust. I like you. I feel I can trust you. This is why I am coming to you with this. I hope we can become good friends. I know that right now these are just words, from a guy you don't really know, but I mean every one of them. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, or ask you to do something that you don't already do. Like buying smoke or maybe doing some more of what we did yesterday." Eddy mussed my hair, and then got down on one knee next to me. Holding my knee, he lifted my head to look into my eyes. "Hey handsome, I don't want to pressure you, OK? If you don't want to do this, say so. I'll never ask again, we'll put it behind us and just be friends, alright? I mean it, no problem either way."

"Can I think about it?" I asked.

"Sure you can. Take all the time you want." What a relief, no pressure. I smiled at him.

"Hey there, now that's the Ice Man I know. Come on, light one up."

I rolled a nice fatty, and Eddy and I shared it. It felt good to relax; this whole afternoon was too stressful. Eddy slapped my knee and suggested he give me a tour of the office. That sounded cool, so we got up and headed out of his office. He explained that his company was simply put an investment company. People come in and give them money to invest in other companies and projects. They then manage these and the company's investments. As we strolled through the halls, Eddy explained what different areas were and what they did. Everyone seemed friendly, and really smart. A lot of what they said went right over my head. Eddy could tell when this happened, and would get his arm around my shoulder and pull me out of the situation. He took me into this room, and had me stand against the wall. Anthony came in and took a picture of me. He was a good looking guy. Five foot ten, maybe a buck forty, brown hair and green eyes. We chatted about his job and where I worked, while he developed my picture. Eddy came back and again put his arm around me, which got a side look from Anthony, and led me out of the room. We ended up back in his office. I was looking out the window at the city when Eddy came up and slid his hand around my waist.

"What are you thinking about handsome?"

"Nothing, really. I'm just looking." Eddy Held a J for me to smoke; which I took a hit of, and then looked at Eddy. "Are you trying to get me baked so you can take advantage of me?" Eddy laughed.

"Is it working," he joked. I stepped in front of him, and loosened his tie. I undid the knot, and then began to work unbuttoning his shirt. Pulling the front of his shirt out of his pants, I felt his very well defined chest. His muscles were firm but not hard. I opened his belt, and then unhooked his slacks. Eddy ran his hands through my hair, feeling my neck. I slowly lowered his zipper, allowing his pants to fall exposing his silk boxers. His cock was straining against the front. I reached in and grabbing his shaft, I pulled his cock out of the fly, running my hand along the shaft. "Oh yes, now who's taking advantage of who," he said. I pushed him back, so he was leaning against the side of his desk. I knelt and began sucking his cock. Eddy kept his hands on my head guiding my head on his cock. "No," Eddy said softly, "you did all the work last time, now it's my turn." He gently took his cock out of my mouth, and stood me up. He switched places with me and now I leaned against the desk. He slowly pulled my shirt over my head, dropping it on the floor. He ran his soft hands over my chest. Leaning close, he began to suck my nipples, biting them enough to make me tense. He began kissing down my chest, and began pulling my shorts down. I moved my hips so he could get my shorts down. He passed over my cock, and knelt to remove my shoes, when they were off; he slid my shorts off, leaving me completely naked. Standing, Eddy guided me back onto his desk, pushing to the floor all the things that were there. He opened his mouth and starting at the base of my cock, began licking my shaft; working his way around the shaft working his way up to the head. His mouth closed around my cock and he began to suck on it with force. I ran my hands over his hair, feeling the gel that set it. My high was coming on full force, only heightening the feelings of his mouth on my cock, I moaned.

He'd worked my cock with his mouth for several minutes, when he stopped and looked at me. "I want to fuck you handsome. Will you let me?" My answer was to lift my legs up exposing my hole. Eddy, opened a drawer, and pulled out a tube of lube. Squirting a gob on my hole, he then lubed his cock. Without any ceremony, he positioned his cock at my hole, and grabbing my hips, shoved his entire cock into my ass. I groaned loudly as his cock tore me open. "Shit Ice Man, your ass is so fucking hot." He began to fuck me hard and rough, his balls slapping against my cheeks. He was good, completely pulling out and shoving it back in; driving it as deep as he could and then grinding it in deeper. His thrusts were fast and hard, I was stuck on his desk, which held me in place as he raped my ass. His sweat was dripping down onto me, his mouth open, teeth clenched, thin ribbons of drool leaked from his mouth. His breaths were loud and ragged, matching my calls for him to fuck me harder in volume. I was getting closer to cuming. I could feel it building in my sac.

"I'm gonna cum soon," I moaned.

"Fuck me too," Eddy groaned, spit coming out with his words. His pace picked up, I could feel his cock getting harder in my ass. His balls no longer were slapping my ass, as they had retracted against his shaft. Suddenly, the door to his office opened and in walked Anthony. I couldn't hear what he said as he walked in, and I really didn't care. Eddy growled, and shot Anthony a nasty look. "CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR," he almost screamed. Anthony, in shock at what he was seeing, took a second and then slammed the door shut, him still standing in the room. Eddy growled again, but it was too late. My cock throbbed and my cum blasted out. The first shot went over my head, landing on the desk. The second and third shot hit my face, the remainder hitting my chest and abs. My cock continued to throb obscenely. Eddy gave two final hard thrusts and began to unload into my ass.

I motioned for Anthony to come closer, and like a rabbit, he closed the distance between us in the blink of an eye. I reached for his zipper and Anthony took the lead and dropped his pants, his cock a nice seven incher, bobbed before him. I opened my mouth but could not reach it. "Get on the desk idiot," Eddy growled at him, his cock still fucking me. Anthony climbed up and knelt by my head. I gobbled his cock into my mouth, tasting his sweat and dried piss. My actions causing him to almost fall over, driving his cock down my throat. I fought the urge to gag and just let it go as deep as it wanted to.

I began sucking this hottie's cock, while he fucked my mouth. "Oh shit your mouth is hot. When I first saw you, I knew I wanted you," Anthony groaned. "I almost raped you in the ID suite."

Eddy took his softening cock from my ass, and using his hand he rubbed my hole, oh fuck that felt so good. I lost sight of him after that, but he returned with a nice fatty, and after hitting it, held it to Anthony's mouth so he could hit it as well. Anthony was fucking my mouth almost as hard as Eddy fucked my ass. I grabbed onto his rather large balls, tugging them. As I did this, I worked a finger into his hole, making him drive his cock deeper in my mouth.

"Dude, you're gonna make me cum doing that."

I took the hint and worked a second finger in followed shortly by a third.

"Fuck yeah, here it comes," Anthony moaned as his cock throbbed and began to shoot cum in my mouth. His cum oozed from the tip, thick and musky. He stopped moving when he came, holding just the head in me. I sucked the head, drinking his cum.

As soon as he stopped cuming, he withdrew, claiming he gets tender. Eddy held the J so I could hit it, then handed it to Anthony, to help me get unstuck from the desk. I was having an afterglow moment, and enjoyed every second of it.

We spent about a half hour chilling and relaxing. The reason Anthony had come in was to bring me a new id card. This way I could park in VIP parking and come in the VIP entrance.

"So I guess we'll be seeing more of you then," Anthony elbowed me.

"Guess we'll see," I elbowed back.

I looked at the clock and realized I needed to get home. Eddy saw my face and helped me gather my stuff. After hugging Anthony, who dressed and left, Eddy walked me to my van. I assured him I'd think about it and let him know in a few days.

"Take your time handsome," he said poking my abs. We said good bye and I drove off.

When I got home and was met by Eric at the door. He proceeded to lay into me about where I'd been and how worried he'd been. I countered with what about you? You gone, dad gone, no note, nothing. Well actually he had left a note, I just didn't see it. OK my bad, sorry. We went to my room and I filled him on my day.

"Damn Jimmy what are you going to do?"

"I don't know."

There you have it, Part 18. Hope you enjoyed it, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write.

Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 19

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