Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Jan 27, 2012


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Drive in Pisser part 17

Eric and I finished our work, and then cleaned up the mess left by Eddy and Tua. I couldn't stop thinking about Eddy's strange behavior. I was lying back in my chair in the compound, having just rinsed off, smoking the blunt from last night. Eric was in a stall, taking a dump. I just couldn't get Eddy off my mind. He called me a player, a tease, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt it was him that was playing me. I mean OK, maybe it was just a fluke meeting up with him last night, but come on. After that, it was just too weird. Eric arrived to take my mind off Eddy. A look of sheer gratification spread on his face. "Feel better," I asked.

"Dude, I just gave birth to a fucking hippopotamus," he exclaimed. "Dude, I never knew my ass could stretch that fucking wide." He leaned back and threw his legs in the air, motioning with his hands how big his ass had stretched.

I stood up and grabbed my crotch; "Let's go buddy boy, keep um up, I'm gonna see how much you can stretch." I opened my shorts, exposing my cock.

Eric laughed, "Dream on stud, it is me who's gonna fuck you, not the other way around."

"Oh I see how you are," I snapped. "Bet if dad was here, you'd be open and ready."

"Fuck-n-A right." I buttoned my shorts and passed him the blunt. We smoked a bit longer, and then closed up and headed back to the house.

At home, Dad told Eric his mom had called and he needed to get home ASAP. I left them to say goodbye, and headed too my room. After a shower, I found my dad sitting on my bed. "What's up old man," I said patting his bald head.

"Well," he began. "I was thinking. If you are not doing anything, that is, maybe we could spend some time together; just you and me, father and son."

"Sounds great, no plans till Josh comes home. What you have in mind?"

"Well, I'm tired of being an old fart, and I've been thinking, maybe we could, well maybe you would let me..."

"What?!? Spit it out, maybe we could what?" I was laughing. It was strange to see my dad tongue tied like this. "I want to get stoned. OK? There I said it. I want to smoke a joint. I want to get high with my son and see what it's all about"

I was stunned by this admission. My dad had always frowned on pot smoking. He let us do it, but NEVER ever did he even hint that he wanted to try it, until his comment earlier today. "Ok," I said, still unsure of this new side of him. "Gonna be some rules though. You only smoke it with me, or the guys. This first time, you don't leave the house. This first time, we smoke it right here in my room and you promise you'll try it again, no matter what.


I through on some shorts and took out a joint I'd rolled a few days back. It was good shit, not too powerful, but strong enough to get him baked. Now my dad was a smoker, so he already knew the basics. I just filled in the finer points. Drag, hold it - hold it - hold it, ok exhale. I demonstrated and then passed the joint to him. I sat next to him on the bed, and watched him take his first hit. He did as I instructed and finally blew it out.

"I don't feel anything," he said passing the J back to me. I made him take two more good long tokes, and then took the J back so I could catch up.

We sat in semi silence, with a few I don't feel anything comments from dad. I assured him it takes a few minutes to kick in, but he insisted he felt nothing. After about twenty minutes, he looked at me.

"I'm thirsty," he stated and moved to stand up. I could see his head spinning, eyes trying to focus, hands grasping at invisible objects to hold on too. Then he flopped back onto the bed. "Holy cow," he breathed. His left hand gripped my thigh about midway up. "God dam room is spinning. How the hell do you punks function like you do on this crap?"

I burst out laughing, "I thought you didn't feel anything?" He just lay there shaking his head side to side. "See I told you to give it time." I rubbed his chest. I could feel his heart beating. I took another toke and leaned over, sucking in air so I could speak, I told him to open his mouth and suck in the smoke I blew out. Doing as I said, I shot gunned my dad. He performed like a trooper. I could see him fading, so I told him he might just fall asleep, this being his first time, and sure enough, before I could finish my sentence, he was out.

Dad slept for about an hour, and while he was out I busied myself with chores, not wanting to leave him alone. I was right there when he woke up. He just looked at me with these stoner eyes.

"Now I get it," he choked. "Now I understand why you bastards like this so much. I haven't felt this, this good in a very long time." I leaned down and kissed his forehead. He sat up, again feeling woozy. I explained it would pass, and in time, if he kept smoking, he'd be able to function almost normally. We moved out to the pool, and sat next to each other. We continued to smoke, me more than him, I wanted him to pace himself. I 'schooled' him on what to expect, and some of the finer points of learning how to become a pot head. He suddenly sat bolt up and stared at me. I'm sorry but I was busting up laughing. He admonished me for laughing, and then announced that he was hungry, really fucking hungry. I laughed and told him he had the munchies. He jumped up and started for the house.

"Oh man, I'm starved." Stopping he looked back at me. "I know it's the munchies, what do you think, I'm stupid?" We both laughed at his comment. He went off into the house leaving me laughing my ass off. Suddenly he was back, standing at my feet, a paranoid look on his face.

"What's up," I asked.

"Oh man. Dam, I got in the kitchen and I turned around and you weren't there. I was like oh no I lost him, where'd he go? Aren't you coming?"

I stood up and followed him into the house. He was looking around the kitchen like a crazy guy. I stood him against the counter, and grabbed a jar of peanut butter. I took a finger full and shoved it in my mouth. I repeated this action, only this time my finger went into his mouth. As he ate the peanut butter off my finger, his eyes rolled back and the look of ecstasy spread over his whole body.

We spent the next few hours chilling, munching on food; his favorite thing was a peanut butter and onion sandwich. I know, I know, YUCK, but he loved it. He ate three of them. I didn't let him smoke anymore, I felt he'd had enough for now.

We were in my room listening to Van Halen, I know another surprise to me, my dad, the master organ player, was chilling to heavy metal. We were just chilling when Josh came home. He pretty much ignored my dad and came right to me. We made out like lovers who hadn't seen each other in years. I was finally able to break free and motioned for Josh to look at dad. Josh turned and saw my dad had been watching us, this strange look on his face. Josh cocked his head and then, BAM, the light goes on.

"Oh babe, tell me you didn't get your dad wasted." He looked at me, an evil grin on his face. I just nodded. Josh got closer and looked at dad's eyes. Dad made a biting motion at Josh's nose.

"Oh babe, that's so cool, how did you ever get him to agree to try it?"

I explained what had happened, and that it was his choice. I then went on to tell him about what happened with Eddy at the drive in. Dad was there, but seemed to not be listening. After I finished, Josh and I were talking about the stash and what we'd do with the found money.

Suddenly dad jumped up, made like he was going to say something, then he began pacing.

"Show me this stash," he demanded, so I got it and dumped it on the bed. Dad looked at it, fingered it and went back to pacing. I won't detail his entire thought process here, it'll take too long and it got really confusing, but, dad realized that this Eddy guy was probably a dealer, and he thought that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't a purse he was looking for, but this. It actually made sense. I could actually fit the pieces together. I looked at Josh and he back at me, and we could tell each of us was worried.

I decided I needed to get some advice. So I left for work early, and headed over to Frank's. He could tell something was up right away. After making him promise this would stay between us, I gave him a generalized version of what I'd found at work. Frank was excited and happy for me. His thinking was along the lines of finders keepers. Then I told him of Eddy, omitting names and tell-tale information that would pin point who I was talking about. At first Frank seemed concerned, but after I finished telling him about what happened today, and yes I told him about the tryst in the men's room, Frank's concern went away.

"I think you're OK, Jimmy. Looks like this guy somehow lost his supply; maybe he was dealing at the drive in. So he realizes where he lost it and is trying to get it back. If what you told me is exactly how it happened, I don't think he has a clue that you found it. That said, I would recommend that you don't go snooping in bags while you are cleaning for a while. Just in case this guy is watching. If he does, he'll see you cleaning and not caring about the shit, you know blow and bag. If you do go snooping, he might get the idea that maybe you did find it."

I felt better now. What he was saying made sense, really. I got up to leave, thanking him for his help. Frank put his arm around me and assured me it was no problem.

"So, what are your plans with the pot?"

"I don't know. Smoke it, maybe sell some."

"How about, you let me worry about selling it. Keep some for you, and let me deal with the hassle of selling it. Whatever I make on it, we split. I like you kid, you're like a little brother, and I don't want you getting into trouble with the popo. I have the connections and ability to move it, so it wouldn't be a problem."

I thought about it for a minute. "OK, but I have to run it by Josh and Eric first."

"Eric? Are you still hanging with that dweb?" I laughed and nodded yes. Frank shook his head. "Man he is annoying. When you going to see that?" We both laughed. "OK, you run it Eric and whoever this Josh guy is." I realized that he had not met or even heard of Josh. So I briefly told him who he was. Frank agreed to meet me at my house after work to discuss our possible venture.

Tonight work seemed to drag on forever. It was slower than it had been, but still just as hot. I set my mind to my tasks and tried to not think about anything else. Finally it was time to go home. I had told Eric about meeting with Frank, and that he was going to meet us there. Eric was annoyed that I'd involved him. I just told him to get over it.

We got home and told Josh what the plans were. Eric voiced a complaint about letting Frank in, but Josh thought it smart. Eric was pretty pissed and walked out of the room, saying to do what we want. This was the first time Eric had gotten mad at me. I didn't like how it made me feel. I didn't want this to come between us.

Actually I didn't have much time to think about it as Frank showed up with Lisa. After a long negotiation, the plan was set, and Frank and Lisa departed.

I woke up about 3 am, and went to the kitchen to get some juice. In the darkness, I could hear the sounds of someone getting fucked. My cock began to harden, and I had to go investigate. I snuck to my dad's room and found the door halfway open. Peering around the door, I could see my dad with Eric bent over the bed. Dad was ramming his cock into Eric's ass. Every so many thrusts, my dad would slap Eric's ass, causing him to writhe in pain under him. Dad was being very dominant, calling Eric his little bitch, and telling him to take his daddy cock. He had a handful of Eric's hair and had his head pulled back. I could only see part of Eric's face, but he really seemed to be enjoying it. I watched as dad would alternate his stroke from straight on, to side thrusts; up strokes to downward thrusts. At one point I saw Eric trying to reach under himself to grab his cock. My dad slapped his ass extra hard, causing Eric to yelp. Dad ordered him to not touch himself, then thrust in fully, grinding his hips against him. Dad reached down and picked up what looked like Eric's undies and yanking the kid's hair back even more, stuffed the undies into Eric's mouth, gagging him into silence. Dad told him in a very stern voice, to shut his mouth, and take his fucking cock like a god dam man. This was so hot to see. I was getting off on seeing Eric, who always was dominant with me, turn and be a little submissive boy to my dad.

Dad pulled out of Eric's ass and stepped back. He ordered Eric to turn around and suck him. Eric complied, and removed the gag from his mouth. I could see Eric's cock, and it looked bloated and purple. Looking closer I saw something tied around the base of his cock and balls, like a cord or rope. His cock was throbbing up and down and it looked like he was leaking precum. Eric knelt before him and straining to see, It looked like chunks of shit dotted my dad's cock. I thought there is no way Eric is going to put that in his mouth, but surprise, surprise he did. Dad ordered him to clean himself off his man cock. Telling him to suck every last inch of his cock and leave no trace on it that he'd fucked him.

"Clean me good, bitch boy. I don't want my son to see your shit on my cock. I want Jimmy to see how good you treat your daddies cock." Eric was busy licking and sucking his cock, loving it just as much as I loved doing the same to him. Dad reached down and grabbed a handful of hair. "Suck just the fucking tip boy, I'm going to shoot my cum on your face." In mere seconds, dad withdrew and blasted a nice load all over Eric's face. Eric tried in vain to get dad's cock back in his mouth, hungrily moving his mouth like a fish out of water, but dad held his head just enough away so he couldn't. When he was done, I thought he'd let Eric cum, but no. He ordered him to stand and leave his seed dripping off his face. After another ass slap, Dad stuffed the underwear back nnto his mouth and ordered him to follow him.

I beat a hasty retreat to the kitchen to get my juice, and was going to run back to my room, but I wasn't fast enough. Dad and Eric caught me just as I was trying to leave. My dad looked so sexy, with his 'boy' in tow. Eric saw mw and tried to hide behind dad, but that wasn't going to happen. Dad asked if they'd had woken me. I said no, that I was just getting something to drink. He told me to check his handy work. He pushed Eric to stand in front of me, poor guy looked so humiliated. Dad's cum covered his face. Dad told him to turn around and show me his ass. Again Eric did as he was told. Dam, his cheeks were bright red from dad slapping them. Dad stepped up and made Eric bend over. Eric resisted at first, but after dad glared at him, he complied. Dad spread Eric's cheeks and showed me his hole. Using his finger, dad would lightly touch Eric's pucker and make it twitch. The sight of this was making me nuts. Dad could see my cock standing straight out, and got a twinkle in his eye.

Spitting in his hand, dad grabbed my cock, lubing it with his saliva. Pulling me forward, he put the head of my cock at Eric's ass. Eric, shook his head no, and tried to talk, but with the gag in his mouth all he did was mumble. I took my cue and held Eric's hips, sliding my cock into his ass. God he was loose, and I slipped right in. Eric protested, but there was little he could do. His ass felt so good on my cock, and I soon had a nice rhythm going. Dad stood right there and watched me fucking my buddy, my best friend. With one hand on Eric's back and the other on my ass, he guided my thrusts. It wasn't long before I was ready to shoot. Dad ordered Eric to his knees and to clean my cock as he'd just done to him. Looking up at me with submissive eyes, Eric took out the gag and devoured my shitty cock. Dad stood behind him grabbing his hair, holding his head still so I could fuck Eric's mouth. I announced that I was going to cum, and dad started telling me to shoot it. To breed his mouth, and that's what I did. I blasted five huge gobs of my cum deep into Eric's mouth. He drank my load without a problem. After, he spent several minutes licking and sucking my cock and balls, cleaning me like an expert.

Dad told Eric to stand, and I looked at his painfully swollen cock. I looked to my dad who sighed. "I was going to make him wait to cum, but, what the hell, go for it." I knelt in front of Eric, a look of anticipation on his face. Dad reached over and untied the cord from around the base of his cock, causing it to throb up and slap Eric's tummy. I Leaned in and using just my mouth, took Eric's cock in. His cock exploded as my tongue wrapped around the head, and my mouth was flooded with his cum. Eric groaned loudly as he came, his knees shaking as his cock pumped a massive load out into my mouth. I sucked his cock until no more cum oozed out and then released it. Dad promptly retied the cord around the base of Eric's cock and ordered him to kneel. I patted Eric on the head and told him good boy, gooood boy.

I left them, and returned to my room. Climbing into bed, Josh snuggled up and spooned against me. His soft cock pressed against my ass. I remember falling asleep thinking life is good.

I don't know where everyone was when I woke up. I walked out if my room to get some coffee, and no one was home. For a second I panicked, had I over slept? Checking the clock, no, it was 7 am. OK I knew Josh had gone to work, but where were dad and Eric? I checked the drive, Eric's car was there and so was dad's, alright this was weird. I staggered out to the pool, and just dove in, the water cooling to my skin. I'd heard it was going to be another hot day. After swimming a few laps, I felt more awake and climbed out. Oh I loved being naked outside. I heard a car pull up out front and soon a knock at the door. Looking out the peep hole, I saw Frank standing there. I opened the door in all my naked glory. "Hey, what brings you here this early?"

Frank gave me the once over with a smile. "I wanted to catch up with you before you went to work. I thought we could finalize the deal." I let him in and we headed to my room. I threw on a pair of board shorts, and grabbed the sack. We discussed the plan, and frank divvied up the different sacks. We agree on a split, 60% to me and 40% to Frank. He gave me a quote as to what he should be able to get and we shook on it.

"So I have to ask," he began. "This dude you met. He have big ass dude around him?"

"Yeah Tua, I think is his name."

Frank shook his head. "Ed De Luca. I should have known, really bad cat. I was talking to my contact last night, and he mentioned that sales will go up because De Luca fucked up and lost a big supply. From what he told me De Luca and his girlfriend got in to a big fight and she tossed his shit. Right then I knew it was him, that your stuff belonged too." Frank went on to describe this De Luca, and it was spot on Eddy. "Were you serious about him like coming on to you?" I said yes it was. "Weird, because De Luca's know for hating fags, and lets the big guy take them out."

"Well, I don't know, but he is all over me, and let me blow him." Frank shook his head and got up to go.

"Just be careful bud, watch your back. De Luca is old money. He's got a legit business as a front, and lots of shady dealings behind that." We shook hands and frank left. I threw on my timbies and headed out to work. I still didn't know where Eric was, but I sure as hell wasn't going to be late. The driven in was empty, no Eric. I parked and got to work. Today wasn't bad, since last night was a small crowd. Eric and I would have cleaned it up in an hour, but alone, I'd be much longer.

I don't know if I was just paranoid or what, but I felt like someone was watching me. I tried to ignore it, but it kept nagging at me. I did as Frank suggested, and didn't pick anything up. I just blew it all then bagged it. When I was heading back up to the concession stand, I saw Tua at the gate. I waved and walked over. Tua raised a beefy arm in reply. WOW did he actually respond to me? I moved to unlock the gate, looking around for Eddy, but it was just Tua alone. "Hi," I said to this huge hulking man who towered above me.

"Talofa," he said, pausing to look up. "Hhhi," a small smile formed on his lips. He extended one of his beefy hands and handed me a folded piece of paper. "Boss sent to you." He spoke in a deep accent that was hard to understand. Opening the paper, it simply read - Ice Man, after work - Hampshire Plaza 11th floor suite 1185 'E' and a phone number. I looked a Tua.

"Yes, you go?" I nodded yes. Tua then pulled a plastic card and handed it to me; "For parking place. What time you go," his accent difficult to understand. I looked in the ticket booth at the clock.

"An hour, maybe two, is that OK?"

"OK with Tua." He then turned and climbed back into the jaguar that he was driving. How this huge man slid in to that small car was beyond me. I waved as he started to back up, and much to my surprise, he not only waved, but smiled. I watched him drive off, then closed and locked the gate.

Finishing my work as fast as I could, I ran home and grabbed a fast shower. It was still hot, so I picked out some nice shorts, and a Polo shirt. Grabbed my reeboks and headed to Elm Street. I pulled into the parking structure, and was about to get a ticket. I was holding the card that Tua gave me in my hand.

"HEY, you, stop," yelled this older security guard. The potbellied man trotted over to me

"Let me see that, as he grabbed the plastic card from my hand. He looked it over and his facial color changed. Handing me back the card, he apologized for being rude. He then pointed out that this was a VIP card and VIP's parked in the other lot across the street. He helped me back out and I drove down this ramp up to a security booth. The guard, dressed in a sports coat, asked to see my 'identacard'. I handed him the plastic card and after swiping it through a reader, and reading some information from a screen, he handed the card back and directed me to space 11 K. I found the space and walked in to the elevators. Again I was asked for my card which I showed to the guard. He escorted me up to the 11th floor and directed me to my destination. Through the glass front, I could see a lavish reception area and a young chick sitting behind a large desk. The door was stenciled with gold and black letters which read De Luca Investment Group. I went in and was greeted by the receptionist.

"Welcome to De Luca Investment, Jim?" Her pleasant voice calm and business like.

"Um, yeah, I'm Jim." She smiled at me, then pressing several buttons on a huge telephone, she spoke into her headset.

"Mr. De Luca? Jim has arrived and is waiting in reception. Yes sir. Yes sir, the file is on your desk. Yes sir, I will let him know." She clicked on another button and then looked up at me. Jim, please make yourself comfortable, Mr. De Luca will be right out." She gestured towards a bank of comfortable looking chairs.

Before I could sit, I heard a voice from down a hall, it sounded like Eddy, but he wasn't speaking English. As this person got closer, I realized he was speaking French, not uncommon in this area; we have a large French Canadian population. From the hall emerged Eddy, dressed in slacks, with a shirt and tie. He also had a headset and was quickly speaking to the caller. He smiled when he saw me, waving me over to the receptionist's desk where he now stood. He motioned with his hand mimicking for the caller to hurry up.

"Tres bon, tres bon, jusque-la. Au revoir Maurice. Clicking a button on this little box on his belt, he looked to the receptionist. Katie, please see that we ship some lobsters up to Maurice right away." Katie began to jot scribbles on a pad of paper. "Oh and he says he never received the capital group prospective from us. Did you send it out?"

"Yes sir last Thursday."

"OK check on that as well please, will you?" He then turned to me and smiled. Nodding his head for me to follow, he turned and took a step then stopped. "Hold my calls and cancel all my afternoon meetings." Katie, shot him a shocked look.

"Yes, sir, but what about you're meeting with Peter from Amoskeag bank at 3:15?" Eddy glanced back at her. "Yes sir, I will reschedule him for tomorrow."

"Thank you Katie, you're a doll." Eddy looked at me again and motioned me to follow.

We walked down the long hallway, offices dotting each side, all occupied by guys with shirts and ties, all talking away on headsets. At the end of the hall was a huge office with Eddie's name in gold letters. Opening the door, Eddy let me in. It was huge, at least half the size of my house. A big desk was situated by a long bank of floor to ceiling windows, and there was a long wooden table with chairs around it to the right, also by a bank of windows. Standing by the windows was Tua, looking as formidable as always. I waved at him, and he nodded his big head in reply. Directly to my right was a sitting area with two couches and two overstuffed chairs all leather and set into the wall a really cool glass and chrome bar. To my left was a large book case filled with books and interspersed were TV's some with news playing and others with what I assume to be stock market numbers running across them. Past the bookcase was an open door. I could see a tile floor, so I assumed it was a bathroom. "Ice Man, I'm so happy you could come on short notice." Eddy snapped his fingers and Tua turned and opened a door I hadn't seen. He left us and closed the door. Eddy pointed to the sitting area, "Cop a squat handsome, something to drink?" He proceeded to his desk as he spoke.

I sat on the couch and asked for water.

"Anything for my Ice Man." He grabbed a folder and headed back to where I was sitting. Clicking that box on his belt again, he spoke into his headset; "Anthony? Real quick, come get the file on Mildred Hatsen. I want to move on this now. No, now, I want a final deal on my desk by four." He tossed the file on the table in front of me and ripped off his headset, tossing it on top of the folder. "I'm sorry Ice Man. Let me just deal with this really quick and then we can talk." He busied himself at the bar and returned with my water and a glass of wine, I assumed for him. Just as he opened his mouth to speak there was a single know at the door. "Come," Eddy said dropping his head and shaking it.

The door opened and a really good looking guy maybe 21 or 22 came in. He was dressed as they all were shirt and tie, headset attached to his head. Eddy picked up the folder and handed it to him, his green eyes were darting back and forth between Eddy and me. Sounding a bit annoyed, Eddy made brief introductions. "Anthony, this is Jim, Jim this is my personal assistant Anthony." We exchanged brief hellos, then Eddy and Anthony spoke briefly about whatever it was they were doing. It was all mumbo jumbo to me. Capital investments, liens, APR, Loan docs, escrow, I didn't understand a word. Anthony said something I didn't catch and it seemed to upset Eddy. He exhaled a long loud breath; "No, by four. You are a big boy and I have faith you can deal with this yourself." Anthony nodded, but looked unsure. Eddy patted his shoulder, "I'm invisible for the next few hours. No calls no interruptions, understand?" Anthony nodded, and then looked at me.

"Nice meeting you Jim," he said as Eddy moved him towards the door.

Eddy opened the door and motioned for Anthony to leave. "Remember what I said, by four."

Coming back to where I was, Eddy smiled at me, plopped down on the couch next to me, and offered his glass for a toast. "To the Ice Man, New friends and new ventures." I clinked my glass with his, and we drank. "So, I bet you're wondering why I asked you here." Taking another sip of wine, he set his glass down; "I want to offer you a job."

There you have it, Part 17. Hope you enjoyed it, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write.

Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 18

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