Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Jan 26, 2012


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Drive in Pisser part 16

I was in the shower when Josh came home, joining me under the spray, he embraced me, the scent of gas and grease emanating from his skin. After a long shower with lots of kissing and holding, we ended up lying on the bed, Josh holding me. I told him about what had happened after work with the guys at Pawtuckaway, and I soon felt Josh's cock pressing against my ass. His was kissing my neck, and his hands rubbing on my chest was driving me crazy.

"You drive me crazy baby," Josh whispered in my ear. "I am so in love with you." I could feel him begin to lube my hole with his fingers. Oh I was so ready for him to make love to me. Playing around earlier was awesome, but this was my man, sex was sex, and now I would get loved.

Josh pulled me on top of him. His cock was pushing at my ass, and quickly entered my well lubed hole. Placing my feet on each side of Josh's hips I positioned my ass so Josh could thrust up and back shoving his throbbing cock into me. His mouth on my neck, and arms gripping my chest, nails digging into my flesh, the animal that he would soon become was what I was waiting for.

I didn't wait long; his teeth began biting into my neck like a vampire. His cock began to ram into my ass, causing me to moan loudly.

"Fuck me Josh, fuck me hard! I need you deep in my ass," I was grunting like an animal. I didn't care who heard me, I wanted everyone to know my man was fucking me, making me part of him, breeding me, filling me with his seed. "Oh God you feel so good in me, come on fuck me harder. I want you all the way in me." I could barely see my dad in the door way, watching Josh fuck his son. I couldn't see, but by the way his arm was moving, I could tell he was jacking off. "Fuck yeah, baby, ram it in me harder." I began to push down on each of Josh's thrusts, letting his cock go deeper in my ass, if that was at all possible.

Josh slid his hand down my abs and grabbed my cock. There was nothing sweet or loving in how he grabbed my cock. It was rough and hard. He pulled my cock from the root to the tip, stretching my skin far over the head. Then he reversed, and pulled down. He reached the base and still he pushed down, my foreskin fully retracted, my cockhead a deep purple. Pre cum oozed out of my slit like a thick piss. Josh released my neck, and began to grunt in my ear;

"Shit I'm going to cum. Gonna cum in my babies ass, make him all mine. Oh fuck, fuck fuck..." He shoved one last time deep into me. I could feel his cock throb, and swear I could feel his cum blasting into my ass. With one final upward pull I lost control and began to cum. Josh's hand was gripping my cocks head tight; pulling my foreskin way far over the head. The feeling was so intense, I curled up as my cum forced its way out of my pinched skin and Josh's tight grip, his cock still ramming into me.

Josh relaxed beneath me, as my orgasm continued. I could see my skin ballooning as it filled with my cum. Josh released my cock and cum exploded from the skin. I thrust my body back against Josh, my cock throbbing wildly, spewing my cum all over the place. I was in sexual heaven, I was happy, I was in love.

We lay there totally wiped out when I remembered my find from work, and jumped up to retrieve it from where I'd hidden it. I explained to Josh about work and that I'd found this, tossing the bag at him. He looked at me with a questioning look, and slowly opened the bag and peered inside.

His eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas; "Fucking Christ, babe, for real? This is fucking unreal!" Then suddenly becoming 'sober', he looked up at me. "Some dealer must have lost this. I'll bet they are looking for it right now. You better watch your back at work tonight and during the day, tomorrow." He reopened the bag and began taking the contents out. Opening each baggie and inhaling deeply. When he got the baggie with the white widow in it, he examined it closely. "I've heard of this shit. Been told it is fucking killer smoke, but you can never find it."

"I know. Frank tells me he calls it boner weed, cuz it makes you hard. I've tried it, fucking awesome smoke, and yeah a big ol' boner." We started laughing. Josh then counted the money and using it like a fan said;

"You know, this is found money. And found money needs to be spent on something crazy and impulsive." He handed me the wad of cash, "time to start thinking, crazy and impulsive."

Pushing the cash back at him, "That'll be your job. You figure out what to do with it while I'm at work." I turned and started picking out what I'd wear. All of us had to wear a drive in shirt, provided to us by the owner. Everyone except for me, Eric and the other maintenance guys had to wear special polo's with the drive in logo and their name embroidered on it. Those of us in maintenance had specially made t shirts with our name screen printed on the left side chest, and a huge drive in logo screened on the back. We were also allowed to wear jeans and jean shorts, as long as they were neat in appearance. Since it was still so hot and muggy, I chose a loose fitting pair of cargo shorts, one of my t's; and my favorite pair of timbies (timberland boots). I loved how these short fit me; not to lose yet not too tight. They showed off my ass, and yet hung low in the front. I decided to go commando, and quickly dressed, except for my shirt, which I'd put on when I got to work. I fixed my hair and added this pooka shell choker; I'd bought while in Hawaii on winter break. It was all white, except for in the front there were two black shells on each side followed by four more white shells, then then two jade stones and in the middle hung a sharks tooth. The combination of the pooka shells and Josh's chain really looked sexy against my tanned skin. I had just finished dabbing myself with Drakkar Noir, the only cologne I wear (then and now), when Josh came up behind me, sliding his arms under my arms, encircling me.

"Damn baby, you look so fine. MMM I don't want to let you go." His fingers traced over the claw marks he'd made on my chest. Not really scratches, more like welts. "God you smell so hot, I just want to throw you on the bed and fuck you again." His hips bucking into me, as his lips began kissing my neck. "You are going to drive all then drunk boys crazy tonight," he whispered, "I'm jealous."

I turned to face him. "Josh you are the only one I want," and I lay my head on his chest.

"I know baby, it's cool. I get so turned on seeing you with someone else, I don't know, can't explain it really. I know these others mean nothing to you, so don't worry. Go, have fun, I know in the end you will return to me." He lifted my head and kissed me.

The sound of Eric driving in broke the moment and tucking my t shirt in my back pocket, we headed out into the rest of the house.

We got to work about 7, and learned that this would be a LONG night. A triple feature was playing. Our two regular shows and then after the second one, they were showing a XXX film called Pinocchio. Yep just like the fable, only in this version, it's not his nose that grows... This was bad news for us maintenance guys; first it meant a packed house. It also meant keeping the bathrooms clean would be an almost constant thing. Tomorrow wouldn't be any better, as we'd have to face another day of huge mounds of garbage. On the up side, I could look forward to a lot of drunken guys pissing, and during the XXX show, if you walked around you could spy on people fucking. No, I didn't want to see pussy, just what was being stuffed in it. The owner came walking up to us, as we stood behind the van. He was concerned about how hot it was and made us promise to drink lots of water. He then tossed us new t shirts. "Here boys, these will help keep you cool. I know you," pointing at me, "would rather not wear a shirt, but you have too." He stood and watched our reactions as we realized these were half shirts, way cool! Thanking him with a hug, I quickly put mine on; Eric didn't really like it and chose to wear his regular t shirt. By the looks I got from both Eric and the owner, I assumed I looked good. He went on to tell us that he'd brought in extra bodies to help us with trash, and that we should concentrate on just the bathrooms. With that he toddled off and we set about getting ready for the night.

It was about part way through the first show, I was busy scraping up puke from the last stall in the men's room when I heard two guys come in to piss. One of them seemed upset about something his girlfriend seemed to have done, and he was really going on about "this bitch". I finished cleaning and moved up to wash my hands. I could see these guys turning to look at me in the mirror. The one who was complaining was maybe 24 or 25, average looks, and clothes. His friend was a big boy, also maybe 24 or so, but was build like a sumo wrestler. He was dressed in black, and although it was dark, was wearing sun glasses. I was about to leave, when the first guy called out to me.

"Excuse me, guy, you work here?" He said, turning to face me, still stuffing a good looking cock back into his shorts.

"I smiled and said no I just like wearing this shirt and scraping up puke." I realized how sarcastic that sounded, and quickly tried to cover it up. "Sorry, it hot out. Yes I work here, what can I help you with?"

After a quick look to the sumo guy, who had taken a step towards me, the first guy chuckled.

"Yeah, snappy shit, I like that. I was here with my girl last... week. She lost her little purse thing and, well I just wanted to know if anyone had turned anything in."

"Well if anyone had found it, it would be in the manager's office. I can take you to him if you want."

"Great, super, thank you." Then turning to the sumo guy; "I'll be Ok, you go back to the car and wait for me there." He patted the big guy on the chest and with an evil look at me the sumo guy sauntered out of the men's room. The other guy then walked over and began telling me how stupid his girlfriend was for losing her purse thing, and he didn't know how she made it day to day. After drying his hands, he grabbed my hand and shook it. "I'm Edward, but my friends call me Eddy." I shook his hand and said my name was Jimmy. We exchanged greetings and I then led him to the manager's office. While we walked we made small talk about what I did there and how did I like my job. He burst out laughing when I told him I iced the troughs. After apologizing for laughing, he told me he was going to call me Ice Man. We both laughed and finally arrived at the manager's office.

I took him in and made introductions, explaining the situation. As Eddy and the manager talked my 2 way radio crackled about a major mess in the concession stand. I interrupted and told Eddy he was in good hands. Eddy shook my hand and patted my exposed abs, "Ice man, you are the best, stay cool."

I was taken aback by this, and just nodded with a smile, turned and left. I puzzled over this while I busied myself cleaning up a huge popcorn spill. I was still pondering the 'tummy pat', as I readied myself to refill the troughs. I needed to hurry, as they had already announced the 20 minute too intermission warning over the radios. I was topping off the last trough, when a familiar voice filled the room, Eddie. "I knew it, I just knew I'd find you in here," his laughter echoing off the concrete and plywood walls. He walked up beside me facing the trough I was filling, and pulled his shorts down, hooking them under his nut sac. His head back and his eyes closed, I took a long look at his meat. His cock was an average size limp, pointing down over his sac. "Awe dude, I needed to piss so bad, it's crazy." He stood there not touching his cock, hands on his hips. I laughed and continued to fill the trough.

"Did you find your girl's purse," I asked, shaking a shovelful of ice into the trough beside him.

"NO dam it. The guy said I should talk to the cleaners and see if they even remember it. So I asked him who these cleaners were, and well, this brings me back to you handsome." He continued to piss, but now threw his arm around my shoulder.

"Me?" I searched in my mind over the last few weeks, trying to remember finding a purse, nothing.

Eddy started laughing. "Relax Ice Man I'm not accusing you of anything. Actually when your boss told me that you were the one who cleaned the day after, I was thinking sweet, already got a good thing with you. Yeah guy, your boss really likes you. He praised you up one side and down the other. He said you are like the eyes on top of his head, a good company man." Still with his arm around my shoulder, he used his left arm to grab and shake his cock, tucking it back inside his shorts. Pulling me with him to the sinks, "So listen; do you like get a break anytime soon? I don't want to get you in trouble with your boss by talking to me while you're on the clock."

"Yeah, um, soon as I'm done cleaning up after intermission, I get a half hour. So maybe by 10:45 I'll be on break."

"You mind if I chat you up a bit while you're breaking?" He removed his arm form my shoulder to wash his hands.

"No, that's OK." He led me outside where I almost ran into the sumo guy who looked to be standing guard. I pointed over by the dumpsters, to Eric's and my little hide out. "That's where I'll be."

"You are the man, the fucking ICE MAN." He again was laughing and as he started to leave, he again patted my abs saying, "See you in a bit handsome." To which I received the most evil look from sumo man, as he turned to follow Eddy into the darkness.

My Radio crackled, the Boss was looking for me. I reported my location and he told me to wait for him. I finished prepping the men's room for the eventual onslaught of bladder bursting pissers soon to arrive, and was just heading back to the ice machine when the boss caught up to me.

"Hey kiddo, tell me what you know about that guy who was looking for his girlfriend's purse."

I explained how we'd met and after learning what he said had happened, that I'd brought him to over.

"Oh, no, that's OK. I just thought you knew him, knew him is all. There was nothing turned in, so I told him he should talk to you. Maybe you knew something."

"Yeah he just talked to me. He's going to come talk to me some more when I'm on break in a bit."

My boss smiled, "OK good. I guess there was something really important in it, and she'll be in a ton of trouble if she loses it. So, um, you really don't know this guy?" He asked me with a tilt of his head.

"No, I honestly just met him before I brought him to you."

"You could have fooled me. I mean, he spoke about you in familiar terms, I don't know, like you'd been friend for a while." Then he chuckled, "Ice Man."

I shook my head, "I don't know. He called me that after I told him I ice the troughs." I wrinkled my brow and shrugged. We were suddenly bathed in light from the spot lights around the concession stand, meaning it was intermission. My boss waved and ran into the stand. I shrugged again and went back to my work.

I was a bit nervous as break time drew near, Eddy seemed cool, but almost too cool, that make sense? I mean, it was almost like he was trying too hard to be friends with me. It was almost like he was feeling me out for some reason. I needed to relax and quick. I rushed through my work, and then ran to my van wanting to take a few hits and calm down. We got the word to break, and grabbed some chow from the stand. Eric and I headed to the compound and collapsed onto our chairs. He was telling me about a bitch fight in the ladies room earlier, when I heard Eddy call out.

"Hey Ice Man you here?" Eric looked at me with a strange look. I waved him off, mouthing that I'd tell him later.

"We're in here, Edward," I called back, standing up. He appeared around the gate, walking sideways, alternating looking at me and then back outside.

"Hey who's van is this?" He asked stopping to look longer at my van. "Holy shamole, that's a sweet ride."

"It's mine," I said sheepishly.

"I should have known," he chuckled. Then pointing at the van, and then at me, he shook his head; "I should have known." He started walking towards us, looking around as he did. "Pretty cool digs, Ice Man, pretty cool." He walked up and shook my hand, then gripped it tightly, "Thought I told you, my friends call me Eddy," a stern look on his face. He then burst out laughing and gave me a buddy hug. I could hear him sniffing me as we hugged, and again he chuckled. "What's that distinctive cologne you are wearing, Hmm? Kind of like a Drakkar refer mix, nice." He smiled and patted my back as I motioned him to sit with us. I made introductions, and almost as soon as I did, sumo man was right there. Both Eric and I jumped at this, but Eddy just laughed.

"Tua, wait for me outside," Eddy said quietly to the huge hulking man. "I'll be fine in here with the boys," gesturing to Eric and me. Sumo man glared at Eric, and then hulked himself out the gate. "Sorry guys, he gets a little bit over protective sometimes." Eddy looked around and then to me. "So I'm looking for this purse thingy of my girlfriend. She's positive she lost it here. I really need to find it," his voice full of urgency.

I looked at Eric who shook his head no, and back to Eddy. "I'm sorry, but we haven't found a purse in a long time." Eddy leaned onto the table and lowered his voice.

"Ok, here's the thing. It was last night." He shook his head, handing it low. "FUCK, I feel like a shit for lying to you Ice Man, I really do. See, here's the thing. It had some really important," he paused for a few seconds, "papers in it. And without these papers she's going to be in a lot of hot water. Like I said, I'm not saying you guys took it, OK, but I'm hoping you guys can help me find it, please."

I sat back and thought. "Well if it was last night, then it might be in the mounds of trash we bagged up," nodding towards the dumpsters. Eddy followed my nod.

"Think your boss would mind if we, I mean if I were to go through it?" His voice now sounding hopeful

"No, I'll talk to him about it. They come to pick it up tomorrow around 3, so come by tomorrow morning and have at it."

Eddy agreed to come in the morning. "If you can help look, and we find it, I'll give you a reward." Eric and I agreed to help after we'd cleaned the place. Eddy Seemed pleased, "Well I've taken enough of your time guys, enjoy the rest of your break and I'll see you tomorrow. Stay cool, Ice Man," and he walked off.

I quickly briefed Eric on what had happened. Eric listened intently to the story, and by the time I finished it was time to go back to work. We split up and got busy working. There was a second intermission coming up and there was a ton of work to do.

I was again working in the men's room. The middle trough was again giving us water flow problems, so there I was on my knees working to adjust the flow. See you need just enough water coming in to wash the piss away, but not so much to melt the ice in minutes. Well the pluming was screwed up and the water valve would slowly open up to full force. Yes, OK, I admit it. I liked taking my time fixing it, as I was given a great show while I knelt there. So I was trying to get it right when I see Tua walk in and look around. Ne stops and looks at me, I swear I saw a slight smile on his lips. He then leaves and sure as shit in walked Eddy. He walked right up to where I was kneeling, face the trough and again hooked his shorts under his sac.

"Hiya handsome, what's a nice guy like you doing on his knees in a piss joint like this?" He then burst out laughing, I just shook my head. "Better watch out," he began, "some fuck might pee on you," and he shook his hips making his cock wiggle spraying his piss back and forth. I looked up at Eddy, who was less than a foot from me.

"Better pissed on than pissed off," I smiled.

Eddy laughed; "Oh yeah, well watch out because dreams can come true," then breaking into song: "they can happen to you, if you kneel by the pisser." We both laughed at that.

"Well," I said looking at his cock, "It wouldn't be the first time, and sure won't be the last. I've been pissed on and at. I've had to drag passed out guys out of the stalls. Cleaned up puke, been puked on. Hell I've even had to help a few guys zip up they were so drunk." Eddy looked at me in amazement at the last comment.

"Really? You actually had to reach down and literally zip them up? That's just stupid, to be that drunk." I stood and moved to put my tools away. "Hey Ice Man, can you help me zip this up," he said turning to face me, his cock and sac still fully exposed. "Oh wait, I don't have a zipper," and he started to laugh slowly putting his cock away. He came over to me and put his arm around me again. "I really like you Ice Man, you are too cool." We walked out together, his arm still around my neck. He began asking me questions about my van as we walked over to it, and I agreed to show it to him.

He was checking it all out, the bed the sound system, how I'd decorated it, the art work covering the outside and seemed impressed. He was sitting in the driver's seat and I was in the passenger seat when I noticed the blunt I'd smoked before break on the center console.

"Ah, what's this," picking up the half smoked blunt, and sniffing it. "I thought that's what I smelled earlier on you. HA HA, Ice Man tokes the herbage, very cool." He set it back down and looked at me. "Relax handsome, I'm not a narc, so chill." He reached over and lightly patted and rubbed my abs again. I told him I had to get back to work, and we parted company. I didn't see him again that night, and I tried not to think about him too much.

As Eric and I were getting ready to leave, we found an envelope under the driver's side wiper. I took it and could see someone had written on it.

"Ice man, you are too cool. Glad we met."

I opened the envelope and inside was a really big joint, very nicely rolled. I showed it to Eric who ran it under his nose smelling it. Rolling his eyes, he moaned that this shit was Primo. "Let's smoke it now." We agreed to wait and smoke it with Josh, and beat a hasty retreat to the house.

After a nice welcome home make out with Josh, Eric and I filled him in on what had happened; showing him the Joint Eddy had left. Josh and I reclined on the bed and Eric, sat on the side. We took turns hitting the blunt, savoring the sweet smoke. Eric went off to see Dad leaving me and Josh alone. I can't what happened, but this shit was laced or something. I couldn't move. Talking took almost all my energy. Josh was the same way. It was trippy, my mind was flying, thoughts were zooming in and out, oh and my cock was so fucking hard it hurt. I remember watching it throbbing in my shorts. I could see Josh's doing the same. I don't know when, but eventually I passed out. I don't remember my dreams, but can tell you they were a trip.

I woke to Josh's sweet lips on mine. I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me. My cock was soft, but seemed wet. I reached inside my shorts. "Yeah me too," Josh said, "I woke up and I was drenched in cum." He was right; pulling my hand out, it was soaked. I felt the rest of me, and realized I felt fine, almost like I'd slept a week. I sat up and looked at Josh. "I know babe, I fell awesome too." I did, I felt awesome. "Hey, I have to run or I'll be late," Josh kissed me again and left me there to wonder.

I grabbed a shower and threw on some shorts like the ones I wore the night before. Slipped into my timbies and headed for the kitchen. Dad and Eric were talking when I came in.

"Hey bud, um," and he shot me a glance. I knew what he meant and nodded. Dad just looked at us and shook his head.

"One of these days, I just might have to try smoking that crap."

Grabbing a cup of coffee, Eric and I headed out the door to work. Not much was said while we drove. We mainly would just look at each other and smile. Our happy mood was shot down as we drove through the main gate. It was a sea of garbage that met us, twice as bad as the night before. I drove over and parked the van. We got out and surveyed the land. Adjusting my shades, I took my t shirt from my back pocket and tossed it in the van. This was going to be a long, hot day. It was just after 8 am and already it was 85 degrees.

Eric and I got right to it. And by 10:30 we had everything blown to the front. We were soaked with sweat and decided to take a break, maybe hose off. While we were resting, Eric announced he needed to piss. Not missing my cue, I knelt at his feet and opened my mouth. Eric opened his shorts and hauled out his ripe cock. He let loose with a hot stinking stream, splashing it on my face, before finally hitting my mouth. We did the open mouth piss for a bit, than I leaned in and closed my mouth over his screaming hot cock. His scent was making my head spin, and the taste on his cock was delicious. I pulled on his soft shaft, retracting his foreskin. I went instantly hard when I tasted his cheese. As he pissed, I used my tongue to clean his cock. As my tongue swirled around his rim, Eric reached out and grabbed my head.

"Whoa there, I don't want a blow job, just need to piss." I stopped what I was doing and just drank his nectar.

Just as he finished pissing, we heard a horn blowing and someone yelling "hello?"

I swallowed the last bit and stood up. I looked over to the ticket booth and could see Eddy waving his arms. Leaving Eric at the van, I walked over to the booth to let Eddy in.

As I approached the gate, I saw Eddy standing by the passenger door, Tua at the wheel. "ICE MAN, how the hell are you?" He asked, stepping away from the car and moving to the gate. "Damn, you look hot! HA HA, in a temperature kind of way."

I smirked at him, "Yeah? Well from what I've seen, you are hot."

"OH, oh, listen to you, handsome. Just remember, no zipper."

I looked at him with a smile on face. "That's good, less work."

Eddy began to laugh, "OH he's a teaser."

Again I just smiled, "Remember that next time you piss in front of me," and I winked. I opened the gate, and Eddy came up and gave me a big hug.

"That's why like you so much handsome. Such a big tease and man just love the trash talk. No one I know makes me laugh like you do." He stood with his arm around my shoulder, "everyone seems scared of me, but you, Ice Man, not you. You speak your mind, I like that. Now look at this!" He stepped back and waved his hand at my near nakedness. "Now I get to see more of what you only teased with last night." He bent over laughing, coming back up and again putting his arm around me. "Ice Man, you are too cool. Come on handsome let's go." I let Tua drive in and told him to park by the van. Tua nodded, oh did I see another small smile, as he drove off? I locked the gate, the whole time Eddy by my side.

As we walked back to the van, he asked me if I got his message. I told him I had and questioned him as to what it was laced with. He assured me nothing bad was in it. He had just scraped some crystals from a plant he had and sprinkled them in the mix. Back at the van I explained that Eric and I had a bit more work to do, and then we could help him look. We set him up at the dumpster and then went to finish.

After bagging all the garbage, we headed up to do the bathrooms. Eddy and Tua were busy digging through the garbage. I stopped by the hose and rinsed off, and being the tease Eddy says I am, I made sure to get seen by him, and was pleased to see he was checking me out. I grabbed a towel and after drying, headed into the men's room to clean it up.

It didn't take long for Eddy to find his way there. I was swabbing out the troughs, when he came in and walked over to where I was cleaning. I was bent over, running my swab stick on the outside and bottoms of the troughs. As he had last night, he simply tugged his shorts down and hooked them under his sac. I didn't hide the fact I was looking, and he made no motion to hide it either. We made eye contact and he wiggled his hips. In a really low sexy voice he asked, "You, want this?" I said nothing, just threw my swab across the room, knelt beside him, and opened my mouth.

"Fuck Ice Man, you are a beast. Let me finish.."

"No, now," I demanded. Eddy stopped pissing and turned to face me. I gobbled his cock down my throat. Eddy clutched at my shoulders for support, as he drained his bladder. He was hard before he finished, and his cock was about 6 inches hard, a nice size, easy to work with. I was about to work my magic to make him cum quick, but he suddenly grabbed my head, shoved his cock in as far as he could, and started pumping his hot load down my throat.

"God dam, Ice Man, Oh fuck yeah." His hands grabbed at my head as he pumped his cock in and out of my mouth, draining his balls. I was finishing up by licking his softening cock when Tua walked in. He showed no emotion, just looked at Eddy and then me on my knees licking Eddy's cock. This time I know I saw him smile.

"Come see. I find something," his heavy Samoan accent, thick and slow.

"Yeah, Ok Be right there big man," Eddy croaked, his knees shaking, his hands grabbing my shoulder, and clutching my head. I cleaned his cock, and tucked it back in his pants. I stood, holding him by the waist. He looked so fragile, so weak.

He chuckled, looking into my eyes. "You are such a player, aren't you?" He looked deep into my eyes and lifting a hand to my chest, "thank you, handsome." We walked out together and over to where Tua was standing by an open trash bag.

Tua pointed at some trash he'd piled up to the side. Eddy went and looked through it. "This is it," he said, and began tearing through the piled trash. "Where is it? GOD DAM IT, WHERE the FUCK IS IT?" he screamed, trash flying everywhere. He seemed possessed, crazy. He was sweating. After he'd torn through the open bag, he glared at Tua, "let's go." He walked up to me, lay his hand on my chest, raised his head to look at me, "I'm very sorry you needed to see that, that outburst." He snapped his fingers and Tua stepped up and placed an envelope in his hand. He handed me the envelope in my hand. "When you smoke this, just one or two hits, OK? Thank you again. I'll be seeing you." His hand stroked my face and he winked.

Tua and Eddy, then sped off, tires screeching as they left. Eric walked up, "What was all that about?"

I shrugged, and put my arm around my buddies shoulder. "I have no fucking clue."

There you have it, Part 16. Hope you enjoyed it, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write.

Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 17

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