Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Jan 25, 2012


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Drive in Pisser part 15

The hot July sun beat down upon my shirtless body, as I worked the pile of trash before me down towards the front of the drive in. My blower whining at full throttle, blowing the hot air in front of me, was whipping the garbage into little tornados of dust and trash. Sweat oozed from every pore of my skin, leaving me slick with sweat. Looking to my left, I could see Eric, similarly dressed as I was; work boots, cut off jean shorts, bandana tied around his head, sunglasses shading our eyes from the bright sun, sweat gleaming off his young body, he worked as I did, moving the vast amount of left over trash in front of him. Fuck this place is a mess, I screamed in my head. It was, by far the worst I'd ever seen it. Every row, every space had a pli, of trash at the speaker posts. Half eaten hot dogs and pizza lay cooking on the scorching pavement. Mounds of popcorn littered the ground like snow. Cans and bottles of beers and soda, half empty cups of over-priced soda tipped and spilled there stale liquid in hot rivers, mixing with the dust making stagnant mud puddles, which were soon dispersed as we swept out blowers back and forth.

I continued forward, slowly, until I came upon a slightly crumpled brown paper bag that didn't move as it should have. I hit it full force with the nozzle of my blower and it barely moved. My curiosity piqued, I slowed my blower and moved to kick the bag with my foot. Lessons learned in the past, you never just bend over and fiddle with the garbage. Too many times Eric and I had been stung by bees and wasps who were feasting on the contents of the discarded trash. My foot moved the bag slightly, it seemed heavy. With no sign of bees or other stinging insects, I lay my blower down and squatted to do a closer inspection. With just my thumb and fore finger, I pinched the bottom of the bag, shaking it gently, moving the contents closer to the opening. Between Eric and myself, we'd found all manner of things left by the movie goers. I mean it; you'd be shocked by what people left us as tips, as we called it. We have found anything, and everything; from the cool and interesting; to the gross and disturbing; Wallets and jewelry, which we turn in to see if they are claimed. Lose money and coins, which on a good day could amount to twenty to thirty bucks; all manner of sex toys, pocket pussies, vibrators and dildos to handcuffs; and drugs, lots of drugs. Pot, hash, coke & acid were among our more common finds, as well as the paraphernalia used to ingest the drugs. So I wasn't too surprised to see a nice pot pipe roll out of the bag onto the pavement. Shaking a bit harder, a plastic baggie began to emerge with about an eight of pot inside. This baggie was followed by another, and another. I stopped shacking the bag, and reached to pull the baggies free; three, four, five, six. I set these to the side, and shook the paper bag, dumping the contents onto the ground. Eight more baggies with varying amounts of pot spilled onto the ground and then were covered up by a large amount of cash. I looked around quickly, I guess to see if anyone else had seen. I quickly stuffed everything back into the paper bag and crunched it into as small a wad as possible. I stood up and looked around again, no one. Well no one by Eric, who was oblivious to everything but his work and his Walkman. I forced the bag into my back pocket and quickly got back to work, nervously looking to see if anyone was watching. Looking back, I realize just how paranoid I was. I mean the drive in was surrounded on all sides by a wooded area and was fenced off. Both the front entrance and the exit were gated and locked, so no one could see me. However, Eric and I had, as we always did, smoked a huge fatty prior to starting work, so this said, paranoia is understandable.

It took us another hour of blowing to get all the trash to the front, and another hour working with the pig to collect and bag all the trash. By this time it was about one, and both of us were filthy with dirt, grim and sweat. We headed back to the concession stand to take a break. Eric grabbed the garden hose and began to cool off under its stream. I headed into our little retreat to examine my find in more detail.

"Hey fucker, don't you want to rinse off?" Eric called out to me; "It's fucking hot and I know you stink, cuz I stink." I remained silent, as I stood under our beat up umbrella, the crunched up paper bag lying on our make-shift table.

I jumped when I felt a hand slide across the small of my back, sidestepping to see who was there. "Shit Jimmy," Eric chided me, "what the fucks up with you?"

I moved back to where I'd been standing, Eric's hand gingerly retouching my back. "Hey, are you OK?" He asked, his hand feeling its way up my back, sliding across my slick skin. "Dude, you are like so fucking hot. You're like burning up, Come here, let's get some cool water on you." Eric's hand grabbed my shoulder and began to pull me back, but I refused to move. Eric stopped pulling and moved back up beside me. It was then that I think he noticed the crumpled bag on the table. We exchanged looks, and I reached out and dumped the contents onto the table. "HO-LY SHIT," was the only thing Eric said.

In total, there were fourteen baggies of pot which varied in amount from eights to quarters to halves. Then there was the money; five hundred and forty dollars in total. There was also empty baggies and a finger scale, and let's not forget the really cool, expensive looking pipe. After sitting there looking at our "treasure", I began to investigate the baggies. I soon realized that there were several types of weed, from regular mex, red haired cense, and this really sweet smelling stuff that was covered in white hairs and was full of crystals.

I'd heard of this white haired stuff from the guy I bought from. I had never been able to buy any, as it was extremely expensive and very rare. Although one time, I was kicking it at his house, and he did let me take two hits off a joint of it with him. Phew, it was some kick ass shit. He told me that the street name was white widow; he called it "boner weed" because it always gave him a boner. I burst out laughing at this admission, telling him he was full of shit. Now I should explain a little about my "dealer". He was the friend of a friend, and this was the only way you could buy from him. At first, I found him scary, but for whatever reason, he and I had become friends, good friends. He was involved with this girl, who was an artist and they had a kid. His business was kept separate from all this, but I did know his lady and we got along fine. The buddy that hooked me up with this guy got pissed at the friendship I had developed with Frank, my "dealer". My bud told me that he'd known Frank for a long time and had never been able to get as friendly as I had with him. Frank knew I was gay, and told me he was never "threatened" by that. His lady teased him about how friendly he and I were, and even joked with us about me not needed money. "Just suck his cock, and he'll give you all you want," she use to say. Ok, so this time he let me take a couple of tokes of this white widow, and he tells me he calls it boner weed, well like I said, I was hysterical, leaning over on to him as we sat on his couch. My laughter was contagious and soon Frank was laughing just as hard as me. Then, as if to prove his point, Frank grabs my hand and shoves it onto his crotch. I yank my hand away; "Hey what the fuck are you doing," I ask him, Frank still laughing, and snorting;

"I thought you liked dick? I want you to see I ain't lying." He slide forward a bit, exposing his crotch more, then again took my wrist and put my hand on his crotch. "Relax man, it's cool, just relax. It ain't like you're hitting on me or forcing yourself. I'm letting you do it. I really WANT you to feel it. See, fuck it makes me so fucking hard." He leaned his head back but kept looking at me. He was hard; I could feel his big cock through his jeans. At first I just left my hand there, feeling the heat of his cock coming through his jeans, his cock pulsing under my touch. He held my hand there for a few minutes, while he continued to look at me. I tried to relax, but I was freaking out.

"You alright buddy?" Frank asked me in a hushed quiet, almost sexy voice. I nodded my head yes, and Frank chuckled; "Like hell you are. You surprise me Jimmy. I've seen you checking me out, looking at my bulge, licking your lips, like you wanted to drop and blow me. So now I let you feel me and you freeze, what's up with that?" He gently moved my hand over his crotch.

"I don't know," I whispered. "Ok, yeah, I have checked you out. Yeah I have thought about giving you head, especially after Lisa said what she did."

Frank laughed again; "She's a trip bud, best lady in the world, and she really digs you, but she ain't here right now. It's just you and me, so relax and take this very rare opportunity to explore." He released my wrist, and pushed his hand onto mine. "I have always respected you. I respect you now," pressing his hand again against mine; "and I will always respect you, OK?" Frank took his hand from mine and put it around my neck, pulling me against him. He rested his head against mine, his breath warmly blowing through my hair. I began to slowly rub his cock through his jeans, feeling his hardness beneath my hand, a soft moan escaping his lips. "Yeah, that feels so fucking awesome," he whispered to me. I continued to rub him as he took a huge hit of this special weed. His hands guided my head so our faces were close enough to kiss. "Here, shotgun," he softly croaked, and began to blow smoke into my mouth. As he blew, he pressed his crotch against my rubbing hand and moaned. His hands were still on the sides of my face, moving my head back and forth as we shared the smoke; my hand rubbing harder on his swollen cock. I took all the smoke I could, but he wouldn't let me pull away, keeping our lips mere millimeters from each other's. "Oh man this shit makes me so fucking horny. Lisa ain't much into foreplay, and usually wants to just fuck, fuck, fuck." His eyes never once looked away from mine, and I began to exhale a very pale smoke from my lungs. Frank opened his mouth and breathed as I continued to exhale. He opened his mouth and closed his lips around my mouth as my lungs purged into his.

Frank's hand softly caressed my head and face, my long hair slipping through his fingers as he held his mouth over mine.

When I finished exhaling, he separated us, "I wasn't trying to kiss you or shit, OK", he said chuckling. He released my head, returning it to his shoulder, his eyes looking down at my hand on his crotch. I prepared myself for him to tell me to stop, that he'd had enough, but he didn't. he just lay back enjoying what was happening. Every so often, moaning softly against my head. "You can take it out, if you want, ya know," he cooed. "I won't stop you if that's what you want to do." He reclined a bit more, causing me to slide my head from his shoulder to his chest. His hands slid down and quickly unbuttoned his jeans, opening the zipper. Raising his hips slightly, he slid his jeans and boxers down over his knees, kicking his feet his jeans flew across the floor. He relaxed back down and I found my head just above his abs, my eyes looking at a beautiful cock maybe six and a half inches long. He was cut, and his pale shaft stood out in contrast to his pick head. His bush was really hairy and shiny black. His cock stood straight up, bobbing back and forth, precum glistened on his cock head. I slid my hand up his thigh and cupped his extremely hot balls. Frank spread his legs a bit, allowing me full access to his low hangers, I fondled them in my hand. I suddenly became aware that Frank's hand was resting very near my crotch, and this caused my cock to throb. I could feel it pressing against his little finger as it did, and to my surprise, he slide his hand over my crotch and he began to gently squeeze my cock through my jeans. I was in heaven, and began to think about how sweet his cock looked, and how much I really wanted to suck it. Almost as if he read my thoughts, I felt his lips press against the top of my head. "Go for it, bud. I know you want to," his hot breath bathing my head in passionate heat. "Ain't no one sucked my cock EVER, so if you want to be the first, by all means do it."

I lowered my head and began to lick his shaft. His quick intake of breath telling me he was enjoying it. I licked his entire shaft, saving the head for last. His precum was so sweet I had a hard time keeping myself from just devouring his whole cock. "Oh fucking god that feels so good. Fuck, don't you dare stop," his hand working to get into my jeans. I kept licking his cock while he worked to get my cock out. When his fingers finally wrapped around my shaft, I swallowed his cock completely. Frank groaned like an animal, thrusting his hips up, trying to get his cock deeper, his hand gripping my cock hard, stroking it up and down. His balls drew up tight and I knew he was going to cum soon. Not wanting that to happen, I pulled off his cock and moved away from him.

"What the, where are you going," he complained. I remained silent, moving back over and raising his t shirt up, exposing his chest. I leaned in and took his right nipple in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around his erect nipple and bit it gently.

"AW God," he groaned.

I felt for his hand and taking it, I pulled him up, leading him towards the bedroom. At the door, he stopped and grabbed me from behind, his lips pressing to my neck. "If we go in here, I can't promise to remain a gentleman," he said in between lite kisses. I turned to face him, his arms still holding me firm, our cocks now pressed together.

"I know. All I want is for nothing to change between us. I just want us to still be friends." I paused, looking at him. "If you think you won't be able to do that, say so now, and we'll go back." Frank's hips pressed into mine;

"Nothing is going to change. I promise."

I turned again and led him into the room, frank stopping us beside the bed. He spun me around, a strange look on his face. "I ain't never done nothing like this before, never really ever thought about it. Then I met you, and we became friend and I found out you were Queer. Ah shit, sorry, I didn't..." I put a finger to his lips and smiled;

"It's fine; just say what's on your mind."

"Well, at first, when I knew about you, I didn't know what to think. I guess I was worried you might try and like rape me or something. So I figured maybe we couldn't be friends. So as I was thinking this, I didn't really want to lose you as a friend. So I talked to Lisa about it; she'd met you and like I said liked you. So I lay it all out for her, my thoughts my fears, everything. She told me, to take it one day at a time and see where it goes. If you did something that made me feel uncomfortable, to tell you. I took her advice and just let it flow. Then I caught you checking me out. I was shocked, not because you did it, but because it didn't freak me out. I found myself actually wanting you to check me out. I still never thought about doing anything, until today. I don't know why, but today just seemed right. I don't know what's going to happen, or how far I can go. I can't say anything like this will ever happen again either. I do know that no matter what, you are my friend, my bud, and that will not change no matter what."

I smiled at him; "That's all I want. You control what happens today, and if it ever happens again. I am not the type that forces anyone to do anything. Hey if it works out that every time I come over, you want me to blow you and never touch me, I'm cool with that. If in ten minutes you tell me to stop, and don't want to ever do it again, I'm fine with that too." I wanted to say more, to relax him, but he hugged me tight.

Stepping back a step, Frank began to remove my clothes. He slid my shirt off, and then began feeling my chest. He leaned over and began to kiss my shoulders and worked his way down my chest and abs. Kneeling in front of me he began by taking off my sandals, and caressing my feet. He then came up and finished opening my pants, helping me step out of them. He caressed my legs, working his way up, finally coming to my cock. He stared at it for a long while, holding it in his hands.

"I don't think I can bud, I'm sorry," his voice sounding dejected. I assured him it was fine and helped him stand. I moved him to lie on the bed, and crawled up between his legs. I began to lick and suckle his balls, his moans directing me as I continued. He began pulling at me, showing me he wanted me to lie beside him. I did as he wanted, and went to work sucking his cock. His hands went right to my cock and began a slow soft stroking as I sucked. His cock was sliding in and out of my mouth, as I worked his balls with my hand.

"Oh shit, I can't hold back, I'm gonna cum," he groaned, his hand now working my cock hard and fast. I began to suck harder, working mostly on his head.

"FUCK BABY, I'm gonna CUM," and with a final grunt, his cock exploded in my mouth. He wasn't a shooter, his cum flowed from his cock in thick rivers, filling my mouth, which I greedily swallowed. I don't know how many 'shots' he did, but I felt his cock throb at least eleven times. I kept sucking him, even after his cum stopped flowing. I loved his cock, I was in heaven. This brought me to the edge and as his hand continued to stroke me hard, I also came, my cum blasting out of my cock, flying everywhere.

I ended up sucking him twice more that day, and during the last time, he did try to suck my cock, but again said he just couldn't. Our little 'meetings' continued, and he actually did give me pot when I left, but never the white widow. I learned about a month after that first time that he told Lisa about what happened. He said she was cool with it, and didn't seem to care, saying she'd rather it happen with me, a friend, than with some bitch just looking for a hand out. I'll tell you about the first time I saw Lisa after me and Frank had messed around, in another chapter if anyone wants.

So Eric and I sat there for a bit, just looking at my find. We agreed that some dealer might have dumped it by mistake. We also agreed to be vigilant and watch each other's backs. We stuffed everything back into the back and I hid it in the van. Still having work to finish we headed off to clean out the bathrooms and dump all the garbage. Eric had family stuff to do, and as soon as he was finished he split for home. I kicked it for a bit, smoked a joint I'd rolled earlier, and just lay back enjoying the hot sun as it dried my body after I'd hosed down.

I still had several hours before Josh would be home, when I decided to leave the drive in, so I headed out to Pawtuckaway park for a dip in the lake. Being midweek, there were not a lot of people there, mostly older guys and a few families. I hit the joint a few more times before heading to the shower room. I figured I'd check out if anyone was cruising, before I swam. I paid for my little locker and left my shades and boots there. Slinging my towel over my shoulder, I walked through the changing room and shower area. Not too much going on, a few older guys were on the prowl. I knew I caught their attention as I sauntered through. The lake water was cool and refreshing, as I mainly just washed myself of a day's work. the summer sun had darkened my skin to a nice light brown, which offset my dirty blond hair and blue eyes. Heading back into the changing room, I found that only one guy was showering in the large open shower area. He was older, maybe mid to late forties, had a nice body and was hairy as fuck. His cock swung lazily before him as he washed. I stepped up and took the nozzle two down from him. Hanging my towel on a hook I adjusted the water and pretending not to notice him, I slowly stripped off my shorts, bending to expose my ass to his eyes. I could see him watching me, and lingered to make sure he saw all he wanted too. I stood up and got under the spray, letting the hot water run off me. I turned to face my companion, and found him looking at me. We exchanged greeting nods, and both of us allowed our eyes to wander over the other. We engaged in idle chit chat as we washed. Being the evil boy I was, I took my time soaping my cock and balls. Using long slow strokes with my soapy hands, I pulled at my cock, and then stroked back, pulling my skin fully back exposing my head. My new friend had giving up on taking quick peeks and was just staring. I turned to face him and lathered my hair, then stood under the water to rinse. When I opened my eyes, I noticed that my companion had relocated to the shower head next to me. Our bodies touched from time to time as we continued to linger under the water, our conversation moving from topic to topic, and touching on sex here and there. Suddenly, he began to piss, a strong golden arc of fluid splashing against the floor. Taking a chance, I dropped the small community bar of soap in front of my new friend. I quickly dropped, as if to get the soap, and moved in front of my pissing bear, letting his stream hit me in the face. My bear stopped his stream almost as soon as it began to hit my face, but when he saw me licking his nectar off my lips, a smile crossed his face, his cock twitched and his stream began in force, splashing hot and hard on my face. His hand grabbed the top of my head and he aimed his stream at my mouth.

"Oh you fucking nasty pig boy, fuck yeah drink my juice." My mouth was open and as he filled it I swallowed greedily. His piss was hot and musky, and was making me hard as I drank. My eyes were darting from his cock to his face; to behind us to see if anyone was watching. As his stream lessened, I leaned in and sucked the head of his cock into my mouth. "Oh yeah my sexy piggy, suck daddies cock. Suck his seed out from his balls." He then moved both hands to my head and began to roughly fuck my mouth. He was soon thrusting his entire seven inches down my throat. I reached up and began working his sack, quickening the time until he would cum.

My bear was grunting and groaning loudly as he continued to fuck my mouth, his hands like a vise around my head. I soon noticed we had attracted an audience of one. An "old troll" had moved up and was standing under a shower against the wall, about 4 feet from us. His body was covered with white hair and he was busy stroking his cock. I turned my attention back to my bear, working my magic to make him cum.

"OH fuck," groaned my bear, as his cock throbbed and his cum shot out and down my throat. I swallowed all he had to offer, loving the salty flavor. When he came down from his high, he roughly pushed me off his cock, down to the floor. "Good piggy. I'm outta here," pointing a beefy finger at me, he ordered, "I'm here every Wednesday at this time. I better see you here next week." With that he left me on the floor, and exited the room. Happily I stood and got under my shower, my back to the wall; closed my eyes and reveled in what had just happened. As the water cascaded over my body, I felt something warm encompass my cock. Looking down, I saw the troll, kneeling at my feet, feverously sucking my young cock. Sudden detest for this man turned into lust. He released my cock from his mouth and looked up at me, his striking hazel piercing into my soul.

"I just have to suck your beautiful cock," and he started sucking me once again. He was good! His mouth was velvet on my cock, by far the vest head I'd ever gotten. Again he stopped and looked at me.

"Want it fast of slow."

"It doesn't matter, I'm ready now." He took my cock into his mouth, pulled back the skin and sucked just my head, bringing me over the top right then. My load shot out so hard and fast, it almost hurt. I must have blasted 9 shots into his mouth, and he drank all I gave. I watched him drink my cum, saw his cheeks pulsing with each swallow. Below, I saw his cock begin to shoot his own cum between my feet.

When we'd finished, I helped him stand, and gave him a hug. Stepping back, I used a finger to wipe a last drool of his cum from his cock and sucked it off my finger. I followed him out into the dressing room, and we chatted as we dressed. Together we walked out to the parking lot. He was parked fairly close to me, and we stood and talked near his car.

"Thank you for letting this old man get off while sucking your cock. Not many young guys like you would let an old fart like me blow them."

"Oh man it was awesome. I really enjoyed it, thank you." Looking around, he stepped closer and whispered to me:

"Do you, um, smoke refer?" I just smiled at him an ear to ear grin. Then motioning to me he led me to the passenger side of his car. Opening it, he opened the glove box and pulled out a wooden box. Opening it he showed me a nice stash of pot. "Would you consider toking it up with me?" I nodded, and he motioned for me to get in. I hesitated as my shorts were still really wet, and the seats looked like real leather. His car by the way was huge, a Lincoln Town car, and it was mint. Seeing my hesitation, he just pushed me into the front seat. "Just get in stud." He then ran around and climbed into the driver's seat. We lit up and smoked a big fatty. Good shit, I was pretty stoned about half way through.

"I hope you don't think me too forward, but what would I have to do to get your young cock into my mouth again? Just name your price stud, whatever it is to me is very worth it." I used the controls to recline my seat and stretch out, loving the feeling of the cool leather against my half naked body.

"Come on stud, name it; cash, I got tons. Drugs, I got pot, coke, acid, pills. Want to go on a trip? I have a bungalow in the Caymans. I'll fly us there, let do what you want, as long as I can tote you as my boy and get to sex you up whenever I want. I mean it, you just name it."

I was stunned by all this. I mean it was tempting, but weird in the same time.

"Ok, I'm sorry, I am being pushy, my character flaw. How about this," and he turned and grabbed something form his door. Turning back, he slid a business card under the waistband of my shorts. Then as he laid his hand on my exposed crotch, he said, "just think about it, OK?"

"I will," I said smiling at him. "I really will." I stretched out a bit more, and took another toke of his sweet weed. He began to remove his hand from my crotch, but I stopped him, moving his hand back. He smiled a cute smile.

"You'll never know how much you've made my day," he said giving my cock a slight squeeze. I handed him the joint, watching him purse his lips as he drew in smoke for it. We sat in silence a few minutes, his hand remaining on my crotch.

"I could sit here with you until I died," he began. "Yet time marches on and I have somewhere to be. So regretfully I must get going."

I repositioned my seat and began to ready myself to leave. After making me promise I'd think about it, I got out and moved around to the driver's side. We shook hands and he took the opportunity to feel me up one last time. I stood and watched him drive off, then got in my van and headed home.

About half way there I finally looked at the card the old guy slipped into my shorts. Just a name and a number were embossed in gold letters. It was plain, simple and to the point, much like he was. Arriving at the house, I saw just my dad's truck, and secretly was happy. I gathered up my stuff and my new treasure and headed in side.

Dropping my treasure in my room I kicked off my flip flops and headed to the laundry room. I stripped naked and tossed my dirties in the washer. Heading out into the house, I found my dad in the kitchen, talking on the phone

. Not wanting to bother him, I headed back to my room. As I passed him, he reached out and hugged me close, giving me a kiss on the cheek; which he then followed with a slap on my ass. Back in my room, I flopped on my bed, spread eagle, drifting off to sleep.

There you have it, Part 15. Hope you enjoyed it, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write.

Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 16

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