Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Jan 7, 2012


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Drive in Pisser part 14

I don't know how long I slept, but when josh shook me awake, it was still really dark out. We were a sticky, sweaty heap, and it took both me and Josh to peel Robbie off of us. "Come on baby, we have to get going, I have to get back for work." Josh whispered, tossing me my shorts. I dressed, and while Josh went to piss, I woke Robbie to let him know we were leaving. Robbie was disappointed, but in the end understood. We swapped numbers and I gave him my address. We all shared a sweet hug and Robbie gave both of us a kiss. We left him standing, naked, on the landing by his apartment door.

Josh and I hopped into the van and josh drove like a mad man, getting us to home in record time. We didn't talk much during the drive, but the times our eyes met, words were not needed. We walked in to the house about 3:30 am, and found dad and Eric, naked and curled up on the couch. The house smelled of man sex, so we knew they'd had fun. Josh and I hit the shower together, and then collapsed in the bed. I drifted off to sleep firmly encircled in Josh's arms, our bodies pressed together, Josh's hot breath on my neck.

When I woke, I was alone. I do not remember Josh leaving, but he had. The sun was warm and shining through my window. I sat up, and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed my pipe and took a few hits, just to get my day going. It was only after I put in my contacts that I saw the note on the night stand. I opened it and read; "You are the best thing to ever happen to me. Love, Josh."

I paused looking at the note, nothing really on my mind except Josh, I missed him already. I left my room and headed out to the kitchen, not bothering to get dressed. In the kitchen the coffee was already made, and I found my dad sitting at the table reading the paper. I rounded the bar, and noticed he too was naked; my cock began to swell at the sight.

"Morning Jimbo." He spoke, still nose deep in the news.

"MMM, morning dad," I groaned, sipping my coffee. I sat at the table and took up the sports section. I was deep into reading how the Red Sox were doing and didn't notice my dad getting up and refilling his coffee. He came to stand next to me; "Did you see the story about the Sox?" He leaned in and pointed to a section of the paper. I quickly read the story and we started a conversation about the players. I lowered the paper, and found my dad's cock close to my head. I don't know what came over me, but before I knew what was happening, the paper was down, and my hands were on his now hardening cock, pulling it towards my mouth. His hand caressed my head lovingly as I took his cock into my mouth. I watched his reaction, as he gave himself to me. As I closed my mouth and began sucking his cock, he closed his eyes and tilted his head back. "Oh fuck that's nice; yeah take your dad's cock. Oh God son, suck my cock." His words were soft and loving, his hands gentile, his cock rock hard. I manipulated his penis in my mouth, running my tongue around the head, sliding my lips down his veiny shaft, tugging on his sack with both my hands. His hips began a slow rhythmic rocking motion, gliding his cock in and out of my mouth. "Oh fuck don't stop, make me cum Jimbo. Eat the seed that created you." Again his words mere whispers above me. I turned in my chair, so I was now facing him. His hips began a faster, more aggressive thrusting now. I could tell he was getting close to cuming, and I wanted it to last longer than it might. I stopped sucking and slowly withdrew his cock. I stood and took his hand, leading him to my room. I lay on my bed and motioned him to join me. Dad climbed on the bed and knelt by my head. I again took his cock and began sucking. His fingers found my erect nipples and he began twisting and pulling on them, making my cock throb. His fingers began to trace over the silver necklace Josh had given to me. "Hmm," dad said softly. "Seems like Josh managed to find his balls and ask you an important question. I see from this," he lifted the chain, "you gave him the answer he was hoping for?" with his cock deep in my throat, all I could manage was a moan. "Josh is a good egg bud, I'm glad you guys met." Dad's hand ruffled my hair, and stroked my cheek. He was silent after that, and seemed to really be enjoying my mouth. I closed my eyes and reveled in the thought that this was my dad's cock I was sucking.

I soon felt warmth surrounding my cock, and realized my dad was now sucking on my cock. I lost all control and began shooting my cum into his mouth. Mt hips bucking wildly, thrusting my cock into dad's mouth. As I came, I felt his cock become harder and soon he too was cuming. When we were finished, he rolled off me and lay beside me. He asked how Josh had asked me, and I told him about our night; leaving out the part about hooking up with Robbie for now.

I then asked how his night was, and said it must have been good, explaining how we found them when we got home. Dad told me about their night, but left out most of the details, stating that a gentleman does not kiss and tell. I pondered this statement for a few seconds and sitting up, I looked him in the eyes and said, "Oh my god, you are falling in love with him, aren't you?" My dad was quiet, and averted my gaze. "Come on, fess up, it's true." Again he was silent, and after a long pause;

"Son, Eric has given me something I lost long ago. Something I didn't even have with your mother. Your mom was not very sexual, and believed sex was for making babies. So after your sister was born, I had the snip, figuring maybe she'd give it to me a bit more. Well after the doctor said I was not producing sperm, she did. Well, until I came home and she informed me she was pregnant. It was nearly two years later before she let me fuck her again. So you see, I missed that part of life. So when Eric can along and we all played that night, well things changed for me. When Eric was so willing to be with me, well that just made it even better. So do I love him, yes, I guess so. Not like I loved your mom or you. Not how you obviously love Josh; more as a special friend." I flopped back down on the bed, and began to laugh. I broke out into the little rhyme, "Dad and Eric, sitting in a tree. K I S S I N G..." dad flipped up and began to tickle me. His assault on me only got worse when I commented about a double wedding, maybe? I swear I was ready to piss myself, but the phone rang and dad jumped up to answer it.

"Hello?" Dad said, still laughing. "Yes he's home, may I ask whose calling? OK, hand on, I'll see if he's awake." Dad covered the phone and a puzzled look came over his face. "Do you know someone named, Robbie?" His face questioning, brows furrowed.

"Yeah, um we met him last night, over in York," I said reaching for the phone. My dad pulled away from my grasping hands;

"Last night, with Josh? When were you going to tell me about this?" He handed me the phone.

"Well see dad, a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell." My dad feigned getting upset, and I jumped up and shooed him out of the room. Flopping back on my bed, I answered the call.

It was Robbie; he was just calling to again say thanks for a great time. We talked for nearly an hour, about many things, sex too. While we talked I continued to hit my pipe, which was not lost on him. I soon heard him toking on a joint on his end of the line. He told me he was off today and thought maybe we could all hook up again. I told him I would need to talk to Josh, but didn't think it'd be a problem. We made plans to call later in the day and see what happened.

By this time I was pretty much stoned, having smoked the entire conversation with Robbie. Being in this state, I don't need to tell you, I was kind of on the lazy side. I ended up taking a swim and after a lot of prodding from dad, managed to get some of my chores done. I never even got dressed, until nearly 3 in the afternoon, and then it was just a pair of shorts.

I was out cleaning the van when Josh finally called. He was getting ready to leave work and was going to stop at his house to pick up some clothes and then he'd be over. I told him that Robbie had called and wanted to hook up later. Josh was cool with that and told me to call him and see if he could come here. I hung up with Josh and called Robbie. He accepted the invite, by saying he was on his way. As soon as I hung up the phone, it rang again. It was Robbie, asking for directions. I explained how easy it was to get from his house to mine, and after I was finished, he agreed it was easy.

I got into high gear, and finished cleaning the van just as Josh pulled up. He came up to me as I was finishing using a sham on the van. After a long passionate kiss, I asked him where his clothes were. He blushed and pointed at his truck. Walking over, I looked in the back and there was a huge duffle bag there. I looked at him and just smiled. "I'll make room for it." I grabbed his bag and we headed into the house. He asked where my dad was, and I pointed to the den. I went to my room, while he went to talk to my dad. I dropped his bag and then went to find him.

As I approached, I could hear my dad speaking sternly to Josh. "I don't have a problem with it at all son, I just don't want you to move to fast and end up having a problem. What I am trying to say is, don't burn your bridges, OK?" I heard Josh say yes sir. "Oh cut the crap Josh, just call me Bob or dad." They both laughed, I entered the room. "OK, so like I said, it's fine with me, but he has the final say," dad said pointing at me.

Josh, turned and looked at me, I could tell he was nervous. "I told you last night I asked your dad if I could see you, right? So I just asked him if he would be OK with me, um, maybe staying here." My face lit up with his words. "So your dad said he was Ok with it, but that I had to ask you if it's OK."

"OK? Shit it's more than OK!" I shouted and jumped to hug him tight.

"Well, it seems like you have the masters blessing," my dad said from behind us.

Josh released me and turned to my dad. "So I guess we need to set up a rent payment or something." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. My dad thought about it for a minute;

"How's this. You give me a hundred bucks a month, and help Jim with the house and yard chores and we'll call it square, deal?" Josh looked surprised.

"Really? That's all?"

"Well, there are a lot of chores he does. House work, the lawns, takes care of the pool. So don't think you're getting off easy, bud." My dad laughed as they shook hands. Josh paid my dad the money and we headed back to my, oops, our room. After we put his clothes away, I gave him the grand tour, ending back in our room.

Josh stripped and took a shower, after which he lay on the bed with me.

It wasn't long before Eric showed up and after a brief encounter with dad, came bounding into the room. "So what's this I hear? You two fags are a couple now?" Eric threw himself on the bed on top of me and Josh. "Well I guess I am cool with that, as long as we can still play around." Eric began to wrestle us both, and soon found himself pinned to the bed, with Josh and me, grabbing him by his hands and feet and lugging him through the house, kicking and screaming. He yelled for my dad to help him, to which dad just shrugged his shoulders. We carried him through the house and out to the pool, where we sung him back and forth, then tossed him high in the air, and landing him in the water. Josh and I dove in after him and big wrestling match ensued.

We finally climbed out and lay about the deck, all of us panting. I told him about the night before, josh asking me out, and meeting Robbie. I went on to tell him about Josh moving in, and how Robbie was coming over and that we wanted him to meet him. Eric was good natured about the whole thing, except for Josh's moving in. He felt we were moving way too fast, and didn't want us to have any trouble. He expressed feelings for us both as friends, and didn't want either of us to get hurt. Dad came out to join us and asked if burgers on the grill were OK for dinner. We agreed they were, but I asked him to plan for one more. I then told him Robbie was coming over.

"I know," dad said. "While you all were goofing in the pool, he called. Said he was lost. It's OK, I gave him directions and he'll be here any time." Dad then looked at Eric, "so come on boy, you need to service your daddy before company arrives." We just looked at Eric, who dutifully got up and followed dad inside. Josh and I went to our room to dry off and change.

We were sharing a joint, catching a good buzz, when we heard, well best way can describe it is a putt - putt sound pulling into the driveway. I looked out to see a bright yellow with what looked like green primer spots, VW bug convertible pulling in, Led Zeppelin blasting from its speakers; Robbie had arrived. Taking one last hit, Josh and I headed out to meet our friend.

He was just getting out of his car, dressed in shorts, tank top and flip flops, as we walked up. Hugs and greetings were shared, and we led him into the house.

"I, ah, brought this," he whispered, deftly pulling a baggie out of his pocket. "I didn't know your dad was going to be home though." He secretly held the bag for Josh and I to quickly examine. A sound from somewhere in the house, caused him to panic and he quickly stuffed the baggie back in his pocket. "Shit," he whispered, "maybe I shouldn't have brought it in the house;" he said looking around nervously.

"Relax man, it's cool," I explained, "my dad knows we smoke, and doesn't care." Robbie's eyes were wide with surprise as he looked at me. "Come on, our rooms this way." We led him down the hall to our room, "Relax, man, chill out. It's cool." I said, picking up the fattie Josh and I had been smoking. I took a big hit, and coughing, handed it to Robbie. With hesitation, he took it from me and as he lifted it to his sweet lips, he looked at me and Josh;

"You sure it's cool?" Josh answered him by pushing the joint to his lips.

"Fucking shut up and smoke it, bitch," he said laughing. We shared the joint, each taking several really good hits.

"Come on man, let me show you around. Got a pool out back, and dad's gonna grill burgers, come on." We pulled him up and lead him out into the house. When we got to the kitchen, I asked Robbie if he had the munchies yet. When he didn't respond, I assume he was still freaking out, Josh yelled, "SHOT GUN!" I pinned Robbie's back to the counter, and pressed my crotch to his, noticing his state of arousal. I lit the fattie again and took a deep toke. Leaning forward, I slowly blew the smoke from my lungs into Robbie's mouth; leaning closer so my lips were almost touching his; Josh coming up behind me, grinding his crotch into my ass. Robbie relaxed a bit and held my face as we continued to shotgun. Our little scene abruptly interrupted when dad walked in.

"Well hello there," he spoke, "you must be Robbie. Glad you finally made it." Robbie freaked and squirmed to get away from us, straightening up, face as red as a beet, to face my dad. He tried to speak, but all that came out was a jumble of incoherent words and a lot of smoke, making him cough. Dad burst out laughing, making Robbie even more freaked. Still laughing, dad continued; "God, kid, relax. We have a pretty laid back house here. You soon see you can say and do anything you want. Wear as much or as little as you want. Hell it's strange to see these two with clothes on, now." Robbie's eyes widened as he looked at Josh and me leaning on the counter, still toking on the joint. "OK, OK," dad continued, "I don't want to scare you away, so I'll just shut up and let you guys be. Go on, get!" Dad shooed us out of the kitchen. "Go on, go do whatever. I'll start dinner; oh Eric is in the shower and will be out in a bit." With that we headed out to the pool area, Robbie still seemingly in a state of shock.

This passed quickly enough when he saw the large in-ground pool with its inviting waters, shimmering in the late afternoon sun. "Holy crap, this thing's huge," he exclaimed, wandering to the edge and testing the water. "Can we go in?" He asked, beginning to remove his tank. With one quick push, josh sent Robbie flailing into the pool. We both followed him into the water, dunking and splashing about. Eric soon came out with dad right behind him. Introductions were made, and dad began cooking. We climbed out of the water and Eric joined us around a table. Eric seemed somewhat reserved and hardly spoke to me. I choked it up to maybe being shy around the new guy and left it at that. Dad announced that dinner would be in about a half hour, so we all decided to go to my room and roll another fatty to prime our appetites.

Sitting on the bed, Robbie pulled out his baggie and proudly exclaimed; "This shit is primo weed. 100% artic white, smooth, but will knock you on your ass." We proceed to roll a huge cheech and chong sized joint, which we all marveled at. We took turns hitting it until dad called us to dinner.

After a huge dinner of burgers and potato salad, we all lounged around the pool while dad cleaned up. It we decided that we'd hit the drive in for a movie; Eric still not being very talkative, declined to come with us. OK, that's it; I'd had enough of this crap. I grabbed Eric and pulled him into the house. In the bedroom, I demanded to know what was wrong with him. His reply was a curt "nothing". I called him a liar and again asked what was wrong. I admit I was a bit rough, and actually pushed him onto the bed. Eric, shot right up and got right in my face.

"Fuck you asshole, you really want to know what's wrong? Fine, I'll tell you. YOU! That's what's wrong. You have everything, Josh, this new punk, any guy you want. I get serious with my first, and here YOU come and muscle your way in and get him too." He tried to move past me but I blocked his retreat. Admittedly I was confused, what eas he talking about.

"Who are you going on about," I asked.

"Dad," he said, spitting the word into my face. "It's not enough for you to have a great guy like Josh, and now this new faggot, where'd you pick him up, huh? So I leave this morning and as soon as I'm gone, BAM, you move in on what is MINE! Fuck you!" Phew, he was pissed! I tried to calm him down.

"Dude, Eric," I said softly, putting my hands on his shoulders. "I would never do that to you. I thought we all shared everything. We're best buds, no? You and me, fuck we share everything, never a worry. Don't go blowing a gasket over this, please. I didn't know you felt that way, dude, buddy, I am way sorry if I hurt you man." I tried to hug him, but he did not return it. Holding him to me, I began to rub his back and neck. "Eric, you are my best friend, always have been. Always will be, OK? Maybe we need to talk this out and if we have to, let's set up some rules. I don't want any of this to come between us, you mean too much to me to let that happen." I could feel his hand slowly sliding up my back, his head pressing into my bare shoulder, his breathing eased and I thought I felt him begun to cry. "Hey man, it's cool, relax, we'll work it out. Come on; tell me what's really up." We moved to sit on the bed, and I held him to me. He began to tell me that he was happy for me and Josh, and had been thinking that he had something really cool with dad. Something that was just his, like Josh is just mine. He went on to say that he'd seen Josh getting ready to leave this morning and had seen him kiss me while I was still asleep. He told me of the look on Josh's face as he looked at me. He said it was the same face he got thinking of dad. Then when he came here today; and dad had taken him to play, he felt special. While they played, dad told him about what had happened with me. He said he tried to hide it, but it made him mad for some reason. I reassured him I meant no harm, and that it was just something that happened. I told him we'd talk about this more, when he and I could be alone. Eric agreed and said he was sorry for being a little baby. I took his face in my hands and with my thumbs, wiped his tears away. I gave him a kiss on the lips and made him promise me to not let this bother him anymore. We hugged and I kissed him again; "Dude, I love ya, and don't you forget it." Eric nodded and we headed back through the house. At the door he froze, wiping his face hard.

"I can't go out there like this," he stated. Everyone will know I've been crying." I looked out and saw dad, Josh and Robbie, sitting at the table we'd eaten at. Looking at Eric, I smiled;

"You trust me," I asked him, and he nodded. "Then go with it." I scooped him up, started screaming and ran out the door running full on towards the pool. I hit the edge and with all my strength, flipped us both, head over heels into the air, landing hard in the pool. We surfaced, coughing, "Rub your eyes, no one will know," and I winked at him.

After a brief swim, we boys headed to the bedroom to change for the drive in, Eric deciding to tag along. When we had all donned fresh shorts t's or tanks and footwear, we said good bye to dad and headed to the van. We stopped for beer, and soon were parked in the last row. I parked so that the back of the van faced the screen, and we opened the doors, all lying down on the bed facing the screen. It was a tight fit, for sure, but no one complained. Eric was to my left, Josh to my right and Robbie next to Josh. Beer was flowing and so was the smoke. Eric soon whispered to me; "So how much does Robbie know about what we've done?" I told him he was cool with it all. I don't think any of us watched too much of the first movie, we were too busy talking and laughing. Beer was flowing and our supply of pot was fast disappearing.

It was an extremely hot and muggy night. The air was still and heavy and not a breeze to supply even a bit of relief. It was not long before the four of us were clad in just our shorts, having shed any other clothing into a pile on the floor of the van. It was soon decided to find relief back at the house in the pool, and we packed up and headed off. Arriving home, we made like a herd of wild animals through the house, out to the pool. Being the first to make it pool side, I ripped off my shorts and dove in. The water of the pool, although heated, was still cool and refreshing on my overheated skin. I broke the surface just in time to see Josh and Eric following my lead, striping off their shorts and hitting the water. Robbie stood there, not moving, looking nervously around. I swam over to him and climbed out. "What's wrong bud? The water's awesome. Get outta these and dive in," I told him tugging on his waist band. Robbie looked at me and then quickly to Eric and then back at the house.

"What about him and your dad?" Robbie stated quietly, looking at the ground.

"What about them," I asked. "Eric's cool, and my dad? Well he could care less. Shit bro, none of us hardly wear clothes around here, so relax." I moved in front of him, and in one fast motion, pulled his shorts to his ankles. Josh and Eric bust into cheers, and I found myself face to face with Robbie's fat prick. I looked over my shoulder at Josh and Eric, who were fast approaching, smiles wide across their faces. I then looked up at Robbie, who nervously was looking down at me. I reached around and grabbed his thighs, then looking up at him I told him to relax.

I lifted my mouth to his limp cock and using only my mouth, wrapped my lips around his covered head. I slowly began working his cock deeper into my mouth, feeling it begin to swell and harden. Josh climbed out and moved behind Robbie, and started to eat his shitter. Eric, also now out of the pool, moved to stand beside Robbie, stroking his cock.

"Yo bitch," Eric said to me, "don't forget me. I got a sack full of cum and a bladder full of piss, just for you." He looked at Robbie, "Trust me man, Jimmy here is the best cock sucker in the fucking world. Oh and his ass is so sweet and tight, shit I might bust just telling you about it."

"Yeah I already know," Robbie groaned, "and he knows how to eat an ass too."

I watched as Robbie and Eric wrapped their arms around each other's waist. I left Robbie's cock and moved to Eric's dripping member, working it deep into my mouth.

"Oh fuck that's what I'm talking about, suck my cock bitch." Eric said in his typical domineering voice. "Suck my fuck pole till I bust my nuts down your throat." Eric had begun to thrust his cock in and out of my mouth, which was making a perverted slurping sound.

Josh continued to suck on Robbie's hole, which only made Robbie's cock grow harder and ooze more precum. Eric grabbed Robbie's and pulled it to my mouth. He withdrew his and ordered me to start sucking on Robbie's. Eric then move behind me, "I can't wait, I need to fuck this hot ass right now. You just keep sucking that fat cock and let me at your pussy." Eric roughly got me up and in position for him to fuck me. I head him spit several times in his hand and soon felt him roughly finger fucking me. When he felt as though I was loose, he put his cock against my hole and with a mighty shove, thrust nearly half his cock deep in my hole, shoving my mouth completely down on Robbie's cock. Eric was more dominant than ever, and made quite a show of fucking me. His hands slapped my ass, and pawed at my cheeks, all while his cock plowed my ass. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining one bit.

I continued to suck Robbie as Eric fucked me, letting Eric's thrusts force the cock in my mouth deep. I was surprised when Eric called out that he was cuming, as he'd never been so quick to cum before. He buried his cock deep inside and unloaded a huge amount in my ass. When he was done, he pulled out slowly and then slapped my ass hard, "Close that hole boy, I want my cum to lube any other cock that might want to fuck you. OK fuckers let's move this little party inside." Eric demanded, and pointed to the door. We quickly obeyed, and headed inside to the bedroom. Robbie seemed to have calmed down a bit and appeared more relaxed. In the room, Eric took command and told us just what we'd be doing. I was told to get on the bed on my knees, and Josh was told to lay beneath me, in a sixty nine style so as he sucked my cock, He could watch Robbie's cock fuck me. We did as told, and as Josh and I began sucking each other, Eric commanded Robbie to fuck me.

Robbie was as gentile as he'd been the night before, and after a few minutes I opened up to accept his large cock. Eric knelt before me and grabbing my hair, pulled me off Josh's cock and told me to drink his piss. I could taste my ass on his cock, and his piss was hot and strong. I gobbled it down and drank all he had to offer. When he'd finished, he move off the bed and told Robbie to let Josh, take my hole. We all switched. I flipped to my side, and Josh slid up behind me. Lifting my leg, he easily slid his whole length into my very loose hole. Robbie knelt by my head and began to fuck his cock in my mouth. Again, the taste of my ass on his cock drove me insane.

Eric, spit on my cock and began to jack me off. I thought I was in heaven until I felt something warm on my cock and looked to see Eric sucking me off. I was so close to shooting, I fought hard to hold off, I wanted this to last forever.

A tap on my cheek, made me open my eyes. Robbie was gesturing with his eyes to the door. I looked as best I could, and caught a glimpse of dad spying on us. That did it, my ass tightened up, I sucked Robbie's cock harder and my balls let go of the cum they held. I was bucking wildly between my guys. Eric drank my load, sucking on my cock as hard as he could. Josh began kissing my neck, pulling me tight against him. Robbie spread his knees and leaned over me as he fucked my mouth hard and deep.

Eric, pulled off my cock and began to jerk his cock, groaning he was gonna shoot again. He aimed his cock at Josh's and came all over josh's cock as it fucked me. This must have been too much for Josh, and he also began to cum, shooting his seed into my ass. Josh fell back and Robbie took position kneeling over my chest fucking his cock into my mouth. With a deep groan, he shot a huge load into my mouth, and kept sliding his cock in and out until he began to soften.

We all fell onto the bed in a heap, exhausted. Josh was the first to move, saying he needed to piss. I got up with him, and as he stood beside the bed, I knelt so I could take his golden nectar. When everyone else stated they also needed to go, we moved into the bathroom and as I knelt in the tub, my boys, took turns feeding me their hot fluid and pissing all over me. God did it feel great!

We all headed out to the pool for a quick cool off dip, and then headed back to the bedroom to regain our high. Eric made a lame comment about having to get home, and would see us all tomorrow. He grabbed his stuff and left the room.

Josh, Robbie and I crashed on the bed and with just the lights from the stereo to light the room, toked on a joint, and just enjoyed the feeling of our naked bodies against one another.

It wasn't long before the sounds of someone getting fucked, entered the room. Robbie had a look of confusion on his face upon hearing this. He looked at me, questions racing through his mind. He sat up and was about to say something, when Eric's voice could clearly be heard; "OH shit daddy, fuck me harder!" I sat up and hugged Robbie,

"I don't get it," he whispered.

I kissed his neck and said, "I told you dad was cool."

There you have it, Part 14. Hope you enjoyed it, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write. Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 15

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