Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Jan 5, 2012


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Drive in Pisser part 13

It was Monday night and Eric and I were off for the next two days. Eric was lounging naked on my bed, relaxing after the hot sex he, Josh and I had just shared. Josh was still talking to my dad, about what I have no idea, and I was just bopping around my room straightening up. Now I am not anal or anything, and my room often has that teenaged messy look to it, but one thing I can't stand is clothes lying all over the place. Eric had become engrossed in the latest edition of Custom Van magazine, and was oblivious to anything else. I gathered up an arm load of dirty clothes and headed off to the laundry room. I was busy sorting through a mixture of Josh, Eric's and my clothes when I heard a conversation taking place in the kitchen. I strained to hear what was being said, but the sounds of the washer filling made that nearly impossible. I nearly screamed when Eric slammed the magazine on the dryer, ordering me to check out this awesome van. "Hey, check it out; this bitch has a water bed in it." Eric exclaimed, pointing to a picture. "Oh you need to put one of these in your van man, it'd be so cool!" He used his naked hips to nudge me when I didn't respond right away. "Hey bitch, I'm talking to you."

I turned to him, "Shh, Dad and Josh are in the kitchen talking and I want to hear what they're saying." I turned back to realize the conversation had ended and no one was in the kitchen. With Eric demanding my attention, I continued to sort clothes, still wondering what the secret talk was about, but put my mind to Eric, who was now thrusting his crotch into my hip.

My van was my pride and joy, and I had spent countless hours and any spare cash I had to make it custom. Eric had been a big help when it came to working on the van, and was always looking for ways to make it more "pimped" as he called it. Most of his ideas were over the top, and not what I envisioned, but was always willing to give up free time to help me create my dream. We were busy discussing his waterbed idea, when dad appeared and slapped Eric's ass sharply, causing him to thrust his crotch into me again.

"Hey boy, daddy needs some attention." Dad announced sternly. Eric's cock swelled noticeably, and he turned embracing my dad and began kissing him. The kiss was brief, and my dad began pulling Eric out of the room. "Come on son, daddy needs your young cock." Eric shot me a quick glance and then was pulled away. I headed back to my room to find Josh, beer in hand, sitting on my bed.

"Hey there sexy," he said smiling. "I was thinking, since you're off tonight, and since it looks like Eric will be, well, tied up, that we'd head out for some alone time." He stood and walked to me, wrapping his muscular arms loosely around me, the cold beer sending shocks of cold up and down my back. His cock pressed against mine, his eyes looking deeply into mine. "I just want to have you all to myself tonight. Don't get me wrong, Eric is really cool, but, well, I just want it to be you and me tonight. That ok?" I nodded my approval, as no words came to my lips. "Sweet," Josh whispered, "I have it all planned out," his hand gently stroking my hair. "Let's get some clothes on and blow this pop stand."

We quickly dressed and went to tell dad we were leaving. Dad and Eric were too deeply involved in a hot sixty nine on the couch to even hear me say we were leaving, so we just left.

After picking up some burgers and beer, Josh drove us in the van to the coast, arriving at Cape Neddick light just as light was fading. We headed out onto the rocks, finding a secluded cove to spread a blanket and quickly devoured the burgers. The surf crashed below us, and the light house's strong beacon alternately bathed us in it beam. We didn't say too much, just lay against each other enjoying the scene. The warm salty breeze began to have an aphrodisiac effect on me and I turned seeking out Josh's lips with mine. Finding their mark, our kissing became passionate. I lay atop of Josh, our hands exploring each other's bodies. Soon leading us to nearly rip the other's clothing off, and soon were both naked. I broke the kiss, and held Josh's head with my hands.

"I'm really glad we came here. This is my favorite spot on earth." I kissed him lightly. I reached back and taking hold of his hard cock, I pressed it into my crack. Josh looked at me;

"MMM yeah, but I will not just fuck you here, tonight, I want to make love to you," his words music to my ears. "We can fuck any time, any place, but right now, right here, I want us to make love."

"Yes", was the only thing I could say. Our lips met and his cock strained to go deeper between my cheeks. Josh's cock was oozing precum, which aided it sliding between my cheeks. Spitting on in fingers, he quickly lubed his cock, and eased it in my hole. Rising up, I slid down fully on his hard cock, Josh's hand sliding to my chest. I began to ride his cock with slow determination, rising up almost too where it fully came out, and then sliding it back fully into me. I would grind my hips against his. I wanted him as deep in me as I could. I could feel his hardness deep within my bowels, pressing against my prostrate, throbbing within my hungry ass. Josh's fingers were working my nipples, pinching and twisting them, in an almost milking fashion. My head was thrown back, my mouth open, animalistic groans of pure sexual lust emanating from deep in my throat.

Josh's hands slid down my body to my hips and he began to guide my gyrations as we continued to make love on the rocks. His cock was becoming harder and his thrusts upward more forceful. I lay forward; I wanted to be kissing him when he came. I moved in such a position, as to allow him to continue his wild thrusting, drilling his cock in my ass. Our lips met my hands to his head, his hair long hair through my fingers, our tongues meeting and entwining with passion. My cock, trapped between our bodies', exploded its load of cum between us. With one final mighty thrust, Josh buried his cock as deep as he could, unloading his seed within me. Josh rammed his cock into me with each spasm of cum. We collapsed breathing into each other's mouth.

Josh moved me so I was kneeling over his face. With his hands he pulled me lower, using his hands and fingers to spread my cheeks and open my hole. I could feel his cum leaking from my ass, as he shoved his mouth to my hole, his tongue stabbing into my ass, eating his fresh load from my used hole. I could hear him sucking and moaning as he ate from me. He used his fingers to spread my hole open, pressing his mouth into me. I could feel his tongue deep in me licking inside my ass, I ground my hole hard on his mouth, he moaned.

My cries of pleasure were drowned out by the call of the warning horn at the light. I lost my balance, and fell forward, Josh's cock near my mouth, my scent upon its hardness. I sucked his head into my mouth, as he continued to eat my ass and his cum from it. I could taste my ass on his cock and it only served to make me suck harder. I was losing control, my senses were over loaded, I lost it and began to piss on Josh's body. Quickly lifting my hips, Josh repositioned me so my cock went into his mouth, and he began drinking my piss. His cock throbbed in my mouth, and soon flooded me with a second load.

I finished pissing and rolled off to my side. We lay there exhausted for a long while, the warm summer breeze washing over us. When we were able to move, I lay back against Josh, his arms holding me, his head resting on the top of my head. "I don't ever want to fuck again," I mused. "I want to make love like that every time."

Josh chuckled, kissing my head; "Yeah that was so good."

We collected out things and walked back to the van, naked. We climbed in the back, and suddenly Josh grabbed me and tossed me to the bed on my back. Grabbing my knees, he lifted and spread my legs, exposing my ass. Once again he began licking and eating my ass. He used his thumbs to open my hole, and would then spit into me and eat it out. His actions had me hard in no time. "I'm going to make you cum just by eating you out. Then when you cum, I'm gonna eat your load." He went back to eating me out, my hole so relaxed he no longer needed his thumbs to keep me open. He suddenly stood and placed his cock head in my ass. I felt as he began to piss in me, his hot fluid flushing deep inside me. He stopped and withdrew his cock, then moved us so we were again in a sixty nine, his cock in my mouth, his mouth on my ass. As he began to drink his hot piss from my hole, he began to fill my mouth with piss from his cock. Once again, my senses were becoming over loaded. When he finished pissing, I moved us back to the position we were in prior. As Josh continued to eat my shit hole, I jacked my cock, quickly bringing myself to orgasm. Josh moved my hand away and held my cock with two fingers, allowing my cum to run down my shaft and over my hole and his mouth. Josh hungrily licked and ate until my cock softened. He then cleaned my balls and cock and came up where we began to kiss.

After resting, we drove, naked, to the beach. It was late and there was no one around. Josh parked, and we bound out of the van, running to the cold Atlantic waters. We splashed and play in the cold water, cleaning our bodies of our spent love. As we left the water, Josh took my hand and pulled me to him. Looking to my eyes, he hesitated before speaking. "No one has ever made me feel like you do. I have never wanted to be so completely with anyone than with you." He raised his hands and removed a silver chain that he always wore; its silver color always standing out against the tanned color of his skin. "After that first night at the drive in, I couldn't get you out of my mind. I have thought of little else except you, since then. That night, was the first time I'd ever been with another guy." Josh took the necklace from his neck, and placed it around my neck. "I don't want anyone else but you. I talked to you dad earlier, and asked him for his permission to be your boyfriend. So now I ask you; will you consider going out with me?" His hands finished clasping the necklace, and slid them around to hold my head, continuing to look into my eyes.

For the hundredth time this day, I was speechless. All I could do was nod yes. Josh leaned forward and kissed me passionately.

Breaking the kiss, I finally spoke, "What did my dad say?"

Josh again took my hand as we walked out of the water towards the van. "he just said that he raised you in such a way, that you can be with anyone you want to be. As long as whoever I choose treats me with respect and love. He told me I should just go for it and ask me. I told him I was scared you'd say no, and he just laughed. He said he'd be shocked to hell if you did. You'd have to be blind not to see the way you look at me. He then told me that even Eric could see it." We made it back to the van and dried off. After donning shorts, we walked the sidewalks, finally finding an ice cream stand that was still open. The handsome young man, who took our order, gave us a sly smile and set about scooping our cones. It then dawned on me why he smiled; Josh and I were holding hands. We took our cones and went to a group of picnic tables on the side of the stand. I sat on a table with Josh standing before me. As we ate our cones; we talked about a lot of things, including us, my dad and Eric, the entire time under the scrutiny of the young man working the stand. I told Josh of my observations and he admitted to having noticed it as well. "He's a cutie," Josh commented, to which I agreed. Josh smiled this evil grin and winked at me, "play along, OK?" I nodded. Josh, took a long lick of his cone, letting a huge drop of ice cream fall and run down between his pecs. He feigned looking around for a napkin, but really was just showing your observer the long trail of ice cream streaking his chest. I took the hint and leaned forward, and extending my tongue, I took a long slow lick up Josh's chest, cleaning it of the ice cream. Josh leaned his head back and moaned softly, but loud enough for our friend to hear. I leaned forward, and using my tongue, licked down towards the waist of Josh's shorts, clearly letting the guy see me sticking my tongue under the waist band, his eyes, as big as saucers, never moved. I stopped licking, and leaned up. Josh took my lead and bent to kiss me. I could clearly see the guy in the stand, gawking at us, both hands under his colorful apron, and movement at his crotch. We broke our kiss, and Josh motioned with his head for the guy to join us. The guy seemed to panic, realizing that he'd been caught. Josh took his free hand and began to openly grab my crotch, again nodding for him to join us. Nervously looking around and seeing no one, our new friend made his way out the door in the back and slowly moved our way. Introductions were made, his name was Robby. Josh took control of the situation and moved next to Robby placing his arm around his shoulder. Robby tensed and seemed very uneasy, "I ah, um.. I don't know. I ain't never done anything like this before," he stuttered.

"Just relax bud," Josh reassured him. "It seems clear you liked what you were seeing, right?" Robbie nodded. Josh took Robbie's hand and placed it on my crotch. He was nervous, and tense, but as Josh continued to coo him to relax, Robbie's hand slowly began to rub and massage my swelling cock. I took this opportunity to explore under Robbie's apron. I was shocked to not only find his cock out of his shorts, but at how big it was. It was thick, long and extremely hot. I motioned with my head to Josh, who followed my lead and nearly gasped when his fingers wrapped around his shaft. "Damn boy, that's a big slab you got there." Robbie blushed, and began working his hand up the leg of my shorts. Robbie suddenly froze, realizing not only what he was doing, but where he was doing it.

"Um... look, I close in a few minutes," he began, looking about nervously. "Maybe we can wait till then and maybe go someplace more private?"

I leaned over to Robbie, whose hand was still firmly grasping my cock, and kissed him.

"Go, close up, hurry," I told him, making my cock throb in his hand. Robbie blushed again withdrew from Josh, and very slowly released my cock. He quickly walked backwards towards the stand.

"Don't leave, OK?" We nodded. He darted into the stand and quickly rushed around doing whatever he needed to do. I sat and waited, while Josh jogged over to get the van and was just pulling up as Robbie was turning off the lights and locking the door. After a quick discussion as to where we were going to go, it was decided we'd head to Robbie's house. He had e=recently moved into an apartment above his parents garage and we'd have plenty of privacy. We were like three streaks of light dashing from the van up the stairs to his apartment. Robbie again seemed to be nervous, and was tense and bopping around. I moved and knelt in front of Robbie, and opened the front of his shorts, exposing the shaft of his swelling cock. Leaning in, his musky scent filled my nose. A day's worth of work, ball sweat and old piss made me heady. I licked his exposed shaft, tasting his sweat, his hands quickly grabbing my shoulders for support. As I continued to clean his shaft, I began to pull his shorts down, while Josh moved behind him and began to remove his shirt. Robbie's cock sprang free, slapping me in the face. He was uncut, and I quickly skinned back his skin. A light coating of cheese surrounded the underside of his flare. I quickly moved in and lick him clean, Robbie, tried to move my head, stating he needed to pee first. As I forced his cock head into my mouth, I heard Josh telling him to piss in my mouth. Robbie hesitated and withdrew his cock from my mouth. Josh side stepped him and stripped his shorts off. I turned my head and josh grabbed his cock and aimed his stream into my mouth. I watched Robbie's face turn from discuss to amazement to desire. I swallowed and gobbled Josh's cock into my mouth. Josh took Robbie's hand and put in on his shaft, telling him to feel that he was still pissing. When he'd finished, Robbie nearly ripped Josh's cock from my mouth, shoving his cock in its place. Robbie's piss was scorching hot and strong. He'd been saving it for a long time, and his stream was the most forceful piss I'd ever taken. His cock was huge and must have been nearly nine inches long. As he continued to piss, his cock swelled to its full length and he grabbed my head and began to fuck his cock in and out of my mouth, his piss squirting out around lips. I was soon covered in his piss which seemed would never end. Josh had moved behind me and had slid my shorts down and had begun to once again eat my hole. I could see Robbie looking over me at Josh eating me out. Robbie soon finished pissing and quickly spun around and planted his ripe ass on my face. I dove right in and spreading his cheeks, began to clean his ass of a day's worth of work. Robbie had relaxed by now, and was beginning to become rather vocal. So vocal in fact, I was concerned his parents might hear. I was snapped back into reality with a rather loud fart emanating from Robbie's ass. This only made me work his ass harder. My tongue was deep in his shit hole, and my teeth were working his ass muscle ring, chewing on his pucker each time I withdrew my tongue. Josh suddenly stopped eating my ass and announced his intentions, "I need to get my cock in some virgin ass right now." Robbie knew what josh was saying and his ass tightened up. Before he could freak any further, I dug my tongue back into his ass opening him up again. Josh somehow found lube of some kind and greased his cock. Stepping over me, he moved to get his cock head into Robbie's ass. Robbie squealed in pain as Josh entered his tight virgin ass. Taking it slow, Josh began working more and more of his cock inside. Robbie's squeals of pain were soon replaced with cries for him to fuck him harder. Josh complied and was soon pounding Robbie's sweet ass. I told Josh to go easy, as I did not want Robbie to cum too fast and I wanted his big cock in my ass. As I said this, I saw Robbie's face light up. I flopped onto Robbie's bed, which was in front of him and spreading my cheeks, began to finger fuck myself, Robbie watching the whole time, his cock beginning to leak vast amounts of precum. I watched him begin to pull away from Josh, wanting to get at me. Josh relented and withdrew his cock. Robbie bolted the very short distance to me and began slapping his cock on my hole. Josh handed him the lube he'd used and Robbie quickly slimed his cock. Josh moved around and knelt by my head, his cock bobbing at my mouth. I quickly swallowed his shitty cock and began sucking him clean. After a few directions from Josh, Robbie began to work his HUGE cock into my very relaxed ass.

Even though I was loose from all of Josh's cock and tongue manipulation, I was still tight for the size of Robbie's cock. The head went in and I felt pain shoot through me. I could have used a moment to get use to the size, but Robbie was not stopping and began pushing his cock deeper into me. My ass resisted at first but soon opened up to accept his massive size. I was sweating, and tried to relax and focus on the two cocks now in me. Josh had moved down, sucking my cock into his mouth, and at the same time drilling his cock into my throat. His bobbing head making his cock fuck my mouth. Robbie was fast approaching climax, and I wanted his load in my mouth. Almost as if he read my mind, Robbie tore his cock from my ass and moved to kneel beside my head. Josh released my cock, and knelt opposite Robbie. Their cocks pointing at my mouth, the quickly began jacking off. Josh came first, his first shot shooting out and landing on Robbie's stomach. He then pointed his cock at my mouth and shot the rest in my mouth. The sight of this brought Robbie over the top, and with a loud groan, he stuffed half his cock into my mouth, his cum blasting down my throat. Josh shot his last few spurts onto Robbie's cock. I sucked Robbie dry and quickly cleaned his cock with my tongue. He collapsed next to me as I then cleaned Josh's cock, who then collapsed onto of me. Exhausted, we passed out, a naked heap of boy flesh.

There you have it, Part 13. Hope you enjoyed it, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write. Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 14

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