Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Dec 24, 2011


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Drive in Pisser part 12

I woke in the morning, alone in my bed. I could hear the shower running, and crawled out of bed, heading naked to the bathroom, my morning piss boner pointing the way. I could see Josh's form through the frosted glass as he slowly washed his body. I stood at the toilet and forcing my boner down, I began to slowly release my built up piss. My mind went back to last night. We'd played for a bit pool side, swapping blow jobs and making out, the whole time Eric and dad fucking like bunnies in dad's room. After a while the bugs began to constantly interrupt us so we decided to move inside. We stopped in the kitchen for a beer, and when I leaned over the counter reaching for the bottle opener, Josh moved in behind me and began to make love to my hole with his tongue. I spun around and hopped up on the counter, spreading my legs. Josh moved in and buried his tongue deep within me. I lay back and spread my cheeks giving him better access. His tongue was driving me crazy, reaching deep within me and stretching my hole wide. He was using his fingers to spread and keep me open so his tongue could get as deep as possible. With a quick slap to my ass, Josh ordered me to move up further on the counter, and he quickly climbed up between my spread legs. He spit a huge wad of spit onto my hole and drooled another onto his cock. After a few quick strokes to spread it around, he moved up and over me. "Baby, I need to fuck you right now, can't wait any longer. I gotta get my cock in your hole now. You taste so fucking good, it's making me crazy." Josh wasted no time and shoved his cock into my ass, burying in about halfway. I gripped the counters edges and groaned as his cock forced its way into me. "Hang on baby, here comes the rest," and he gave another big push fully inserting his length into me. His cock head stabbing into my prostate making my wildly throbbing cock ooze a large drool of precum. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself to him.

"Fuck me now, god damn it," I cursed into his ear. "I want your seed deep inside. Don't make love to me; fuck me like you use to fuck one of your bitches. Tear my ass apart with your cock. Don't you dare fucking stop until your balls are empty." Josh quickly began to fuck me, pressing me to the counter, his strong hands on my chest, forcing me down, his cock like a piston in a revving engine, balls slapping against my ass.

Suddenly he dove down on top of me, his full weight pressed against me. His lips, wet with saliva upon my neck, teeth biting my skin. I felt like a vampire was upon me, fucking me as he drank my blood. Josh's lips had created a tight seal to my neck and his teeth felt like they were tearing my flesh. I didn't care if he ripped out my juggler right then and I died. He abruptly pulled from my neck and straining, looked down at my face. His eyes were intent and focused, sweat covered his face and upper body, his hair wet with sweat. His mouth was open as he gasped for breath, small drools of spit hanging form his lips. His hips roughly forcing his cock in and out of my ass, each thrust forcing my whole body to jerk forwards, yet his eyes never lost contact with mine. I leaned up to kiss him but he grunted and pulled away with each attempt. He was an animal, and he was mating with me. Josh curled his lips, showing his white teeth, his saliva falling freely from his mouth onto my face and into my mouth. His thrusts became even more forceful as he lowered his face to mine. "Cuming," was all he could say as he grabbed my hair and masked his lips to mine. I could taste my ass mixed with blood on his lips and tongue as he thrust one last time, his cock exploding into me. The whole scene overwhelming my brain, my cock, trapped tightly between us began to shoot as well.

Josh collapsed on top of me exhausted. His head, now beside mine, breathing hot gasps of breath into my ear. "I think I am in love," he whispered, lifting his head to again look down into my eyes. His hair matted to his face, I used my fingers to move it way. "I can't explain it," he panted, "I just somehow know it."

He slowly withdrew his now softening cock from my gaping hole and eased himself off the counter. I turned to look at him, opening my mouth slightly so I could speak, but he pressed a finger to my lips and bid me "shh." Scooping me into his arms, he began to kiss me passionately as he carried me to my room. He gently laid me on the bed and moving to kneel beside me, proceeded to clean my body with his lips and tongue.

I suddenly became aware that I was standing at the toilet, Josh's body pressed behind me, his strong arms wrapped around my chest, his face nuzzled to my neck as his lips kissed me tenderly. "Good morning stud," he whispered to my ear. "What's a sweet sexy guy like you, doing in a place like this?" There was a slight chuckle detectable in his voice. The smell of strawberry shampoo filled my nose as his wet hair tickled my skin. "I better stop now, or I'll never get to work," he whispered against my ear. We separated and walked back to the bedroom, where he very slowly began to get dressed. I headed to the kitchen to get coffee going not bothering to put on any clothes.

I soon had coffee brewing and turned to notice the mess we'd left on the counter. I quickly set to cleaning up the evidence. The door to my dad's room opened and a very tired and worn out Eric stepped into the light of day, eyes quickly squinting as if the bright light was painful. He stumbled into the kitchen and leaned hard against me. I wished him a quiet good morning, to which he merely replied "coffee."

The smell of man sex permeated from him, and I took a step back to get a better look and my best friend. He was covered in dried cum from head to toe. I moved to inspect his ass and found it to me deeply red. "Yeah, yeah I know, I won't be sitting for a week. Dad beat the crap outta my butt for being late, then he fucked the shit outta me for hours. He'd stop fucking me only to spank me and make me beg him to fuck me more." Eric lowered his head and shook it slowly.

Cupping his face in my hands, I looked into his eyes. "Are you complaining?" A twinkle appeared in his eyes, and a smile spread across his face.

"Fuck no. Best sex I've ever had. Present company excluded." He gave me a huge hug; "So? I see someone got a bit rough with you last night too huh?" Eric's fingers lightly touching the spot on my neck where Josh had bitten me. Before I could answer, Josh came into the kitchen.

"Holy crap, you look like shit. Like a freight train ran you over." Eric shot a disgruntled look at Josh. "Oh man you stink like shit too," Josh crinkled his nose as he poured coffee. Dad appeared from his room wearing a robe, and made his way to the kitchen to join us. He bid us all good morning, and gave Eric a firm smack on the ass. Eric jumped, but it was soon evident by his swelling cock that he enjoyed it.

We stood in silence, drinking coffee, when dad suddenly noticed the bit on my neck. "Do we need to hang garlic around? It seems we have a vampire in the midst." He moved closer and looked at the bite, then shot a look at Josh. Dad looked like he was about to say something, but a fast glare from me, made him keep quiet. We spent the next few minutes discussing the days plans, and it seemed that we all had things to do. Josh soon announced he had better get moving or he'd be late, and I told Eric to get a shower before we had to go to work. I walked Josh to the door and kissed him goodbye, watching him drive off. I returned to find dad reading the paper and Eric heading off to shower.

Work was, well work. Eric and I were so busy we didn't have much time to chat. By the time we finished it was nearly 2 in the afternoon, and the temperature was close to 90. We'd both stripped down to shorts and boots and our sweat gleamed on our bodies. Eric still looked like shit, so when we finished, I rolled a fatty and handed it to him to smoke. We took a few hits then headed back to my house. As we entered the street, I asked about his time last night. My words fell on silence and I turned to see Eric passed out. I ended up carrying him into the house and laid him on my bed. The house was really hot, so I removed his boots and socks and slide his shorts off to discover he was wearing a pair of my boxer briefs. I couldn't resist, and leaned over and took a deep smell of his crotch. The scent of his sweat was intoxicating. I peeled the underwear off him and held it to my face. It was very clear that there was precum in the pouch, and I quickly stripped and slid the underwear he'd been wearing on myself. My cock hardened right away as it slide into place where his cock had been, and the cool damp wetness pressed to my cock. I lay beside Eric, and rested my head on his lap, his soft cock barely touching my lips. I can feel my cock throbbing against the wet fabric that were once on him, I press forward and allow his soft cock to enter my mouth; he stirs but does not wake. I gently suck his cock deeper into my as it begins to swell. I feel his hands move to my head and he moans softly. His cock twitches in my mouth and a trickle of piss escapes. I swallow quickly as more piss flows from his cock, and soon I am drinking from his gushing cock. He uses his hands to slide more deeply into my mouth as he continues to urinate. "I've been saving this since 10, hope you're thirsty." I feel him relax under me as his pissing continues.

I continued to drink form his cock, moving to kneel between his legs. Suddenly his flow stopped and he announced "Gonna try to save some for later if I can." I then began to suck his cock in earnest as it grew to full hardness. Eric continued to lay beneath me, relaxed as I blew his awesome cock. His soft moans telling me I was doing a great job.

I suddenly felt two hands upon my ass and looking up to Eric's eyes, I saw shock replaced by a smile. "Hope you don't mind, but I needed to piss." Eric spoke to the person behind me. I heard no reply, I tried to see who was there, but Eric held my head so I couldn't. "You need to piss too? Try pissing in his ass, no better feeling, trust me." I heard a fast ruffling of clothes as I assumed this mystery person was stripping. I saw Eric toss a bottle of lube over me towards the stranger, and then heard the snap as the cap was opened. Soon the cold lube was being spread on my ass and into my hole. Strong hands took my hips, and I felt a familiar cock pressing into my hole. I now knew it was Josh behind me, his hands and cock very familiar to me. He pressed forward and began to fuck me.

"Don't loosen him up too much; you need him tight to keep the piss in." Josh stopped fucking me and left just the tip of his cock in my ass. I could feel his hot piss begin to floor my ass and I moaned. Eric took this as sign and began to piss forcefully into my mouth. Josh continued to piss, and began to slowly thrust his cock in and out. I could feel his piss leaking out of my ass and down over my balls. Eric motioned to Josh and in a few quick movements had me on my back, Josh's cock still firmly in my hole, pissing, and Eric now kneeling over my face, his cock again in my mouth as his slowly finished his pissing. I could feel how full my ass was with Josh's urine, and knew he'd finished and was now fucking me. Each thrust made a sucking squishing sound, and I continued to feel his piss leaking out around his cock. "Oh dude," Josh huffed, "That's so hot seeing him sucking your cock like that while I'm fucking him."

"Yeah, well check it out man, I'm about to dump a load of cum down his throat."

"No, pull it out and shoot it in his mouth. I wanna see you cum in his mouth." With that, Eric gave two final deep thrusts and pulled his cock from my mouth. After a few long hard strokes, he tensed and aimed his cock at my mouth.

"Awe fuck, I'm gonna cum in your boys mouth, Argh!" He pointed his cock head at my open mouth and suddenly huge gobs of his cum were shooting out, coating the inside of my mouth. Eric thrust his spewing cock in my mouth and fell forward; quickly pulling my cock from the underwear he'd been wearing and swallowing my cock. Eric's hot breath snorting as he sucked me. I could hear Josh moaning, and felt his cock getting harder. "Dude, quick, come here," Josh cried to Eric. "Plug his hole for me." Eric move quickly, and removed his cock from my mouth and mine from his. He jumped to stand next to Josh, positioning his cock at my hole still filled with Josh's cock. I watched as Eric stole extra lube from Josh's cock. As Josh withdrew, Eric pushed forward. With a small gush of piss, the swap was made and Eric was now firmly plugging my ass. Josh moved around to where Eric had been before. His cock dripping with his piss and my ass juice, he slid his cock into my mouth. The smell and taste was overwhelming. Josh quickly fucked my mouth and soon was dumping a load of cum down my throat. I was swooning with the different tastes and needed to cum badly. I reached for my cock, but was told by Josh to stop. He and Eric carried me to the bathroom and placed me in the tub, Eric's cock still firmly in my ass. Josh instructed Eric to pull out and told me to squeeze tight. We both did as we were told, and then Josh helped me stand, as he sat below me my cock pointed at his mouth. Eric stood to the side, stroking his hard cock watching. Josh told me to hold it as long as I could, and then proceeded to suck my near purple cock. As he sucked he slid more under me and with his hands, told me to release the piss from my ass. I did as he asked and relaxed my hole. All the hot piss and everything else poured from my hole onto Josh below me. His teeth chewed on my cock, and I began to cum. Moans from beside us, told me Eric was getting close for the second time. He stood on the side of the tube and I was able to lean just enough to get his cock head in my mouth as he began to cum for the second time. Josh drank all my cum and after I had finished he began to clean my balls and hole with his tongue. Eric pulled out of my mouth and we helped Josh stand, and took a long hot shower together.

We were in my room, changing the bed linens when Dad came home. He was happy to see us, and even happier that we were all naked. He Scolded Eric, but in a nice way by saying he didn't care if he'd shot a load today, but that he'd better make sure he'd saved some for daddy or else his ass would get paddled.

Josh became serious and asked if he could talk to my dad. My dad agreed and turned to leave the room, saying as he left; "don't bother getting dressed, I love seeing you naked." Josh followed him out of the room. Eric and I looked to each other and with puzzled looks just shrugged our shoulders.

There you have it, Part 12. Hope you enjoyed it, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write. Until next time, Happy Holidays! -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 13

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