Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 21, 2011


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Drive in Pisser part 10

Josh and I arrived at Sky ray, and were waiting for Roger to arrive and give us the film. Compared to the grove, this place was a dump, run down trash stuck in the surrounding tree line and bushes, in bad need of paint. Josh and I got out, it was only 9 am but it was already hot, and we stripped off our shirts. Josh was looking around, saying he had to piss. I lead him back to the van, and had him lean against the back. I knelt and opened his shorts, taking his cock out from his already sweaty crotch. His scent was intoxicating, and I brought his cock to my mouth. He slowly began to piss; his dark stinking stream hitting the center of my mouth, increasing with force. I swallowed quickly, drinking down his urine. Our eyes were locked; I took his cock head into my mouth and swallowed quickly his offering. I was unable to keep up and some of his piss spilled from my mouth, running down my chin and over my bare chest, soaking into the top of my shorts. "Yeah baby, drink it all. MMMM fuck, it's so hot seeing my cock in your mouth, my piss running down your body." The force of his stream lessened, and I was now able to take it all. He removed his cock and shook it at my still open mouth, the last few dribbles splashing onto my face. I stood, as he put his cock away, and we kissed; his tongue snaking over my face, licking up the stray piss. He held me back, and began to lick my abs and chest getting a mixture of sweat and piss, I was in heaven. Josh was busy sucking my left nipple, biting it lightly as he sucked. His hand's has slipped into my shorts, and were now cupping my ass; his middle fingers spreading my cheeks, taking turns rubbing my hole as he tugged on my erect nipple. I had to stop him, this was not a good time to get me hot and not be able to fuck me, and I had to piss like a fire hose. I begged him to stop, explaining my need to pee. Josh responded to this plea, by kneeling in front of me and offering me his mouth. I looked down at him, his mouth wide open. I lowered my shorts, and after a fast look around, held my cock and aimed at his eager mouth. I didn't hold back, and let loose with my full stream. He accepted what I gave, and soon my pee was cascading down his chest from his overflowing mouth. He struggled to swallow, but began to choke and cough, causing the piss in his mouth to spray out covering both of us. He had to move his head, and coughed, spitting to the ground, I just redirected my stream to hit his chest, soaking him completely. I finished by shaking my cock of the last drops, and then lifted him to once again kiss me. Even though we were outside, the air around us stank of urine. We went to the dumpster area, and found a hose, which we used to rinse off, the cool water, feeling good, taking our temperatures down a notch. We barely had returned to the van when Rog arrived, his maroon pick up bouncing over the humps as he drove to meet us. I had never thought of Rog, in a sexual way, he was a good guy, and always really friendly to me, and one hell of a cribbage player, but that was it. When he pulled up, I could feel his eyes staring at both of us. I glanced at Josh, and realized that he looked so hot, water dripping from his hair and dribbling down his body, and I thought I must look at least as good. Rog, a French Canadian, made a comment in French: "maintenant cela a chaud". I really don't know what it meant, but think it was a comment about us being sexy. Rog, struggled to say hello, and kept looking at us while he readied the films for us. I was amusing to watch him tripping over his own feet, trying to look at us, but not be obvious. Both Josh and I tried to keep the smiles off our faces, and pretended not to notice his struggle. I move up next to rog, as he began to mark the films with three small round marks that he and other projectionist used to give a visual cue to switch the reels. Josh moved up beside me to watch, putting his arm over my shoulder, his hand just above my pec, his fingers brushing against my nipple. Rog's mouth dropped, and I swear I saw him lick his lips. Josh continued to lightly brush my nipple, every so often, as he and I talked to Rog about the marks he was making. Rog was having a lot of trouble concentrating on what he was doing, as we put on our little show. It soon became clear, Rog was boning, the bulge in his polyester pants was difficult to hide. I was also sporting a nice tent in my shorts and made no effort to hide it. Josh, squeezed my neck and said he'd be back in a minute, Rog watching him as he left, then turning his gaze back to me. He whispered something in French that I could not make out, as I stretched my arms above my head, arching my back, commenting that we'd just woken up. Rog looked past me, out the door, then back to me; "Er, um, is that your... man?" He asked, nodding out the door Josh had left through. I smiled and looked in the direction he'd nodded too, and smiled; "I guess so, only known him a few days, but yeah."

"Looks like he really likes you, mon garcon." He fell silent, but continued to check me out as he finished packing up the film reels. Rog then moved to the back of the room, fishing around in some drawers. I had an evil though, and seeing that where he stood was alongside a curtained off area, where his toilet was. I walked to this semi open area, and startled Rog as I stepped up to the toilet, hauling out my cock, saying I had to piss. Even though I had just emptied my bladder into and onto Josh, I was able to force a nice stream out. I looked straight ahead, but could see Rog watching me piss. I tuend slightly to offer him a better view, and just smiled. He did not turn away, as I finished pissing and shook my cock, giving it a couple of tugs. Rog suddenly snapped into reality and gruffly walked past me back to the prep table, muttering in French the whole time, the only thing I could make out was when he grunted "fucking tease". He literally threw the film cans out the door, and in a gruff tone told us to get going. I shook his hand, and asked him if he was ok? His reply was short and abrupt, stating he was fine and to just go. Josh and I loaded the six cans into the back of the van and waved to Rog as we jumped in and drove off.

The drive to Weirs beach was short, Josh and I talked the whole time, about Eric and my dad, wondering about just what they were doing. Josh asked me if I was in anyway jealous about my dad referring to Eric as his son. I didn't care, Just wanted to get back and check out what was going on. We also talked about Roger. I told josh he was evil for teasing him like that, and told him about what I had done. "and you say I'm evil? Shit, he's back there right now pumping a load on the floor thinking about you."

"About us," I said. Josh grabbed my shoulder and asked if he was working tonight, that we should go mess with him some more. We dove into the weirs area, just outside of Laconia, and entered the drive in off Rt. 3. We met the manager and swapped the film cans. I called Rog, and found out he was not able to get back to sky ray until about four, giving me and Josh nearly 5 hours before we had to be there, plenty of time to eat and fuck around. We grabbed a sub and headed to the beach to eat. It must have been close to 90, and the beach area was packed. We found a spot in the shade and scoffed down our sandwiches. We went for a swim which turned into a wrestling match, which Josh won, and bummed around the tourist area and arcades till about three. On our way home, we stopped at a rest area to piss. I took josh into a stall and left the door unlocked and partly open. I knelt and let Josh quench my thirst for his piss, with a heady stream from his sweaty crotch. I became aware that someone was peeking in from the door. I moved slightly so he could see what we were doing. He was a good looking guy, maybe a trucker, watching from outside the stall. Josh was holding his cock away from my mouth, as he finished. I moved his hand away, and swallowed his cock to the base, eliciting a sharp gasp not only from Josh, but from the voyeur. Josh's cock hardened and I made quick work, sucking him, with loud sucking and slurping noises. The trucker, had stepped closer, and Josh reached down into the guys shorts and worked on pulling his cock out. "You want some of this," he asked the guy, who nodded in response. Josh pulled him closer, and moved his cock near my mouth. I went to work sucking on his cock, which smelled of sweat and piss. I could taste his old pee under his skin, and this only made me suck harder. We were interrupted when several men walked into the bathroom. I tried to keep sucking, but the guy pulled out. He whispered something to Josh and darted out, stuffing his cock away as he did. I turned my attention back to Josh, who let me suck him for a brief few seconds, then had me stop. He told me the guy wants us to meet him in his truck. He put his cock away, but was showing a huge tent which he showed off well. We left the bathroom, the guys who'd been chatting fell silent as Josh and I appeared from the stall, both showing the tents in our shorts.

Josh led me to a big rig, parked in a separate parking area, and knocked on the passenger door. The guy from the bathroom popped out the window, looked at us and then around, as if he was looking to see if anyone was looking. He told us to hurry and get in. We climbed in and into the large roomy sleeper section. The guy quickly stripped and demanded I do the same. He then propped himself against the wall and spread his legs.

"Come on punk, suck my cock," he ordered, and I moved closer, but could feel tension from Josh. I started to lick his skin covered head, but he grabbed my hair and shoved my mouth onto his cock; "Shit asshole, I said SUCK MY FUCKIN COCK, not lick it like a lollipop." I took his cock like a pro, he was maybe 6 inches so had no trouble taking it all. I felt Josh move up behind me as he began to finger my ass. The trucker tossed him some lube and told Josh to fuck me. Josh lubed up and got right to fucking me. The trucker released my hair and let Josh's thrusts force me up and down on his cock. He was really loud with his moans and grunts, demanding me to suck harder and play with his nuts. Josh's big cock was driving me crazy, as it always did, and I was getting lost in the moment. The trucker had his cock buried in my throat, and I was tugging on his balls, when he cried out that he was gonna feed me his load. When I sensed he was ready to shoot, I grabbed his ball sack and squeezed while pulling down hard. The trucker grabbed my hair with both hands and forced me fully onto his cock, not letting me move, Josh's thrusts pounding my ass, as the trucker dumped his spunk down my throat. I grabbed my cock and within three strokes was cuming onto the bed below my which caused Josh to unload in my ass.

The trucker pushed me off his cock and told us we better get outta here. We grabbed our shit and made a quick retreat. No sooner had we shut the door than the truck roared to life and pulled away. We headed back to the van and climbing in the back, Josh stripped naked and told me to drink. I lay on my back on the bed, and josh bent over me, dribbling his pee into my mouth. He controlled it well and made it last. I could taste cum mixed in with it, and the scent of his balls was driving me crazy. His piss was strong, and smelled so manly. The taste was lingering in my mouth and his control was allowing me to wash it over my teeth, and mouth. Our eyes were locked, never moving.

"When I'm done giving you this, I'm going to feed you my cock, a little at a time. I'm going to control how much and how fast you get it." he moved his cock head to my lips, but when I tried to suck it in, he pulled back, his piss washing over my face. I continued to drink his piss, until it finally stopped. He plunged his cock into my mouth and a small shot of piss came out. He moved his cock back and forth slightly, making it get harder. Removing his cock from my mouth, he began to tease me, dipping down so just the head went in, and then pulling out, and other times sliding it all the away in. I could taste his piss, his cum, his sweat and my ass on his cock. His balls would press onto my nose when he'd slide in deep. His sweat smell making my cock drool precum, I wriggled out of my shorts, and wrapped my hand around my cock. Josh shifted and lowered his sweat soaked balls to my mouth. I licked and sucked the salty sack, biting and pulling it down with my teeth. Josh clawed at the ceiling for support, his cock throbbing and bobbing obscenely as gobs so clear precum oozed from the slit. He grabbed his shaft and began to wildly stroke it while I sucked his nut sac, taking first one that the other in my hungry mouth. With a loud grunt, he came, the first three shots slapping against my own cock, the rest hitting my chest. I spit out his balls and he stuffed his still cuming cock into my mouth. The feeling of which, made me arch my back and deliver my own load; shooting it up around my face. Josh leaned down and took my softening cock into his mouth. He sucked on my cock drinking the last bit of cum from it. He changed positions and we began to make out, our cum getting smeared between us as we did.

We stopped for a breather, and I glanced at the clock, 3:25. "Shit," I grunted, "we need to go." I grabbed some shorts, not realizing they were his, and jumped into the driver's seat. Josh moved up to the passenger side, still naked. I drove like crazy, and actually arrived at sky ray right at four. Rog was there already, and smiled when we pulled up. I jumped out, and almost immediately realized, I still had cum on my chest and abs. I grabbed my t shirt and made quick work wiping myself off. I opened the back and began to unload the film cans. Josh had moved to the back and it was then we realized I was wearing his shorts. Josh shrugged and began to put on the ones I'd been wearing. Just as he was doing this Rog came around the back of the van and took notice of Josh's state of undress. He just smiled and began moving the film cans to the projection room.

Nothing was said, although I do think he realized we were in each other's shots. We drove back to my place, talking about how a long skinny dip was going to feel so good. Once there, we quickly stripped in my room, and headed back the living room area. My dad was reading the newspaper, on the couch. "Hi dad, we're back. Where's Eric?"

My dad smiled and nodded towards his room. "In there," he chuckled. We went over and opened the door. "Someone is being punished, for making me cum too quickly." We turned to see Eric, tied spread eagle on the bed. He was completely naked, except for a tightly attached cock ring, his cock a dark shade of reddish purple. Josh and I moved closer, Eric pleading with us to make him cum, that my dad had been teasing him for hours. I could smell the heavy stench of sex in the air, and could see Eric was covered in sweat. His cock and balls were soaked in precum, that continued to ooze from his cock. His balls were drawn tight against his shaft, and that's when I noticed he'd been shaved. I shot my dad a look. "Jimmy, don't even think about it. He'll cum when I'm ready to make him cum." Eric's please for mercy were pitiful, his cock throbbing, straining against the tight cock ring. I asked my dad to stop and get him off, to let him cum, although, I was enjoying watching him suffer, just a bit. My dad frowned and relented. He moved to kneel by Eric's head. "So are you going to make dad cum so quick next time?"

"No daddy, I'm sorry. I just wanted your cum so bad. Next time will be different."

"OK, baby, here suck on your dad's cock." My dad fed Eric his cock, and we watched as Eric gobbled it down, his cock straining harder, throbbing for release. "Now, watch this," dad said, taking a finger and just touching it under the flare under the head. Eric groaned this deep low growl, his cock lurching upward, long arcing streams of pure white cum shot from his cock landing past his head. Five long streams shot over his head, with four more landing on his chest, before his cum just dribbled from his cock. Eric was grunting and writhing on the bed, his cock jumping all around, and the large pool of cum on his chest, spreading as he moved. His breathing was heavy and ragged; his eyes had rolled back into his head. My dad grabbed Eric's shaft and stroked it, Eric, moaning, as he did. "Now my son, swallow daddies load." My dad thrust his cock into Eric" mouth I thought to cum, but soon Eric coughed and josh and I saw piss escape from his mouth. I was shocked to see Eric greedily swallowing my dad's piss. I felt Josh's hands on my back, as I reached out and released Eric's cock from the leather ring. My dad released Eric's cock, and I dove in and sucked it into my mouth. Eric was calming down, as he continued to drink my dad's piss. I sucked his cock clean, and my dad told me and Josh to leave, that they needed some alone time. I looked at Eric and with my eyes asked if he was OK. My dad had stood up and was ushering us out of the room. Eric, smiled and winked at me, then mouthed that he was in love, nodding to my dad. I smiled and left with Josh.

Josh and I played in the pool for nearly an hour, when Eric came out to join us. He was walking funny, but seemed very happy. I was lying in a lounge, while Josh sat on the end. Eric came up and collapsed on top of me. He was slick with sweat, and smelled of sex, cum and piss. He rested his head on my shoulder and sighed. "Fuck your dad is hot. He had me tied up for most of the afternoon, and kept edging me. All cuz I made him cum too quickly." Josh had a strange look on his face, and lifted one of Eric's legs.

"What's this," Josh asked, pointing to Eric's ass. "Is that a butt plug?"

Eric smiled and admitted it was, but dad told him not to say anything, that it was a surprise for after work.

There you have it, Part 10. Hope you enjoy, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write. Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 11

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