Drive in Movie

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Nov 12, 2009


Drive-In Movie By Storyguy22 (9)

The rest of the week passed, and Robby was feeling a sense of self-pride that he had successfully avoided all contact with Ryan. He had even been resolute enough to let the several calls Ryan had placed to his cell go to his voice mail which he was certain had driven the overbearing Ryan crazy to some degree, and he took an even greater pride in that little fact. It wasn't that he really didn't care about Ryan, or like him as a friend any longer, but since Eric had entered his life he was no longer willing to tolerate Ryan's attitude, or accept his cruel treatment of him, especially during those times immediately following his sucking him off.

That situation, Robby mused, was actually a double-edged sword of sorts. He knew that Ryan's meanness stemmed mostly from some sense of guilt that he felt at the gayness of the act, a sense that caused him to lash out at Robby in an effort to maintain his macho persona while fixing any blame for his participation in the sex squarely on Robby's "fag" shoulders. The other edge of the sword actually was Robby's, and his alone. The fact that he simply loved sucking cock until that incredible moment that it swelled in his mouth and spurted all that tasty semen for him to greedily swallow down was something he found completely irresistible, and his meekly accepting the immediately following verbal tirade was nothing more than the cost of doing business.

Until, that was, enter Eric. When that had occurred Robby was quick to learn that not only did Eric genuinely enjoy Robby's considerable oral talents, he actually happily reciprocated with more than a small amount of talent himself, and, rather than rain a bevy of unkind remarks when the passion of the moment had passed, he was affectionate and cuddly, and any verbalization consisted of praise, and sweet nothings. Much better, Robby decided, and he once again renewed his resolve to no longer submit himself to Ryan's abusive ways.

And he stayed straight and true to that resolution as another week slid by, a week filled with him and Eric seizing every opportunity to further their blossoming sexual agenda. While a lack of privacy had proved a deterrent to a repeat of the amazing time they had spent fully naked together as they made a serious shambles of Robby's bed the previous week, they had managed to satisfy their intense desires for each other's rigid cock and milky fluids during a number of heated sessions inside the confines of Eric's truck on some secluded lane somewhere, and while each yearned for more, what they had was decidedly better than nothing, and they pursued every opportunity with a vigor equal to their first coupling.

But sadly that smoldering passion was about to experience its first real interruption this very weekend as Eric had been informed by his parents that he would, without any debate on the matter, be accompanying the family on a Grandparental visitation to a distant city. The boys sat cuddled closely in the over warm cab of Eric's pickup where it was parked beside the shaded narrow lane of dirt road that had become their venue of choice for their heated sexual romps, and as they quietly commiserated their mutual sadness at the upcoming separation they mingled in a number of lust-filled kisses as their hands stayed busy fondling the recovering cock and balls of the other. They had recently completed a particularly intense trading of slobbering blow jobs, and each was eager for the renowned recuperative powers of teenage boys everywhere to kick in so that they might squeeze in one last stunning orgasm before Eric needed to get home.

Lowering himself on the seat, Robby brought his face close to Eric's semi-erect cock, and he gently blew on it with warm breath as he held it with his fingers. Extending his tongue, he lapped at the knob-like head, and he felt Eric shudder with pleasure. Lifting his head slightly, he said,

"Oh goodie...he's all done least partly...nice...let me see if I can make him wake up all the can't go until I get another taste of your sweet cream, no way!"

Eric chuckled softly at the teasing remarks, and he let his fingers slide through Robby's soft hair, his hands following the boy's bobbing head movements as he once more took his quickly thickening cock into his warm, wet mouth and began eagerly sucking it as his hand pushed Eric's legs open to that he could toy with his balls. Eric sighed loudly, his head falling back on the seatback as the breathtaking sensations of Robby's gentle sucking washed over him once more. Gasping as Robby took him deep into his soft throat while tugging carefully at his tender eggs, he muttered,

"Oh God, are so good at this...what am I going to do for three damned days without you?"

Robby slurped noisily over Eric's now rigid cock, alternating his movement between taking it deep and releasing it to lap the head and tease his tongue at the tiny slit at its center before stabbing at the very sensitive "v" spot at the apex of the coronal ridge, and he savored Eric's praising words while he asked himself the same question of how he was going to survive three whole days and nights without this delicious cock in his mouth. Mumbling what might have been "I have no clue" around Eric's wide and now oozing meat filling his mouth he forced all thought of the gloom of separation from his mind and concentrated his full skill set on bringing Eric to another explosive eruption. This one needed to be special enough to get him through three days, and he was determined to milk every last dribble of Eric's tasty cum from the tender balls he rolled in his hand.

Eric's breathing was rapid and shallow now, and his narrow hips bucked in sync with Robby's bobbing head as he let himself surrender all thoughts of their lost weekend as he felt the oh-so-familiar sensation he loved begin to glow somewhere behind his balls.

"Sweet Jesus, are so're getting to me again, Stud...Christ...who knew...?...three cums in just over an wonder I can't get enough of you and that magic mouth!"

Robby chuckled softly, and redoubled his efforts, his taste buds already aching for the flood of rich, thick cream he knew was eminent. His slurping noises filled the small space of the truck cab, and he increased both pace and suction as he worked Eric's full balls as if to stir the milky fluid they were soon to deliver, and Eric groaned loudly above him, and his hands formed a tighter grip on his head as his hips pumped upward. Robby could clearly define the slightly tart flavor of Eric's freely flowing precum now, and he knew he was on the edge. He pulled his mouth away long enough to firmly grip the thick shaft of rock hard cock in his hand and pump it rapidly up and down as he carefully watched the clear fluids pumping steadily from the tiny slit, and at exactly the correct moment of Eric's loss of control he quickly covered the wide knob with his drooling mouth, just as Eric's thick and creamy load began ejaculating forcefully in long ropes.

"AWwwww fuuuuuck...!" Bellowed Eric, his butt thrusting sharply upward off the seat as his balls exploded their nectar into Robby's wide open mouth in surprising quantity given it was his third eruption on a relatively short time.

Robby captured as much of the copious fluid as he could hold in his mouth as he savored the sweet/tart flavor before eagerly swallowing it down to allow space for the next spurt, and then the next, and the next. Finally the torrent slowed, and Robby sucked all of the now wilting boyhood into his mouth and suckled it gently as Eric began to slowly peel himself off the head liner of the truck. The final dribbles of sweet young cum oozed from Eric's cock slit, and Robby knew that it would now be in that super-sensitive stage that follows orgasm, so he released it from his mouth with one last lick to the purple hued knob. He sat up, and grinned widely at a panting Eric, as he said,

"Man, Eric, that is so good...I love your cock, and I love your creamy cum...are you sure you absolutely have to do this weekend thing...?...I mean, shit...I might not make it clear to Monday evening!"

Eric grinned, and pulled Robby in close and held him as his pounding heart began to slow. Inhaling deeply, he answered,

"I hear that,'s going to be hell for me too...but it ain't going to start until I get my "roadie" load from that sweet cock of hot-stuff...lie back, and let me at what I want!"

Robby instantly complied, lying back onto the seat as his smooth legs parted widely to give Eric full access to his rigid erection and freshly recharged balls. Eric wasted no time in crawling in between Robby's splayed legs and as his fingers gripped the base of Robby's pulsing erection he lowered his head and applied several licks to the length of thick cock before taking the neatly circumcised head into his mouth. He licked the glistening knob repeatedly and the tart flavor or Robby's already flowing juices stung at his taste buds. Taking the throbbing erection deeper, he carefully cupped Robby's heavy sack and gently prodded the tender eggs it contained as Robby purred with pleasure. He bobbed steadily over Robby's cock, his steady rhythm rapidly moving Robby to the brink, and when he felt Robby's narrow hips bucking upward with mounting excitement, he let the pulsing rod slip from his drooling mouth as he moved lower and began tonguing Robby's smooth pouch and gently sucking each ball in turn.

"OHhhh God...oh man, that's so amazing!" groaned Robby as Eric sucked his balls, his fist moving steadily up and down on his rigid cock.

Pulling back slightly Eric suddenly caught sight of the pink little pucker just beneath Robby's balls, and on a sudden impulse he slid his tongue into the snug crease of Robby's little ass cheeks, and licked at the tiny and wrinkled opening. Robby went suddenly tense all over, a loud gasp whooshing from his chest at the completely unexpected contact with his most secret place, and Eric interpreted the reaction as a favorable one, so he continued moving his tongue over the firm little ridges of muscle that circled Robby's sphincter as he continued his steady pumping of his rock hard cock.

Astounded at Eric's interest in that portion of his body Robby gasped loudly again, his mind reeling with a mixture of shock, and the sense that no matter how weird the whole thing seemed, it felt totally awesome. He felt Eric shift slightly, and then his wet tongue was suddenly gone to be instantly replaced by a probing finger that poked gently at his tiny opening. He gasped once more, his overloaded mind registering the idea that Eric was trying to push his finger inside him, and he struggled to make his body resist the natural impulse to clinch tightly. Intrigued, he forced himself relax, and as soon as he did that, he gasped once more as he felt Eric's finger slip past his tight rings, and moved deeply into his rectum.

"Holy shit, the fuck...?"

"Yea, huh...I dunno...just I hurting you?" hissed a highly excited Eric as he began carefully working his finger inside Robby's tender tunnel.

"Not really, no...feels kind of...nice...different...full, sort of...but..." stammered Robby, and then he yelped loudly as Eric's probing digit suddenly made contact with...something...what...?...inside there...that unleashed the most amazing sensations he had ever experienced.

"What?" a startled Eric asked, his finger pulling back in concern for Robby.

"NO...don't, NOT that again!"

His heart thudding in his chest, Eric moved his finger deeper, and he once again felt a small and firm little knob inside Robby's body, and he worked his fingertip across it several times as Robby went borderline nuts, his body twitching and his tight hole seeming to grip the probing finger tighter still.

"AWwww shit...oh, man...I'm gonna cum, Dude...big time!" croaked Robby in gasping breath.

And cum he did, an astounding volume of thick white semen ejecting forcefully from his bucking erection in long streamers that seemed to splatter everywhere. As the stunning orgasm waned, Robby felt suddenly exhausted, and he sagged against the seat, his spent body feeling more relaxed than ever before. Still somewhat bewildered by Rob's intense reaction to this new exploration, Eric slowly slid his finger out of Robby and sat up, his stunned gaze taking in the numerous splatters of semen that pooled on Rob's soft stomach and chest, as well as all over the truck seat. Looking at a very flushed Robby, he grinned wickedly at him, and then bent forward to lick up as much of the tacky fluid as he could, his tongue washing over Rob's warm skin. Rob lay quietly allowing Eric to clean away a good portion of the evidence of his mind-bending ejaculation, and then he reached out to pull him close, holding him, as his mind struggled to wrap around what had just taken place. Man, he thought, whatever that was, it was totally intense, and definitely needs further investigation...very definitely!

Alas, time was the enemy of the day now, and as much as both boys wanted to recover and try it all over again, it simply wasn't going to happen today. Reluctantly, they cleaned up and restored their clothing, after which Eric dropped a very sated Robby at home before heading to his own home to prepare for his family weekend. As he drove toward home, his mind replayed the stunning events of the past couple of hours, and some fleeting memory flashes of his sex-ed classes concerning a male organ called the Prostate gland moved through his mind, and as the recall improved Eric reached the conclusion that his stimulating that sensitive organ must be what resulted in Robby's intense reaction, and ejaculate. Smiling to himself, he vowed to validate his suspicion at the first opportunity, and as he turned onto his street he processed the passing thought that if inserting a finger inside Robby like that spurred such sharp reaction, just imagine how it might turn out if I inserted my...cock...inside there...yikes!!

(End Part 9)

Next: Chapter 10

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