Drive in Movie

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 26, 2009


Drive-In Movie By Storyguy22 (7)

The sense of tranquility that Eric had enjoyed during the period following the intense orgasm that Robby's amazing sucking had provided faded quickly as he continued to ardently kiss Rob, his hands actually trembling slightly as he tentatively explored his bare torso. His nervousness was nearly equal to his rapt excitement as he touched another boy in this intimate way for the first time in his young life.

It was definitely better than any of the countless imagined scenarios that he had played out in his mind over the last few years, and he marveled at the silky smoothness and warmth of Rob's skin as he let his fingers roam slowly over the boys shoulders and arms, and then wander to explore the still damp tufts of hair at his underarms. Rob's tongue danced in his mouth, and the soft mewing sounds of pleasure that Robby was making served to encourage him, his initial nervousness rapidly giving way to mounting excitement. Finding it difficult to breathe with his ragged and shallow breath, Eric broke the kiss, and nuzzled into the crook of Robby's neck, his tongue licking the soft skin there as his hand wandered lower, grazing over the stiff nubs of Robby's nipples repeatedly as Rob gasped loudly, suddenly finding his own ability to breathe normally difficult.

Eric moved his wandering hand lower, the firm ridges of Robby's abdominal muscles like small speed-bumps under his fingers as he continued his southerly trek, his fingers now following the faint and narrow hair trail that ran between Rob's tiny navel and the material of his shorts. On impulse he lowered his head and began licking the bumpy circles of Rob's nipples, his head moving between them as he licked and sucked each nubbin and Robby gasped some more, his hands coming up to grasp and guide Eric's head. Eric pushed his fingers under the waist band of Rob's shorts and he forced them deeper inside the damp garment until he felt the soft growth of hair on Robby's groin. His heart was a trip hammer in his chest, and he struggled against the tight confines of the shorts in his rampant desire to touch the rigid cock he knew was just out of reach. Frustrated, he withdrew his hand and quickly fumbled with the small button at the fly, and then worked the zipper down. Grabbing urgently at the now gapping fly, he yanked the shorts firmly so that they slid down Rob's thighs and the object of Eric's long pent up desire sprang free of its confines to lie straight and hard against Rob's abdomen.

Eric groaned loudly as his hungry gaze settled on Robby's pulsing boyhood and the plump and pink pouch of balls below. He swallowed a large glob of saliva as he starred at the beautiful specimen before him, and he briefly rolled his eyes up to meet Rob's. Robby blinked rapidly, his cute face flushed and red as he struggled to read Eric's eyes for some sort of reaction to sudden nakedness. Eric smiled nervously as he once more dropped his gaze to Robby's treasures, and he simply mumbled, meaning every syllable,

"Jesus, Robby...what a great's beautiful!"

Robby shuddered, every nerve ending in his body fully aware of Eric's hungry gaze on his nakedness, and a sense of relief washed over him at Eric's compliments. He was certain that he had never in his life been this hard before, and his rigid erection actually ached with the need to be touched, held, and brought to satisfied fulfillment. Almost as if reading his thoughts, Eric slowly moved his hand to Robby's well shaped erection, and when his hand closed firmly around its girth it was difficult to tell which boy moaned the loudest.

For Eric's part, it was the very first time he had experienced touching a cock other than his own and the instantaneous impression that flashed through his reeling mind was that of surprising warmth, and an amazing silky-softness that seemed to overlay a rigid hardness he had never imagined. He pumped it gently up and down as his free hand moved to carefully heft Robby's plump ball sack, and the fluid movement of his balls surprised Eric even though he had played with his own maybe millions of times. Gaining confidence, he quickly warmed to his task, and he began a steady and rhythmic pumping of the pulsing shaft as his fingers wrapped around Rob's scrotum, tugging on it gently.

On Robby's side of the equation, he seriously feared that the top of his head might actually explode from the intensity of the myriad of sensations that coursed through his quivering body as Eric's seemingly magic hands explored his most private areas with an expertise that he had never once experienced with Ryan's tepid efforts. He could feel that amazing tingling sensation somewhere deep inside his balls, and he looked down over his heaving torso to watch as Eric stroked him. He saw, as apparently did Eric, a tear-drop of his excitement ooze from the slit in his cock-head, and he clamped his eyes tightly shut and groaned from deep inside his chest as Eric lowered his head, and licked it away, the warm smoothness of his tongue swiping over the super-sensitive knob of his highly excited erection. As Eric continued to lap at his knob and at the same time continue his steady fisting of the swollen shaft Robby shuddered strongly, fighting the nearly irresistible urge to release his load. He sucked in a breath and held it as he tried desperately not to focus on the amazing feelings that pulsed deep in his balls, and he uttered breathlessly,

"Aw shit, Eric...damn that good...going to make me...cum...!"

Eric instantly stopped all motion, and he tightened his grip on Robby's bucking erection as he squeezed it tightly, hoping to forestall an orgasm a bit longer despite a nearly compelling desire to continue, and to watch Robby's rampant cock erupt and spew forth his creamy offering. Another time, he told himself, this time I really, really want to suck him, and taste him first hand. He glanced up at Robby's tension lined and very flushed face, and he saw a slight relaxing as the immediate urge to ejaculate passed. Rob opened his eyes, and met Eric's gaze, and he giggled softly as Eric told him,

"I am SO not sure how to do this right, but, I have seen it in a few internet videos, so maybe I can get it half-way right...I hope!"

Still giggling softly, Robby managed to reply,

" me, there isn't a way to do it wrong...just please, please...go for it, okay...?'re killing me here!"

Needing no further encouragement, Eric lowered his head, and slowly engulfed the length of Robby's sweet cock into his mouth. His first impression was that it simply felt right somehow to be doing this, as if he had been doing it forever rather than for the first time ever, and his next awareness was that save for a slight tartness that must be Robby's precum there was no taste to it at all, almost like sucking your thumb, only much larger, and harder. He bobbed his head over the throbbing cock repeatedly, finding a rhythm as his mind recalled the fluid movements that Robby had used on him, and in moments he was certain he was getting it right after all as Robby began bucking his hips and emitting a steady cadence of soft moans of pleasure as his hands settled on Eric's head as he bobbed over his throbbing erection and his hands played over his flat stomach and probed at his aching balls.

OH-MY-GOD, thought Robby, freaking amazing...killer good...jeez...almost as good as doing the sucking...almost! Every nerve ending in his body was afire, and his internal body temperature seemed hot enough to boil his blood, and he felt that intense tingling in his balls reach an intensity he had never before experienced, and the loud slurping sounds that Eric's talented mouth was making as he sucked him only added to the rapidly building loss of control. He managed to last an additional couple of minutes when Eric suddenly stopped sucking him to move lower and lick and suck at his balls, but as soon as he once more took his throbbing erection into his warm, wet mouth it was over for Robby. He felt his balls draw upward as his cock bucked strongly, and he waited a split second too long to announce his impending eruption, the sudden realization that Eric was going to get the full brunt of his spewing load, ready or not, flashing through his feverish mind. And so it was, as Robby pushed his narrow hips sharply upward and his rock hard cock literally exploded and sent streamer after streamer of his hot young cream jetting forcefully into Eric's mouth.

Eric had sensed the arrival of Robby's orgasm and some heretofore unknown reflex seemed to take over as he drew back slightly to allow space in his mouth for the spurting semen he knew was coming. Still, reflex or not, he was ill prepared for the seemingly endless volume of warm, sweet cream that suddenly flooded into his drooling mouth. The first rope of the fluid alone seemed to occupy the entire available space of his mouth, and when the second, and third bursts presented he had no option but to swallow quickly to allow room for the next, and then the next. Gulping and resisting the urge to gag Eric began to savor the slightly nutty flavored elixir, and the surprising warmth of it, and by the time Robby finally began to complete his ejaculation he felt a sense of disappointment that it had ended. He wrapped the wilting shaft with thumb and finger and squeezed it as he hoped for a final offering of the vicious fluid, and a final weak dribbling rewarded his effort, and after relishing those final drops, he released Robby's now soft, cute boyhood from his mouth, and lifted his head to look up at Robby. Robby's face and upper chest were flushed a deep pink shade, and his goofy smile told Eric all that he needed to know about the quality of his first-ever blow job, and he grinned right back with an equally goofy grin as he rolled his eyebrows in as sinister a manner that he could muster. Robby grinned again, and then extended his arms toward Eric. Eric sat up, and then stretched out over Robby as they wrapped themselves together, their naked and sated bodies intertwined as they held on tight. Each as breathless as the other they rested, comfortable in the level their new relationship had reached.

After another dip in the lake they headed back to the marina and secured the boat in its slip, then headed back toward town. Rob surprised himself some when he slid across the bench seat of Eric's pickup truck so that he could snuggle as close to him as possible, and Eric didn't seem to mind one bit as he struggled to focus on his driving as Robby idly played with his cock over his shorts. Eric felt a deep sense of satisfaction, a sense that this afternoon he had finally found something that he had long searched for, and he had found it in Robby. Perhaps the sense allowed him a feeling of slight possessiveness, and it was this feeling that prompted Eric to gently probe Robby with regard to his involvement with Ryan. Robby responded to the gentle queries openly, though he really wished that Eric had not darkened the incredible day by bringing up Ryan. Sighing, he answered Eric by telling him honestly,

"I've been friends with Ryan since we were kids...I even think that we shared our first skate-key...he is kind of like a brother, I guess...that sort of became a brother-with-benefits, if you get my drift...but lately...I don't know, since we started...fooling around...he's different somehow...a real A-hole sometimes, the way he treats me...especially right after I...well, you know."

Eric hadn't actually known for sure, but had strongly suspected that there was some sort of sex going on between Robby and Ryan, and the validation of his suspicion didn't exactly make him feel all warm and fuzzy. But, fuck it, he decided, that was before there was any kind of Robby and me, so not my business, I guess. The major issue troubling Eric about the whole thing was his concern for Robby's happiness and well being, and the simple fact that he deserved much better than the self-absorbed Ryan seemed capable of giving him, and to that end he asked Robby straight out,

"Kiddo, you so don't need or deserve that kind of shit from him, you know...? doesn't seem like he deserves you, either, and you should cut him lose if he can't get it together for can do that, right?

Rob was silent for what seemed a long time, and then he sighed heavily as he leaned in to softly kiss Eric's cheek. Then he sighed again, and muttered,

"I should, I know...I want to, even...he can be such a shit...but honestly, Eric...even after being with you, and it being so...everything...I just don't know!"

(End Part Seven)

Next: Chapter 8

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