Drive in Movie

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 23, 2009


Drive-In Movie By Storyguy22


Whether it was the relative chilliness of the water, or a mutual desire to pursue other interests, Eric and Rob spent only a few minutes paddling around in the water before returning to the more stable platform of the boat. Rob was first to climb onto the teak wood swim-out platform at the stern, and as he pulled himself aboard Eric was afforded a stunning view of his pert bubble butt. The wet board shorts clung to the perfect twin globes while the water slogged excess material wedged alluringly into the snug crease that divided them, and Eric actually emitted a low groan as his eyes bored in on the delectable sight.

On board the boat, Rob reached for his towel and began drying his wet hair as Eric clamored over the stern and Robby was afforded an equally delicious view, albeit this one of Eric's front side. His eyes dropped to the sodden material of Eric's shorts, and he felt a sharp zing deep in his balls as the wet cloth gave a clear definition of the impressive boyhood that lurked behind it. Jeez, Robby thought, that looks like a lot of cock, and he's not even hard. Robby felt the rush of saliva food his mouth as his minds-eye visualized what that more than ample tube of flesh might look like fully erect and pulsing just before he took it into his mouth. A small shudder passed over him as he imagined that, and Eric apparently noticed, as he looked askance at Robby, and smiled as he asked,


Rob felt the flash of warmth in his face, and knew he was blushing suddenly, and he forced his gaze away from Eric's crotch as he muttered,

"Uh, nothing...I'm good...just a chill, I guess...that water was pretty cool."

A coy smile crossed Eric's mouth as he nodded and began passing a towel over his lithe body as Robby watched his every move, simply unable to look away from the trim and solid body before him. Eric felt his gaze and he liked the vibrations he was catching from Robby. Dropping his towel, he moved closer to Robby, and his arm moved to cup the back of Robby's head as their eyes locked, a million unspoken messages passing between them. Rob focused on Eric's full lips, and he unconsciously licked his own as his heart pounded inside his chest, the rhythm seeming so loud he wondered if Eric could hear it. Eric leaned in closer, his head lowering as he brought that lush mouth so close that Robby felt his warm breath, and at the same time he applied gentle pressure on the back of Rob's head as his soft and breathless voice told Robby,

"You are just so kissable, Robby...I really, really want to kiss you again..."

Robby wanted that too, badly, and in response to Eric's urgent plea he pursed his mouth, and allowed Eric to guide his head as their mouths locked once more, the two tongues instantly busy. Robby nearly swooned, chills running down his spine and his knees feeling suddenly rubbery as Eric held him close. As he had the first time, Robby dropped his hand down and pushed it between their clenched bodies to grope Eric's rigid erection, and as he pumped it up and down Eric groaned into his mouth. Both boys were vaguely aware of the gentle rocking of the boat under their feet as their passion grew, and when at last they broke the deep kiss Robby's natural predilection seemed to consume him as he dropped to his knees in front of Eric, and furtively yanked his shorts to his knees. Eric gasped in surprise, or maybe delight, or both, as Robby took a moment to carefully absorb the truly beautiful erection that now bobbed scant inches from his face. My God, he thought, it's absolutely perfect! The better part of seven inches long, Erick's penis was thick and nearly sculpted in shape with a slight taper to the shaft as it reached the knob-like circumcised head. The tiny slit at its center glistened with his oozing excitement and Rob's jaw suddenly ached with a desire to taste it, and to feel its throbbing thickness inside his mouth.

He looked at the heavy pouch of balls then, and a shudder coursed through him as he brought a trembling hand up to gently cup them, hefting their weight as his fingers carefully traced the twin nuggets within the silky sack. Eric mumbled his name, his breathing ragged and shallow as Robby released his balls and took a firm grip in the throbbing erection. He pumped it slowly, his eyes locked onto the pearl of shiny fluid that emerged at the slit, and leaned his head forward. The fresh scent of youthful maleness washed over him, and without hesitation he slid his tongue out and swiped it over the silky plum and captured the tear drop of Eric's fluid, its tart taste tantalizing his taste buds as he opened wide, and took the length of Eric's rigid cock into his mouth.

Eric released a low growl as his hands shot out to grip Robby's bobbing head and he uttered,

"Oh God, Robby...Jesus, that feels so amazing!"

Rob silently agreed that his end of things felt pretty amazing as well, and shifting into his recently developed role as a serious cocksucker, he began deftly applying all the skills he had crafted with Ryan. His mouth slid wetly along the thickness of Eric's cock, and his hands were brought into play as well, one moving over the firm smoothness of Eric's flat stomach while the other returned to play with his dangling balls. Eric rocked his hips, his gentle thrusts matching Robby's rhythm perfectly, and a cadence of low moans of pleasure was issued by a panting Eric, and for a while time itself seemed to stop. Robby heard Eric's groans of pleasure as they mingled with his own slurping sounds, and he couldn't think of any other spot on the planet that he would rather be at that moment. He sensed Eric's rapidly mounting excitement, and in another minute or so he felt the familiar thickening of the wide shaft filling his mouth and he knew the grand moment was upon them.

He pulled back slightly as his fingers tugged at Eric's now boiling balls, and he felt Eric tighten his grip on his head as he rocked up onto his tip-toes and groaned deeply. The cock bucked once more in Robby's mouth, and then it simply erupted repeatedly, pumping stream after stream of warm, thick semen into Robby's mouth as he happily swallowed it down until the copious flow finally subsided. Feeling the rampant cock begin to wilt in his mouth, Robby continued to gently suckle it as he carefully milked Eric's balls with his fingers in an effort to drain the last of the tasty elixir, and an exhausted Eric finally pulled away, and collapsed onto the bench seat behind him. Brightly lit tiny spots of vivid color danced in front to Eric's eyes, and when he had at last recovered sufficient breath to attempt to speak, he managed a weak smile as he said,

"Robby...sweet Jesus, never felt anything so freaking amazing...not...ever!"

Rob was suddenly embarrassed by his boldness, and he shyly returned Eric's astonished smile as he shrugged his shoulders, and lamely confessed,

"Well...uh...actually, it feels like that to me too...I', it's kind of just something I like doing...really like, I mean...almost like an obsession or's weird I guess, but...well...there it is...forgive me?"

Eric laughed out loud as he reached down and pulled Robby up to sit beside him as he wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close. He kissed his lips and probed his mouth with his tongue, the lingering flavor of his eruption still present, and as he pulled away he told Robby,

"Forgive you...?'re kidding, right...?...nobody needs to forgive you for working a miracle, Dude...and trust me...that was a miracle, big time...almost as much of a miracle as my meeting you...someone so much like me, I mean...and as for your...obsession...well, it's an obsession of mine,'re just a little ahead of me, is all!"

Relived, Robby grinned as he reached down to gently grasp Eric's still plump cock, and he told him,

"Really...? cool is that...?...and hey Eric...ya know Dude, if you maybe want to play catch up...well...I'm here for you, Dude!"

Laughing again, Eric ruffled Robby's soft hair, and replied,

"Oh yea, I absolutely do want to play catch up, Robby-boy...starting now!"

(End Part 6)

Next: Chapter 7

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