Drive in Movie

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 12, 2009


Drive-In Movie By Storyguy22 (4)

As the summer wore on Rob and Ryan hung out together whenever possible, and their dalliances with sex continued, albeit at more of an irregular pace than Rob would have preferred. While Ryan always seemed to enjoy Rob sucking him off, and he even kind of reciprocated with the occasional hand job for Robby, his inherently straight leanings seemed to wrought some level of guilt on him after each event, and Rob sensed a definite increase in these guilt trips as the summer progressed.

Rob struggled with his strong desire to initiate sex with Ryan, fearing that his overdoing it would end it altogether should Ryan feel pressured when he wasn't in the mood. Rob chided himself, knowing that the relationship, at least on its sexual level, was pretty much one-way. And Ryan could even be cruel about it at times, especially if any sort of stimulates like alcohol or pot were involved. Rob recalled only too well the few occasions where a less than sober Ryan would become verbally abusive when he was sucking him, mocking him not in a kind way for his proclivity for sucking cock, and while it bothered Robby greatly, he found himself unable to break off that side of the relationship, even though he was painfully aware of how it belittled him as a person and a friend, no matter how infrequently it occurred. Deep down Rob knew full well that friend or not Ryan held some level of disdain for him when it came to his sexual preferences, and while he never brought it up, it bothered him a lot.

These less than happy thoughts rattled around in Rob's mind as he finished dressing for the party he and Ryan were attending that afternoon, and as he tried to decide what to wear for the occasion his thoughts turned to the most recent of less than pleasant events between he and Ryan. It had been a week ago now, the previous Friday night to be exact. He and Ryan had hung out at the mall for a while and spent some time playing video games in the arcade before going to the local hang out for some food. Afterward, Ryan had driven them out to the lake a few miles from town, and he had scored a twelve pack of beer from a contact he had who worked in a conscience store. Parked at a deserted spot at the lake Ryan had consumed several of the brews to Rob's two, and afterward he had suggested that they go skinny-dipping, which Robby readily agreed to given that it afforded the opportunity for them to get naked together, a situation which would almost surely lead to Robby getting to suck Ryan's cock.

As predicted, after some dunking and splashing around in the refreshing water, Ryan had begun to taunt Robby with his very tempting nakedness, and without much in the way of resistance Rob soon found himself kneeling before Ryan with that very impressive unit moving in and out of his drooling mouth while his hand busied itself fondling Ryan's plump balls. Robby, as usual, loved every second of it until his reverie was suddenly dampened by Ryan launching once more into one of his guilt driven surly moods.

"Jesus, Robby...what a great cocksucker you a natural fag...I don't get what you love about slobbering over my dick like that, or eating my jizz, but I'm glad that you do!" he had ranted as he tightly gripped Rob's head in his hands and sawed his cock into his mouth.

The biting words hurt Robby, and he hated himself for accepting that attitude from Ryan, but still he was unable to stop sucking him, the nearly crushing desire to extract the heavy load of thick cum he knew was eminent overriding his rational thinking. And as though granting his silent wish Ryan's cock had bucked in his mouth, and erupted with a torrent of warm and tart tasting fluid that he quickly gulped down while Ryan had extracted his spewing erection from Robby's mouth to allow the last spurts to paint his face, and hair. Ryan watched with glee as his thick ropes of cum streaked over Robby's face, and he laughed as he said,

"Oh man...fuck yea...look at you, a glazed fucking donut...sweet!"

Rob shuddered at the painful recollection, and as he pulled on a pair of white tennis shorts and a blue Polo shirt he recalled how a half loaded Ryan had continued his line of cruel comments all the way home, and had then more less summarily dumped Robby at home as he sped off into the darkness. Tying his tennis shoes, Rob stood in front of the mirror to survey his appearance, and he made a face at his reflection as he once more scolded himself for accepting Ryan's boorish behavior. Sighing heavily, he told himself for the hundredth time that Ryan didn't mean it, it was just his own guilt feelings that brought that out in him, and besides, what was he supposed to do...?...stop sucking his cock...?...NOT!

Robby walked through the living room just as Ryan pulled into his driveway, and after calling a goodbye to his Mom, he went outside, and slid in beside Ryan. He smiled, and watched Ryan give him the once over before he commented,

"Nice, Dude...white little shorts...very girly...maybe you'll get lucky and ping some other faggots radar tonight."

Frowning, Robby stuck his tongue out at Ryan and replied,

"Thanks a bunch look very studly yourself...and who knows, maybe I will attract someone who will appreciate my special talents...I really don't think that you do anymore."

Ryan chuckled and groped his crotch as he answered,

"Sure I do, Robby-boy, you suck this bad-boy like a champ, it's just the afterward part that bums me out."

Shaking his head, Robby muttered,

" live with it, okay?" Ryan chuckled, nodding his head, and then he backed out, and headed to the party.

A few hours later the party was in full swing, with the overcrowded house spilling participants outside to the back yard as the raucous crowd danced wildly to the blaring music and the keg beer flowed like water. Since their arrival Ryan had mostly ignored Rob, perhaps a lingering attitude from their mild conflict back in the car, and when Rob watched him swagger over to refill his cup of beer he shook his head, worrying that Ryan would go into one of his mean moods again. Ryan spotted him across the kitchen, and gave him a far too gregarious wink as he openly groped his crotch, and Robby turned away, mortified that someone would notice the obvious gesture. He moved outside, and walked over to sit down on a low brick wall that fronted a flower bed, and he quickly became lost in his troubled thoughts about Ryan and his behavior.

A few minutes later his thinking was interrupted when a shadow fell over his face, and he looked up to see a boy he knew casually from school standing there, a can of coke in his extended hand. Robby blinked, shifting his gaze between the offered soda and the cute guy holding it, and when the guy finally spoke, Rob smiled broadly.

"Buy you a drink, Sailor?" he asked.

Still smiling, Rob reached out to take the offered Coke as he answered,

"Might be the best offer all day...thanks."

Sitting down next to Robby the boy chuckled, and introduced himself as Eric, and then he went on to help Rob place him when he offered that they had shared a science class together at school the past semester. That determined, the two had a long and pleasant chat about a variety of odds and ends, and after a half hour or so, Rob felt pleasantly relaxed with Eric, and Eric apparently felt the same. At one point Eric got up and walked over to toss his soda can in the trash, and when he sat back down his smooth bare leg rested against Robby's. Robby felt a stirring at the contact, but neither boy made any effort to move, so their conversation continued, and so did the warm contact.

Later on Robby saw an obviously impaired Ryan emerge from the house and survey the back yard, probably looking for him. He tensed up, and Eric quickly caught the reaction as he followed Rob's gaze toward Ryan. Turning to Rob, he said,

"Uh-oh...looks like packing a load, and looking for you...I saw you come in together earlier...I don't want to cause you any problems, Rob, but I'd really love to talk more with you...could I maybe call you sometime...? have a cell number, or text?"

Rob glanced over at Ryan, and his heart raced as he realized this good looking boy was interested in him, and he briefly wondered if there was any chance that Eric was like as he saw Ryan's bleary gaze settle on him, he quickly turned to Eric and recited both his cell and text numbers, and then told him,

"Me too, Eric, I'd like that a me, okay?..but I better go...this can get really ugly when he drinks, you know?"

Eric nodded his understanding, and then slid the scrap of paper he had noted Rob's numbers on into his shirt pocket as he stood up. He turned his back on the approaching Ryan, and said,

"Cool, Robby...great seeing you, and we'll talk again going to be okay with this dude?"

Rob smiled, unable to stop himself from dropping his gaze to the intriguing bulges at the front of Eric's shorts as he answered,

"Great seeing you too, Eric...and yes, it's all good...he's only abusive in a verbal to you soon."

With a final glance at the approaching Ryan Eric nodded and then gave Robby a wink as he walked off. Ryan walked up and sat awkwardly on the wall beside Rob, and brazenly dropped a hand onto Rob's bare thigh as he muttered drunkenly,

"Hey, Baby-cakes...I think you need to drive me out to the lake where we were the other day...I definitely need to sober up before I go home...maybe you'd be up for some of that Dr. Rob's special treatment, too!"

Glancing quickly around to see who might have overheard, Rob stood up, and pulled Ryan to his feet as he moved off toward the car, saying,

"I think that is a great plan,'re parents catch you like this, you're dead."

After working their way through the still thick throng of partiers, Rob helped Ryan into the passenger seat, and then he drove them out to the lake where they parked at the end of the narrow dirt road that went all the way to the water. Ryan had been quiet during the ride, the alcohol causing him to doze. As Rob stopped the car and shut it off, he stirred and looked around at their deserted surroundings.

"Awesome...alone at last Sweetlips...come on Dude...let's get naked and swim...I need to shake this buzz." Ryan said as he climbed out of the car and began taking off his clothes.

Rob sat behind the wheel for a moment, part of him wanting to join Ryan in skinny dipping and another part of him questioning his lack of ability to end what was quickly turning into a bad relationship. With a sigh he once more gave in to his strong desire to please his tormentor, and he got out of the car and began stripping as Ryan staggered off naked to plunge into the lake. Seeing the boy's nakedness caused Rob to forget his misgivings, and he quickly got naked and hurried to join Ryan in the water.

Ryan was apparently intent on working off the excess of beer he had consumed and he basically ignored Rob for a long time as he swam vigorous laps back and forth. Robby watched his graceful strokes, his swimming skills obvious despite his altered physical state, and when Ryan showed no sign of slowing down any time soon, he swam over to some large rocks that jutted above the waterline. Climbing up, he sat down on the rock and waited, knowing full well that Ryan would come looking for a different sort of satisfaction once he had expelled the effects of the alcohol, and also knowing full well that he would happily deliver it.

As predicted, Ryan finally wore himself out enough that he stopped his lap swimming, and when he spotted Robby sitting patiently on the rocks, he made his way over and climbed up, standing in front of the seated Rob, his thick cock and heavy balls directly in his face. Grasping the half erect shaft in one hand he stroked it as he directed the wide knob at Robby's soft lips, and said,

"Here's your treat, Robby-boy...go for it...I know you have been without this big boy too long."

Once again the words and the tone stung Robby, but as the velvety soft plum of Ryan's now fully erect cock brushed over his lips, he couldn't stop himself from sliding his tongue out to lick it all over as his hand came up to gently cup the dangling ball sack.

"Oh yea...that's it Sweetlips...lick that cock...suck my balls...hell all that, Baby-boy, and I'll give you a nice warm load to swallow!" Hissed Ryan, his hips bucking forward to drive the wide erection into Robby's warm, wet mouth.

Instinctively, Robby eagerly took it in, his mouth forming perfectly to Ryan's invading meat, and his sucking instincts immediately kicked in as he began eagerly bobbing over it, his rampant saliva slicking the thick stalk as it overflowed his crowded mouth. His hand worked at Ryan's full balls, the fingers probing the tender eggs carefully as his other hand roamed over Ryan's firm, flat stomach and worked upward to tease at his nipples.

"Fuck yea...that's so good, suck like a champ...makes me so damn horny...not gonna be long this time, Sugarlips...Daddy's gonna fill that sweet mouth with a nice hot load!" chanted a huffing Ryan.

Robby winced at the tirade, but it had zero effect on his sucking, and he once again hated himself for being so weak as to be totally unable to stop sucking Ryan despite his verbal abuse. He surprised himself when his mind suddenly shifted to Eric, and he briefly wondered about his cock, and how this might be different with someone who was equally into it, but before he could finish the train of thought his reverie was interrupted by Ryan suddenly grabbing his head as he drilled his thick cock into his mouth, gagging him briefly as it throbbed and erupted, jetting several ropes of warm and salty semen into his mouth, and down his throat.

Sated, Ryan extracted his spent cock from Robby's mouth, and he reached down to swipe away an errant ribbon of his cum that drizzled down Robby's chin. Bringing the coated finger to Robby's mouth, he wiped the creamy fluid over his puffy lips, and told him,

"Lick it clean, fag-boy...don't let it go to waste."

The direction stabbed at Robby's pride, and at his heart, but he complied, opening his mouth to suck the extended finger clean as Ryan stood over him, a soft chuckle adding to Robby's wounded pride. Ryan turned away then, and just before he plunged back into the lake he said over his shoulder,

"Nice job as usual, come on, let's go...I need to sleep now."

Rob shook his head, once again filled with that curious mixture of self-loathing and sexual satisfaction, and he finally stood and dove into the lake, following Ryan toward the beach, and the car. Dressed, a much sobered but still slightly surly Ryan took Robby home, and then drove off without much more than a "see ya." Robby stood in the darkness watching the tail lights fade from view, and he found his thoughts once more turning to Eric. Man, he thought, I really, really hope he calls...soon!

(End Part 4)

Next: Chapter 5

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