Drive in Movie

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 6, 2009


Drive-In Movie By Storyguy22


After dropping Rob at home, Ryan drove to his house mostly on auto-pilot as he replayed the stunning events of the past couple of hours. Now that the passion of the moment, well, moments to put a point on it, had cooled he was feeling more than a little bit weird about it. He was actually somewhat surprised at himself for going along with Rob's sexual overtures, as least as seemingly willingly as he had, and in this period of stark reflection he almost wished that he hadn't; almost, but not entirely. There was no doubt that the whole thing had been pretty amazing, and it certainly had felt great having Robby play with his cock, and when he sucked it, even allowing him to shoot off in his mouth it had been way over the top, definitely. No, his consternation was not with the pure physical side of things, but more with the emotional end of things now that the excitement had cooled.

Hell, Ryan thought, I never thought there was a gay bone in my body, not even the bone in question, and he still felt that way about himself. And Robby, shit, who knew? As long as the two boys had been friends there had before tonight never been a hint that he went that route either. Well, maybe now that Ryan was really thinking about it, maybe a very subtle clue or two, mostly evidenced by Rob's apparent lack of genuine interest in girls except in a "just friends" sort of way. And when he really studied Rob's behaviors he realized that other factors were present too, such as Rob's lack of interest in sports participation, preferring instead to be a spectator and an admirer of the guys who possessed a sport prowess, and in thinking about that he suddenly realized that there had been several occasions during football or baseball victory parties where Rob had actually fawned over the star of the game.

Ryan parked in his driveway, and quietly entered the silent house. He took a soda from the refrigerator on his way through the kitchen, and then climbed the stairs to his bedroom, being stealthy to avoid waking his sleeping parents. He closed his door, and stripped to his underwear before settling down on his bed, and he propped his pillows behind his head as he continued his reflection on Robby, and their evening at the drive-in, and then again afterward on the dead-end street. He closed his eyes and pictured both events in his mind, and it surprised him some that the result of running those mental movies was a massive erection that throbbed behind his shorts. Without really thinking of what he was doing he reached for it, and gripped the rigid stalk tightly as he shuddered all over. Peeling down his briefs he freed his very hard cock, and looked down at it as he idly stroked its length. A vivid image of Rob bobbing his head over it flashed through his mind, and he shuddered again, a low groan coming from his chest. Damn it, he thought, weird or not those blow jobs had felt fucking amazing, even if they had been delivered by another dude, and his best bud at that. Ryan figured that he could accept that fact okay without needing to apply the dreaded gay label to himself, thinking that being on the receiving end was simply a matter of going with what felt incredibly good no matter the gender of the hot mouth doing the sucking. Besides, he told himself, I'd have been nuts to push him away, hell, blow jobs for sixteen year old high school boys were few and far between, at least with the crowd of females he hung with. Still stroking his thick cock he became aware of the sweet feelings building in his balls for the third time in as many hours, and he chuckled softly. Fuck it, he decided, lets not over think this whole thing, Ryan-boy, I mean shit, if Robby wants to suck you off time to time, what's the harm?

His emotional turmoil at rest for the moment, Ryan shifted his focus to his pulsing erection, and in a matter of minutes he was once again spraying his copious load of warm cum all over his flat stomach and chest, the first rope nearly reaching his dark nipples as his hips thrust up off the bed.

In the calm afterglow of the orgasm Ryan let his thoughts return to the evening, and he once more began to question his own actions, especially that last time on the dark street. Oh man, he thought, as he recalled his telling, begging really, Robby to take his own cock out so he could see it, and touch it, and he shivered a little as he admitted to himself that it had been as exciting as hell to do just that. And more, Jesus, he had actually jerked his friend off, letting his creamy discharge spew all over his hand. And worse, shit, he had licked some of it up too, and liked it. What the fuck is that about, he wondered. He let that sink in some, and then shrugged it off as sleep began to creep into his consciousness. It was just the novelty, boys being boys experimentation mixed with a touch of the desire for payback for the mind-blowing experiences Robby had provided him. What's that movie line from Platoon...?...oh yea..."Don't mean nothing...nothing at all." Sighing loudly, Ryan rolled over onto his still sticky tummy, and dropped off into a sound sleep.

Rob woke early the next morning and he smiled broadly at the ceiling of his bedroom as his hands roamed over his naked body. Man, he thought, what an incredible night that was! For a long time now he had secretly harbored the desire to do the things he had done last night with Ryan, and man, he decided, was he ever right about how hot he always thought it would be! He grabbed his cock, his other hand moving to fondle his balls as he vividly recalled how awesome Ryan's big cock was, and how it had filled his mouth as he sucked it, and a jolt of pleasure zinged his balls as he remembered the moment the thick stalk had bucked inside his mouth, and filled it with warm, tart goodness. And not only once, but twice...damn!

Rob's excitement faded a moment later as his thoughts turned to Ryan, and how he might be feeling about last night now that it was the cold dawn of a new day, and his erection began to wilt in his grip. Shit, he thought, that might be a real problem now that he thought seriously about it. Ryan had never once exhibited any sort of interest in exploring sexually with him and Rob was fully aware of his inherent straightness, and the usual macho disdain he occasionally expressed regarding things of a gay nature, and he was suddenly really concerned about what effect his boldness of the previous evening might have on their long standing friendship. Damn it, I may have just screwed up one of the most important things in my life by allowing my horny side to overrule my thinking side last night, he thought, alarm rapidly spreading over his senses. As great as sucking him off had been he wasn't ready to trade that act for Ryan's friendship, and he was in a bit of a panic as he rolled out of bed and headed to the shower. He decided that he needed to get over to Ryan's place as soon as possible so that he could gauge first hand just what impact his loss of self control was going to have on what he considered an important relationship.

Ryan's Mom let him in, and told him Ryan was still upstairs in his bedroom. When Rob had hesitated about waking him, Ryan's Mom sent him upstairs saying it was late, and about time for him to be out of bed anyway, so Rob climbed the stairs, his mind racing with apprehension of just what scene might play out in the next few minutes. Inhaling a deep breath, he tapped softly on Ryan's door, then pushed it open a ways as he peered around it into the dimly lit room. Ryan was lying on his bed, awake with pillows stuffed behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. His head rolled toward Rob, and a lazy smile painted over his face as he said,

"Hey Robby...what's up Dude...?'re an early-bird today."

Rob moved fully into the room and closed the door behind him. He smiled sheepishly, and crossed the room to sit down on the foot of the bed. He let his gaze sweep over Ryan, and he felt a stirring at his crotch as he settled his eyes on the impressive bulges under the thin sheet that covered Ryan's mid-section. The lingering gaze was apparently not lost on Ryan who raised his arms above his head and stretched, the taut muscles of his arms, shoulders, and smooth chest flexing as Rob tried not to stare. Unable to resist the urge, he stared at the tufts of dark hair in Ryan's underarms, and he stammered,

"Uh, yea...I guess I am, sort of...anxious I guess...I mean, um, I just hope that we're all good...uh, you're not, like, pissed about...last night...are you?"

Ryan didn't reply immediately, his very blue eyes looking intently into Robby's. Rob held his breath, half way expecting to hear what he most feared, that his best friend wanted nothing more to do with a fag like him. The passing seconds seemed like hours, and Rob finally exhaled the breath as he saw another smile cross Ryan's face as he said,

"Naw, it's cool...majorly weird, maybe...but it's all good's just between us, right?"

Feeling a wave of intense relief, Rob nodded his head, and answered,

"Definitely just between us...and listen Dude, I don't know what the fuck got into me, you know...?'s just...shit...I don't really understand it myself."

Ryan nodded, his expression more serious than Rob would have hoped, and he felt a chill when Ryan quietly asked,

"Robby...Dude...I gotta are"

Rob shrugged, his heart hammering in his chest as his thoughts raced to find an answer to the blunt question, and he finally just shrugged again as he mumbled,

"Fuck, Ry...I don't really know the answer to that.. maybe, I guess...I get these weird thoughts pretty often...but last night...well, that is actually the first time I ever let the ideas out to play, you know?"

An awkward silence followed, and as Ryan shifted his position the sheet covering his treasures slid down so that his thatch of dark pubes was visible and Rob could not help but focus his gaze there. Again Ryan caught him at it, and he made matters worse as he slid his hand under the sheet and fondled his cock, the action not being missed by Rob who all but drooled as he visualized the thick stalk of tasty flesh that lay barely concealed by the thin sheet. He swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly flooded with saliva as his eyes locked on Ryan slowly stroking himself beneath the sheet, and he struggled to concentrate on Ryan's words as he went on,

"Okay, that's cool too...none of us can help what we are...what we like and want, I guess...and Dude, while we're being up front here I gotta tell you I really got off on last night...I mean, like, big time...I, uh, even jerked off after I got here last thinking about...what we got into, you know...but Robby...serious here, Dude...I honestly don't feel gay...not even a little bit...regular sex is pretty much my thing I'm sure...but...well...last night...shit was freaking hot, definitely!"

Rob was stunned, Ryan's sense of where he was being the last thing that he expected to hear, and he just nodded dumbly, his eyes still locked on Ryan's movements beneath the sheet. Finally, feeling that he ought to say something, he muttered, barely above a whisper,

"Dude, that is so cool...awesome...I was, like, so scared that you were going to freak, you know...?...freak, and tell me to take a long walk out of your life...but you get it, and that means everything to still being tight, I mean...and honest to God, Ryan, I won't ever hit on you that way again."

Ryan chuckled, his hand movements becoming more pronounced under the sheet, and Robby felt his heart turn over as he heard,

"Awww...really...?...and here I am all horny, and sorta hoping you might want know?"

Rob tore his gaze from the motion beneath the sheet and he locked his eyes on Ryan's as he blurted,

"Seriously...? want me to...suck you...?...right now?"

Ryan smiled, his head bobbing in a faint nod as he replied,

"'d be way cool...if you want to, I mean."

Still not believing what he was hearing Robby hesitated before slowly extending his trembling hand toward Ryan's sheet covered crotch, and as he closed his fist around the rigid stalk he found there he mumbled,

"Oh yea, I want to...big time I want to...are you sure?"

Again Ryan simply nodded, and then he tugged the sheet out of Rob's exploring hand and flipped it aside, his rigid erection springing into view. Rob gulped, staring hungrily at the thick cock that pulsed against Ryan's flat abdomen, and his shaking hand reached for it once more. He gripped it, pumping his fist slowly up and down the impressive length as Ryan groaned in pleasure, his well toned legs spreading to allow full access to his treasures. The heady scents washed over Robby, and the feel of Ryan's rigid and silky smooth erection caused him to feel dizzy as he inched closer, and then lowered his head. His tongue slid out, and he tugged upward on the thick shaft, and then washed his tongue over the knobby head several times as Ryan shuddered, a low groan coming from deep in his chest. His nervousness quickly fading, Rob engulfed the long shaft into his drooling mouth, and Ryan let out another groan of pleasure as he began bobbing over it, his tongue playing along the heavy vein that ran the length of the smooth underside of the thick tool.

"Oh fuck..." grunted Ryan, "that ain't gay...that is freaking amazing!"

Indeed, thought Robby, settling into a steady rhythm as he sucked the turgid cock, his hand now fondling the heavy balls that lay between Ryan's smooth thighs. Totally lost to the task at hand, Rob vanquished all negative thoughts about himself, and what he was doing. It just seemed so right, a sense of total power over the owner of the cock that slid in and out of his mouth, and if that meant he was in fact gay, so be it. Releasing the throbbing and oozing shaft from his mouth, Rob dropped lower and began lick and lap at the wide pouch of Ryan's balls, and he carefully captured each nugget in turn to gently suck it while Ryan's cadence of groans increased with the new sensations. Returning his attentions to the rigid cock, Rob worked for full effect now, eager to once more taste the thick, warm goo that he knew was soon to be delivered in forceful spurts. He wrapped thumb and finger around the base and pumped in sync with his head bobs, and in a matter of minutes Ryan was thrusting his hips up and down as his fingers tugged at Robby's hair. A few more deft ups and downs as he continued to stroke the base and Ryan lost it, his hips thrusting upward one final time as his cock erupted, spewing thick ropes of warm cum into Robby's sucking mouth. Rob happily accepted each offering as it came, swallowing each in time for the arrival of the next, and when Ryan was finally spent and his rigid cock began to soften, Rob swallowed down the final dribbles of the tart fluid, and then let the spent cock slip from his battered mouth.

He laid his head on Ryan's still heaving abdomen, and he gently fondled the now wilted penis as he continued to lick the angry red head until Ryan begged him to stop, the super-sensitivity suddenly too much to take. Robby sat up then, and smiled meekly at his friend while Ryan struggled to recover his breath. Looking into Robby's eyes, Ryan rolled his head side to side on his pillow, and he finally told him,

"Damn, Dude...Christ, how am I ever supposed to live again without that...?"

Blushing and smiling nervously, Robby shrugged, and replied,

"Who says that you have to...?"

(End Part 3)

Next: Chapter 4

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