Drive in Movie

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 1, 2009


Drive-In Movie (Cont'd) By Storyguy22


I wrote the first part of this story as an intended one-part story. Given the unexpected amount of reader response to it, it seems only right to continue the adventures of Ryan and Rob a bit further. Many thanks to all who responded, and I hope part 2 measures up.


Driving home from the movie an uncomfortable quiet seemed almost deafeningly loud in the car. Rob sat quietly, still savoring both the experience of sucking off his friend, and the lingering taste of his creamy cum in his mouth. His mind raced, wondering what the silent Ryan might be thinking as he drove.

Not that Rob felt any kind of regret, quite the contrary actually, since sucking Ryan had long been his secret desire and he was definitely glad it had finally happened. The silent thing was what had him bugged, and he wished that Ryan would say something, anything. He turned his head to look at Ryan, and Ryan glanced his way, a small and sort of sheepish smile curling up his mouth as he said,


Rob shrugged, turning to face forward again as he replied quietly,

"Nothing, I guess...just kind of wondering if you...hate me now...or what."

Ryan chuckled, reaching over to gently punch Rob's arm as he told him,

"Hate you...?...don't think so, Dude...I mean, does a guy hate his best bud...especially when he to be even more... special?"

Rob felt himself blush, but the comment went a long way to allay the butterflies that were flittering in his stomach, and he chuckled softly as he asked,

"Really...? it's all good then...? don't think that I'm some fag because I wanted to suck you off?"

Ryan laughed, and replied,

"Fag...?...jeez that term still in play...?...I thought it was PC these days to say gay...but hey, whatever...all I can tell you my man is that that was the most amazingly good thing I have ever felt...ever...hell, I thought that the couple of times that that slut Carol Dobbs shoved her hand inside my shorts and jerked me off was the killer event of my way does that even get close to how good you just made me feel Dude...not even close!"

Rob went hot faced again, loving Ryan's enthusiasm while at the same time he was unable to not define himself as a cocksucker, and worse, a cocksucker who had loved it, and couldn't wait to do it again. Gay...?...he thought, am I...?...never actually thought of it that way...not really sure about that right now...just really sure that I want to feel that hard, hot cock in my mouth again, and feel and taste it shooting like a freaking water cannon, gay or not. Turning to look at Ryan he flashed a silly grin, and said,

"Okay truth is, I loved doing it to you, and I'm really glad it was so intense for you a good way, I now, want some more of that action...?...cause I sure do!"

Ryan's head jerked as he looked intently at Rob, gauging his seriousness, and the hungry expression on Rob's face gave him all the confirmation he needed so he simply nodded, and answered,

"Yea...definitely...I do want more...just say the word, Bud."

" The Word!" barked a giggling Rob, and Ryan joined him, cracking up as he affectionately called him a pervert as he began looking for some secluded spot to stop the car before Rob had second thoughts, his cock already filling out in his jeans despite the intense orgasm he had enjoyed a half hour ago.

Spotting a mostly darkened side street, Ryan turned into it, and then drove to the dead-end of the lane where he stopped, and stopped the car. Another loud silence filled the car, the only sounds the muffled traffic sounds from the main road they had exited, and Rob suddenly felt less brave than he had a moment ago as the reality of the situation settled onto him. He turned, and looked at Ryan a moment before he extended his arm, and dropped his hand onto Ryan's leg, high up on his firm thigh. Ryan sucked in his breath at the contact, and his hand dropped down to grip Rob's wrist the same way he had at the drive-in, and he tugged Rob's hand onto his swollen crotch as he muttered,

"Feel how freaking hard I am, Robby...shit...this is, like, so freaking gay...but fuck it...I want it...I want it bad!"

Squeezing and releasing Ryan's rigid cock in his hand Rob looked right onto Ryan's eyes, and spoke very softly as he said,

"Want what, Ryan...what do you want bad...?...tell me!"

Ryan exhaled loudly, his hips pressing up to drive his erection into Rob's groping hand as he muttered,

"I want you to suck me, Robby...please Dude...suck my cock...I'm so damn hard it hurts just thinking about it!"

"Yea...and I'm about to drown in my own spit my mouth is watering so bad...get those jeans off, Dude...hurry...I want that big, hard cock right now!"

"Oh Jesus...yea...fuck yea...!" hissed Ryan as he fumbled with his fly, and quickly slid his jeans and briefs to his knees.

His erection leaped free, the wide stalk standing straight up against his flat stomach while his plump scrotum settled between his thighs, and Rob stared at the mouth watering package a moment. Reaching for it, he gripped the base of Ryan's cock between finger and thumb and lifted it off his abdomen as his head dipped down, and his tongue slid out to wash over the plum-like knob several times. Ryan groaned, and Rob inhaled the scent of him as he took the head between his full lips and sucked it. His head bobbed over the rock hard boyhood as his free hand went to jostle Ryan's heavy balls, and he slowly engulfed the entire length until he gagged slightly from the fat knob sticking the back of his throat.

"OH fuck...Jesus, that's good!" grunted Ryan as Rob sucked him and tugged at his balls.

Pulling off of the pulsing erection momentarily, Rob glanced up at Ryan and replied,

"Uh tastes good too...Damn, Ryan, you have such a great cock!"

Ryan grinned widely, the visual image of his friend holding his rock hard cock scant inches from his cute face causing his cock to throb even harder. Sensing that Ryan was turned-on by watching him manipulate his cock Rob tugged it closer and then moved the glistening knob of it all over his face as he stared into Ryan's wide eyes.

"Aw, fuck...that looks so freaking hot, Robby...hell, YOU are fucking hot, Dude...I can't believe this...not any of it!"

Rob tongue washed the length of Ryan's tool, and then slid a hand under his plump ball sack and cradled it as he washed his tongue over the crinkled pouch. Ryan groaned, his head falling back against the car seat as Rob licked his balls a bit before moving to resume his steady sucking of his oozing cock. Up and down he went, his head bobbing over his friend's tasty young meat and he savored the tartness of Ryan's flowing precum. He could feel the shaft pulsing against his tongue, and he sensed that another copious ejaculation was not far off, so he picked up the pace a bit, eager now to repeat the stunning experience of Ryan's creamy cum erupting into his mouth.

Ryan emitted a steady cadence of low moans of pleasure as Robby delivered his second-ever blow job, and he gazed in wonder at the bobbing head at his crotch as he felt the familiar tingling develop deep in his balls. For a few seconds he wondered how Rob could allow him to eject his nectar into his mouth but the thought was quickly dismissed as he suddenly realized that he was about to do just that, his rigid cock swelling harder still as his ejaculate was released from his aching balls to begin it's rapid and unstoppable journey through the length of his spasming cock.

"Fuck yea...I'm cummin, Dude!" he growled.

Rob knew that before Ryan barked it loudly and he quickly positioned his drooling mouth in the best position to receive the maximum delivery of the immanent eruption. He was just in time with the maneuver as a split second later Ryan's thick cock bucked inside his mouth, and a forceful flood of the vicious, warm fluid filled his mouth to capacity. The force and volume of the eruption caused Robby to gag briefly, and the automatic restricting of his throat caused a burst of the slimy stuff to explode into his sinus cavities so that he ended up snorting the stuff out his nose at the same time he was gulping down the rest of it. Taking the spent cock deep into his mouth he tongued it so that he managed to capture the final drizzles of Ryan's cum, and he savored the smooth texture and taste of it as he continued to suckle at Ryan's wilting meat until he began pushing his head away as it all became too sensitive following his stunning orgasm. Rob sat up, his tongue washing over his lips briefly as he looked into Ryan's slightly glazed over eyes. On impulse and without really designing to do it he leaned into Ryan and kissed his lush mouth as he pushed his semen-coated tongue into his mouth, and Ryan grunted a brief protest before he relaxed, and actually returned the unexpected kiss, his own tongue mingling with Robby's as they shared the tangy aftertaste of his ejaculate.

After a moment or two, Ryan broke the kiss and pulled back slightly as the two boys panted loudly as they stared into each others eyes. Ryan blinked several times, and then finally managed a breathless,


Rob smiled shyly, nodding his head as his pulse raced in his veins, and he thought to himself, wow is I'm not only sucking his cock and swallowing his load; I'm even turned on by kissing him! Out loud he simply nodded again, and replied,

"Yea, for!"

A short silence followed as the boys resumed a more normal heart rate and breathing, and it occurred to Ryan that while he had enjoyed not one but two extreme orgasms in the last hour or so, his buddy had not had any sort of relief at all. Somehow that just didn't seem fair, and as squeamish as he felt about it, or unsure at any rate, he found himself out to explore Robby's crotch. His hand closed around a very hard erection behind Rob's jeans, and when he squeezed down on it Rob groaned in pleasure. He jacked it a little, his curiosity building so quickly that it actually surprised him, and he surprised himself even more when he heard himself say,

"Take it out, Robby...not saying I'm going to suck it, but I want to see you, and touch you...and make you feel good too."

Rob's heart jumped, and he looked down at Ryan's hand groping his throbbing hard cock, and his lust and excitement seemed to take over his brain as he quickly worked at the fly of his jeans until his rigid cock was free and standing in the open. He leaned back into the seat, watching carefully as Ryan stared at the pulsing boyhood a moment before once more gripping it in his hand. He pumped it slowly, his thumb exploring the circumcised head as he muttered in a whisper,

"Fuck,'s hot and hard...smooth...damn...!"

Rob shuddered strongly, every nerve ending in his young body suddenly on fire as Ryan continued to stroke him steadily, and he could hardly believe the amazing sensations that coursed through his trembling body. He shuddered again, and managed to croak out,

"Ryan...oh man...that feels...amazing, really...but it's going to make me...cum!"

Ryan felt Robby's cock flex in his grip, and a second later Rob let out a low growl as his rock hard spasmed strongly and seemed to just explode with volley after volley of thick, white cum that splattered all over both of them as Ryan continued to rub it up and down while it was shooting. Ryan felt the wetness on his hand and fingers, and on impulse he let go of Rob's spent cock and lifted it to his face, where he slid out his tongue to lick at the drizzles of warm cum that coated his fingers. Rob watched him closely, and when Ryan smacked his lips and declared loudly, "Hey...that's pretty good..." he first smiled, and then grinned widely as he nodded his agreement, and replied,

"Yea...? sure thought so, and I'm glad you agree!"

Chuckling, Ryan reached out and ran his hand over Robby's soft face as he said,

"For know, Dude...we just might be onto something good here...!"

Barely able to believe how well this whole thing had gone, Robby simply smiled coyly, and asked,

"You think...?"

(End Part 2)

Next: Chapter 3

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