Drive in Movie

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jan 11, 2010


Drive-In Movie By Storyguy22 (13)

As the intense physical and emotional peak of the boys frantic coupling began to wane, a sudden sense of uncertainty began tugging at the corners of Robby's mind. Eric gently slid his now wilted cock from the amazing tightness of Robby's recently deflowered treasure and an immediate flow of his massive discharge began oozing from the well stretched opening. Robby felt it instantly as the warm sticky nectar drizzled between his thighs, and the sensation seemed to only bolster the awkward feelings he was already struggling with, and in a sudden moment to embarrassment, he crawled from the bed and hurried off to the bathroom with a somewhat perplexed Eric calling after him from the bed. Ignoring Eric's pleas, Robby shut himself inside the bathroom, and then quickly seated himself astride the toilet. He flexed his torso, and a gush of Eric's fluids splashed into the water below as Robby shuddered, his mind reeling with such a mix of emotions he was unable to sort it all out in any sensible way.

His initial awareness of any physical sense was one of a slight burning and definite tenderness in his rear passage, and he shuddered again as his mind focused on the realization that he had just gotten fucked up the ass, an eventually that he had at times entertained as an eventual possibility, though perhaps not quite so suddenly as had just happened. Oh God, he thought, what must Eric be thinking right now...probably what a total fag I am for going there with him so willingly, and even liking it once the pain had succumbed to something very different...something really intense, and special, at least until the passion of the moment had passed and become this mixed up jumble of thoughts. Shit, he thought as he stood and moved gingerly into the shower to complete his ablutions.

In the bedroom, Eric stretched fully on the rumpled bed, his own senses a jumble of thoughts that were mostly related to Robby's sudden and rather strange retreat from the room. What the hell have I done, he challenged himself. I mean shit, it just sort of happened, not something that I had all planned out. It was all just so hot and fast, and yea, sure I wanted that with him at some point, been thinking about it all weekend in fact, but...shit; now...he's all bummed somehow, and that's my bad. This shit is way more scary than I had it figured!

Out of the shower and feeling somewhat more collected, Robby paused to study his reflection in the mirror for a long moment while he tried to decide if he actually looked any different than before. No, he decided, I suppose that crossing over to the non-virgin side would hardly leave any outward appearance changes, but would generally present in a pure emotional sense, and perhaps a noticeable altering of demeanor in some way. In the short term Robby realized that the eventual outcome of whatever that might mean right now would depend heavily on Eric's behavior when he summoned the courage to return to the bedroom, and he sucked in a deep breath as he gently applied some soothing cream over his tender anus. Washing his hands again, he sighed, wrapped a towel around his narrow waist, and started back to his room, and Eric.

As Robby entered the room, a still worried Eric gave his best effort at a bright smile as he extended his arms toward a hesitant Robby and said gently,

"Hey you...I'm missing you...come over here with me."

Robby allowed himself a shy little smile as he crossed the room, and settled himself carefully seated on the edge of the bed as he looked down at his feet, any effort at words escaping him. Eric slid his palm onto Robby's smooth thigh and stroked it gently as Robby felt the pleasure of the contact tingle in his balls. As mixed up as he was at the moment he marveled at the realization that he was simply unable to be responsive to Eric's slightest affection, and he felt the small herd of butterflies in his stomach begin to settle as Eric continued to slide his hand along his inner leg as he smiled warmly up at him at asked,

"Are you okay, Robby...?...I didn' you too much I hope...I mean...well, you know, I suppose."

Robby let his eyelashes flutter several times, and then managed to lift his head so that his eyes met Eric's, and he slowly shook his head side-to-side as he mumbled,

"Yea...I'm, anyway...just pretty...intense, you know...? takes a little getting used to, I suppose...and I'm worried what you must be thinking of me now..."

Caving instantly to the pent up tension and emotion that Eric had been suffering since Robby's rapid retreat from the room, Eric simply reached for Robby, and pulled him down onto the bed beside him as he wrapped his strong arms tightly around him and hugged him close, his hands moving over the satin-like skin of Robby's back as their legs entwined and their smooth torsos clung tightly together. Feeling the tightness begin to relax in Robby's slender body, Eric gently pressed his soft mouth to Robby's small ear and licked it as he said with all of the conviction he could muster,

"What I am thinking of you now, and of me, is that you are...that WE are...pretty amazing...and that I am crazy about you on so many levels it's hard to keep it all straight in my head...!"

Overwhelmed with relief at Eric's seemingly total lack of any negative judgment Robby let out a deep sigh of utter relief, and he forced Eric back, his compulsion to kiss him irresistible, and he worked his tongue into Eric's warm mouth as Eric tugged sharply at the towel that separated their nakedness. As the tongue dueling continued, the offending towel disappeared to the floor as the boys ground their throbbing erections against each other as Eric's hands kneaded the perfect mounds of Robby's pretty little ass. As their grappling and rolling around continued Robby released the final lingering sense of uncertainty he had been wrestling with and all lingering thoughts of any doubt he had simply disappeared in his rapidly growing lust to once more share his most intimate places with this stunningly excited boy he was with. Sliding his arm between their smooth bodies Robby found and grasped Eric's pulsing erection as he groaned deeply in his throat,

"Oh Eric...oh God, Eric...again...I want you so bad again...!"

Gritting his teeth for distraction from the sudden urge to explode in Robby's grasp, Eric wasted no time in responding to Robby's furtive pleas, and in some sort of automatic mode, he rolled him onto his back as he positioned himself between the widely splayed thighs that suddenly presented before him, Robby blabbering incoherently as he instinctively raised his knees back toward his chest, the rosy bud of his very core causing Eric's breath to catch in his throat. Dismissing totally all thought of bringing further discomfort to this suddenly wanton boy Eric moved forward, bringing his rampant erection to Robby's small pucker, and he gripped it's shaft, the knob-like head gliding smoothly across the tiny ridges of muscle that were still slick with the ointment that Robby had earlier applied. Flexing his narrow hips forward, he shuddered strongly as he sensed the plum of his cock ease between Robby's soft creases until it encountered the tightness of his opening. He hesitated briefly, and then Robby closed the deal as he thrust his hips upward to meet Eric's downward pressure and he nearly wailed the phrase,

""Yes...God, yes...put it in me, jeez...fuck me...!:

Hell, and half of Georgia could not have stopped it then, and Eric thrust strongly forward as Robby pushed back his pretty bottom, and in one seemingly fluid motion the wide cock slid deeply inside of Robby's warm and gripping tunnel to the hilt.

A long whooshing sound came from Robby as his breath was suddenly expelled from his lungs as an incredible sense of fullness filled him, and a profound sense of pleasure so deep as to be difficult to comprehend in any real way. For Eric's part, his mind very nearly imploded with an overload of sensory inputs, and for a few seconds he was certain he would simply expire from such a high level of pleasure that filled his every nerve ending. As his rigid boyhood throbbed strongly in Robby's searing tightness he withdrew some, and then found a rhythm of in and out stroking that Robby expertly matched with a responding rhythm of his own, and the sweet sounds of their slapping flesh and lust filled groans of pleasure filled the room along with the dizzying scents of their renewed and fervent coupling.

Given the slightest choice in the matter, Eric would happily have chosen to continue thrusting his aching cock into Robby's silken tunnel until the year forever, but teen boy physiology being what it typically is he all too soon lost any say in the matter as the boiling-over sensation deep in his swinging balls won out as with a low and long growling sound he spewed forth yet another gusher of his warm and creamy ejaculate, the slimy essence washing over the tender walls of Robby's clinging sheath.

Robby panted like a race horse entering the stretch, his senses filled with Eric's warm fluids filling him to overflow once more, and he clamped tightly on his inner muscles in a futile attempt to retain the spewing rod buried deeply inside him. His own balls ached for release, and his rigid cock oozed copious flows of clear juices over his smooth abdomen as Eric suddenly eased his rapidly deflating cock from his now ragged opening as he quickly scooted lower, and slid Robby's drooling boyhood deeply into his warm, wet mouth. Lifting Robby's swollen pouch gently, Eric manipulated the smooth eggs with his fingers as his saliva drooling mouth worked over Robby's pulsing cock, and in another minute Robby slapped sharply at the mattress with his hands as his head rolled across the pillow and he thrust upward with his narrow hips as his balls erupted, sending streamer after streamer of his own warm cum spewing repeatedly into Eric's gulping mouth.

There was to be no rapid retreat from the room this time, no way. Feeling more alive than at any time he could remember, Robby literally wrapped his trembling body around an equally shaky Eric's like a blanket as the two boys clung desperately to each other, their hands and lips seemingly everywhere as gentle terms of endearment were exchanged until the mind-blowing passion at last began to fade into a sense of stunned relaxation and pleasure. Finally settling back on the pillows for some much needed rest, the boys grinned somewhat sheepishly at each other as their soft giggles of pure wonder mingled, and without further comment for the moment, they slipped gently into a renewing slumber.

(To Be Continued)

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