Drive in Movie

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Dec 11, 2009


Drive-In Movie By Storyguy22


The remainder of the weekend passed slowly for Rob as he spent much of the time lying around the house thinking, his thoughts a jumble of eager anticipation of Eric's return home, and the very surprising events of his recent evening with Ryan. Stretching out on his bed he pushed a pillow behind his head and allowed his mind to once more replay the whole thing with Ryan again, for what must have been like the umpteenth time.

He mentally scolded himself first for the ease with which he had let Ryan smooth talk his way back into his life after all of the hurt his prior meanness had caused him, but, as in all of the times he had already ticked off the evenings events he moved quickly past the self-scolding phase and on to the stunning sex play that occurred at the end of the night. Jesus, he thought, I still can't believe that Ryan actually ended up sucking me off, and even less believable was him actually letting me cum in his mouth, and holy shit, he even swallowed it, and then said lots of pretty sweet things about it all, rather than the usual post-orgasm "fag-boy" shit he generally spewed at such times. Wow.

His mind vividly reliving the incredible sight of Ryan's head bobbing over his lap as he slurped at his raging erection sent a shiver through Robby, and without really realizing it he trailed his hand downward over his smooth chest and flat stomach, and then under the elastic of the shorts he wore until he had a firm grip in his solid young cock. Closing his eyes, he idly stroked the rigid length as his mind savored the recall of Ryan's warm, wet mouth engulfing his cock, and he shuddered again, his fingers sensing the wetness oozing from the tiny slit in his cockhead. Fuck, that was so amazing, he thought, who knew that Ryan would ever actually suck him like that? Ryan, Mr. Macho himself, heretofore the veritable poster-boy of straightness who on occasion took sufficient pity on his cock loving best friend to allow himself to be sucked off as though that "sacrifice" alone was as the ultimate favor he could grant Robby, the mere idea of his reciprocating simply unthinkable. But then, probably due to some really weird cosmic alignment of the stars and moon, he had pretty much right out of the blue gone and done just that, reciprocate, and in full to boot!

Steadily stroking his rigid cock, Rob imagined he could actually hear the slurping sounds Ryan had made as he moved his silky mouth over Rob's cock, and in his mind he could feel every breathtaking sensation that resulted from that effort, and as he felt his aching balls draw closer to his body, he lifted his pert butt off the bed, and pushed his shorts down his thighs to free his rampant erection. He opened his eyes and lifted his head to look down at his angry looking boyhood, and his minds-eye pictured Ryan lowering his head there as he slowly took it into his warm mouth, and he shuddered again, his eyes closing as he ramped up his fisting of his cock, the familiar and welcomed sense of an impending orgasm filling his tingling balls. He heard his breathing become more of a pant, and his toes curled under as his narrow hips bucked up and down in sync with his now rapid hand movements, and at the exact moment he approached the edge of the cliff, the shattering ring tone of his cell phone startled him, pulling him back from the precipice. Shit, he uttered aloud, his impending orgasm slipping away as he picked up the offending instrument, and glanced at the caller ID. Instantly his anger abated as he saw Eric's name displayed in the small window on the face of the phone, and he hastily fingered the call button to answer the call as he muttered a breathless,

" tell me you're back home!"

A soft chuckle filled Rob's ear as Eric replied,

"I am indeed...thank God for it, you listen up, Dude...stop playing with your delicious cock, and invite me over to spend the night...I have been shamelessly thinking of nothing but you all weekend!"

Robby felt the heat of a deep blush wash over him, and he briefly wondered how Eric would know that he had been jerking off, and then he giggled, and said,

"Me too...been missing you, I mean, and absolutely you are invited to stay overnight...God, yes...I just hope that it means you will finish what I had going here when you interrupted!"

Laughing, Eric replied,

"Damn it, I freaking knew probably been jerking that beauty so much there won't be any sweet cream left for me, you horn-dog!'

Glancing down at his glistening cockhead as the liquid excitement continued to ooze, Robby chuckled, and answered,

" I actually haven't gotten off since Friday if you must know, but, I will admit that the timing of this call barely makes that a true statement...and trust me, Dude, right now I am plenty backed up on boy-batter, and I'm hoping that you are too...this freaking weekend must be a lot like what smokers deal with when trying to hurry it up...get that cock that I need so much over here!"

Laughing, Eric assured Robby that he was half way out the door already, and then he hung up as he scooped up his car keys, and headed out the door, his cock already thickening as he anticipated a long and exciting night with Robby.

When Eric arrived at Rob's the pent-up lust that each boy was feeling for the other redoubled itself, and both of them struggled to contain their mounting excitement as they barely managed to keep their greetings casual in the presence of Robby's Mother. They continued to suppress their burning desires as they made some idle conversation with Rob's Mom until she at last checked the time, and announced that she needed to get going if she were to be on time meeting some friends for dinner. The boy's glanced at each other as she went to retrieve her purse and keys, and the look of blatant hunger that passed between them was unmistakable. No sooner had Mom departed than they were all over each other, grappling in lust on the sofa as each eagerly groped the pulsing erection of the other. Clothes were quickly stripped away, and Robby's Mom couldn't have gotten more than six blocks when her young son and his friend-with-benefits were locked into a naked sixty-nine on the living room sofa.

Robby all but attacked Eric's rigid cock, engulfing it's throbbing thickness into his drooling mouth as Eric hungrily captured his own hardness, the sensation of his warm and slippery mouth moving over his cock causing him to groan around the fullness that filled his mouth. Heads bobbed, and fingers desperately groped plump ball sacks as the boys had at each other with abandon, and all too quickly they each reached their peak, and thick spurts of warm and creamy teen semen soon flooded their mouths as they eagerly gulped down each other's nectar until both were drained. Eric spun around, and pulled a panting Robby close as they cuddled on the sofa, the stunning intensity of their orgasms slowly waning. As more normal breathing returned, Eric gripped the tight little pillows of Robby's pert butt and pulled him even closer, their wilted cocks mashing together between their lean bodies.

"Holy shit, Batman..." Eric proclaimed, "That was some seriously intense shit...maybe I need to go away more often if this is what the home coming is going to be like!"

Robby chuckled, on sudden impulse he moved to press his soft lips to Eric's, his tongue tentatively probing at the full soft lips momentarily before Eric opened his mouth to accept it inside. They had never actually kissed before, other than some light and quick pecks, and while Robby was surprised at his action, and Eric's apparent willingness to accept it, he declined to question it further but instead simply savor the deep intimacy the kissing seemed to convey. Finally pulling back, Robby grinned his boyish little smile as he carefully watched Eric's face for some telling expression of his feelings. Eric winked, and moved his head to brush his lips against Robby's, and he said,

"Damn,'re really full of surprises...and good ones at that...I liked that...I like it a lot...!"

Blushing prettily, Robby nodded his agreement and muttered ,

"Yea, too...!"

They went quiet for a while then, their naked bodies entwined comfortably as each let his hands explore whatever smooth flesh they encountered, and after some time Robby nuzzled against Eric's neck, and said softly,

"Let's take this to my bed has way more wiggle room than this sofa..."

Without hesitation Eric got up and reached for Robby's hand to pull him to his feet. Turning toward the hallway, they walked hand in hand sown to Rob's bedroom, and went inside. Standing at the side of the queen size bed they faced each other, and as if on some unspoken direction they again joined in a deep kiss, tongues dueling as each boy groped the rapidly rising cock of the other. Falling onto the bed they continued kissing and touching, their recently spent passions fully rekindled. Pulling a pillow free, Eric pushed it behind Robby's head as he positioned himself above the boy, and lowered his head, his tongue lapping at the smooth skin of Robby's chest. Robby moaned happily, dropping his arms at his sides as he offered Eric full access to his naked body, and he let out a deep groan of pleasure as Eric began licking and sucking his small dark nipples.

"Oh feels so...amazing!" he hissed.

" just lie back and enjoy, Babe...I want to find all of your hot-spots." Eric replied.

Going with it, Robby shuddered as Eric trailed his tongue lower, the wetness causing his skin to tingle as Eric licked him, and when he dipped into the tiny cave of his navel he had to stifle a giggle. Moving steadily lower, Eric trailed his tongue side to side along the top of Robby's soft pubes, and then he continued South, bypassing the turgid erection as he began licking Rob's inner thigh down to the knee. Changing legs, he licked his way back up the smooth firm inner thigh until he reached Robby's plump and hairless scrotum, and he swabbed the crinkled pouch with his tongue before gently taking each firm oval into his mouth in turn to carefully suck it.

"Eric...Jesus, that feels SO good...oh man...!" chirped Robby, his senses reeling with each new sensation.

Eric spent a long time paying homage to Robby's balls, and then he moved to pay some attention to his rigid and oozing cock as Robby's fingers threaded into his hair as he groaned in pleasure. Lapping down its length, Eric again tongue washed his plump sack, and then dipped lower, his tongue pressing firmly into the extra sensitive place just behind his balls. Robby gasped, his mind racing as he sensed where Eric was going next, and his conjecture was quickly confirmed when Eric slid his arms under his legs and lifted them up and back, the move parting the small globes of his butt and exposing the tiny pink oval at his very core. Rob watched Eric, his mind racing, and so overloaded with varied inputs that he couldn't make real sense of any single piece of data, and when Eric gazed hungrily at his fully exposed opening Robby saw the look of raw lust that crossed his flushed face momentarily before he dove in face first.

Robby gasped loudly, a myriad of mind blowing sensations coursing through his trembling young body as Eric began tonguing his highly sensitive secret spot, and he released a deep groan as Eric firmed up his tongue, and pushed it past the tightness that guarded his steamy entrance. Oh...My...GOD...Robby thought, he is wild is that...but damn, it feels freaking great...amazing! Robby's pulse raced, and he heard a pounding in his head that mingled with his own groaning and the somehow nasty noises that Eric was making as he slurped hungrily at his hole. He struggled to process it all, and he was nearly able to sort out all of the intense feelings he was experiencing when it suddenly went to another level as Eric replaced his tongue with a finger, eliciting another low growl from Robby as he deftly slid it deeply into his clinging chute.

A sudden sense of fullness moved to the front of Robby's cluttered mind as Eric steadily fingered his ass, but even that faded quickly when Eric added a more familiar sensation by once more taking his throbbing cock into his mouth. He clamped his eyes shut, and focused all of his senses on the duel points of pleasure that Eric was providing him, and the initial discomfort at having his most intimate space invaded turned to a sense of pleasure he had not previously imagined as Eric located his tender prostate gland and stroked it as his finger plunged in and out.

"AWww shit, Eric...what the...?...oh's so good...!" huffed Robby, his hips bucking now as Eric fingered him and sucked his drooling erection.

Eric continued his ministrations a bit longer, and then he suddenly abandoned Robby's swollen erection as he scooted around to bring his knees up under himself as he gripped his steely hard cock, and centered the wide knob of it at Robby's tight little opening. Looking down at a wide-eyed and very flushed Robby, he held his gaze briefly and told him in a matter-of-fact tone,

"I'm gonna fuck you, Robby...I just really have to!"

Robby blinked rapidly, his lust loaded brain struggling to process the meaning of that statement, and as Eric turned his attention to the task at hand he felt a sudden sharp stab of pain coupled with the earlier sense of fullness as Eric's thick cock pushed past his anal ring, and plunged steadily into his rectum.

" hurts,'re so fucking...big!"

"Easy, Babe...just relax...let it happen...don't tighten up like that...easy now...just relax!" panted Eric, barely able to contain the overpowering desire to just hammer Robby as hard as he could.

Gritting his teeth, Eric relished the incredible tightness and heat that gripped his cock, and when Robby seemed to let go of some of his tension he slowly began to withdraw, leaving only the knob of his throbbing cock in Robby's gripping little hole. He watched Rob's face soften as he adjusted to the width of his cock, and when Robby's eyes fluttered open, he pushed once more, the full length of his cock once more sliding into Robby's softness. Robby lifted his arms, and his hands gripped Eric's bulging biceps as he gasped from the fullness that this time felt much better than the initial invasion, and he began to focus on the strange sense of pleasure that now seemed to displace the earlier pain. Eric sensed the change in Robby, and he began moving in and out, finding a steady rhythm as he fucked Robby, every nerve ending in his body afire with pleasure. In and out he plunged, and Robby began moving his hips to meet his rhythm, a steady cadence of soft grunts and groans emanating from them both. Almost in tandem the boys felt the familiar building of tingly pleasure deep in their balls, and after several more thrusts of Eric's cock had slid over his sensitive gland Robby felt his cock buck sharply as several spurts of thick cum shot from his cock to splatter over his heaving body, the first shot reaching all the way to his nipples.

"Fuck that's so hot!" yelped Eric as his own cock erupted deep inside Robby's tunnel, the river of semen seemingly endless as his balls drained.

Stunned and suddenly exhausted Eric slid his rapidly wilting cock from Robby's snug grip, and he collapsed forward onto the bed beside Robby who rolled on top of him, tears running wetly down his smooth cheeks as he pressed his mouth against Eric's, his tongue pushing inside. Breaking the kiss, Robby lifted his head and looked at Eric, an expression of pure astonishment crossing his cute face as he grinned widely, and exclaimed,

"Holy amazing is that...?...I just got...fucked...and fucked good, too...WOW...!"

(End Part 12)

Next: Chapter 13

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