Drive in Movie

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Dec 1, 2009


Drive-In Movie By Storyguy22


Rob's pulse quickened in response to hearing Ryan's words and he felt his already very hard cock lurch behind the confines of his clothing. He looked into Ryan's cute face, some piece of his mind questioning the sincerity of his friend's implied offer to suck him. Given Ryan's post-orgasm attitude of the past he feared that the offer was going to turn out to be some wicked farce, some kind of setup that would end badly for Robby. His cock throbbed, eager to be released to the coolness of the night air, and the warm wetness of Ryan's mouth, but still he hesitated, unable to bring himself to fully trust Ryan in this situation.

Ryan gave him a kind of an exasperated expression and his eyes dropped to the obvious bulge that pressed severally at Robby's crotch. He glanced up, his eyes meeting Robs briefly as he extended his hand, and firmly gripped Rob's rigid cock. Rob gasped loudly, sucking in a sharp breath as Ryan squeezed and stroked his erection and said in a throaty voice,

"Jesus,'re as hard as a rock...get it out, Dude...I really am ready to do this, and I don't want to think about it too much...not usually my thing as you know, and I don't want to chicken out on you, so get with it already, before I change my mind!"

Still fearful of rejection, Robby lifted his butt off the seat, and moved trembling hands to the fly of his shorts, his fingers fumbling with the button and then the zip as he tugged it open, and then quickly shoved both shorts and briefs down his legs, his throbbing cock springing free to point up at the roof of the truck. He dropped back onto the seat and settled himself back against the door as he watched Ryan carefully.

Ryan stared at the now fully exposed erection, and the plump pouch of balls that was kind of trapped between Robby's smooth thighs, and he felt his resolve falter some. God damn it, he scolded himself, I owe him this, and what the fuck is the big deal anyway, it's just a cock, and a damn nice one at that. Sighing in resignation, he reached out and closed his hand around the thick shaft, the heat and hardness surprising him, and when Robby gasped and flinched sharply at the contact, he jerked his hand back as if it were scalded. His wide open eyes rolled up to meet Robby's tense gaze, and he muttered,

"What...? want this, or not?"

Robby nodded rapidly, not trusting himself to make any sort of verbal response, and Ryan dropped his gaze down again as he once more grasped Rob's rock hard cock and rubbed it back and forth. Robby groaned, the intense sensations washing over him in waves, and he fought a nearly irresistible urge to ejaculate from Ryan's unexpectedly sensuous touch. Ryan worked his shaft a few times, and then ran the flat of his thumb over the highly sensitive knob, Rob's oozing precum fluids smearing over the smooth head in the process as he uttered another low groan of pleasure.

"Jeez, Robby, you're leaking like a faucet, that's a lot of pre you got going on here!" Ryan hissed softly as fought the natural urge to pull his hand away from the slippery shaft that pulsed in his grip.

Robby could only grunt in response, his excitement nearly overwhelming as he gritted his teeth against the insistent urge to unload his aching balls. He forced himself to not concentrate on the intense pleasure that Ryan's steadily stroking hand was providing, and his mind turned briefly to Eric, and how he would feel about this little development. Before he could fully focus the thought he abandoned it completely as he heard Ryan mumble a soft "fuck it," as he shifted his position, and lowered his head to Robby's lap.

Robby nearly screamed when he felt first Ryan's warm breath on his crotch, and then the wetness of his tongue as he dragged it along the underside of his pulsing cock. He swiped it over the spongy head a few times as his hand moved to gently cup the taut sack of balls, and Robby reflexively flexed his hips, driving his drooling erection deeply into Ryan's warm, wet mouth. Ryan gagged, automatically withdrawing some, and then he got it together and began bobbing over Rob's cock as if had done it countless times before. Rob bucked his hips, matching Ryan's head movements, and it seemed that every single nerve ending in his body came instantly alive, the stunning physical sensations mixing with the emotional realization that his long time friend was actually sucking his cock. The mingled sense of excitement quickly took Robby to the edge, and his hands grasped at Ryan's bobbing head as he wailed soulfully,

"AHhhh fuck, Rye...oh man it's awesome...but, Dude...I'm gonna...oh God...fuck...gonna...shoot!"

Ryan, rookie that he was, had already pretty much figured that part out, the non-stop flow of slippery fluids having seemingly doubled its output in the last couple of minutes, and he could feel the already rigid stalk stiffen further still in his mouth. The stark realization that his sucking mouth was seconds away from receiving a forceful emission of warm semen flashed across his mind, and for a quick second he considered pulling off, but he gamely continued his steady sucking as his hand carefully worked Robby's heavy balls, and as predicted, in seconds Robby thrust sharply, his mouth gaping to release a loud groan as his rampant cock erupted, a torrent of thick and creamy jizz spewing into Ryan's mouth.

Ryan chocked slightly, and his throat flexed automatically causing him to gulp down the surprisingly copious volume of Robby's warm cum as quickly as it presented, and when Robby finally stopped spurting and sagged weakly against the truck door, he continued to hold the now wilting cock in his mouth, suckling at it gently as his taste buds savored the slightly tart aftertaste of his first-ever taste of semen. Hell, he thought, that's not half bad, and damn, sucking that hot cock and driving Robby up the walls that way was actually pretty hot too...damn...I might just try this again sometime...just to be sure I didn't totally hate it!

Ryan finally let Robby's spent cock slip from his mouth, and he held the now soft and tender penis gently as he licked the last dribbles from the tiny slit at the center of the well shaped head, and when he sat up, he met Robby's wide and slightly dazed grin with a somewhat sheepish grin of his own. An awkward moment followed then as the two old friends studied each other in the dim light of the truck cab, and finally Robby broke the moment as he uttered in a still breathless voice,

"Wow, Dude...that was...totally amazing!"

Ryan giggled nervously, nodding his head as he brought his hand up to swipe away a narrow drizzle of Robby's cum from the corner of his mouth, and he replied,

"Yea, huh...?...amazing for sure...and ya know...I kinda liked it, too...!"

(End Part 11)

Next: Chapter 12

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