Drive in Movie

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Nov 20, 2009


Drive-In Movie By Storyguy22 (10)

Robby let the hot water of the shower wash over his tired body, the steaming heat easing his muscles, tired after the amazing but strenuous activities in the confines of Eric's truck. He absently soaped his glistening body as his mind replayed all aspects of the hot session he and Eric had just enjoyed, and his thoughts kept returning to that last event when Eric had for the first time involved his butt-hole in their exploring. The move had been a complete surprise on a couple of different levels, and he shuddered as his soapy finger slipped into his snug crease and carefully passed across his tight little opening. What had prompted Eric to go there was a mystery to Rob, but as the pleasant sensations of being touched there once more washed over him he found himself feeling very glad that whatever the inspiration, he was happy for it.

As he continued to probe the wrinkled oval with his slick finger he felt his cock thicken once more into erection, and he chuckled softly at the response. He had thought that his interest in sex had been well sated for one day, but if he was to believe the now rigid erection that waved in front of him, and the sweet feeling in his balls, he was good to go at least one more rodeo. He moved his other hand to grip to his hardness, and as he gently stroked it back and forth he continued to probe the outer reaches of his small hole, his memory fresh on how intense a feeling he had gotten when Erick worked his finger inside of him earlier. Adding pressure, Robby pushed firmly against the firm resistance of his sphincter, and with a low grunting noise, he slipped the finger up inside. Oh man, he thought, there's that feeling again, that sense of fullness, and wow is it tight...but at the same time it seems...flexible, like it has some stretch to it or something...pretty cool, actually, and does it ever feel good!

Getting into it more, Robby bent his knees a little, and let his body weight settle more onto his probing finger while at the same time the pace of his fisting his hard cock increased. Nice, definitely, he decided, nowhere as good as Eric doing it to him, but still, it added something for sure. He moved the imbedded digit around some, and realized the pleasing sensations varied with where he touched, and he recalled the overwhelming intensity of sensation that caused him to blow that massive load when Eric had put pressure on just the right spot in there, and he shuddered again, his pumping now moving at near warp speed as he felt the familiar slow burn deep in his swinging balls. Ah man, yea...gonna cum again...fuck yea, he mumbled aloud, and sure enough, his cock bucked strongly and then ejected yet another offering of his frothy juices, splattering the tile wall of the shower stall. Ah man...intense for sure...Jesus, I'm getting to be a freaking sex maniac, he scolded himself as the orgasm began to wane and he slipped his finger from his tight tunnel. Shaking his head, he stepped back under the hot spray of water to rinse the soap and dribbling cum form his body, then turned off the shower, and reached out to grab a towel. He toweled off, and then wrapped the towel around his waist before exiting the bathroom and padding down the hall to his bedroom.

He shut the door behind him, and then stood still for a moment, looking with longing at his bed as he recalled the wild afternoon he and Eric had spent rolling around naked on it, and he smiled at the recollection. Moving to the bed, he peeled back the covers, and dropped his towel before sliding naked between the cool, fresh sheets. He propped a pillow behind his head, and settled back, his thoughts once more going to Eric, and their incredible afternoon, and he sighed, telling himself that the three day absence would pass soon enough, and then they could pick it all up again. Sleep overtook him then, and in what seemed like no more than moments, he woke up to bright sunlight flooding his room, and the slightly irritating ring-tone of his cell phone.

Scowling at the clock on his night stand he noted it was just past nine o'clock, and as he reached for the cell phone his scowl faded; nine o'clock already...hardly too early for someone to be calling. He glanced at the caller ID window, and saw that it was his best gal-pal Shannon so he picked up, and said,

"Hey Girl...what's up?"

"Hi kind of sounds like YOU are NOT up...did I wake you?" offered Shannon.

Robby grunted, and replied,

"Not really...kind of a simultaneous thing, actually...don't sweat it...I had day yesterday...been sleeping it off."

"I see...well, lucky you...want to tell me all of the sordid details?"

Robby chuckled nervously, imagining her reaction were he to do that, and he answered,

"I do NOT kiss and tell know again, what's up?"

Shannon giggled, and called him a poop for not talking, and then in her no-nonsense style she went on to inform him that her parents had gone off for the weekend leaving her home alone, and that she was putting together a party for later in the evening, and, that he was to plan on attending, period. Knowing it would get him nowhere to argue, Robby quickly acquiesced, his thought being a party might be just the thing to keep him from pining over Eric's absence. They chatted a bit longer, and then Shannon begged off, sighting numerous preparations to deal with for the part. Hanging up his phone, Robby tossed back the covers and rolled out of bed, a sudden sense of near starvation washing over him. He pulled on some shorts, and headed off to the kitchen in search of sustenance.

His hunger satisfied, he went back to his room and switched on his computer, letting it boot up as he went to the bathroom to wash up and brush his teeth. Returning, he typed out a brief email to Eric, hopping that he would have some way of seeing it at his Grandparents place, and then on impulse he began doing Google searches on homosexuality, gay sex, and finally, anal sex. Holy smokes, he thought as he scrolled through pages of related data, this whole thing is like some kind of industry on to itself! Who knew that the simple searches would unearth such a multitude of information? A couple of hours later Robby's knowledge and understanding of the recent phenomenon that seemed to take over a large part of his young life had increased greatly, and as a by-product he had a whole new list of things he was eager to try with Eric, and suddenly the three day separation loomed much larger than before. Sighing, he carefully cleared the history files and the temporary internet files from the computer, and then shut it down. He went over and lay down on his bed, his mind contemplating all of the data he had just ingested, and his thoughts were suddenly interrupted again by the ringing of his cell. He picked it up, and frowned when he saw Ryan's number displayed on caller ID, and he paused before picking up, not sure he wanted to talk to Ryan just yet. He sighed, and then gave it up as he clicked the talk button, and said,

" have reached Robby, please leave a message."

Ryan's soft chuckle came over the line, and then he said,

"Nice try, Sport...don't you think that maybe you have ignored me long enough...?...I mean shit, we can still be Buds, can't we?"

Robby hesitated, disgusted with himself for the sudden flush that passed over him at the sound of Ryan's voice, and he chose his words carefully as he answered,

"I'm not sure, Ryan...I really hate feeling like a doormat, you know?"

Ryan sighed into the phone, and then said, his tone sincere,

"yea...well listen Dude...I've actually given that whole deal a lot of thought, okay, and...well shit...I'm sorry, okay...I acted like a shit, I know it now, and I'm sorry. We've been special Buds, like, forever Rob...give me a break here...that bit is over, and won't ever happen again...scouts honor...see my fingers here?"

In spite of himself, Robby grinned, and then found himself saying,

"Yea, I were a shit, definitely...but I guess we're cool now."

Ryan sounded relieved as he went on,

"Awesome Dude...really...and thanks...I've missed you, did you hear about the bash at Shannon's place later...?...should rock...I could come by and pick you up if you want?"

A sense of foreboding crept over Robby, and the brief thought of him being able to be "just Buds" with the always tempting Ryan flashed through his mind, but he shoved it away as he answered,

"Yea, she called earlier about it...and it will be pretty fun, I'm sure...she gives great okay, sure...what time?"

"I could come right now and hang out...see, told you I been missing my Bud..just kidding you, does sixish sound?"

Robby's heart skipped, and he felt the familiar zing in his balls as Ryan suggested hanging out with him all afternoon, and part of him wanted to say yes, but as Ryan went on, he let out a slow exhale, and replied,

"Sure...six is cool...I'll see you then, okay?"

"Roger that," replied Ryan..."six it is...see ya then." And the line went dead in Robby's ear.

He put his phone down, and frowned at himself, wondering what fateful door he had just opened, and then he got up, telling himself that he could handle it with Ryan, I mean, he had Eric now, right...?...absolutely.

As the time moved closer to the six o'clock hour Rob felt an increasing sense of nervousness about his earlier decision to put himself back into Ryan's sphere of influence, and as he selected an outfit to wear to the party he began to have second thoughts about Ryan's earlier proposal that the two could be "just buds." As much as he hated to admit it to himself he was all too aware of the thoughts that were right now skirting around the edges of his mind, and he made a conscious effort to dispel them, telling himself that there was absolutely no way that he would ever again succumb to his natural desire to suck Ryan's lovely cock. Not going to happen, he told himself; the abuse that always seemed to follow was simply not worth it, and besides, now that he had Eric's attitude, and the amazing reciprocation that he happily offered to compare against Ryan's bullshit, the whole thing seemed somehow personally demeaning. Pushing further thoughts of Ryan's cock from his mind, he showered and then dressed in fresh briefs, shorts, and a pull over collared shirt, finishing with half-socks and his new white Nike tennis shoes. He paused at the mirror long enough to ensure his hair looked good, and then went outside to wait for Ryan.

His timing was good, and within about five minutes Ryan pulled up at the curb, and Robby went down the walk and slid into the car. Ryan gave him his usual killer smile and a hi-five, and Robby couldn't stop his heart doing a small flip as he took in Ryan's good looks. As Ryan pulled away from the curb Rob let his gaze drift over Ryan's trim body, and in spite of himself he let the gaze linger a touch too long on the intriguing bulges behind his shorts, and his earlier resolve to refrain from any further sexual activity with Ryan began to fade. Damn it, he thought to himself, what is it about this boy that pushes all my buttons so easily? Turning his eyes to the front, he forced himself to look straight ahead as Ryan kept up a chatty banter, his tone charming and completely benign as he told Rob how pleased he was that he had allowed him another chance to be his friend. Rob made vague replies as he consciously kept any sort of sexual references out of the discussion, and by the time they arrived at the party they were pretty much back to the point they had always been at before any kind of sex play had entered the relationship. Ryan parked the car, and they got out, and then walked up to the door of the already crowed and noisy party house, and went inside.

Typical of Shannon's parties, most everyone who was anyone was in attendance, and the house was packed with kids everywhere, several gyrating wildly to the blaring music while other groups were gathered around talking and laughing. Rob followed Ryan as he made his way through the crowded living room to the kitchen, and as they skirted the sectional sofa he was not particularly surprised to see the school Don Juan Scott Miller passionately making out with some little cup-cake as he pawed her impressive tits, apparently oblivious to the many witnesses to his efforts to get into her panties. He shook his head at Scott's arrogance, and briefly wondered how the girl could be so callous regarding her reputation, and then he followed Ryan into the kitchen where a gang of boys were grouped closely around a large beer keg that was sitting in a sink filled with ice. "Hey's," "Hi's," and "What's-ups" were exchanged as Ryan drew two cups of beer, and handed one to Robby. They hung around the keg crowd for awhile, and then Shannon showed up, and dragged Robby back to the make-shift dance floor in the living room-dining room area. They danced for the better part of an hour, and when they were finally worn out and sweaty, Shannon dispatched Rob to fetch them a cold beer, telling him she would be over on the sofa, and when he glanced in that direction he was not really surprised to note that Scott and his latest conquest had disappeared, most likely into one of the bedrooms somewhere. He chuckled, mentally carving another notch into Scotts notorious gun belt, and then dutifully went to get the beers.

Entering the still crowded kitchen, he grabbed a couple of clean cups and went to the keg. As he poured the brew he glanced out of the kitchen window and saw Ryan seated at an umbrella table chatting up some girl, and a momentary flash of jealousy washed over him. He cringed at the gut reaction, and quickly looked away as he saw Ryan stand and take the girls hand, and then lead her off in the direction of the small pool house located at the far side of the backyard swimming pool. Hmm, he thought as he finished filling the second cup, cool...maybe he will score some pussy, and not try talking me into sucking him off later on. The beers in hand, he carefully threaded his way back to join Shannon who he found sitting on the sofa as promised , and they spent another hour or so talking, Shannon grilling him for all the details she could get him to divulge with regard to Eric and himself. Shannon and Robby were serious pals, almost like sister and brother, and as a result he found himself being much more forthcoming than he would have been with anyone else. Shannon never judged him, and was always supportive of his endeavors, and he trusted her confidence completely, so he held back very little, and at one point she even admitted her own predilection for playing with and occasionally sucking cock, and they shared a conspiratorial giggle when Robby observed that it was a shame that she wasn't so equipped so that they might trade blow jobs. Sometime later another boy approached and asked Shannon to dance, and when they wandered away, Robby spent some time talking to other groups of friends before heading back to the kitchen to see if Ryan had reappeared.

As he walked into the kitchen he nearly collided with the girl he had seen Ryan scheming earlier, and she looked a bit flushed, her long hair in mild disarray as she headed toward the bathroom. He entered the kitchen, and saw Ryan drinking deeply from a fresh beer, and in looking at him closely he noted a similar disheveled appearance that he had noticed in the girl. Moving to stand beside his friend, he lifted an eyebrow in silent question, and Ryan grinned coyly and mumbled that he would tell him later. They drank another beer, and visited the assembled throng, and then began saying their goodbyes, seeking out Shannon to offer thanks, and then headed out to Ryan's car.

They drove in silence for a time, and Robby again couldn't resist glancing at Ryan's bulging crotch each time some passing light source illuminated the car interior, and as much as he was ashamed of doing it, he couldn't help wondering what had gone on in the pool house between Ryan and the girl. AS if reading Rob's mind, Ryan suddenly dropped his hand into his lap and gave his cock an over-animated squeeze as he blurted,

"Fuck, Dude...I am, like, SO fucking horny right now...shit...I actually thought I was gonna jump that chick back there...DAMN!"

Robby watched Ryan manipulate his cock, and despite his resolve he felt his own erection quickly growing as he asked,

" mean you didn't...?...she looked pretty flushed when she went past me."

Letting go of his now obviously fully hard cock, he held up two fingers about an inch apart, and answered,

"Like this close, Robby...this freaking close...had this hand inside her panties, and everything...shit, my balls are busting!"

Giggling at Ryan's frustration, Rob cringed slightly at the thought of actually touching...that...but he replied,

"Jesus, Dude...if you had your fingers in her gash it seems to me you should have made the finals...what happened?"

Ryan grunted loudly, nodding his head as he blurted out the story of how he and the girl had gone at the make-out thing hot and heavy, her allowing him to push up her top and unhook her bra to play with her tits, and even lick and suck her nipples without resistance. When he had slid his hand under her skirt and run his fingers all over her very wet panties he figured he was home free, and when she had shoved her hand inside his shorts to grope his pulsing hard on he just knew they were going to fuck, no question about it.

"But then, just like fucking that, she bolted, clamping her legs closed as she pushed me off her, and got up, getting her bra back in place before hauling ass out of there, leaving me with the boner of all time, and sky-blue balls...shit...fucking women!" he wailed in a whining tone.

Robby chuckled, silently giving thanks for his gayness. He seriously doubted that any boy who willingly went that far would never call a halt at that point. Trying to commiserate with his friend he said,

"Man, that sucks big time...kind of makes me glad I don't try to do girls...who needs that shit."

Ryan grunted his agreement, and then turned off onto a dark and quiet side street where he stopped at the curb. Turning to look at Robby, he put on his best "aw shucks" expression as he fumbled at the front to his shorts, freeing what appeared to be the erection of all time. Robby stared hungrily at the thick cock, and when his dazed glance met Ryan's pleading eyes, he gulped. Unable to stop himself he dropped his gaze back to Ryan's rigid cock, and his heart sank when he heard Ryan's soft plea,

"Please, Robby...?...I'm like seriously hurting here, Dude."

Robby's gaze never wavered from Ryan's erection, and he could swear that he even saw a pearl of precum glistening in the dim light, and he instinctively licked his lips as he anticipated the slightly acrid taste of it. Oh God, he thought, I want that so badly, I really do, and he definitely needs some help here...but damn him, I know what comes next if I do it...shit, shit, shit! As if once more reading Rob's mind, Ryan muttered,

"Come on Robby...please, Dude...none of my usual bullshit, I swear...please...I'm hurting, and you are too, I think...not a word of shit, Bud, honest...and Eric won't ever know either...please, Robby?"

His mind was reeling, his heart hammering in his chest and a flood of saliva filled his mouth as he continued to stare at Ryan's beautiful cock, and he felt himself lean forward, and down. The fresh scent of Ryan's crotch flooded his senses as he moved close enough to Ryan's erection so that Ryan moaned from feeling Robby's warm breath caress the oozing knob of his cock. Another inch, and his tongue slid out to wash over the bulbous head of Ryan's erection as he swiped away the tasty teardrop of clear fluid there, and Ryan sucked in his breath loudly, and then exhaled it as he uttered breathlessly,

"Robby...oh Jesus man...what a bud you are!"

Surrendering completely to the compelling temptation of Ryan's rigid penis rubbing against his lips, Robby ceased all thought of his resolve to never again suck off this beautiful offering of young and virile maleness, and he opened his drooling mouth to take the throbbing erection inside as Ryan groaned in pleasure as his hands moved to hold Robby's head, following his movements as he began a rhythmic bobbing up and down its length. In an instant it all felt so perfectly natural to Robby that he idly wondered how he had ever considered giving it up in the first place, and as Ryan splayed his legs wider Robby reached for, and gently cupped his heavy pouch of balls.

"Oh jeez,, that is so good...amazing...!" hissed Ryan, his hips moving to match Rob's head movements.

Robby heard the low groans that Ryan was emitting, and he heard the slightly obscene but equally exciting slurping sounds he was making as he sucked Ryan's cock, and the audible inputs mingled with the taste and heady aroma of Ryan's genitals, and he felt his own erection oozing a steady flow of his mounting excitement into his briefs. A sudden desire to make Ryan wait for his much needed release made Robby withdraw from the rampant cock sliding in and out of his mouth, and as Ryan grunted his objection to the interruption of his rapidly mounting eruption, his outcry quickly returned to one of pure pleasure when Robby dipped down and deftly took his aching balls into his warm, wet mouth.

"Awww Christ, yea...oh man...I love it when you suck my balls, Babe...fuck...sometimes wish I was gay, that feels so freaking good!" Ryan panted.

Robby wrapped his fist around Ryan's thick cock and slowly slid the silky skin up and down as he alternated capturing Ryan's nuggets, each in turn to carefully suck it, giving the smooth scrotum a tongue bath as he moved between them. His fingers felt the wet slickness of Ryan's gushing precum, and a sudden burning desire to feel this cock erupt and flood his mouth with its warm and creamy fluids seized control of his conscious thought. Moving quickly, he abandoned Ryan's balls, and as he positioned himself to again engulf the delicious cock, he rolled his eyes up to briefly meet Ryan's flushed gaze and said clearly,

"Cum for me now, Ryan...right now...I want to taste all of your sweet load!"

As Robby slid his pulsing boyhood deep inside his mouth the combination of the stunning sensations that act produced and the pleading expression on Robby's cute face as he actually pled with him to eject his certain-to-be-massive ejaculate inside his sucking mouth proved too much for the highly aroused Ryan, and almost as if on command he felt his aching balls draw upward, and explode. He all but yelled out loud as his semen raced through the swollen tube along the underside of his jerking cock and burst into Robby's sweet mouth in forceful spurts, one right after another. Robby grunted as he struggled to manage the seemingly massive flow of thick cum that filled his mouth repeatedly, and he swallowed repeatedly, some overflow drizzling from the corners of his overfilled mouth, and when the copious flow at last diminished to gentle dribbles, he used his tongue tip to probe the oozing slit, capturing all that he could as a suddenly exhausted Ryan huffed and puffed above him while his fingers threaded through Robby's soft hair. A few moments of silence followed, the boys still heavy breathing filling the quiet, and finally Ryan sucked in a deep breath, and managed,

"Oh my God, Robby...holy, my man, are absolutely the best!"

Robby let Ryan's now wilted penis slip from his mouth, and as he sat up he ran his tongue through his mouth, savoring the tart aftertaste of Ryan's semen, and a sense of sheepishness suddenly filled his thoughts. Jesus, he silently chided himself, why am I so damned easy when it comes to this guy...Eric...shit, shit, shit...I am SO sorry...! His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Ryan completely shocked him by roughly pulling him close to him as he brought his open mouth to cover Robby's in a seriously passionate kiss, using his tongue and everything, an act he had never once even attempted. Returning the deep kiss, Robby had the passing thought that this kind of after-action response definitely beat Ryan's old and mean ways. His shock and awe feeling from the totally unexpected kiss increased two-fold when Ryan broke the kiss, and said,

"Get that nice cock of yours out, Buddy-boy...the new Ryan gets it...returning a favor as special as that is only fair...!"

(End Part 10)

Next: Chapter 11

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