Drive in Movie

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 25, 2009


Drive-in Movie By Storyguy22

It was a chilly evening, probably too chilly to be sitting in a parked car at a drive-in movie, but it was the last showing of the movie, and both Rob and Ryan had wanted to catch it, so here they were, chilly night or not. The movie had been all the buzz among their high school crowd, a kind of dippy plot as it turns out, but the flick was totally R-rated, and so far it had lived up to the promised gush of flesh displayed by the actors, both girls and guys.

It was pretty much centered on a beach party theme, and the young bodies on display were incredible to be sure. Rob watched the bikini-clad babes frolic on the sand and in the water as they were chased and otherwise hit upon by some of the best looking dudes Rob had ever seen, and more; they too were barely clad in micro Speedo type swim wear. In truth Rob was far more interested in all the buff boys with the glowing tans complimenting their smooth and well developed bodies, and he paid particular attention to the bulging crotches and tight little butts that packed the tiny swim wear while he grunted all of the appropriate responses to Ryan's stream of comments regarding one girl or another as he pretended equal interest in the girls.

While he was diligent about keeping it a secret, Rob was definitely gay, and he had known it for sure ever since an older cousin had initiated some boy-on-boy play with him when he was in the eighth grade at age 12. He had come away from those experiences with a committed interest in cock, and the interest had shown zero signs of waning as he progressed into his high school years. In fact, his interest in cock had steadily intensified, and had recently reached a level of near obsession, and the one that currently lay hidden behind his good friend Ryan's jeans was certainly no exception.

Rob thought that Ryan would probably kick his ass if he had the slightest inkling of the massive number of times that Rob had jacked off to mental images of his friend naked and hard as a post while Rob paid appropriate worship to his thick cock, and his heavy balls until it ejected it's creamy essence into his sucking mouth. Even worse, Rob had recently began imagining Ryan fucking him, driving his thickness in and out of his tight little ass again and again until that thick creaminess filled his rectum to overflowing. Rob sighed, and as he caught some movement out of the corner of his eye, he shifted his attention over to Ryan sitting beside him, Ryan's hand was in his crotch, busy with adjusting his package as he muttered under his breath,

"Damn, Dude...this freaking flick is making me horny as hell."

Rob watched his friend tug at his treasures, and he felt his mouth water as he imagined his own hand down there handling that growing meat, and he closed his eyes briefly as he imagined releasing it from the tight jeans so that he might stroke it, and suck it. Shuddering slightly, he shook off the image, and said softly,

"Really...?...well, if you need a hand with that, just let me know, okay?"

Ryan snorted, and shot Rob a look as he replied,

"Get the fuck outa here Dude...horned up as I'm getting you better be careful...I might just take you up on the offer."

Rob chuckled, secretly wishing that Ryan would do just that, but he was too chicken to say it in so many words, so he mumbled under his breath,

"Yea, right...I SO wish."

Ryan looked at him again, his hand still busy working the impressive bulge in his jeans, and he smiled a rye little smile without making any further reply. The pair returned their attention to the movie and its luscious content, and silence between them resumed. Another few minutes passed, and Rob shivered as he commented,

"Damn it, it's cold in here Dude...can you run the heater, or something?"

"You kidding, want to croak from carbon monoxide or something...?...hell, if you're cold, slide over here and snuggle up with me."

Rob felt his pulse quicken, and his cock thickened down his thigh as he looked over at Ryan, trying to determine of he was putting him on or not. Ryan glanced at him, and smiled as he raised his arm, and said,

"Well, come on...I won't bite you."

Still not certain if he was being had or not, Rob decided to not pass up such an unexpected invitation to any form of intimacy with his hunky friend, so he slid across the seat, and cuddled into Rob's side as Rob draped his arm over his shoulders and held him close. Several more minutes went by as Ryan appeared absorbed in the movie while Rob savored the closeness of his body, and the scents of boy that filled his senses. He watched Ryan's hand move to his crotch several times, and even though the ambient light in the car was poor, Rob was sure that he could make out the profile of a very nice sized erection pressed against the soft jeans that Rob wore. After about the fourth time he did it, Rob decided that it was more than an off-handed gesture on Ryan's part, so he sucked in a big breath, and said,

"You having a problem with that Dude...?...cause I already told you I could help you out if you want..."

Ryan turned his head and looked into Rob's eyes, saying nothing for what seemed like a really long time. Rob held his breath, certain that Ryan was going to tell him to fuck off, or maybe even worse, and he was totally surprised when Ryan slowly reached for his wrist, and then moved Rob's hand to his swollen crotch. He turned his head forward, and resumed watching the movie, and Rob tentatively groped the rigid stalk he found under his hand. Holy shit, Rob thought, he is hard as nails, and big! Ryan grunted softly as Rob explored his erection with his fingers, and when Rob got over his early reluctance he began stroking the thick member steadily. Ryan sighed contentedly, and splayed his legs wider as if silently signaling his friend that it was all cool, he should continue if he wanted.

Encouraged by these subtle signals, Rob grew bolder in more or less direct relationship to his rapidly mounting excitement, and he pushed his hand under Ryan's shirt, the fingers gliding over the taut warm skin of his stomach. He explored the silky smooth skin, moving upward to let his fingers trail over Ryan's chest, and he carefully explored the stiff nubbins of his nipples as Ryan exhaled deeply, and sank a little deeper into the seat. Rob trailed his hand back down, and then pulled it out to reach for the small buttons on the front of the shirt as he began undoing them until he could push the shirt aside and take in the dizzying sight, and scent of his friends smooth, bare chest and stomach. He gulped, his mouth suddenly overflowing with saliva, and he was unable to resist leaning in and licking the satiny skin of Ryan's hairless chest. He lapped at the warm skin, and let his tongue-tip tease at the dark nipples on his chest, and Ryan let out a small moan of surprise, or perhaps pleasure, or both.

Surprised at not encountering any apparent resistance, Rob closed his lips over one quarter-sized nipple and sucked it as his hand dropped back to grip Ryan's firm erection outside the jeans, and he stroked it as he alternated between each nipple sucking and licking. Ryan shifted slightly and his hand went to Rob's head where he guided him from nipple to nipple as Rob began to fumble with the fly of Ryan's jeans. Gently pushing Rob back, Ryan muttered,

"Here...let me do it...!"

And he quickly popped open his fly and yanked down the zipper of his jeans, his butt rising as he shoved them half way down his thighs. Rob gulped as he looked down at Ryan's seriously tented briefs and he felt a sharp pain along his jaw line as he studied the rigid young cock that strained to escape the tight confines of such a small garment. He felt his own cock throb inside his pants, and he reached out and closed his fist around the turgid thickness as he muttered breathlessly,

Ryan...oh God, Ryan!"

"Don't talk, damn it...just...fuck...just go for it, okay?" hissed Ryan.

Rob clamped his jaw shut instantly, and didn't wait for any further direction as he quickly gripped the elastic band of Ryan's briefs, and tugged them out and down so that his magnificent cock sprang free to stand tall and proud from a thick bush of dark pubes. Without hesitation, Rob dove in, his head dropping into Ryan's crotch as he gripped the base of his cock between thumb and finger as his tongue washed over the bulbous knob repeatedly. He licked down the long, wide shaft, the taste of it lighting off his taste buds, and he lapped at the swollen pouch of balls before carefully taking each orb inside his mouth to suck gently.

"OH fuck...that' so damn good!" croaked Ryan.

"Um-hum...delicious...!" replied Rob as he licked back up the thick cock before engulfing it fully into his warm, wet mouth.

"JESUS..!" bellowed Ryan as Rob began bobbing up and down on his rigid cock while his fingers explored his aching balls.

Rob was lost to it now, his pent up lust for cock sucking boiling to the surface as the tasty meat slid in and out of his drooling mouth, and he settled into a steady rhythm, eager now for the frothy brew he knew was coming. Up and down he went; his drooling saliva wetting the thick cock so that it glistened in the dim light and the sounds of his slurping filled the small space of the car. Ryan ran his fingers through Rob's hair as he put pressure on the back of his head to encourage him to keep delivering the amazing sensations that coursed through him as his climax began to build deep in his balls.

"Oh God,! he chanted, his hips bucking to match Rob's bobbing motions.

Good is right, thought Rob, the wide cock sliding in and out of his mouth like heaven itself to him, and he paused his sucking to tease at the tiny slit in Ryan's cock head with his tongue before resuming his deft sucking. Ryan was panting loudly now, his chest rising and falling as the sweet pressure grew in his balls, and long before he would have preferred had he any kind of control over the exquisite feelings he was getting, he was there, his balls boiling over with lust as his discharge began it's fatal trip up the length of his pulsing cock.

"Gonna cum, Dude...!" he yelped, certain that Rob would abandon his sucking and finish him with his hand, but as Rob felt the thick shaft swell in his mouth, and as he heard Ryan's sharp warning he tightened his jaw, adding still more pressure to his vacuuming mouth, and he eased back slightly so that the forthcoming load would flood into his mouth rather than just blasting down his throat. He made the adjustment just in time, and as Ryan yanked wildly at his hair, he felt the heavy cock buck once more, and then erupt, the tart and thick cream ejecting into his waiting mouth in rapid and forceful spurts. Rob savored each offering, his cheeks swelling with the copious ejaculation, and when Ryan finally stopped shooting and sagged weakly onto the seat, Rob let his cock slip from his mouth as he sat up. He opened his mouth wide, showing Ryan his generous deposit of boy-honey, and then he swallowed it down, his tongue washing over his mouth to capture any erratic streamers of the tasty fluid. Ryan watched, amazed and spent, and he rolled his head against the car seat in disbelief as he managed to tell his new and very special friend,

"That just might be the most amazing thing I have ever felt, are so good at that it is not to be believed...!"

Rob blushed slightly, and grinned sheepishly as he replied,

"You think...?...dunno, Dude...I was just thinking that I need, like, a LOT more practice!"

Ryan cracked up laughing as he nodded, and said,

"Now that I think of it...yea...practice, practice, and practice!!"

The End

Next: Chapter 2

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